Wednesday, August 31, 2011
raccoon encountered on deck ... what to do?
I live in the 100 block of W ST NW, the unexpected visitor Tuesday night was a Fat * !..raccoon. The unfamiliar bark emanating from Valentino let me know something was amiss, as I stepped out the door, there he was perched on the railing atop the steps. His big raccoon eyes staring back at me, he didn`t budge, I scooped up Valentino and went back into the house as he began to position himself on the post directly under the 2nd floor. Thinking a poke from the broom would shoo him away, I hightailed it back into the house after he growled, calling my husband for advice. By this time he climbed to the upstairs deck but then I lost him.
What to do? We don`t have any exterior holes that lead into the house and I think we would have heard him walking around but we are concerned about pockets of spaces under the deck. Checked but didn`t see any signs of setting up house, or heaven forbid, a family. He must be roaming the neighborhood, same as the albino possum that I see from time to time, so neighbors be aware.
Next steps, call animal control? Exterminator? Set a trap? Please don`t say the latter...trying to make light of seeing a raccoon on my deck in the city, I`ve seen them in the country, even the burbs, but DC. An earthquake, a hurricane, now a raccoon....can locusts be far-behind?
Natalie Hopkinson: "Stop picking on the Black Middle Class"

Stop Picking on the Black Middle Class
By: Natalie Hopkinson
Posted: August 30, 2011 at 12:56 AM
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Full Yum, 1501 North Capitol St NE, seeking Class A liquor license - what do YOU think? .
Full Yum Liquor Store?
Posted on August 29, 2011 by Mike
In case anyone missed the bright red posting in front, it looks like Full Yum wants to become the 3rd liquor store between Florida and New York on North Capitol.
From the ABRA website:
Posting Date: August 26, 2011
Petition Date: October 11, 2011
Hearing Date: October 24, 2011
License No.: ABRA-087622
Licensee: Full Yum Carryout Corporation
Trade Name: Full Yum Carryout
License Class: Retail Class ``A`` Liquor Store
Address: 1501 N. Capitol Street NE
Contact: Emanuel N. Mpras, Esquire 703-642-9042
Notice is hereby given that this applicant has applied for a license under the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and that the objectors are entitled to be heard before the granting of such on the hearing date at 10:00 am, 2000 14th Street, N.W., 400 South, Washington, DC 20009. All petitions and/or requests to appear before the Board must be filed on or before the petition date.
A full service Liquor Store
Sunday – Saturday 6 am – 5 am
Sunday – Closed Monday through Saturday 9 am – 10 pm
next Bloomingdale safety walk -- Wednesday, 09/07/2011
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and James Fournier
Invite you to take part in a
Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safer neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. This is about making a strong presence in the community, showing that Bloomingdale will not tolerate crime in our neighborhood.
When: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW
(Meet in front of Windows Café. Dress comfortably!)
Monday, August 29, 2011
update to ``Dog Attack of Sunday, 8/28/2011``
The point in mentioning the breed of the dogs was simply to give a heads-up to other residents, especially those with pets of their own. The primary attacking dog was black with some random white spots. The second pitbull was an almost equal mix of brown and white. He was party to the attack and is responsible for some wounds.
I want to reiterate something for all to understand. This was not simply a matter of the primary black pitbull biting one of the dogs I was walking repeatedly. This black pitbull clamped on with the full force of his canine teeth and WOULD NOT let go. He wanted to break the neck of and kill the dog I was walking. My only recourse, as I had 2 dog
leashes in my left hand, was to smash the black pitbull in the head with my right arm repeatedly to try to save the life of the smaller dog in my care.
Afterwards, I called the police and filed a report. Further charges are being pursued against the owner of these animals and a case is pending. I also spoke with someone at DC Animal Control today. I was told that the Department of Health makes decisions on whether animals can remain in a particular home. I plan to reach out to this department tomorrow (Tue, 8/30/2011) to find out what can be done to ensure both of these pitbulls are removed permanently from 126 Bryant Street, NW. I am an animal lover myself, having grown up with dogs. But after what happened on Sunday, I am leaning toward having these animals put down rather than risk the chance of them savagely attacking any other pets or persons.
