See this request from a neighbor:
I am looking for someone who can remove some large tree limbs overhanging the roof.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
DCist: "Best places to drink outside in DC" includes Big Bear Cafe
See this tweet:
The Best Places to Drink Outside in DC from @DCist @bigbearcafe makes the list! #bloomingdaledc …
The Best Places to Drink Outside in D.C.
BIG BEAR: There's the concrete patio deck, the rooftop bar, the beer garden, and then there's the patio at Big Bear. This coffee shop/restaurant and bar/neighborhood gathering place first opened in 2007. Since then, the patio—now enclosed in fruit trees, herbs, and grape vines—has expanded into a uniquely welcoming outdoor space. In early May, that space will continue to expand to accommodate 70 diners. —Josh Kramer
Big Bear is located at 1700 First Street NW.
WUSA9 covers Bloomingdale in its Severe Weather Special
See this tweet:
Thanks @leslifoster & crew for coming to #BloomingdaleDC for the @wusa9 Severe Weather Special!
1611 1st St NW, just south of Florida Ave NW -- zoned C-2-A -- to be converted to a three-unit buiding & get a 4th-floor pop-up
Thanks to Washington Business Journal reporter Michael Neibauer for his daily DCRA permit review.
See the pic below -- 1611 1st St NW is the red rowhouse, 2nd over the walkway on the right.
- 1611 First St. NW: This single-family home will be converted to three units, with the addition of a fourth floor, penthouse and roof-top deck, interior renovations, a fence and parking pad in the rear yard. The Bloomingdale-area home, the middle of three similar-looking row homes, was acquired by an LLC in June 2014 for $600,000.

Note that this property is zoned C-2-A.
One might expect something similar to 1833 1st Street NW in Bloomingdale.
BCA: free mulch for Bloomingdale residents this Saturday, 05-02-2015
See this 04-30-2015 message from Bloomingdale resident Zach Sherif:
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 11:38:06 -0400
Subject: BCA | Free Mulch For Bloomingdale Residents This Saturday May 2nd
BCA - Chair For Beautification
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 11:38:06 -0400
Subject: BCA | Free Mulch For Bloomingdale Residents This Saturday May 2nd
The Bloomingdale Civic Association has ordered mulch for neighborhood residents to use in their tree boxes - free of charge - this coming Saturday May 2nd (courtesy of the DPW - Helping Hand program).
The mulch will be available starting 10am at the pocket park at Rhode Island and First Street in front of City Cleaners. So bring a large bag or two - or wheel barrel - and spruce up your tree boxes! Please kindly use this mulch exclusively for tree boxes or public park areas only!
Thanks! The mulch will be available starting 10am at the pocket park at Rhode Island and First Street in front of City Cleaners. So bring a large bag or two - or wheel barrel - and spruce up your tree boxes! Please kindly use this mulch exclusively for tree boxes or public park areas only!
BCA - Chair For Beautification
P#pVille: "The Pub & The People opens in Bloomingdale Friday at 5pm – Have a Look Inside"
Click on the link to read the entire P#pVille post:
The Pub & The People opens in Bloomingdale Friday at 5pm – Have a Look Inside
04/30/15 10:55am
Mark it – another spectacular transformation complete. Meet The Pub and The People. We knew they they were close – Friday 5pm it is. Vacant for at least 10 years, the space is now a jaw dropper:
raze permit for 64 W St NW one-story garage
See the forwarded message below from the DC Historic Preservation Office.
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 09:42:14 -0400
Subject: [HistoricWashington] Notice of Filed Raze Applications - 30 April 2015
Note the raze permits for 64 W St NW garage in Bloomingdale.
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 09:42:14 -0400
Subject: [HistoricWashington] Notice of Filed Raze Applications - 30 April 2015
Raze permit applications recently submitted to the Historic Preservation Office for clearance are filed on the HPO website at: (see April 30 2015 entry under "Attachments"). HPO provides this announcement to supplement the required public notice of these applications.
Addresses included in this report:
1542 1st Street SW (ANC 6D) – two story frame dwelling
1744 D Street NE (ANC 6A) – three story brick and block residential building
64 W Street NW (ANC 5E) - one story brick garage
125 Michigan Avenue NE (ANC 5E ) – originally 101 Michigan Avenue NE - three story brick science classroom building
2129, 2131, 2133 Eye Street NW (ANC 2A) – three two-story brick commercial buildings (as per George Washington University Campus Plan)
HPO is one of a group of agencies and private utilities that clear raze applications before permits are issued. The HPO clearance of a raze application indicates either that the property is not subject to the historic preservation law, or that the demolition has been approved through the process provided in the preservation law.
HPO endeavors to maintain fair, efficient, and prompt processing of these applications. We routinely clear raze applications that do not involve historic preservation issues.
We may hold a raze application until the end of the required public notice. Under the Building Code (12A DCMR § 105.7.1), the applicant is required to post and maintain notice of the raze application on the building for 30 days. Photographic documentation of the notice may be requested.
