Tuesday, November 03, 2015

DDOT notice to restrict right-hand turns from North Capitol St onto S St NW

See this tardy posting:

From: Holliday, Bertha G. (SMD 5E07)
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 2:30 PM
To: Scott Roberts
Subject: FW: for placement on listserv & blog
Attached is a notice to restrict right-hand turns from North Capitol onto S St. NW.  This action was initiated  residents on the unit block of T St., NW.  I encourage ALL to support their neighbors by providing brief written statements of support to me and/or DDOT.  When it comes to traffic -- we are all in this together!

Bertha Holliday
Commissioner, ANC 5E07
Treasurer, ANC 5E
"Serving Bloomingdale -- Building community"
From: Maclin, Rashele (DDOT)
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 2:55 PM
To: Quinn, Teri Janine (SMD 5E06)
Cc: Smith-Steiner, Debbie (SMD 5E01); Davis, Christy (SMD 5E02); Lewis, Renee T. (SMD 5E03); Pinkney, Sylvia (SMD 5E04); Thomas, Bradley Ashton (SMD 5E05); Holliday, Bertha G. (SMD 5E07); Pearl, Austin L. (SMD 5E08); Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09); 'Nsmith@dccouncil.us'; Pinn-Mills, Wanda (DDOT)
Subject: District Department of Transportation Notice of Intent
Good Afternoon,
Attached is a Notice of Intent (NOI) from the District Department of Transportation referencing: “Installation of a Right Turn Restriction“
This notice of intent and all comments received will be posted on DDOT’s Website at:
If there are any questions, please contact Gregg Steverson at Gregg.Steverson@DC.gov (Safety) or Wasim Raja at Wasim.Raja@dc.gov (Signals)
Thank you
d.  Rashele Maclin | Management Analyst
Transportation Operations Administration | District Department of Transportation
55 M Street, SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20003
tel: 202.671.0495| fax: 202.671.0617

1 comment:

Dave said...

This is a good idea. I was driving along N. Cap just a week ago along the access road, and the car in front of me nearly hit a pedestrian when it turned right onto S. With congestion blocking cars from merging easily back onto N. Cap from the access road, cars often make that quick turn onto S without much notice. This is an opportunity to see if the administration will be serious about Vision Zero.