I took off work today to see a doctor about my own injuries and to be with the healing dog. He has 11 or 12 staples as a result of the savage nature of the attack. It breaks my heart to think that if the timing had been different, perhaps none of this would have happened. He has always been a dynamic and energetic dog. Right now, he is afraid to walk beyond my friend`s house and won`t even step on the grass. Fortunately, my friend has a little bit of a backyard in which he can wander. But it took several tries before he was comfortable stepping on the grass out there.
One of my fingers was punctured from both sides. My doctor said it is infected and may get worse. I noticed another bite on my left knee after cleaning off the remaining blood. I am now on a 10-day antibiotic treatment. My right arm, directly above the wrist, suffered a broken blood vessel under the skin as a result of my efforts to stop
the attack by the black pitbull. I am a member of a competitive sports club that practices daily at 5:30 a.m. I will not be able to take part for a minimum of one to two weeks due to the swelling and bruising on my arm.
My doctor said that the chance of rabies is remote, but that I could undergo treatment if I so choose. Unfortunately, my insurance will not cover the expense, which would be upwards of $1,000.00. For now I am holding off until the outcome of the 10-day quarantine initiated for all the animals involved. I foresee a future small claims court case against the owners/residents at 126 Bryant Street, NW. And with costs mounting fast, I am hoping that my doctor is right about the chances of me getting rabies.
I appreciate all the positive feedback and suggestions on the part of so many of my neighbors here in Bloomingdale. I will keep our community up-to-date with my efforts. I liked the idea of one blogger, Sarah, who asked ``Do we need to mobilize some voices to get them to act?``; them being DC Animal Control and/or the DC Department of Health. I am hoping that my efforts and those of the owner of the dogs I was caring for will be enough for now. I do appreciate the offer and, if the situation should change, may request assistance from Sarah and others in the greater Bloomingdale area.
Thank you to everyone!!!
Bryant St NW pitbull attack; pitbulls not registered as required by DC law
I was walking a friend`s dogs down Bryant Street, NW around noon when two (2) pitbulls coming out of # 126 attacked one of my friend`s two (2) dogs. I tried to beat the attacking pitbull off of my friend`s dog to no avail. Finally someone from that home brought a broomstick out and pressed it up against the pitbull`s neck. My friend`s dog was seriously injured and bleeding everywhere. I contacted the police and animal control.
The scary thing is that when Animal Control came they found that neither pitbull was licensed or registered as required by DC law. I was also bitten on a finger and my leg. To my shock and dismay, they did not immediately remove both animals from the premises. I spent the rest of the day at the Friendship Animal Hospital getting care for the injured dog. He had multiple puncture wounds and is lucky to be alive. I never got a chance to have my bites examined and will have to do so tomorrow. I now also will have to undertake a rabies treatment as the pitbull`s owner did not know when (or if) the animals had last been vaccinated for rabies.
Please let people in the neighborhood know that there are dangerous animals residing at 126 Bryant Street, NW. I heard from a couple people that these pitbulls have been seen on the loose in the neighborhood before. I don`t want what happened to my friend`s dog and myself today to happen to anyone else. I am going to do what I can to have DC Animal Control remove both pets from this residence as they are a safety risk to myself and others.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Bloomingdale basement flooding: toilet overflowing
We did have minor flooding in our basement during the storm. It was due to a toilet overflowing, and we're assuming that was because storm water overflowed into the waste-water lines.
Did anyone else have similar issues?
Bloomingdale Farmers` Market CLOSED today, Sunday, 08-28-2011
From: Robin Shuster
Sent: Sat, August 27, 2011 7:26:02 PM
Subject: BFM is CLOSED this Sunday
BFM will be CLOSED this Sunday. The District told us (and other permit holders) to close because of Irene.
We will be back next week! Enjoy Sunday.
-- Robin Shuster
Markets & More
14& U Farmers Market
Bloomingdale Farmers Market
202 234 0559
202 536 5571
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 08/28/2011
Shaw's Tavern closing tonight: "‘We could not survive without a liquor license."
