Saturday, June 07, 2014

Bloomingdale resident and author Natalie Hopkinson: "no harmony in our corporate neighborhood takeover"

See this message from Bloomingdale resident and author Natalie Hopkinson

Click on the link to read the * entire * post.

no harmony in our corporate neighborhood takeover

Published June 6, 2014

In addition to being a DC parent, I also sometimes speak and write about education policy issues. I have some concerns about a meeting I attended this Tuesday 6/3/2014  at St. Martin’s Catholic church to “welcome” Harmony Public Charter schools (the largest charter operator in Texas) to our neighborhood. I am thinking of writing a longer essay outside this blog, so if other Bloomingdale-area parents have any additional thoughts or feedback that you want to share with me, please email me at NHopkinson at hotmail.
I emphasize the quotes around “welcome” because I was actually shocked to learn this corporate charter chain was coming, and even more surprised to hear of their plans to “[become] our neighborhood school.” If this well-funded and politically connected Texas chain takes over our neighborhood, as they promised, there is no turning back. If they succeed and our neighborhood District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) close, we will have forfeited our legal right to community accountability or oversight. So I think it is important to take a critical look at their plans and how they will impact our kids’ educational options.

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