Thursday, April 09, 2009

because my wife has great ideas.....

my gal and i were walking past Metro Ice and she commented on the sale sign...."you know what would be great there ?", she asked.
"Crazy expensive upscale condos", i replied sarcastically.

"no, a garden center"
"it gets so much light right there and its so much open space."

as she was saying "garden" i was imagining a beer garden....

hmmm. maybe a beer garden store.........


JohnDC said...

I would love a bar & garden center. Pick up a bag of soil, a tree and have a few beers to make the walk back more enjoyable

Sean Hennessey said...

what if we threw some theatre into the mix and it was a Shakes-beer garden center?

with a roof top tapas lounge of course.

ann said...

Actually, it isn't that crazy of an idea. There was a very nice garden center in Seattle that I lived not too far from that had a play area for kids, a cafe (it probably served wine & beer), a pianist/other live music on the weekends. They offered all sorts of gardening related classes. The place was so popular -- it didn't hurt that the staff was super helpful and knowledgable and their plant selection was amazing.