Shaw`s Tavern, R.I.P. `We Could Not Survive Without A Liquor License.`
Posted by Chris Shott on Aug. 27, 2011 at 8:00 am
From the restaurant's the restaurant`s Facebook`s page late Friday night:
Shaw`s Tavern is closing its doors from Saturday 27th of August.
We could not survive without a liquor license. We will re-open when we are allowed to serve alcohol.
To all of our 936 plus loyal fans and 30 dedicated employees, we thank you for your amazing support and understanding.
looking for sandbags? try RFK Stadium
Sent: Fri, August 26, 2011 6:50:02 PM
Subject: Sandbag Distribution Moved To RFK Stadium, Lot 7
Sandbag Distribution Moved To RFK Stadium, Lot 7
The DC Department of Public Works said today that the demand for sandbags by District residents exceeded its on-hand supply of about 7,000 bags. As a result, DPW discontinued distributing bags at 5 pm (Friday). DPW will receive a shipment of about 2,700 bags by Saturday morning that will be available for pick up by District residents starting at noon, Saturday, August 27, on a first-come, first-served basis. Residents, with DC identification, may pick up sandbags (up to five per household) at RFK Stadium, Lot 7. Distribution will continue until the supply is exhausted. The sandbags weigh between 40 lbs. and 50 lbs. and residents will need to load them into their vehicles.
Kevin B. Twine
Staff Assistant
Department of Public Works
Office of the Director
2000 14th St., NW
6th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 671-2593
(202) 673-6833
Thursday, August 25, 2011
DPW To distribute sandbags
In preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Irene, the Department of Public Works announced that District residents may pick up sandbags (up to five per household) at its New Jersey Avenue and K Street, SE site (entrance on New Jersey at I Street, SE). Sandbag distribution will begin on Friday, August 26, at 12 Noon and run until Midnight, and will continue on Saturday, August 27, from 8 am – Midnight.
Each sandbag weighs between 40 lbs. and 50 lbs. and residents will need to load them into their vehicles, although some assistance may be available. DPW will have employees and signage directing residents to the site entrance.
Kevin B. Twine
Staff Assistant
Department of Public Works
Office of the Director
2000 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Ph: 202-671-2593
Fx: 202-671-0642
John Salatti: sandbags and the cleaning of catch basins
Hi, Everyone,
To be prepared for possible strong storms this weekend, Emily Roderer and I have been working together to ensure that Bloomingdale in general and the Thomas-T Street NW low areas specifically are ready. She contacted DPW yesterday about whether sandbags will be made available in advance and I contacted DC Water about having the catch basins in Bloomingdale inspected and cleaned this week.
Emily was told that no decision had been made as of yesterday about sandbags, but she is staying tuned about that. DC Water has been very responsive and sent a truck into Bloomingdale yesterday to start looking at catch basins, and I will be meeting with the crew supervisor today to find out how things are going and which basins may have needed extra cleaning.
If you know of a drain that seem particularly prone to not draining well, please let me know, and I`ll double check with DC Water.
So we are moving ahead to do whatever we can before Hurricane Irene arrives this weekend. Please take care, stay safe, check in with neighbors, especially those who are seniors who may have trouble getting around and those who are not connected to the Internet. Let me know if you are aware of any specific problems or needs any one has.
Have a great day,
reident seeking guidance on noise-blocking windows
Hello! I`m wondering if anyone in the neighborhood has installed windows that block out noise? I`m having a hard time sleeping thanks to unreasonably loud HVAC units located outside my bedroom window. The property manager refuses to do anything about it.
As I plead with him to be a kind neighbor and move his HVAC units, I`m starting to research options for getting a noise-resistant window with double-pane glass or vinyl frames... or perhaps placing a second window behind or inside my existing window.
