Monday, May 05, 2014

Friends of McMillan Park: "VMP zoning hearing message to the community: This land is not your land"

See this message:

Friends of McMillan Park VMP Zoning Hearing Message to the Community 2014 05 05 by Scott Roberts

1 comment:

Bloomingdale Resident said...

The "neighbors" group has a Facebook page where they criticize this press release. Why don't they post their comments on this blog?

One of their comments -
"In fact, the sign-in record that evening, while recording a healthy balance of supporters and opponents, listed more supporters on the record in attendance than opponents."

Fact check:

Anyone can look at the sign in sheet for the May 1 hearing - it is exhibit 169. A rough count shows 29 signed in to testify in support, and 37 signed in to testify in opposition. With a little editing to correct for duplicates, and no shows, the numbers are closer to 27 supporters, 33 opponents.

Perhaps they counted all of the developer's team members in the room, but that it not quite the same - counting paid employees who are present for the hearing should not be included/compared to the count for citizens who attend to express their views.