Tuesday, June 03, 2014

McMillan zoning hearing testimony from Brookland resident Daniel Wolkoff

From Brookland resident Daniel Wolkoff:

Mayor Gray and his Vision McMillan Partners (VMP - http://envisionmcmillan.com/) development plan at McMillan (mysterious silos at N.Capitol and Michigan Ave.) will demolish the 20 acres of underground water filtration galleries, and over-urbanize the site. A development plan for massive construction described as "hideous", "atrocious" (www.VisionMcMillanParters.com) with 50 buildings , including 13 story condos, two humongous Medical Office buildings, 6 new private streets and 3000 parking spaces, is probably being approved by the DC government, right now, in the D.C. Zoning Commission. Turning a healthy green house gas sink and long awaited public recreational area, into huge scale green house gas emitting super urbanization.
The community struggle to Save McMillan Park, preserving the Olmsted designed surface park and existing 20 acres underground, creates the exciting potential for sustainable large scale 
"indoor agriculture" and Family Fish Network. All kinds of allied and park related activities can flourish, our Glen Echo, our Wolf Trap, in adaptive re-use  of existing historic structures. 
With proven vertical indoor growing technology we could convert the McMillan/Olmsted Park caverns to a fully functional, local food production facility, making it a truly sustainable site. City Council Chair of the Transportation and Environment Committee, Mary Cheh held hearings on March 24, 2014 to explore a DC food, nutrition and exercise hub,  In the center of DC, 25 acres of existing parkland, McMillan is perfect. We  just have to wrestle our own public property back from the corrupt government, handing it over to the Development Conglomerate, Vision McMillan Partners for their $100's of millions in profit. We must stop the Mayor and City Council from "surplussing" McMillan Park to this private corporate giant, for their inferior plan, so destructive to the historic Bloomingdale community  and the entire city.
Imagine superior organic fresh fruit, vegetables and Family Farmed Fish freshly produced right here in DC, no longer trucked from California, Florida and Mexico. Thirty five percent of trucks on the road are transporting food! The un-equal distribution of park land, upper NW has 5 times the parks of central, and NE DC, was addressed by Senator McMillan's (Michigan) "emerald necklace" of DC parks and green space, but the DC government has squandered this healthy urban planning since 1986,,,time to rectify is now! 
Please see this fascinating video: http://youtu.be/ILzWmw53Wwo
Please click on the link below to read  my testimony in Zoning Hearing case ZC#13-14 McMillan Park May 27, 2014.  
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017

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