We may also hold a raze application until the end of the required notice to the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission. Under the ANC Act of 1975, as amended (D.C. Official Code § 1-309.10(c), DCRA is required to give the ANC a notice period of 30 working days.
For inquiries, please contact us by email at . Information regarding raze permits is also accessible on the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs website at , or by calling (202) 442-4400 for information on a specific raze application.
Bruce Yarnall
Operations and Grants Manager
DC Historic Preservation Office/Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
T – (202) 442-8835
F - (202) 442-7638
opening reception for ReCreative Spaces in Woodridge -- Friday, 05-01-2015
My name is Emily Arden Eakland. I am the Co-Founder of ReCreative Spaces. Sara Fatell gave me your contact information, and said you might be willing to post some of our events.
We have a new gallery show opening this Friday, in conjunction with the (Up)Rising Festival we are producing on May 24 (which Grassroots Gourmet will be participating in)! I have attached the press release (and also copied it below).
Thank you for your time and consideration!
All the best,
GGW: "Will DC soon limit the renovations I can make to my row house?"
Click on the link to read the entire Greater Greater Washington blog post:
Ask GGW: Will DC soon limit the renovations I can make to my row house?
by David Alpert • April 29, 2015
Reader Jim writes, "I live in Columbia Heights. We own a rather tattered 'charming' row house, and are gearing up to do a big project to redo it. And I am totally confused about what's coming down the pike" about DC's so-called "pop-up" limits.
DC's Zoning Commission recently voted to impose new limits on how tall a homeowner can make a row house in an R-4 zone, the moderate density row house district that includes most of Columbia Heights. It also tightened restrictions on how many units such a house can contain.
But what exactly was the final rule? When will it take effect? Jim writes, "I'm wondering if there's any way for me to look at the actual language of the proposed regulations. If I added a third unit in my home, would I have to rent it at a reduced rate? Is there somewhere you might guide me for some clarity? Is it your sense that this is a done deal?"
Here's the scoop, Jim.
RiverSmart program & soil percolation test
See this message from a Bloomingdale resident:
I'm having the riversmart people come audit my house today. When looking through the online materials, I saw that they now require a percolation test to determine how well your soil drains. If it isn't at 0.3 inches per hour, the rebate doesn't apply.
That makes sense. But since Bloomingdale is, as far as I understand it, basically clay, everyone will fail. Clay has an abortion rate of less than 0.2 inches per hour. What's the point of the Bloomingdale incentive if no one qualifies?
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
porching in the alley behind Showtime
See this Instagram and message:
· The Alley Behind Showtime
In #bloomingdaledc we porch. It's a verb. Look it up.
9:51 PM - 29 Apr 2015
10am - 11:15am tomorrow, Thursday, 04-30-2015: McMillan before the HPRB
Here is the latest on tomorrow's HPRB hearing which includes McMillan:
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 15:55:15 -0400
Subject: [HistoricWashington] HPRB Live Video Webcast - 30 April 2015
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 15:55:15 -0400
Subject: [HistoricWashington] HPRB Live Video Webcast - 30 April 2015
Greetings: Tomorrow's HPRB hearing will be webcast live at 9:00 am. Citizens may view the hearing at this URL: Please select "View Live Video".
The agenda and staff reports are accessible on our website at . The Agenda/Consent Calendar is also copied below.
I. 1481 Florida Avenue, NW, HPA 15-244, revised concept/side addition
7. 9:00 – 10:00 Stevens School, 1050 21st Street NW, HPA 15-219, concept/renovation, new construction
8. 10:00 – 11:15 McMillan Sand Filtration Site, 2501 1st Street NW, HPA 15-090, revised concept/ mixed use, multiple-dwelling building with ground-level retail on north service corridor
9. 11:15 – 12:00 2532 I Street NW, HPA 15-293, concept/three-story rear addition and roof deck
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH BREAK
10. 1:00 – 2:00 Spring Valley Shopping Center, 4866 Massachusetts Avenue NW, HPA 15-283, concept/one-story front addition and renovation of front exterior space
11. 2:00 – 3:15 Spring Valley Shopping Center, 4820 Massachusetts Avenue NW, HPA 15-252, concept/new construction of two-story retail and office building
3:15 – 3:30 BREAK
12. 3:30 – 4:15 1504 Swann Street NW, HPA 15-128, rear addition and roof deck
13. 4:15 – 5:00 810 O Street, NW, HPA 15-248, concept/new construction of 9 story apartment building
Bruce Yarnall
Operations and Grants Manager
DC Historic Preservation Office/Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
T – (202) 442-8835
F - (202) 442-7638
McMillan revised concept/mixed use -- on the HPRB agenda for Thursday, 04-30-2015
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 15:55:24 -0400
Subject: [HistoricWashington] HPRB Agenda and Consent Calendar April 23 and 30 2015
The Agenda along with staff reports for this two-day hearing are currently posted on the HPO website at:
Please Note: Staff reports for two April 30 hearings will be posted to the website no later than Monday, April 20. They are:
Historic Landmark - Spring Valley Shopping Center, 4820 Massachusetts Avenue NW, HPA 15-252, concept/new construction of two-story retail and office building
U Street Historic District - 1481 Florida Avenue NW, HPA 15-244, revised concept/side addition
April 23 and 30, 2015
The Historic Preservation Review Board will meet to consider the following item on April 23 and 30, 2015. The meetings will begin at 9:00 am at 441 4th Street NW in Room 220 South. Applicants and those interested in testifying should arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to the assigned time for the case.
