Sunday, January 28, 2007

Saint Martins Zoning Variance Hearing.

st. Martin's Apartments Zoning Variance Hearing Tomorrow Night, Monday, 1/29/2007

Tomorrow night at 6:30 pm is the zoning hearing for the upzoning of the large lot in Eckington across from McKinley Tech from R-4 to R-5-B.

The zoning classifications are described here:

It is likely that no official decision will be made at the end of the hearing because there is some opposition towards the zoning variance request.

Here is the announcement from the Office of Zoning website,

Public Hearing

Start Time: 1/29/2007 6:30 PM


Case Number : 05-39
Case Name : Archdiocese of Washington & Catholic Charities

Case Summary : (Map Amendment,PUD) The Applicant is requesting consolidated review and approval of a Planned Unit Development (“PUD”) and a related zoning map amendment in order to implement new residential development in Square 3531, the city block bounded by Summit Place on the east, Lincoln Road on the west, Todd Place on the north and T Street on the south, in the northeast quadrant of Washington, D.C. The Office of Planning provided its report on April 10, 2006, and the case was set down for hearing on April 20, 2006. The Applicant provided its prehearing statement on September 15, 2006. The property that is the subject of this application is currently located in the R-4 District and includes Lots 114 and 115 in Square 3531. The existing building on the site will be relocated and incorporated in the design of the new development. The Applicant is seeking PUD approval and a related zoning map amendment to include the property in the R-5-B zone district in order to construct a multi-family residential building that will accommodate moderate and low-income families. The development will be constructed to a density of 2.64 FAR and contain 240,940 square feet of gross floor area. The maximum building height will be 55 feet.

The 3-page PDF of the “notice of public hearing” is posted here: []

Saturday, January 27, 2007


there has been a lot of discussion on the community boards and blogs about brick sidewalks. r street nw is getting them. s street nw just got them. r ne is supposed to get them. some residents are thrilled, others a bit smug. personally i love the brick sidewalks but am a bit indifferent about fighting to get them. i agree with many that our efforts might be put to better use. I wonder though about the budgetary lines and if getting brick sidewalks really means not getting something else.

i'd like to start a pro/con list about brick sidewalks. this is assuming the brick vs concrete argument. i know there are other choices too.
please comment with your points.


1. very attractive.
2. allows water to reach root system of trees.
3. ease to repair
4. befitting of the old character/materials of the neighborhood.
5. the whole broken windows theory.

1. Money
2. hard to shovel snow
3. hard to clean
4. bad for the handicapped
5. bad for high heels
6. Spalting
7. roots can easily cause uneveness in sidewalk
9 provokes tension over "gentrification" and appearance over people argument.
10. would expel a lot of community effort to get them
11. upheaval time to do the work.

are people gonna start wanting cobblestone streets too?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

housing in eckington

here is a link to the "Basilica Lofts" in eckington

I believe the original plans for this row called for all of it to be retail. at least the ground floor. looks like its all residential now.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007

I want one of these.

in bloomingdale/ truxton/eckington



Whats the state of hailing a taxi in the area these days?
Is it possible?
has anyone actually caught one?

let me know if you would.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

h on 7

new 7 talks about h street.

georgia avenue..

here is a cute interactive map concerning projects along georgia avenue

and an article

and heres a video

walking walking walking

saw this link over at rebuilding place....

to quote richard
If you care about walking in the District, brick sidewalks vs. concrete, motorists running stop signs, speeding traffic, dangerous intersections, than please take a look at this web link

there is a short survey on the website. please take it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We do not normally honor single individuals with a national holiday. George Washington, Jesus of Nazareth, and Christopher Columbus.

At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

alleys as common space

interesting idea, this

Saturday, January 13, 2007

h street

i know .. i know.. i have alot of posts about h street.....but theres some good stuff happening over there.
look here

Friday, January 12, 2007

Map O No MA

here is a great map of the proposed and planned and slated and already built projects in Noma.

Its a PDF

looks like there will be a road between ATF and the Hotel Eckington ( which seems to sit adjoining the tracks)

we know that the fairfield project is nixed.


Jamal's Gateway? why isnt anything happening there yet? He owns it and its HUGE. is he waiting for the tunnel to 395 to be built?

Capitol Square? could we possibly lose that car wash..... damn i need a picture of that before its gone!

granted this map is a year old... so i dont know how much has changed.

washington post geek a thon.