The information I`ve found so far is pretty confusing. Does anyone have recommendations for what to do or which company to work with? Thank you.
missing cat

My cat Astro is missing. He was last seen late Wednesday night. He's fat, fluffy, and blond. Please see the following photos:
Astro is a beloved friend and any help you can offer would be deeply appreciated. I'm willing to offer a reward. I can be contacted at 410 then 259 then 9115 or
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
anyone missing a "Glacier Point"?
If you can describe this object, perhaps it is yours ....?
And then perhaps this Glacier Point object can be returned to its owner ...?
Matt Rumsey suggests "Ward 5 needs more, smaller ANC`s"
Ward 5 needs more, smaller ANC`s
by Matt Rumsey • August 23, 2011 1:30 pm
He has supplied some maps of his suggested changes.
What do YOU think?
"My gutters need to be cleared and/or replaced."
My gutters need to be cleared and/or replaced.
Any recommendations from the neighborhood ?
Stephen Cummings - local photographer
Monday, August 22, 2011
peeing in the Bloomingdale Court alley & surrounding alley areas

Almost every day I see people going to the bathroom (#1) along Bloomingdale Court and surrounding alley areas. Today I confronted a man, about 6'5", 250 lbs, black, glasses, who had pulled his car over to take a wizz on my neighbor's back fence.
He seemed to think there was nothing wrong with his actions, and tried to grab my phone when I took this picture of his car's license plate. As he drove away I flagged down a police car and they went speeding after him (go MPD!), but it's likely that he got away.
If anyone sees this car in Bloomingdale, I suggest they call 911 and report him, and I hope others are taking actions against this disgusting behavior and defending our neighborhood.
roofer referral: Daniel Parks Roofing
Finally found a roofer who was very efficient, timely and it was not terribly expensive to have my roof replaced.
I searched long and hard for a roofer and finally settled on Daniel Parks Roofing and Gutters (a family business). I specifically appreciated that the contract did not include all the different layers of fees (haul away, boards replaced, more than 2 layers of old roofing....) that others had. Those fee always made me feel that I should expect the unexpected and that it may not be budgeted.
I was very happy with the work, it was done exactly as we discussed, no surprises. When I called I spoke with one of the Parks, not "let me get your info and someone will call you back". They were all very informative (I spoke with the father and 2 sons), responded to questions as asked and could provide all of the detail needed. I was most impressed with Tom's explanation of the roof and skylight that I had and what was missing and or had not been done properly in the past. Tom took before, during and after pictures, that showed me pride in their work, nothing to hide.
So if you are in need of a roofer, you might consider giving Daniel Parks Roofing and Gutters a call (202-489-1728), one of them will answer.
seeking referrals for someone who stretches and frames canvas
I have a piece of art, (72`` x 48`` canvas) that I want stretched and framed. Is there anyone is the neighborhood that offers this service?
Park at LeDroit mis-use
Park at Ledroit, miss-use
Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:37 pm (PDT)
So-we got this beautiful park we can all enjoy. There`s a designated area for toddlers, another one for older kids, there`s a dog park, etc.
I took my 12 month old today to the park to enjoy the swing. To my surprise, as we were packing to leave, a young woman comes in the toddlers area with her boxer dog, unleashed. The dogs runs over the rock climbing area up and down, and he sniffs the 2 rocking creatures (horses?). I brought to ladie`s attention that there`s a dog designated area/park area right behind. She answered that she`s aware of it, but it`s muddy after the rain, so she doesn`t want her animal to get dirty. Here, at the playground, she can let her run unleashed and get rid of some energy; since there`s padded flooring, the dog will stay clean. ``You wouldn`t want your animal to get dirty, wouldn`t you?`` she asked.
Excuse me? What I`m sure I don`t want, is my baby to play and crawl where dogs urinate. I am not going to be too picky and mention animal hair and allergies, though....
Don`t get me wrong-I love animals, and we always had a dog in the house (until we got pregnant) This is the ONLY outdoor space I thought it was dog urine free.
How do others feel about this?
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 08/21/2011
DC MUD profiles 2429 1st St NW, on the market for $724,999

DC MUD is profiling it today:
Your Next Place
Posted by Sheila on 8/20/2011 07:58:00 AM
neighbor seeking small jobs carpenter/contractor
Does anyone know a carpenter or contractor in the neighborhood who does small jobs?
