Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pepco Update regarding corrective actions and reliability improvements

From: Quinn, Teri Janine (ANC 5E06) <5E06@anc.dc.gov>
Date: Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 6:31 PM
Subject: FW: Pepco Update Regarding Corrective Actions and Reliability Improvements

From: crtaylor@pepco.com[SMTP:CRTAYLOR@PEPCO.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 6:30:53 PM
To: Robinson-Paul, Joyce (ANC 5E05); Quinn, Teri Janine (ANC 5E06);
 Foster, Wanda B. (ANC 5E07); Mueller, Mark (ANC 5E08);
 Barnes, Dianne (ANC 5E09)
Cc: kmbowden@pepco.com
Subject: Re: Pepco Update Regarding Corrective Actions and Reliability Improvements
Auto forwarded by a Rule

Good Evening,
I hope everyone had a great weekend!

We wanted to provide a quick update regarding two of the projects scheduled to start this week.

1.  Transformer Replacement - 1st and Adams St., NW
We have decided to reschedule the transformer replacement at 1st and Adams St. NW.  With temperatures dropping into the 20's tomorrow night, we opted to postpone the 8 hour outage until warmer weather next week.  This project was originally scheduled to occur tomorrow evening from 11 p.m. until 7 a.m.  The outage is now scheduled to begin on Tuesday evening, November 19th at 11 p.m. and will conclude Wednesday morning, November 20th at 7 a.m.  Customers impacted by this work were notified of the schedule change today by a door hanger notification.

2.  Transformer Inspections
Please note that the 15 - 30 minute transformer inspections are still scheduled for tonight.  Below is information that we shared regarding the inspections that will be occurring tonight, tomorrow night, and Wednesday night.

In order to inspect the transformers which serve the majority of the Bloomingdale community, we will need to de-energize customers for approximately 30 minutes. The transformer inspections will also begin on the evening of Monday, November 11th and will continue on the evening of Tuesday, November 12 and the evening of Wednesday, November 13. These scheduled outages will last for approximately 30 minutes and will occur between the hours of 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. The customers impacted by the transformer inspection will also receive a door hanger notifying them of the 30 minute outage.

It is important to note that the 30 minute outages will not occur at the same time for all customers on these feeders. The 30 minute outage will occur only on the particular transformer being inspected. Once the inspection is complete, service will be restored on that transformer and we will begin this same inspection process on the next transformer. Unfortunately, we cannot pinpoint each customers specific outage time during the 10 p.m. to 6 a.m time frame as we will be inspecting several dozen transformers as a part of the inspection process.

Again, the customers impacted by the transformer inspection will receive a door hanger notifying them of the 30 minute outage that will occur between the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the evenings of November 11th, 12th and 13th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know and we will be glad to follow up.


Chris Taylor
Public Affairs Manager, DC Region
Pepco Headquarters
701 9th St. NW
Washington, DC 20068
Office- 202.872.3357

From:        Chris R Taylor/EP/PEP
To:        Chris R Taylor/EP/PEP@PEP,
Cc:        5E05@anc.dc.gov5E06@anc.dc.gov5E07@anc.dc.gov5E08@anc.dc.gov5E09@anc.dc.gov, Kirsten M Bowden/EP/PEP
Date:        11/06/2013 05:30 PM
Subject:        Re: Pepco Update Regarding Corrective Actions and Reliability Improvements

Good Evening,

We wanted to provide a quick update on our activities.  As we previously communicated, we continue to utilize advanced technologies to identify additional areas where equipment upgrades may be necessary. The transformer replacement at 1st and Adams St., NW has been scheduled for the evening of November 11th.  We will need to de-energize customers to complete the transformer replacement. We anticipate the outage last from 11 p.m. on Tuesday until 7 a.m. Wednesday.  Customers impacted by this work will be notified directly with a door hanger and will also receive an automated call.

We have also expanded our project to include an inspection of the fuses on the identified transformers.  Beginning on the evening of Monday, November 11th and continuing over the course of three nights, crews will begin the transformer inspections.   To accomplish this analysis, crews will need to de-energize customers for approximately 30 minutes.  We previously communicated that these outages would last approximately 15 minutes. We still anticipate the outages to last 15 minutes; however, in the event that the inspection takes longer than expected,  have extended the outage duration to provide for the additional inspection time.

The transformer inspections will occur at locations throughout Bloomingdale.  However, each customer should only be impacted by the outage one time.  Customers impacted by the inspections will be notified by door hanger of the date of their 30 minute outage.  Please note that crews began distributing the door hangers concerning this work on November 5.  Unfortunately, a mistake was made and the door hangers indicated that the outage would last from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m.  These door hangers have been removed and will be replaced with with the correct information:  a 30 minute outage between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.  If you have any questions about this, please let me know and I will be glad to follow up.

Finally, we also wanted to share that we have completed the cable replacements at 4th and R St. ,NW and have completed the transformer replacement at Flagler and V St., NW.  We have also started the conduit repairs on Feeder 147;  the conduit work on Feeder 14200; started the cable injections on Feeder 14004 and 14001; and started the infrastructure relocation project related to DC Water's Northeast Boundary Tunneling project.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Chris Taylor
Public Affairs Manager, DC Region
Pepco Headquarters
701 9th St. NW
Washington, DC 20068
Office- 202.872.3357

From:        Chris R Taylor/EP/PEP
To:        5E05@anc.dc.gov5E06@anc.dc.gov5E07@anc.dc.gov5E08@anc.dc.gov5E09@anc.dc.gov,
Cc:        Kirsten M Bowden/EP/PEP
Date:        10/24/2013 02:36 PM
Subject:        Pepco Update Regarding Corrective Actions and Reliability Improvements


Good Afternoon,

We wanted to provide further details regarding the cause of the outages that occurred on Tuesday October 15th, and the related corrective actions. Additionally, we also wanted to provide information regarding the reliability enhancement projects in Bloomingdale.

