Sunday, February 08, 2015

Does ANYONE think that the Mayor's Agent won't give a thumbs up to the proposed McMillan development project ?

Is it assumed by everyone that the Mayor's Agent report -- ostensibly due out by the end of March 2015 -- will indicate that the Vision McMillan Partners' project is of 'special merit?'


I have yet to meet anyone who thinks that the Mayor's Agent report will issue a thumbs down to 'special merit.'


John said...

I still have some faith that the Mayor's Agent will actually follow the law and the cases concerning special merit and determine that the VMP plan is what it is: nothing special.

Daniel in brookland said...

How cynical can you get? The District of Corruption,,, fixing the process, where in the world did you get that from?

The real issue is the theft, from the people of the city, and the nation, of a significant work of landscape architecture and industrial design

These officials, some already convicted felons, have committed theft, of the Historic protected work of turn-of-the-20th century master designers, brought to Washington by Senator McMillan, an important historic site, a critical public amenity, and a potentially important backup system for clean water.

The HPRB and it's Staff, and all these so-called officials, have violated the DC Historic Preservation act since 1987.

So "special", 3000 asphalt paved parking spaces and, destructively bringing 20,000 additional stinking automobiles to congest our neighborhoods and pollute our air each day, so VMP can make $500 million, and own the center of DC,.That is "Special Merit", very special to the thieves!

Why did HPO and staff achieve the historic designation, and it's protection of the site, only to play such an integral roll in the corporate effort to demolish it, and super urbanize the last large green space in DC, into a crass suburban office and condo park, on our publicly owned land?
The rationale about VMP preserving the historic structures, and their mediocre plans, having a cohesive relationship to the original designated historic place, is ABSURD and OFFENSIVE, and every one knows it!.

Most disgusting and offensive, is the corruption and malfeasance, surrounding this theft. How can all the evaluations, oversight, Zoning, Mayor's Agent, City Council and Mayor's " Surplus and Land Disposition" and all DC agencies charged with protecting the commons, be RUNNING concurrently, and not be declared COERCIVE and be rejected as corrupt?

Do you, HPRB et al., expect us to believe that these agencies have evaluated this humongous multi-billion dollar development plan, objectively? While simultaneously, the City Council is perpetrating the "public to corporate GIVE-AWAY" of McMillan's 25 acres of prime central DC real estate to Trammel Crow, the powerful development conglomerate. And as of today, paying them over $150 million in public money, for still un-estimated engineering costs! All happening in the hottest real estate market in DC history, and smack on top of a disastrous infrastructure failure, of storm water runoff and human sewage flooding into area homes?

Do you really expect us to believe you?

Is this not corrupt COLLUSION as the Deputy Mayor is both applicant and regulator at the same time, and all evaluative agencies are under the same DC office? Do you really expect us to believe the Mayor's Agent can carry out the DC Historic Preservation Laws objectively, and protect our public interest, with this coercive pressure on his head? Please spare us the cynicism, when he had not even heard the community opposition, while the DC Zoning Commission already approved the "Monstrosity on Michigan Avenue". Not Coercive, not a fixed process? Before the Mayor's Agent has made his decision, or has it been made for him perhaps, the City Council voted unanimously to "give away" our land, our money, $billions at McMillan to Trammel Crow. How did a City Council, who speak incessantly, and question intolerably, vote for the "land surplus and disposal" with no comments, and no questions, literally in 30 seconds, on the last day of Grays term. Vote with no questions asked and no comments at all! How, by being corrupt to the core,, and arrogant beyond anything!
Famous quotes from Zoning Chairman Hood, " we don't rubber stamp anything". Makes me feel very secure in their malfeasance and abuse of power, thanks, Daniel

Jenifer said...

just exactly who is this "Mayor's Agent" anyway and what do they know or care about this? do they even live in Washington DC?