I need two custom wooden doors (to replace those that were original in 1909) installed and painted for my basement access.
Also, I need a stationary half screen for one window. Contractors I have contacted will not take a job this small and Home Depot is a do-it-yourself resource and I am not handy.
Recommendations and suggestions appreciated.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bloomingdale Civic Assn hosting a House Tour on Sat, 10-15-2011: Care to showcase your home? Contact Cleopatra Jones or Felicia Davis
On Saturday, October 15, 2011, the Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) will host a House Tour from Noon until 4:00pm. This event celebrates the charm and diversity of the uniquely designed and decorated homes of Bloomingdale. The BCA Home Recruiting Committee extends an invitation to homeowners to showcase their home in the 2011 House Tour.
Please contact the Home Recruiting Committee, Cleopatra Jones (cjcommishcjones @, Felicia Davis (fndavis66 @ with questions and to sign up.
pre-fab construction on 1800 blk of 3rd St NW
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
is Bloomingdale "more than Big Bear"?
You will see that the Bloomingdale area is stereotyped with the label "more than just big bear."
What do YOU think ?
Update: Lydia DePillis over at the Housing Complex column at the Washington City Paper has posted a brief blurb on this new DC neighborhood map:
Pick Your Stereotype!
Posted by Lydia DePillis on Aug. 17, 2011 at 1:26 pm
LivingSocial`s D.C.-centric blog, SocialStudiesDC, has put together a map of District stereotypes:
Reprinted with permission from the LivingSocial people.
You might say it`s ignorant and myopic. Of course, that`s the point.
And hey, Big Bear Cafe, you`ve made yourself into even more of a stereotype than you realize!
For a more nuanced read on the District`s social geography, take a gander at our neighborhood guide ( ) from 2008. It`s a little outdated—most people don`t think of Rock Creek Park in terms of Gary Condit anymore, for example—but largely still holds true.
donate backpacks filled with school supplies: World Missions Extension Center Back-to-School Rally -- Saturday, 08/20/2011
The Extension Center
Christmas Toy Giveaway / Community Health / Scholarships / Back to School / Thanksgiving Baskets / Job Readiness / Summer Camp / Book Club
From the Desk of Dr. J:
Dear Friends and Partners:
Since our April Walk-a-Thon and awarding in June, 8 senior high school students Scholarships to go to college, we need your HELP again, as we work on the following 2 projects:
Project I: Obtain Back Packs & School Uniform Vouchers for Children returning back to school on August 22nd.
As we prepare for the August 20th Back to School Rally our goal is to obtain Backpacks filled with school supplies and uniforms for children returning back to school on August 22nd. The rally will start at 10:00am. and will be held at the Harry Thomas Community Service Center located at 1743 Lincoln Rd. NE, Washington, DC 20001. We ask that our FRIENDS consider making a tax deductible donation which will help purchase school supplies and uniforms for a child in need. Please click here for our Back to School Rally Flier.
Project II: Identify Mentors and volunteers to partner with us as we work with our Positive Alternatives Mentoring/ Job Readiness/Employment/Community Service Program.
[image not included here]
Above center is Dr Perkins standing next to Commissioner Mary Lois Farmer and some of the staff who worked this summer with the 100 youth in our Positive Alternatives Pants Off the Ground Job Readiness/Employment Program which includes: youth learning how to dress for success; working on Entreprenuership skills needed for starting a business, writing resumes, interviewing local business owners as a means of ascertaining what is involved in starting a business, visiting colleges as a part of the College Readiness Course and participating in the Literacy Book club using the Steven Covey 7 Habits of Effective Teen book for group engagement were among the many experiences had by participants in our summer program.
Project II: involves our staff, friends and volunteers working/partnering with schools and youth as a part of our Fall Positive Alternatives Mentoring/Community Service Program.
