Friday, November 08, 2013

the Ward 5 Report (dated 11-08-2013)

From: DC Government
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2013 3:12 PM
Subject: The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie


The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
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The Ward 5 Report
Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
November 8, 2013
Dear Residents,
On Monday, we pay tribute to those who have sacrificed to keep our nation safe at home and abroad.  
To all who have served, and those currently in active duty and the reserves of our armed forces, thank you. Your selflessness and dedication to this country will never be forgotten. The sacrifices you have made in honor of our country deserve the highest praise and respect.
We salute you for your dedication and patriotism. You truly are American heroes.
On behalf of Ward 5, I wish you a Happy Veterans Day!ay!
In service,
Ward 5 Highlights 
Councilmember McDuffie attends grand opening of Zeke’s Coffee on Rhode Island Ave NE
Councilmember McDuffie attends PCDC’s Edgewood Farmer’s Market 2nd Annual Market End Celebration and Health Fair

Legislative & Committee Updates
At Tuesday’s legislative meeting, the Council unanimously approved the following bills on first reading, which were introduced by Councilmember McDuffie and moved through the Committee on Government Operations, which he chairs:
Prohibition Against Selling Tobacco Products to Individuals Under 21 Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-0567)
At this week’s legislative meeting, Councilmember McDuffie introduced the “Prohibition Against Selling Tobacco Products to Individuals Under 21 Amendment Act of 2013". The bill will increase the minimum age to purchase and possess tobacco products from 18 to 21 and prohibit retailers from selling tobacco products to persons under 21. The U.S. Surgeon General reports that 99% of smokers start before the age of 26. Studies have found that delayed initiation to tobacco products may significantly reduce the rate of smoking later in life.
For more information, please visit
The Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-076)
After months of diligent work by Councilmember McDuffie and the Government Operations team, the Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Amendment Act of 2013 was approved unanimously by the members of the Government Operations Committee in October. This legislation incorporates the testimony of dozens of witnesses, input from numerous advocates, various proposals from members of this Council and the Executive, extensive consultation with the Board of Elections and Office of Campaign Finance, as well as best practices from other jurisdictions.
The bill addresses many of the District’s most pressing and recurring campaign finance concerns by proposing significant reforms, as follows:
  1. Closes the LLC loophole by aggregating the contributions of affiliated businesses;
  2. Defines and regulates political action committees, independent expenditures, and independent expenditure committees;
  3. Requires campaign finance training for candidates & treasurers;
  4. Provides greater oversight of lobbyists through disclosure of bundled campaign contributions;
  5. Increases the range of conduct subject to newly heightened civil and criminal penalties and provides prosecutorial authority for certain conduct to Office of the Attorney General;
  6. Caps money order contributions at $100;
  7. Raises the cash contribution limit to $100;
  8. Requires the Office of Campaign Finance to develop a robust electronic reporting system for campaign data; and
The bill requires one more vote of the full Council before it is transmitted to the Mayor for his signature.
The Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-116)
B20-0116 provides the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability with the authority to issue advisory opinions on the initiative of the Director of Government Ethics, and expands the range of penalties that may be imposed for a violation of the District’s Code of Conduct.
The Prohibition on Government Employee Engagement in Political Activity Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-117)
B20-0117 harmonizes the District’s local Hatch Act with federal law. The bill clarifies the role District government employees can take in elections and political campaigns.
The Funeral and Memorial Service Leave Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-235)
The “Funeral and Memorial Service Leave Amendment Act of 2013” will allow D.C. government employees to take up to three days off without loss of or reduction in pay, accrued leave, or service, to make arrangements for – or attend the funeral or memorial service of—an immediate relative. Currently, employees can only take one day without a reduction in leave. The bill also expands the definition of an “immediate relative” to ensure that important familial relationships are not excluded.
The Committee Reports for these bills can be accessed on the Council’s website.
Councilmember McDuffie also introduced the Party Officer Elections Emergency Amendment Act of 2013, which would allow the election of political party officials during any regularly scheduled primary election.
Also at the legislative meeting, the Council approved on first reading a trio of bills (B20-029, B20-197, B20-234) Councilmember McDuffie introduced to support the brewing and distilling industries, which are playing an important role in the revitalization of Ward 5’s industrial land.
On Wednesday, the Committee on Finance and Revenue held a hearing on Councilmember McDuffie’s bill the Truth in Affordability Reporting Act of 2013 (B20-369). The bill is designed to improve how the District measures the affordability of housing units. Watch the hearing.
DDOT installs new Bikeshare Station at N Street NW and New Jersey Avenue NW
On Tuesday, November 5, DDOT installed a 19-dock bikeshare station at the intersection of N Street and New Jersey Avenue NW. Councilmember McDuffie ensured during last year’s budget process that funding was set aside to create access to both Dunbar Senior High School and residents in the Bates and Hanover neighborhoods.
