Monday, May 05, 2014

stale posting -- Zoning Commission Case #13-14: Vision McMillan Partners, LLC and the District of Columbia - First Stage and Consoldiated PUD and Related Map Amendment @ 2501 First Street NW

I should have posted this info at the blog a long time ago.  
Better late than never, I suppose.
In any event, here you go:

Here is the link from the DC zoning calendar.


Start Time : 5/5/2014 6:30 PM


Case Number :Z.C.Case No. 13-14
Case Name :Vision McMillan Partners, LLC and the District of Columbia - First Stage and Consoldiated PUD and Related Map Amendment @ 2501 First Street, NW
Case Summary :(PUD) THIS CASE IS OF INTEREST TO ANC 5E, 5A and 1B The Applicant is requesting the review and approval of a first-stage and consolidated planned unit development (“PUD”) and related map amendment to rezone the property from unzoned to the CR and C-3-C Zone Districts. The first-stage approval is for the master plan of the McMillan Site (the "Stage 1 Master Plan"), and includes the development parameters for the entire PUD site, which is comprised of Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The consolidated approval applies to portions of the PUD known as Parcels 1, 4, 5, and 6. The overall site has approximately 1,075,356 square feet (24.69 acres) of land area. The Applicant proposes to build a mixed-use, mixed-income urban development project for the adaptive reuse of the McMillan site. The overall project will have density of approximately 1.91 FAR, as permitted under the CR and C-3-C PUD requirements, and will include approximately 94,170 square feet of gross floor area devoted to retail uses; 923,730 square feet of gross floor area devoted to residential uses; 1,030,000 square feet of gross floor area devoted to healthcare facilities; 17,500 square feet of gross floor area devoted to a community center; and approximately 444,056 square feet of public open space. The PUD site is organized into three land areas that are separated by two historic service courts running in an east-west direction (the "North Service Court" and the "South Service Court"). The Stage 1 Master Plan encompasses the master plan for the entire McMillan Site, including the development parameters for buildings on Parcels 2 and 3, which will be the subject of future Stage 2 PUD applications. A residential building with approximately 334,950 square feet of gross floor area is proposed for Parcel 2. A healthcare facility with approximately 173,000 square feet of gross floor area with ground floor retail is planned for Parcel 3. The consolidated PUD application applies to five of the remaining development parcels and proposes the following development. Parcel 1 at the north end of the site, with frontage on Michigan Avenue, North Capitol Street, and First Street, N.W., would be comprised of an 875,000 square foot healthcare facility with ground level retail. Parcel 4, in the central portion of the site fronting on North Capitol Street, would be developed with a mixed-use building with 52,920 square feet of ground floor retail use and 255,230 square feet of residential uses above. Parcel 5, located below Parcel 4 in the central portion of the site and spanning its full width, would be developed with approximately 146 rowhouses, or 356,800 square feet of gross floor area devoted to residential uses. Parcel 6, comprising the entire southern portion of the site, would house a community center and the South Service Court in the midst of a 6.2 acre park. Parcel 7 is the North Service Court, which would provide the principle entrance to the healthcare facilities to the north. The North and South Service Courts will be incorporated into the project as part of the Consolidated PUD.

1 comment:

Daniel in brookland said...

This development is not a monstrosity, of concrete , paving, privatization, carbon emissions, crowding, congestion, traffic in a cul-de-sac, storm water mitigation, and destruction of sklyline sunset vistas, and historic demolition of a designated landmark.
How is it that in early 1900's, when Washington DC had much less resources than it has today, the real Senator James McMillan Plan could start to create "the emerald necklace" of extensive parks to serve all of the City. Rock Creek Park, like McMillan, was designed by Olmsted, America's premiere Landscape Architects, and we had a Central park, "Great Place", the DC govt. has relegated to obscurity, in a shameful, waste of incredible proportions.

While the rest of DC was open fields and farms, wooded, and hardly developed. But they had the foresight to provide healthy parkland to all of DC.
So now with the power and budget of a state,, and huge budget surplus, and virtually all of DC land over-developed and urbanized, we don't have the foresight to preserve all 25 acres of McMillan? As a real park, like Meridian Hill, saving McMillan will advance the "emerald necklace" as developers and their lackeys in govt. gobble up the little remaining open space, for incredible profit. To reduce the heat island effect, and reduce DC carbon emissions, for a cooler, breezy , open space, we need our park! We so desperately must preserve McMillan which is part of private development. The water project wasn't to help the Bloomingdale neighbors homes from sewage flooding. the water project is to keep the DEVELOPMENT JUGGERNAUT rolling along.

Private streets and 3000 parking spaces. And the subversion of even our sincere opposition. Our own tax money is spent on, an "astroturf", fake grass roots campaign of contrived support, from PR firm Jamie Fontaine from Baltimore.
The government of the District of Columbia is already a worldwide embarrassment, and all our recent convicted felons on the City Council had a part, and oversight of the VMP plan, with city officials swinging in and out of the revolving door, back and forth from govt. to VMP's legal hot shots, Holland and knight. Jeff Miller the Deputy Mayor for Real Estate, our mayor's manager for the VMP monstrosity, came right from Vice President of Real Estate at the main development partner Trammel-Crow...
How did the District Government have the arrogance to spend $250,000 a year on cutting a useless lawn on the site, but never spent a dime on preparing the site for re-access for the community for almost 30 years! This govt. would have made this a showplace of historic preservation and community recreation had it just been located in the white, upper income areas of DC. Blatant racism, and economic class discrimination, as plain as the nose on your face! To spend $250,000 a year, which is $1000 a day, but not to spend a dime to secure any minor hazards, and make the 25 acres safe to play, and picnic and enjoy the sunset vistas. Were we ever abused by this corrupt govt? The people's requests to re-open the park after WWII, was denied. Recently, Jeff Miller of the Deputy Mayor's office even terminated the perfectly safe tours run by BNCA, John Sallati, when 100's of DC residents were enthralled by the fascinating 20 acres of underground water filtration cells, and support for the preservation of the park was increasing.
The record of malfeasance of office by successive administrations has been so abominable as to preclude the district from ever being allowed to do what is happening now. A humongous money driven, greenhouse gas emitting, traffic congesting, monstrosity development, a private party to control the decisions and the future.
The "surplussing land disposition", a billion dollar give- away of your public assets to a private development conglomerate by a mayor elected by massive electoral fraud.
Fight global warming, for your own healthy recreation space for your families. STOP THE RE-ZONOING!