[image not included here]
Dr Perkins (in the middle) along with some of the staff above worked very diligently this summer helping youth learn various skills related Job Readiness and Employment. Youth worked at the Bladensburg Senior Citizen's Home, learned how to write resumes, and interviewed local business owners about their career aspirations.
Mission Statement:
As a community based organization, it is our mission to provide educational training services that positively impact lives of children, youth and adults living in inner-city neighborhoods.
To Accomplish our mission,
The EXTENSION Center annually sponsors 7 Special Event Outreach Rallies and through our Positive Alternative Skill Building Mentoring/Vocational Training Programs we tutor children and youth and provide Job Readiness Skill Development/ Scholarships/ Workshops for youth and adults.
On the Horizon....
On Saturday, August 20th we will sponsor our Back to School Rally which will be held at the Harry Thomas Community Service Center located at 1743 Lincoln Rd. NE. at 10:00am. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help a child needing back packs filled with school supplies and vouchers for uniforms be ready to return back to school ready to learn.
In September, our Year Round Positive Alternatives In School Mentoring Program begins
Our Fall Parent United Program starts which will include partnering with local schools churches and the community to host parent group activities that support parents in raising their children.
Florida Avenue Park groundbreaking
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
seeking referrals for window companies, contractors
The window and French door facing/leading to my deck need to be replaced. I elcome any window company and/or contractor recommendations from Bloomingdale residents.
TapIt. free water station at Windows.
From their website
Monday, August 15, 2011
JF Cook School news: YouthBuild seeks new partner now that LAYC got booted
You can read her BACA post here:
Caryn: ``If I`m reading this right, it looks like Youth Build is starting over in its plan to develop the Cook School WITHOUT LAYC and the housing component of the project.``
That`s correct. Youth Build is going forward with its plans to use the 1st floor of the JF Cook School for its public charter school. However, the plans to use the 2nd & 3rd floors of the school for Section 8 housing for the Latin American Youth Council (LAYC) ~ which many in the surrounding community opposed, while others supported ~- are now dead.
So no LAYC Section 8 housing at the JF Cook School.
Youth Build Public Charter School has issued a Request for Information for a development partner and tenant. YouthBuild's Request for Information, sent around by ANC 5C01 Commissioner Bradley Thomas, has been posted at the BACA blog:
You can click on the link above to read the RFI document if you like.
Washington City Paper Housing Complex columnist Lydia DePillis has a post already this morning on this news:
With Latin American Youth Center Booted from J.F. Cook School, Youthbuild Seeks New Partner
Posted by Lydia DePillis on Aug. 15, 2011 at 8:01 am
Let's see where this goes from here.
Tuesday night: Bloomingdale public safety walk, 7 pm
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and James Fournier Invite you to take part in a Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safer neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. This is about making a strong presence in the community, showing that Bloomingdale will not tolerate crime in our neighborhood.
When: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW (Meet in front of Windows Café. Dress comfortably!)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
DC Scoop: free ice cream event at Union Market on Saturday, 08-20-2011

Tania advises that DC Scoop is a ``free ice cream event with a ton of different chefs and stores from all over the city offering free scoops of their ice cream to attendees.``
Tania also advises that she is eager to encourage community participation in the event.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 08/14/2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
bike theft attempt on Flagler Pl NW
Just thought I`d pass along that someone tried to steal my bike today in broad daylight while it was locked to my front railing. I live on the south end of Flagler Place NW. I was home and heard some noise for about 10 minutes out front but thought nothing of it (there is a lot going on in front of our home, typically), then found my bike lock torn apart and apparently whacked-at by a blunt object. They didn`t manage to get the bike, though (insert Kryptonite brand plug here).
Just want to encourage people to be on the lookout for petty thieves since apparently they`re not even deterred by the sun and daytime passers-by. I`d also ask folks to consider intervening and/or calling the cops since, unfortunately, not everyone is on the up and up in our little slice of paradise.
next Bloomingdale Safety Walk - Tuesday evening 08-16-2011
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and James Fournier
Invite you to take part in a Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safer neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. This is about making a strong presence in the community, showing that Bloomingdale will not tolerate crime in our neighborhood.