A. Plan of the City of Washington (L’Enfant Plan; L’Enfant-McMillan Plan) Proposed closing of 1st Street SW from R to T streets; R Street SW from Half to First Street; and S Street west of Half to Second Street; and portions of Potomac Avenue, S.O. 13-14605
B. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1780 Columbia Road NW, HPA 15-290 (formerly 1770 Euclid), subdivision
C. 527 6th Street SE, HPA 15-282, concept/rear addition and deck
D. 631 South Carolina Ave SE, HPA 15-305, concept/rear addition
E. 432 New Jersey Ave SE, HPA 13-263, concept renewal/addition
F. 3610 Macomb Street NW, HPA 15-302, addition and front porch alterations
G. 1758 Church Street NW, HPA 15-247, third-story addition
H. 1223 4th Street NW, HPA 15-296, permit/replace two front windows with triple-ganged windows
1. 9:00 – 9:45 Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1700 New York Avenue/500 17th Street/1701 E Street NW, Case 13-01, amendment to designate portions of the interior [Board deliberation and decision only; no additional testimony will be taken]
2. 9:45 – 11:30 West Heating Plant, 1051-1055 29th Street NW, Case 14-04
3. 11:30 – 12:00 7 Grant Circle NW, Case 15-08
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH BREAK
4. 1:00 – 2:00 Emory United Methodist Church, 6100 (and 6104 and 6120) Georgia Avenue NW, Case 15-06
5. 2:00 – 3:30 Emory United Methodist Church, 6100 Georgia Avenue NW, HPA 15-307, raze and HPA 15-319, concept/partial demolition and new construction [pending landmark]
3:30 – 3:45 BREAK
6. 3:45 – 5:00 Capitol Hill Historic District amendment/expansion, Case 15-01
I. 1481 Florida Avenue, NW, HPA 15-244, revised concept/side addition
7. 9:00 – 10:00 Stevens School, 1050 21st Street NW, HPA 15-219, concept/renovation, new construction
8. 10:00 – 11:15 McMillan Sand Filtration Site, 2501 1st Street NW, HPA 15-090, revised concept/mixed use, multiple-dwelling building with ground-level retail on north service corridor
9. 11:15 – 12:00 2532 I Street NW, HPA 15-293, concept/three-story rear addition and roof deck
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH BREAK
10. 1:00 – 2:00 Spring Valley Shopping Center, 4866 Massachusetts Avenue NW, HPA 15-283,concept/one-story front addition and renovation of front exterior space
11. 2:00 – 3:15 Spring Valley Shopping Center, 4820 Massachusetts Avenue NW, HPA 15-252, concept/new construction of two-story retail and office building
3:15 – 3:30 BREAK
12. 3:30 – 4:15 1504 Swann Street NW, HPA 15-128, rear addition and roof deck
13. 4:15 – 5:00 810 O Street, NW, HPA 15-248, concept/new construction of 9 story apartment building
Bruce Yarnall
Operations and Grants Manager
DC Historic Preservation Office/Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
T – (202) 442-8835
Bloomingdale rowhouse roofline at dawn
See this tweet and pic:
Morning sun on my fave tree- that I know did not have leaves yesterday. :)
6:54 AM - 29 Apr 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
neighbor seeking an update on Lot 1644
See this message from a resident:
Given that the space has been marked as vacant by the city, I think that the community deserves an update.
Online permit status shows that no responses have been turned into the city since December comments were issued.
Given that the space has been marked as vacant by the city, I think that the community deserves an update.
Online permit status shows that no responses have been turned into the city since December comments were issued.
permit review: 2416 North Capitol St NW to become a pop-up; 33 W St NW & 125 Florida Ave NW to be converted into 2-family flats
Washington Business Journal reporter Michael Neibauer identified three Bloomingdale addresses on his daily DCRA permits review:
Michael Neibauer
Permits, the 14th Street edition: Abdo goes vertical and Shinola sets up shop
Apr 28, 2015, 11:15am EDT
Staff Reporter- Washington Business Journal
Welcome to permits on this spectacular weather Tuesday.
- 715 Florida Ave. NW: Tenant layout in this renovated New Legacy Partners bank building for a 4,270-square-foot full-service bar and restaurant seating 112. No name is listed in the permit. All we know is there will be 17 first floor and 23 terrace bar seats, and 26 first floor and 46 terrace dining seats.
- 2416 North Capitol St. NW: Renovation of a single-family home into two units. Work will include a new third floor and rear, three-story addition, plus all new interior partitions, underpinned basement walls and new electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems.
- 33 W St. NW: Conversion of a three-story rowhouse into a flat, with one unit taking two floors and the other one floor.
- 125 Florida Ave. NW: Single-family conversion to flat.
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