There was much buzz all over Bloomingdale this past weekend regarding who might be running for the now-open Ward 5 council seat.
Okay, then let's open us this question to the community.
Whose name(s) would YOU like to see on the ballot for the upcoming Ward 5 council race?
And check out this related post at GGW:
John Salatti has served Bloomingdale well as ANC, and I would hate to lose him, but he would also make an excellent CM.
I also hate the idea of any group trying to limit the number of candidates, but with a wide open, winner take all election with a short time frame for campaining/debates, it is probably a wise idea to try to narrow the field.
The meeting tonight may clear up some questions and who is running and who is not. I hope it is open minded to previous candidates as well as new ones.
keep in mind that Salatti, Hubbard, and Jones will all have to give up their seats or positions in order to get into the race otherwise they are in violation of the Hatch Act. McDuffie has already resigned his position.
what about Day? Isn't he they guy that alerted authorities to the CM Thomas lapse of ethics? I also agree that Salati would be great.
John Salatti gets my vote for his stellar performance in our Ward.
I would like to see some fresh faces in this race with impecible creds and no stink of prior DC on them at all. John has done an good job but I really have issues with anyone who has been wrapped up in the DC politics getting into the race and that includes ANC commissioners
Well, at least we got four responses.
See this message from Mat on North Capitol:
I personally have liked Kenyan McDuffie and plan to support him, although I'd like to see who decides to join and hear their platforms.
I like the idea of a former federal prosecutor being our councilman. I could get on board with Kenyan McDuffie
We'll revisit this topic in the near future.
John Salatti has resigned his ANC position.
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