Friday, May 09, 2014

Malcolm Kenton: alert: box of books stolen from front porch on unit block of Florida Ave NW this afternoon, Friday, 05-09-2014

See this 05-09-2014 message from neighborhood resident Malcolm Kenton:

A box from containing 30 copies of a paperback book titled "Fast Trains" was stolen from my front porch on the unit block of Florida Ave NW this afternoon. The package was delivered by UPS at 1:46 PM and left exposed on the front porch. Nobody was home at the time. By the time I returned around 3:00 PM, the package was gone. I need the books to sell at an event tomorrow (Saturday). Thieves often dump the contents of stolen packages in nearby yards or alleys if they find nothing of value to them therein. If anyone finds these books in their yard, dumpster or alley, please call 301 then 246 then 0702.

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