Tuesday, February 10, 2015

broken street light at 48 Adams St NW

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 15:26:52 -0500
Subject: BROKEN Street Lights - favor to ask
Hi Scott-
I have a favor to ask as I cannot get the city to fix a light since last August.
I have called 311 on three instances since August (see picture below) about a broken alley street lamp.  Each time, I get a message that says how an "investigation" was conducted and the issue is now resolved, when it is not. 
I am not sure what to do next. I am emailing you in the hopes that you circulate this message on your next list serve and an accountable city official comes across this who knows how to navigate the system to get it done. 
We pay ever-increasing property taxes and most would agree that the city has the financial and human resources to not leave its residents in the dark. It just takes a bit of care and accountability. Service number is 15-00026813.


Lindsey said...

Oy I just wrote out a whole comment and it was erased when I logged in. Grr!

A few weeks ago when we were having trash collection problems in the neighborhood, I flagged down a passing DPW pickup truck and ended up talking to a guy who turned out to be a DPW supervisor. He suggested using both the 311 app and phone #, and reporting issues every day or every few days until they are resolved.

In my personal experience and opinion, it seems that the 311 app comments that state "issue resolved" are when they put the issue on a schedule to be fixed. Usually within a week or two of the "issue resolved" comment, the issue is actually resolved.

Good luck!

Ryan Eades said...

I had a light out on RI Ave last summer and it took me three months to finally get it fixed after lots of nagging 311 via phone & online requests. I ended up contacting McDuffie's office and one of his community liaisons was very helpful. Her name is Laisha Dougherty, email is:

Good luck!

PS - Lindsey I did the same thing upon log in, so frustrating!!

Unknown said...

I had the same experience with a light that needed more than a bulb replaced - got the 311 closed email, but M.C. Dean didn't come out until a week or two later to repair the light.

(I always try to remember to copy my comments- not sure why it happens but it has been doing this for a while.)