Tuesday, February 10, 2015

McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) meeting -- Thursday, 02-12-2015

Note that the attachments are not supplied here.

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 16:08:35 -0500
From: magchairman@gmail.com
Subject: MAG meeting, Thursday February 12th, tentative agenda...TIME CHANGE: 7:30 -Kirby

All Nations Church has requested that we change the time of our
meeting to 7:30 to accommodate Rev. Terry’s new schedule.

We have three sets of minutes to approve and if anyone can
help print copies for distribution at the meeting that would be
very helpful.

Here is proposed agenda for this Thursday’s meeting, please
share any changes or additional suggestions:

- Approve minutes (November, December, January)
  (Draft copies attached)
- Discuss what happened at today’s HPRB hearing.
- Discuss this motion that was made and approved at the last meeting:

    MOTION: MAG should write letter to Mayor, summarize what the MAG is, what 
   is has done, what its position is. Speak pointedly to the problem that is 
   encountered when the deputy mayor’s office is a co-applicant on the site. It is like being 
   the defendant, judge, and jury all at once. 

   Suggest that the best way to approach this likely is for us to discuss
   what would go into such a letter, and delegate a committee or small
   group of people to present proposed text for the March meeting, unless
   the proposed text is so simple that we could hammer it out at the 
   February meeting itself (perhaps unlikely).

- The Council will conduct oversight hearings on DMPED, Zoning and Planning
   at hearings on March 6th.  Should the MAG present testimony at these hearings?

Please let me know if anyone is missing from the distro to this email, or just forward
it on.  Meetings are of course open to all, but I need to know that all our members
and representatives are informed.  -Thank you! -Kirby

- Consider drafting letter to new head of DDOT as well as council members on Transportation Committee, summarizing regional developments, any traffic data, and potential need for mitigation strategies and implementation.

Thank you, and please let me know of any additions or corrections.  -Kirby

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