Lets face it, the Washington Post fails us. It fails us in providing two types of news that i crave, and at least one that you crave. Local news and local arts coverage. You are probably reading this because neighborhood blogs have news the News media doesn't.

The post, despite a real journalists natural aversion to blogs, recognizes this.
This past week they sponsored a meeting of some local bloggers to discuss working together.

So i went to their geek-a-thon and meet a few other bloggers, some i had already known

Rebuilding Place
Stop blog and roll
Prince of Petworth
Harmany Music
a bunch o the dcist people
the hilarious metrobloggers
the even more hilarious Listen to Leon

a dc united blogger that actually scooped the story of the teams sale.

rethinking college park guy

almost met Beyond the Mall guy and the Anacostia Diaries guy

creative dc gal
these are all good blogs and you ought click on em!

Anyway, the post is seeking to be the portal by which millions upon gazillions of readers find blogs of local interests. While i dont think this fills the niche for real street hitting local stories, it may help.

look for it sometime this decade.

I would like to add that pretty much all neighborhood bloggers write their blogs as a community service, not because we make money from it. I'll point you to my other and older blog from time to time, and i've got stuff to sell there. but not here.

here is just about sharing info. so long as the internet is free, is free then this content will be free.

I will gladly plug local business here, but for the sake of economic and pedestrian and cultural revitalization, not for just making a buck.

so, read neighborhood blogs and share info when you've got it. Also, if you would like to help me with this blog, let me know, i might be open to that.especially if'n you want to talk about anc meetings, since i dont ever go to them.....

and please, post some pictures! or email them to me and i'll post them.

when nature doesnt come through for you

create your own global warming denial.


snideness aside, i LOVE that someone did this.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

washington gateway

take a look at this

in an out in 30 minutes

I left bloomingdale at exactly 12:38
I am back in bloomingdale eating lunch at 1:23.

That was the fastest trip to the DC inspection station i have ever ever had.
i got there and was third in line.

and i passed.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

meeting about St. Martins Housing Project.

this was passed on by ANC rep Stu Davenport.

Public Forum on the St. Martin's Apartments Complex

7:00 pm, Wednesday, January 10th, at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center

The new ANC 5C commission has taken office and, as our first order of business we invite you to attend a public forum we have helped organize to hear and address community concerns about the St. Martin's Apartments. This forum was jointly proposed by St. Martin's Church, Catholic Community Services (CCS), Ward 5 Councilman Harry Thomas Jr., and the ANC 5C. It is a proposal in good faith as a means of bringing the community together.

Although the St. Martins Apartments project (proposed to be located across T St. NE from McKinley Tech and fronting on Todd Pl. NE) has the potential to offer many benefits to the community, it is currently generating a great deal of controversy and concern. ANC 5C has, therefore, been working closely with St. Martin's, CCS, Councilman Thomas, members of the Eckington Civic Association, and residents of the neighborhood to try and rebuild genuine communication. This event will be a professionally moderated, open forum where community concerns will be heard and addressed.

During the forum, we will discuss, among other things, the following issues:

1. The assurances that CCS intends to put in writing regarding how the project will be run. This will ensure that neighbors, the ANC, and the City can take clear and effective action if the project's benefits do not materialize.

2. The issues surrounding the Zoning Commission hearing on Monday, January 29th;

3. The documents that CCS and St. Martin's will need to provide the ANC before the project breaks ground;

4. The programs that CCS intends to provide residents of the Apartments;

5. The security requirements and programs;

6. The creation of the governing board of the Apartment complex.

7. Other community Concerns.

Please come and be a part. Without community participation this forum becomes a one-sided dialogue, which runs counter, I believe, to the interests of all involved.

We live in an incredible community, and together we have a lot to look forward to.

Stuart Davenport
ANC 5C03

Friday, January 05, 2007

Interesting neighborhood stuff

Interesting neighborhood stuff:

-1903 Lincoln Road NE went to settlement back on 09/28/2006. The list price was $5,000,000 and the sold price was $4,000,000. Total of 24 VACANT 2 B/R APTS ON APPROX 15,500 sq ft of ground

-Bloomingdale resident Alice Thompson is now serving in the role of the Ward 5 Community Outreach Coordinator, who reports up to Merritt Drucker, the new director of the Office of Neighborhood Services.

