Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Washington City Paper HC: "Get ready for the next big development battle"

Click on the link to read the entire Washington City Paper Housing Complex article.

There have been a few false starts with the AFRH site development.  Will this turn out to be another false start?  Stay tuned.

Get Ready for the Next Big Development Battle

There's arguably no plan more contentious in D.C. than the one to build a mixed-use development on the 25-acre McMillan Sand Filtration Site. All across town, but particularly near the North Capitol Street site, you can find "Save McMillan Park" signs. Never mind that the site was never a proper park, nor that the development plans call for ample green space. The mere idea of high-density development on what's long lain fallow is an abomination to many neighbors.
Now take that site, multiply it by a factor of three, move it a few blocks up the road, and you've got the next big battle.

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