Saturday, April 30, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 05/01/2011
seeking referrals for rowhouses rooftop decks
Looking for referrals for deck contractor who has experience in building row house roof top decks. We already have DC permit and spec, but we just had to fire our current contractor due to him not being able to show up for work, so we are looking for someone to finish the job.
Friday, April 29, 2011
seeking HVAC contractor referrals
We are looking for recommendations for an HVAC contractor to assess and possibly do some work to our system.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Bloomingdale's co-op for homeschoolers
Bloomingdale`s co-op for homeschoolers
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
We are announcing a free home school co-op that has been formed in Bloomingdale. While the purpose of home education is to allow households to provide for the education of their own children, we want to supplement this by taking advantage of the professional specializations that each adult care-giver has to offer.
The purpose will be to provide collaborative support for adult participants who are seeking to explore various homeschooling options, curriculum, etc. Of course, social interaction for the children will be a positive benefit as well.
1) Adults from each participating household provide a minimum of 1 workshop or field trip relevant to their expertise per semester. Current areas of expertise and sample workshop themes include:
· Journalism (scholars could develop neighborhood newspaper)
· Biology (science labs, specimen collections)
· Political Science (field trips related to history and civics)
· Writing (sentence structure and penmanship)
· Cooking (cooking demonstrations and baking)
· Music (hand-chime choir, vocal chorus)
· French (language and culture)
· Physical education (bocce, croquet, track and field)
2) Participating EDUCATORS must be the parent/primary guardian and primary educator of one of the scholars and meet one of the following qualifications:
a) a bachelor`s degree plus three years` work experience in a professional field
b) an advanced post-baccalaureate degree
3) Participating SCHOLARS must meet the following qualifications:
a) 3 years old and up (younger siblings with adult supervision may accompany scholars)
b) only receiving education at home (i.e. - not enrolled in another school or daycare)
c) accompanied by at least 1 parent/primary guardian on field trips or at workshops
d) resident of D.C. – primary consideration given to residents of Bloomingdale (additional slots may be filled by young scholars from surrounding neighborhoods)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
? what to do with old fans & heaters ?
Fix-It? Give Away? I must have half a dozen electric fans and space heaters that have died in the last couple years. I hate to think of them just filling a landfill when maybe only a little something is wrong, but I really don`t need them either.
Does anyone know of a charity that might take them and presumably fix them and use them itself or sell them? I think Goodwill and Salvation Army only take working items, but I could be wrong. Or is there a fix-it-type person/handyman in the neighborhood who might take them to ``play`` with?
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
World Missions for Christ Extension Center Walk-A-Thon this Saturday, 4/30/2011
See John Salatti's solicitation here for support, followed by the Walk-A-Thon message from Dr. JoAnn Perkins:
Hey everyone,
The World Missions Walk-a-thon to benefit neighborhood kids and build community is this Saturday. I'll be participating and I hope you will be too. But if you are not, I'd love to have you be one of my sponsors. I've pledged $100 and will add $10 for every person who makes a pledge to support me in walking the neighborhood. Just drop me an e-mail with your name, address (e-mail and street), and your pledge and I'll take it from there.
Thanks for supporting a good neighborhood cause.
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986 - 2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"
From: Joann Perkins
Date: Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 1:33 AM
Hello all, we need your help in raising funds for our walk-a-thon, please come and walk with me, the kids and friends.
Walk For The Extension Center
World Missions Extension Center’s
1st Community Walk-a-thon
For more Information
Call the Extension Center,
202 - 387 - 3082
Or Email
Also, visit us on the Internet at
What is it?
A walk-a-thon to raise funds for the resource rallies that we sponsor each year on behalf of children, youth and families living in inner-city neighborhoods.
How will the money be used?
All the money raised by individuals participating in the walk will be used:
- In June, Scholarships to 10 senior high School Students needing finances to go to college
- In August, Back Packs and School Supplies for KIDS returning back to school
- In November, Thanksgiving Baskets to families in Need
- In December, toys for Needy KIDS
- Summer Camp
- Mentors/Tutors for our Job Readiness Program
Help Raise Awareness and Funds for the Extension Center’s Programs and Rallies which are designed to provide Jobs & Resources for over 426 families and their kids
April 30, 2011
Registration begins at 8:00 am
The Walk starts at 9:00 am and ends at 1:00 pm
World Missions Extension Center (the Extension Center)
1720 First St NW
Washington DC 20011
For more information call: 202 - 387 - 3081
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
? potential bikeshare station at 1st & R I Ave NW ? Cast your vote!
DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) has a map of proposed Bikeshare stations accessible via their website ( Under the section marked Expansion). DCers can advocate for one of the proposed stations by emailing comments to
A public meeting on future Bikeshare expansion is scheduled for Wednesday, May 25th from 6pm - 8 pm in room 1107 at 441 4th Street NW.