Recent Outages and Corrective Action

The outages on October 15th occurred on two separate feeders, Feeder 147 and Feeder 14004.  For informational purposes, a feeder is a set of cables that supply power to customers in a specific geographic area.

The cause of the outage for Feeder 147 was a blown joint, which is where two sections of cable are connected (spliced) together. Pepco plans to replace Feeder 147 with cables that have additional capacity. As such, we will convert the exiting cables from 4 kV to 13 kV.  In order to install these new cables, Pepco must first repair 4 conduit pipes at 4th and Elm St., NW; on 2nd between Elm and V St., NW; and on V St. between 4th and 5th St., NW. Pepco plans to start these repairs today, with conduit repairs taking approximately 3 weeks to complete.

Once the conduit work is complete, we will install the new 13 kV cable. This portion of work should take approximately 2 weeks and will start immediately after the conduit work is conducted. The new cable installations will occur in the following locations:

V St. from 2nd St. to Flagler St., NW
Bryant St. from Georgia Ave. to 2nd St., NW
4th St. from Bryant St. to McMillan Dr., NW
4th St. from V St. to U St., NW
Elm St. from 4th St. to 2nd St., NW
2nd St. from U St. to V St., NW
Oak Dale Pl. from 5th St. to 4th St., NW

The second outage that occurred on Tuesday was on Feeder 14004. This outage was caused by a failed transformer, which was immediately replaced. In order to strengthen the reliability of this feeder, crews will also conduct cable injections, which will enhance insulation of the cable. We also plan to conduct thermal testing on this feeder in order to identify locations of potential equipment issues. If this testing reveals "hot spots," crews will take corrective action by either replacing the cables or the transformers. We plan to start the thermal testing and cable injections next week.

Additional Projects

In addition, we continue to utilize advanced technologies to identify additional areas where equipment upgrades may be necessary. To date, this analysis has identified the need to complete the following projects:

*       Replace secondary cables at 1st St. and Seaton St., NW (Feeder 14004) Completed on 10/21/13
*       Replace secondary cables at 4th St. and R St, NW (Feeder 15204)
*       Upgrade a transformer at 1st St. and Rhode Island Ave., NW (Feeder 15462)
*       Upgrade two transformers at 1st St. and Adams St., NW (Feeder 14200)
*       Install one new transformer at Flagler Pl. and V St., NW (Feeder 15462)
*       Cable Injections and thermal testing (Feeder 14001)


Our analysis revealed an immediate need to replace some of the cables at 4th and R St., NW.  Therefore, crews made these repairs on, October 23rd.  Crews will complete additional cable replacements in this area on November 1st.  To complete these replacements, a scheduled outage will be required on November 1st, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.  Impacted customers will be notified by door hangers.  Cables will be replaced on the following blocks:

*       400 block of R St., NW
*       300 block of R St., NW
*       200 block of R St., NW
*       1600 block 4th St., NW
*       1700 block 3rd St., NW

The other transformer and cable replacements listed above have not been scheduled; however, crews are targeting this work for the weeks of November 11th and November 18th.  Customers will be notified of this work by door hangers and by automated phone calls.

Also, please note that we have scheduled a project to replace additional cables on Feeder 14200, commencing on October 28th. This information was communicated to the Councilmember, impacted Advisory Neighborhood Commissions and customers last week. As a reminder, this project will increase the capacity of cables, add a new transformer and increase the capacity of another transformer. It will take place in the alley between N. Capitol St., 1st St., W. St, and Adams St., NW.

Finally, as part of ongoing additional analysis, crews will also inspect the fuses on each transformer of Feeders 14001 and 14004.  To accomplish this analysis, crews will need to de-energize customers for approximately 15 minutes.  This work has not been scheduled; however, crews are targeting this work for the weeks of November 11th and November 18th.  Customers will be notified by door hangers and by automated phone calls. The outages will be scheduled overnight to minimize impact to customers.

Northeast Boundary Tunneling Project

In support of DC Water's Northeast Boundary Tunneling project, we advanced a project to accommodate the electric service for the tunnel machinery. This work involved installing a new transformer at the Florida Avenue Substation and a new 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission line.  In addition, in May crews began constructing 6 new 13 kV feeders between the Florida Avenue Substation and Children's Hospital. Crews are currently completing the final portion of the conduit work on Michigan Ave. and will install the cable once the conduit work is complete. You can expect to see our activity to increase along 1st St., NW within the next two weeks. Crews will first have to relocate existing infrastructure, then install a temporary overhead supply line for the tunneling machinery. The infrastructure relocation will start within 2 weeks. Crews will be working in the following locations:

Infrastructure Relocation

*       First St. and Thomas St., NW: Excavate approximately 187 feet mostly in the sidewalk
*       First St. and V St., NW: Excavation centered at the intersection for infrastructure relocations
*       2225 Flagler Pl., NW: Minor excavation for equipment relocation

Temporary Overhead Service

*       First St. from Michigan Ave. to Channing St., NW: Extend temporary over head high voltage service to supply tunneling machinery
*       First St. and Michigan Ave., NW:  Conduit work to transition from underground to overhead

Thank you for the opportunity to provide additional details concerning the outages last week and our reliability improvements for the Bloomingdale Community. We have attached the Fact Sheet that was generated at the beginning of September. It contains information about recently completed reliability improvements. This document will continue to be updated as projects progress.

We would be glad to present this information to a future ANC or Civic Association meeting.


Chris Taylor
Public Affairs Manager, DC Region
Pepco Headquarters
701 9th St. NW
Washington, DC 20068
Office- 202.872.3357

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