Friday, February 06, 2015

neighbor held up at gunpoint in the west alley adjacent to Crispus Attucks Park -- Thursday, 02-06-2015

See this 02-06-2015 message from a Bloomingdale resident:

Armed Robbery last night

I'm writing to alert the neighborhood of a mugging that occurred last evening [Thursday, 02-05-2015] about 6:45pm.  I was walking from U Street to V street through the alley at the west end of Crispus Attucks Park when a car approached behind me.  As I turned around, the driver, a young man, stopped the car and jumped out with a gun.  There was a young woman in the passenger seat who never got out of the car.  Another man also jumped out of the back of the car.  They pushed me up against a chain link fence, put the gun to my head and took my bag, phone and keys.  They did not hurt me.  As soon as they got everything, they got back into the car and drove out of the north end of the alley.  I was able to give a generic description of the people, car and the license plate number to the police.  I am very grateful that I was not physically hurt.  I wanted to share this story so we all continue to watch out for each other and for suspicious activity.  
I believe the people in the car were possibly waiting for an opportunity and a woman alone with a bag is an easy target.


Alexandra in Bloomingdale said...

This is outrageous. Two reported home break-ins / robberies on the unit blocks of U and V in one week and now a gunpoint robbery adjacent to the park in between that is our hard won pride and joy? Does the neighborhood hive mind have any ideas of how to get more aggressive policing from MPD or how to improve our collective safety?

Unknown said...
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Kevin in Bloomingdale said...

Hi Alexandra, In recent conversations with the police and ANC commissioner Austin Pearl, the police have told us that we have to call anytime we see anything suspicious. The police use data from a specific area (crimes/# of calls) to deploy their officers to the places that need them most. So call when you see something and you should also reach out to Austin if you have additional concerns. The more people keeping and eye out, the better!

Jenifer said...

Thanks for sharing your story so I can be on alert now that I'm using the alleys more often DUE TO THE DC WATER TUNNEL DIGGING. And thanks for reporting it to the police. But it does look like criminals are taking advantage of the disrupted roads situation. It used to be cars in the alleys were something unusual and you noticed it. Now, with all the diversions, loads of vehicles in the alleys all the time and you don't "notice" anything unusual.