When: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW (Meet in front of Windows Café. Dress comfortably!)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
car break-ins around 1st & R St NW recently
From: Commissioner Youngblood
To: Resident on the 1700 block of 1st Street NW
Cc: D`Antonio Cecilia
Sent: Thu, August 11, 2011 10:27:52 AM
Subject: Re: Contact at MPD; Car Burglaries Near BBC
Thank you for writing.
I`m very sorry to hear about this incident (and the developing trend).
FYI, I`ve copied our Neighborhood Watch leader, Ms. Cecilia D`Antonio, and Mr. Stuart Davenport, proprietor of the Big Bear Cafe, on this message for their situational awareness.
I`ll send you the contact details for our MPD 5D Commander and Captain ASAP. Please let me know if you would also like me to send them a message on your behalf highlighting the issue.
I`ll also get the word out on the local grapevine and also on Scott`s List unless you`ve already sent Scott a request for posting. Scott provides the optimal venue for distributing neighborhood intel.
Hang in there.
Talk to you soon,
On Aug 11, 2011, at 19:45, Resident on the 1700 block of 1st Street NW wrote:
My car was broken into for the third time in 3 months last night. All the thefts have been in a 1 block radius of Big Bear.
Two things:
1. Do you have the direct email of the 5th District Captain and Commander? I would like to send an email appealing for help with this and another police matter.
2. Can you pass the word along that we have another ring of car thieves and we need to band together and keep our eyes open!
Thank you for your help.
police traffic operation at 3rd & Rhode Island Avenue NW

Have you been getting complaints about the police ticketing operation that`s been going on several mornings this week and last at 3rd and Rhode Island Ave NW? In an attempt to discourage ``blocking the box,`` which is often a problem at that intersection, officers are ticketing drivers who fail to clear the intersection. But in flagging down and pulling over cars, they`re blocking entire lanes of rush-hour traffic and causing more problems than they are solving. I saw one accident this morning that appeared to have been a result of the chaos.
I complained this morning to the 3rd District commander`s office (admin Sgt Gregory), where I was referred by one of the three officers doing the ticketing.
You have been so successful at getting responses from MPD that I wanted to let you know as well.
Also cc`ing Scott Roberts so he can warn our neighbors in vehicles about the entrapment (and $100 tickets) that`s going on at 3rd and Rhode Island NW.
Yard Squad, teenage guardians of Crispus Attucks Park, havng a basketball tournament tomorrow, 08-12-2011
AUGUST 8, 2011
We are the Yard Squad, teenage guardians of Crispus Attucks Park between U and V Street, and we`re having a basketball tournament! The tournament will be held in the park at 6:30 Friday, Aug 12 . Food and drinks will be sold during the game.
The reason for the tournament is to show the police who the yard squad is.
The tournament will be a 3-on-3. Winners of the bracket will play the police. We`re also donating school supplies to World Missions for Christ, so if u have it please bring supplies for neighborhood kids.
Please come to support the Yard Squad and local kids in the community.
For more information, please call: Mr. Barkley @ 202 - 716 - 0725
See this slideshow:
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Lost Dog

LOST DOG!!! 6-year old male yellow lab named "Peanut" ran away on Monday morning from Bloomingdale/LeDroit area. He is wearing a blue collar. Although he was last seen heading towards Dupont, he is very fast and could be anywhere in the area. If there is any information about him, please contact Liz Schaefer at 215-510-2317.
Thank you from North Capitol Main Street!

On behalf of the Board of Directors and all the wonderful volunteers of NCMS, Thank You for the tremendous turn-out at the 3rd Annual 2011 NCMS Art+Music Walk.
I believe it's fair to say this year, we had the biggest turn-out ever. (at least in one place at one time) And we could not have done any of this without the support of Department of Small and Local Business Development, Pinkline Project and Rustik Tavern, and the participation of all the businesses in the North Capitol Main Street service area.
