Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Vision McMillan Partners: "Two for Two"

Subject: Two for Two
From: info@envisionmcmillan.com
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 20:28:32 +0000

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You did it again! Supporters turned out in such great numbers for a second Zoning Hearing in a row! You stayed HOURS so you could present eloquent, thoughtful testimony to the Zoning Commission about this plan. The energy and dedication is humbling for our team and so, so appreciated.

One supporter said to me, “not only will the new McMillan site provide a much needed grocery store, retail and affordable housing, but it will allow me to walk through the fenced off areas to other parts of the community that were only accessible by car before.”  Watching supporters testify from Bloomingdale, Stronghold, Park View and other neighborhoods,  it was clear to me that we are doing just that - reconnecting the community around the site. While we have made it through two hearings, there are still TWO MORE to go. We need you as a committed supporter to show the commission that you stand with the VMP team and support this plan. Please click here to attend at least ONE of the FINAL TWO zoning hearings on May 8th and 13th.

We heard many of our supporters speak last night about why they support the VMP plan, and the benefit that they feel it will bring to the community. If you can not attend a hearing, the Zoning Commission should still hear from you. Please take 2 minutes and click here to write to the Commission and tell them why you Support a New McMillan.

We've made it this far together – farther than any other previous plan for the McMillan site – and only with your help and support will we make it to the finish line.

Thank you again for your continued support.


Anne Corbett
Vision McMillan Partners

Remaining Hearing dates and times:

May 8, 2014 (THIS THURSDAY) 6:00 p.m. - Healthcare Facility (Parcel 1)

May 13, 2014 (Tuesday) 6:00 p.m. - Continuation of Hearing #1, ANC and Personal Testimony

 All PUD hearings will be at held at:
Jerrily R. Kress Memorial Hearing Room
441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 220-South
Washington, D.C. 20001
McMillan Sand Filtration site today
Envision McMillan
If you haven’t seen it, now is a good time to check out the Vision Video.
Copyright © 2014 Vision McMillan Partners, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have expressed support for Vision McMillan Partner's plan to transform the McMillan property into a model 21st century community.

Our mailing address is:
Vision McMillan Partners
1508 U St, NW
WashingtonDC 20009


Bloomingdale Resident said...

Just curious - if you just read this letter - how many people would you guess testified in support of VMP? Sounds like a lot, but it was 1 person from Bloomingdale, 1 from Stronghold, 1 from Park View, and a man from U Street and a CSG representative. And yeh, they stayed for hours, but opponents testified last, and therefore had to stay another hour until it was their turn.

So, two of the supporters will be the ones who will suffer the impact of a non-existent transportation plan. Those two supporters are also looking forward to a grocery store that may never happen.

If you support the VMP plan, send your letter, but if your support hinges on wanting a grocery store, you should state that your support is contingent upon the Zoning Commission requiring that a grocery store tenant be included in the project.

Bloomingdale Resident said...

Reminder - You can contact VMP to express your support, but you can also do it yourself, just like you can express opposition to the VMP plan without being a Friends of McMillan. The Friends site does offer a lot of good information about submitting testimony in writing or in person at a hearing. (I don't think the May 7th deadline still applies, as the May 13th hearing will be for public testimony, but the sooner you submit, the better.)

This is the biggest thing to happen in this neighborhood in a long time. Let your voice be heard!


mona said...

I support VMP. I support the by having a sign in my yard. That is until one of the FOM fundamentalist stole it out of my yard and all my neighbors yards. So this is what FOM does to make themselves heard? Stealing signs out of peoples yards...BTW that is trespassing and theft to come onto someone's property and remove a sign that doesn't belong to you. How do you know someone wasn't prepared for you and got a nice photo? Guess you will find out when the police come knocking.

mona said...

I got this from Ali

Hi Mona,
I'm am sorry your "Create McMillan" signs have been taken multiple times. That's undoubtedly frustrating. I can assure you that Friends of McMillan is unaware of who may have done this. There are many people in the community who oppose VMP's plan and their tactics and many of them are not members of Friends of McMillan. We do not condone vandalism. We exist to educate the community, save an historic landmark, but do so in the most neighborly of manners. I assure you that Friends of McMillan Park is working tirelessly to take on VMP in due process and not by stealing signs.
Thank you and enjoy the weekend,

Well Ali, I didn't expect you to own up to it, but I do know one thing you are setting the tone in your organization such that people believe this is acceptable behavior. I am sure a wink and a nudge can spur people on to do all sorts of things. You should seriously consider reigning in your people even if you aren't directly setting them out to do it. It shows a certain level of desperation on your groups part that all you feel you can do is steal signs off people's property. Plus it also shows what many have thought in the first place, you only want your voice heard and no one else.

Bloomingdale Resident said...

Dear Ali-
Thanks for taking the time to reach out to Mona. I know that you must be very busy preparing for and attending all of those Zoning hearings.

Dear sign thieves-
Could you focus your attention on some of the April 1 campaign signs that are still up - I am tired of looking at them - and leave Mona's signs alone? I am sure VMP will be happy to provide new signs for her, but it is silly to take them.