Drum Set Needs a Home
I recently moved to the District and have yet to find a home for my drumset (my landlord has banned it from my new place). I am looking for a new home for it, preferably with an organization such as a school, church, or community center. I am happy to let you use it as you please, as long as I can come by a couple times per week and practice. I could also possibly play part-time with your band/friends (although a regular time commitment isn't possible for me at the moment).
I live in Bloomingdale, and am hoping to find something in the neighborhood or within biking distance.
Responsibility is a key factor - it's an expensive set and it don't want to see it get damaged or disappear! Preference will be given to community or religious organizations.
It was also posted on Craigslist here
Monday, April 25, 2011
O Street Studios (52 O St NW) - May 7 & 8
Want to see the nice formatted version of this message? Go here: /
52 O STREET NW 11 am - 5 pm
and, the week before......enjoy a sneak preview with a tasting of rare Spanish wines.....
More information:
Also, the Tuesday Night Group has just published our 'memoir'- 'Have Faith in Magic; 25 Years of an Arts Collective in DC', and our official book launch, discussion and celebration will take place Saturday May 7th, 2-3 pm, in Micheline's Studio, as part of Open Studios.
Hope to see you at all events!
Micheline Klagsbrun Studio
52 O Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
Bloomingdale safety walk this Friday, 04/29/2011
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C,
Single Member Districts 5C03, 5C04, & 5C07
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners James Fournier, Hugh Youngblood, & John Salatti
Invite you to take part in a Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Be part of the solution for a safer neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are encouraged to come, regardless of where you live. We will be a strong presence in the community that says residents will not tolerate crime in our community while being friendly and welcoming to all neighbors.
When: Friday, April 29, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW
(Meet in front of Windows. Dress comfortably.)
And to keep the neighborliness going, we’ll be going to Rustik afterwards for some social time.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 04/24/2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The National Building Museum and Bloomingdale
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
seeking a landscaper for a Bloomingdale front yard
I`m desperately seeking a landscaper who is able to give my little area in the front of the property some much needed attention.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Big Bear Cafe is looking to hire a PM Kitchen Manager
we very much look forward to hearing from you.
Responsibilities include managing our current evening menu, including purchasing, pricing, prepping and staff management. We are looking for someone with previous culinary/kitchen experience. We are currently trying to take our kitchen in a creative and fresh direction that focuses on the values of simplicity and seasonality. Interest/experience in agriculture or gardening are preferred.
Email resume and references to Stu Davenport: studavenport@bigbearcafe-dc.
Monday, April 18, 2011

My neighbor is fostering some kittens that need homes. Here is the info:
We have been having lots of fun fostering 5 female kittens for the last 2 weeks- thru DC Metro Ferals . Its all total cutiness at our house.
The girls are almost 8 weeks old and are available for adoption.
Everyone is eating wet food and 3 are also eating dry food.
If you know anyone interested in adopting kittens please feel free to have them contact Annette 202-797-1149.
Thanks for helping find loving homes for these cute little ladies :)
most excellent review of Big Bear Cafe from CityStream/WashingtonDC
Check out this review of Big Bear Café from CityStream/WashingtonDC:
Morning Joe: Big Bear Cafe Serves Up More Than Coffee in Bloomingdale
Note the plug for Eckington resident and five-star chef Ted McGinn!
And note the wines and beers that are available with the new dinner menu.
Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting tonight
See this agenda supplied by Bloomingdale Civic Association President Teri Janine Quinn:
Bloomingdale Civic Association Meeting Agenda
Monday April 18, 2011 at 7p.m.
St. George`s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street, NW
I. BCA Committee Reports (Beautification, Membership Committee)
II. Update on Sunday Parking Issues
III. Presentation on North Capital Main Street Cookbook Project
IV. Presentation on Howard’s Campus Master Plan – Maybelle Taylor Bennett, Director HU Community Association
V. Updates from Bloomingdale Representatives
a. Executive Office of the Mayor
b. Office of Councilman Harry Thomas, Jr.
c. ANC Bloomingdale Commissioners
VI. Community Announcements
a. April 22, 2011 – St. Martin`s Catholic Church`s Annual Good Friday Fish Fry (10am -3pm @ North Capitol Street and T, NW)
b. April 26, 2011 – Budget Meeting coordinated by the Mayor`s Office (Luke C. Moore Academy, 10 Monroe Street NW)
c. May 21, 2011 – Bloomingdale Yard Sale & Family Fun Event in Crispus Attucks Park
d. May 21, 2011 – Mt. Bethel Baptist Church’s Annual Health and Fitness Fair (in the parking lot behind Windows Café)
The next Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting will be Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
seeking referrals on refinishing wood floors, screened security doors
I am looking for a recommendation:
for someone to refinish our wood floors, and
for a company that does security doors that are screened.