Interestingly, Ms Thompson wants speed cameras on North Capital St on every block.

- A message from the Honorable Stu Davenport
Public Forum on the St. Martin's Apartment Complex
7 pm, January 10th, at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center

The new ANC 5C commission has taken office and, as our first order of business we invite you to attend a public forum we have helped organize to hear and address community concerns about the St. Martin's Apartments. This forum was jointly proposed by St. Martin's Church, Catholic Community Services (CCS), Councilman Harry Thomas Jr., and the ANC 5C. It is a proposal in good faith as a means of bringing the community together.

Although the St. Martins Apartments project (proposed to be located across T St. NE from McKinley Tech and fronting on Todd Pl. NE) has the potential to offer many benefits to the community, it is currently generating a great deal of controversy and concern. ANC 5C has, therefore, been working closely with St. Martin's, CCS, Councilman Thomas, members of the Eckington Civic Association, and residents of the neighborhood to try and rebuild genuine communication. This event will be a professionally moderated, open forum where community concerns will be heard and addressed.

During the forum, we will discuss, among other things, the following issues:

1. The assurances that CCS intends to put in writing regarding how the project will be run. This will ensure that neighbors, the ANC, and the City can take clear and effective action if the project's benefits do not materialize.

2. The issues surrounding the Zoning Commission hearing on January 29th;

3. The documents that CCS and St. Martin's will need to provide the ANC before the project breaks ground;

4. The programs that CCS intends to provide residents of the Apartments;

5. The security requirements and programs;

6. The creation of the governing board of the Apartment complex.

7. Other community Concerns.

Please come and be a part. Without community participation this forum becomes a one-sided dialogue, which runs counter, I believe, to the interests of all involved.

We live in an incredible community, and together we have a lot to look forward to.

Stuart Davenport
ANC 5C03

From MPD
Police Investigate Two Home Invasion Burglaries in Northwest

The Metropolitan Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in attempting to identify and locate the suspect or suspects responsible for two Burglary One While Armed robberies.

The first case occurred at approximately 7:57 pm, on Wednesday, December 27, 2006. A lone male, armed with a handgun, entered a home in the 1800 block of 4th Street, NW through an unlocked back door. Once inside, he robbed the occupants of a camera, jewelry, cell phone, personal digital assistant and a handbag. There were no reported injuries. The suspect in this case is described as a black male, 25 to 35 years old, 6’2” tall, 180 to 185 pounds, with a medium complexion. He was wearing dark clothing and armed with a handgun.

The second case occurred at approximately 9:15 pm, on Friday, December 29, 2006. Two subjects, one armed with a handgun, entered a home in the 1500 block of Vermont Avenue, NW through an unlocked front door. Once inside, they tied up the occupant before taking a wallet with cash and credit cards, two cameras, cell phone and keys to a yellow Hummer. The suspects took the Hummer but abandoned it at 12th and Q Streets, NW. There were no reported injuries. The first suspect in this case is described only as a male, 6’2” tall, wearing a mask and dark clothing, and armed with a handgun. The second suspect in this case is described only as a female, approximately 5’3” tall, and wearing a mask and dark clothing.

The two cases are under investigation by detectives assigned to the MPDC’s Third District. Anyone with information about these cases is asked to call police at (202) 727-9099. The Department currently offers a reward of up to $10,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any robbery committed in the District of Columbia.

The Department also reminds residents, as a precaution, to keep the doors to their homes locked at all times, even when they are inside or in their yards. Residents of multi-unit apartment and condominium buildings should never buzz in a person they do not know.

Interesting neighborhood stuff

Interesting neighborhood stuff:

-1903 Lincoln Road NE went to settlement back on 09/28/2006. The list price was $5,000,000 and the sold price was $4,000,000. Total of 24 VACANT 2 B/R APTS ON APPROX 15,500 sq ft of ground

-Bloomingdale resident Alice Thompson is now serving in the role of the Ward 5 Community Outreach Coordinator, who reports up to Merritt Drucker, the new director of the Office of Neighborhood Services.

Interestingly, Ms Thompson wants speed cameras on North Capital St on every block.