Entertainment Software Association announces PSA campaign to encourage parents and caregivers to use video game rating system
The U.S. video game industry, led by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), along with its retailer partners and other stakeholders launched a new public service announcement (PSA) campaign that encourages parents and caregivers to use the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) video game rating system and video game console parental controls. 
The ESRB is widely recognized as the best and most dynamic rating system in the entertainment industry, providing parents with age-based ratings and more than 30 content descriptors that indicate elements in a game that either factored into the rating or may be of interest to consumers. In addition, all new game consoles come with robust parental control systems, which give parents the ability to block games they do not want their children to play. ESRB provides step-by-step instructions for setting controls on consoles, PCs, and handheld game systems on its website.
Parents are the best decision-makers when it comes to determining what is appropriate for their children. The more they know about the wealth of dynamic tools that the computer and video game industry has developed for monitoring game play, the more empowered they will be to make informed choices.
Greater Mount Calvary and AARP’s We Care Information Fair
On Saturday, November 23rd, between 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Greater Mount Calvary and AARP are hosting an informational fair and celebration for caregivers. The event will take at the Family Life Community Center, located at 605 Rhode Island Ave NE. For more information, please contact Dr. Reynolds at (301) 899-1341.
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council hosts a Public Safety Meeting in Ward 5
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) for the District of Columbia will host a Public Meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at Dunbar High School, 101 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20001 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Come learn what DC justice officials are doing and find out how you can be their partner in keeping your community safe.
For additional information, please visit You can contact Tamekia McMahon, CJCC Staff Assistant, at or 202‐448‐9283. 
Mayor's Youth Town Hall on Gun Violence
Attention youth ages 22 and under!!!  Please join Mayor Vincent Gray, DC Public Schools Chancellor, DC Metropolitan Police Dept. Chief, DC Fire Chief, and other youth from around the city at a special Youth Town Hall to discuss Gun Violence.
When: Saturday, November 9th, 2013, from 12:00 –2:00 P.M.
Where:            Cardozo Education Campus
                        1200 Clifton Street, N.W.
                        Washington, DC 20009
Reminder to Weigh in on Board of Elections Precinct Boundary Plans
The Board of Elections is still interested in resident feedback on the plan proposing new precinct boundary lines. (View the plan: The Board believes that this plan does the following:
  1. Will improve the voting experience by creating faster voting lines;
  2. Will save the Board financial resources by lowering costs (the Board will print fewer ballots);
  3. Will improve the voting experience by contracting with better facilities (new locations will be more accessible and larger to accommodate voters);
  4. Will improve the precinct numbering system;
  5. Will improve the voter’s interaction with ANC candidates (voters in the same SMD are at one polling place); and
  6. Will lessen mistakes (fewer ballot styles will lessen the likelihood that mistakes are printed on the ballot).
The Board has already emailed all Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (by way of the Office of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission) and has held two public hearings in October. Further, the Board is scheduled to attend 13 ANC meetings across the city. In addition, the Board is holding two hearings on the 2013 Precinct Boundary Efficiency Plan on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. at One Judiciary Square, 441 4th St NW, Suite 280 North. Residents may also mail or email suggestions to:
Mail: 441 4th St NW, Suite 250 North, Washington DC 20001
The last date to submit suggestions is November 30.
District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue Introduces Tax Refund Visa Prepaid Card Option For Personal Income Tax Returns
(Washington, DC) - The District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) announced today a new option taxpayers can choose to receive their local income tax refunds. Beginning next year, a prepaid card will be available as an alternative to paper checks and direct deposit.
The prepaid cards will be available at no cost to taxpayers, and no bank account or credit check is required to enroll. Taxpayers who choose to receive the cards can use them to conveniently and securely pay bills and make purchases online, by telephone, and at retail locations. In addition, taxpayers - including those without bank accounts - can make in-person cash withdrawals at most banks.
For additional information on the prepaid card option, taxpayers should visit:  

Ward 5 Events
Councilmember McDuffie, or a member of his staff, will attend the following events (please note, a 5th week is rare in the calendar year): 
Monday, November 11 – Veteran’s Day
Tuesday, November 12 – The Arboretum Civic Association’s monthly meeting will take place at the Arboretum Recreation Center, located at 2412 Rand Place, NE, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 12 ANC 5D will hold its monthly meeting at MPD’s 5th District Station, located at 1805 Bladensburg Road, NE, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 14 Woodridge South Civic Association’s monthly meeting will take place at the New Canaan Baptist Church, located at 2826 Bladensburg Rd NE, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

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