Then and Now. Beau Thai
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 04/17/2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thanks to the Bloomingdale Civic Association Beautification Committee Chair Dennis Anderson and the Committee Members – and Others
Neighbors, This past weekend the Bloomingdale Civic Association hosted its annual Clean Up Day. The BCA Beautification Committee Chair, Dennis Anderson, and the rest of the committee did an incredible job organizing this year`s event. On behalf of the BCA, I would like to extend a huge thank you to the neighbors who participated. I would also like to express our appreciation to the following businesses and organizations for their support: Big Bear Cafe, City Cleaners, DPW, North Capitol Main Street; The Clean Team, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Rustik Tavern and Dennis Anderson`s construction company (unfortunately, I do not have the proper name of Dennis` business).
Thank you all for pitching in to make this event a success.Please join us this Monday for the Bloomingdale Civic Association`s monthly meeting.
Teri Janine Quinn President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Doug Murphy of DSM Fitness is looking to hire a personal trainer
I hired 3 personal trainers last year but I now need to hire a 4th, specifically female with a good deal of experience. All of the trainers who work with me train in people`s homes. I know there are a lot of trainers in our area, and I was wondering if it would be possible to mention this on the Bloomingdale Blog. This is a position for someone who has their own business as an independent trainer (self-employed), and is looking to supplement and expand their business.Thanks,
Doug Murphy DSM Fitness LLC
202 – 297 - 3092
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
meet three candidates for DC Council At-Large - Thursday, 4/14/2011
Meet the Candidates for Councilmember-at-Large: Thursday, April 14, 2011To provide you with information about the people running for Councilmember-at-Large in the April 26th special election, ANC Commissionerrs John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and James Fournier invite you to meet several candidates.
St. George`s Episcopal Church (Corner of U and 2nd Streets, NW) WHO:Vincent Orange at 6:00
Tom Brown at 7:30
Bryan Weaver at 8:00
These candidate ``meet and greet`` events are a service to the community and are not an endorsement of any candidate.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Robert Brannum: "I'm free"
Here are some pics by Bossi:, friends, and neighbors, I was one of the “41 for 51” that was arrested with Mayor Gray, Chairman Brown, CMs Alexander, Bowser, Biddle, Brown, and Wells, during the protest outside the Senate Hart Office Building. It was a long night. I did not get home until 5AM. I am proud we stood up for DC and I would probably do it again.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Green Paws DC
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 04/10/2011
established pet store looking to open in Bloomingdale
Pet store is considering moving to Bloomingdale but wants to gauge interest from community residents. What services are Bloomingdale residents looking for? We need to demonstrate that we would support such an idea. Will residents shop? PET SUPPLIES Grooming Training Dog Walking Services Please Reply To:
stale news: Timor Bodega is now FieldtoCity
Catching up on some neighborhood news here on the blog.
See this 4/2/2011 message from Kim Wee, proprietor of the business formerly known as Timor Bodega:
Timor Bodega is now known as FieldtoCity.
And it is going to be more than a neighborhood store from now on! We have a website, that features an online shopping cart.
Starting Monday, 4-4-2011, we are able to take orders and deliver the same day to anyone in DC. We expect to have a wider customer base shortly, which will allow us to offer even more locally sourced products in turn.So please tell your friends across the city about us!
Friday, April 08, 2011
Bloomingdale Clean-Up tomorrow needs a grill ASAP !
We're planning to have a cookout following the Bloomingdale Clean Up day event but we cannot find a grill. Can you post something on the blog asking if anyone has a grill we can use tomorrow afternoon? If so, neighbors can post their contact information in the comments or respond directly to the Beautfication Committee Chair, Dennis Anderson andersod33 @
Saturday morning, 04/09/2011 update: Dennis Anderson reports that a grill has been located. So no need to respond at this point. Thanks everyone.
a pic of the Gage-Eckington Park !
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 04/03/2011
Friday, April 01, 2011
Post from Karla Lewis
At the March 14, 2011 Community Meeting, CM Thomas and Dr. Johnson expressed that they wanted to empower members of the community to take charge and address some of the concerns and issues within their own communities. Parking was noted as one of the prevalent issues and a Parking Focus Group was formed. This Parking Focus Group will address the parking issues that have been raised by the residents residing in the Unit and 100 blocks of R St NW, 1600-1800 blocks of First St NW and the Unit block of Randolph Place NW. Since I have activity been pursuing these issues with the Office of the Council and DDOT, I was nominated and agreed to be the Lead for the Parking Focus Group.
Mr. Bjorge of DPW was present and answered a number of questions that residents raised regarding resident only parking. He recommended that residents meet with Mr. Damon Harvey of DDOT. Mr. Harvey agreed to meet with us on April 7th and walk through a number of options for residents to consider. Please plan to attend this meeting and voice your opinion on the parking options that you feel will best serve the residents, churches, and businesses within our community. Please share this information with your neighbors. The meeting will take place as follows:
Washington, DC 20002