- A message from the Honorable Stu Davenport
Public Forum on the St. Martin's Apartment Complex
7 pm, January 10th, at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center

The new ANC 5C commission has taken office and, as our first order of business we invite you to attend a public forum we have helped organize to hear and address community concerns about the St. Martin's Apartments. This forum was jointly proposed by St. Martin's Church, Catholic Community Services (CCS), Councilman Harry Thomas Jr., and the ANC 5C. It is a proposal in good faith as a means of bringing the community together.

Although the St. Martins Apartments project (proposed to be located across T St. NE from McKinley Tech and fronting on Todd Pl. NE) has the potential to offer many benefits to the community, it is currently generating a great deal of controversy and concern. ANC 5C has, therefore, been working closely with St. Martin's, CCS, Councilman Thomas, members of the Eckington Civic Association, and residents of the neighborhood to try and rebuild genuine communication. This event will be a professionally moderated, open forum where community concerns will be heard and addressed.

During the forum, we will discuss, among other things, the following issues:

1. The assurances that CCS intends to put in writing regarding how the project will be run. This will ensure that neighbors, the ANC, and the City can take clear and effective action if the project's benefits do not materialize.

2. The issues surrounding the Zoning Commission hearing on January 29th;

3. The documents that CCS and St. Martin's will need to provide the ANC before the project breaks ground;

4. The programs that CCS intends to provide residents of the Apartments;

5. The security requirements and programs;

6. The creation of the governing board of the Apartment complex.

7. Other community Concerns.

Please come and be a part. Without community participation this forum becomes a one-sided dialogue, which runs counter, I believe, to the interests of all involved.

We live in an incredible community, and together we have a lot to look forward to.

Stuart Davenport
ANC 5C03

From MPD
Police Investigate Two Home Invasion Burglaries in Northwest

The Metropolitan Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in attempting to identify and locate the suspect or suspects responsible for two Burglary One While Armed robberies.

The first case occurred at approximately 7:57 pm, on Wednesday, December 27, 2006. A lone male, armed with a handgun, entered a home in the 1800 block of 4th Street, NW through an unlocked back door. Once inside, he robbed the occupants of a camera, jewelry, cell phone, personal digital assistant and a handbag. There were no reported injuries. The suspect in this case is described as a black male, 25 to 35 years old, 6’2” tall, 180 to 185 pounds, with a medium complexion. He was wearing dark clothing and armed with a handgun.

The second case occurred at approximately 9:15 pm, on Friday, December 29, 2006. Two subjects, one armed with a handgun, entered a home in the 1500 block of Vermont Avenue, NW through an unlocked front door. Once inside, they tied up the occupant before taking a wallet with cash and credit cards, two cameras, cell phone and keys to a yellow Hummer. The suspects took the Hummer but abandoned it at 12th and Q Streets, NW. There were no reported injuries. The first suspect in this case is described only as a male, 6’2” tall, wearing a mask and dark clothing, and armed with a handgun. The second suspect in this case is described only as a female, approximately 5’3” tall, and wearing a mask and dark clothing.

The two cases are under investigation by detectives assigned to the MPDC’s Third District. Anyone with information about these cases is asked to call police at (202) 727-9099. The Department currently offers a reward of up to $10,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any robbery committed in the District of Columbia.

The Department also reminds residents, as a precaution, to keep the doors to their homes locked at all times, even when they are inside or in their yards. Residents of multi-unit apartment and condominium buildings should never buzz in a person they do not know.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Georgetown-1 Bloomingdale 1, Kumon Learning Center.

a new business is open(ing?) in Bloomingdale. The Kumon Math and Reading Center

1912 North Capitol NW

Kumon was started 50 years ago in Japan by Toru Kumon, a teacher and parent who wanted to help his son do better in school. The unique instructional method he created was so successful that his son was able to do calculus by the time he was in the sixth grade.

Kumon reading and math programs help children master those fundamental skills so important to their overall academic performance.

Our founder’s belief that every child possesses untapped abilities and the potential to excel remains central to our philosophy. In short, there’s nothing a child can’t do.

The Kumon Method was developed to unlock the potential in every child. That’s our mission, and we’re accomplishing it every day at more than 1,400 Kumon Centers in North America alone.

With centers in 43 countries, Kumon has helped more students succeed worldwide than any other after-school program.

sounds great!
The only other center in DC is in georgetown.
maybe Dean & Deluca will be moving in next..........

happy new year. may many more business's open up this year.