It goes without saying, the work of North Capitol Main Street is a labor of love (or at least self-interest) because all of its volunteers and board members -- Tom, Scott, Roxanne, Juli, Geovani, Sara, Diton, and Nathaniel -- are residents and business owners in the community. And so nothing is more gratifying than to see this community come together in such a positive and fun way. Were it not for the rain, I believe we'd still be partying on T Street.
And speaking of T Street NW -- a very special thank you goes out to the generous and gracious Residents of T Street NW for allowing the closure of your street for this event. We (the community) owe you a debt of gratitude. Finally, the members of the Clean Team, who altered their schedules to make sure the neighborhood was left clean, really do rock!! These guys do a tremendous job of keeping the trash off the streets and garbage removed, so please be sure to show them your appreciation whenever the spirit hits you. Thank you all.
Pat Mitchell
Sunday, 8-7-2011 attempted theft in a Bloomingdale alley of an iPhone + your comments
See the message from a Bloomingdale resident who was victim to an atttempted theft, with a brief update -- followed by a few assorted comments by neighbors.
a) First, the 8-7-2011 message from the resident.
Today (Sunday), a friend and I were going to the Big Bear Cafe and Bloomingdale Farmers Market at 10am. As it was hot and humid out, and shady in the alleys, we used the alley behind 1st St NW between Seaton Place NW and S St. NW to walk towards Big Bear. In the middle of the alley, a young African-American man (late teens/early 20s) passed us, then walked in front of us, stopped, and asked me the time as we passed him. It was 10:10am. He noticed I had my phone in my hand and then asked me if I had an iPhone. After basically ignoring him, he continued to ask me about my phone. I finally told him it was an iPhone but that it was three years old and a crappy phone (because I thought he might be trying to steal it from me). I turned and my friend and I walked out onto S St, crossed the street, and then turned towards 1st St. The man had followed us out of the alley, and when I was only about 30-40 feet from 1st St, he told me that unless I wanted to get popped, I would stop walking and drop my phone. Basically, he insinuated that he had a gun and was trying to get me to drop my phone. I think I was in disbelief that this was happening so close to a busy street with people on it that I didn`t respond to him. After several repeat threats with no response from me, he finally gave up and left down the alley behind 1st St between S St. and Seaton Place. My friend called 911 and I walked back slowly to look down the alley and now saw two guys together heading away from us.
First, I`d like to thank the police for their quick response. They responded very quickly, and both suspects were apprehended. After a positive ID from my friend an I, one of them was arrested for attempted theft and for inciting fear (for attempting to scare me by making me think he had a gun). It was a bit of an ordeal but the police made it easy and were great.
Second, in the process, I learned that there has been an outbreak of these sort of incidents. Younger people are targeting the elderly, people leaving church, and people like my friend an I walking in isolated places like alleys. This happened at 10am Sunday morning. Therefore, try to avoid walking in out of the way place, don`t carry your phone or wallet in your hand for people to see, and keep your eyes open for suspicious activity. More importantly, if something does happen, call the police. In my case, it led to an arrest.
b) Now see this 08-08-2011 update from the same resident:
Here's an update. I got a call from someone from the DA`s office today. He gave me the name of the defendant, and it turns out he lives in the neighborhood (on the 1800 block of North Capitol), and has a prior conviction for carjacking.
The defendant was supposed to appear before a judge today and the DA`s office was going to request that he be held in custody. Then, he will go before a judge again on Thursday for the judge to determine if there is enough evidence for a trial and if he will be held in custody or let out on bail.
He is being charged with Assault with the Intent to Rob, Armed. The assault charge carries a possible penalty of 2-15 yrs in prison. The armed charge carries a possible penalty of 5-30 yrs in prison. They did not find a gun on him, but will charge him for it because he made a threat to me and intimidated us into making us think he had a gun.
To be honest, when I called the police, I had no idea that this guys attempt to steal my 3+ yr old iPhone, worth probably <$50, could result in a sentence of 5-30 yrs in prison. How sad!
c) Now here are some assorted comments from neighbors:
- From a Quincy Place NW resident: "I sure hope that doesn't mean the person regrets filing a police report! I'm not sad at all, I hope all the defendant's delinquent friends hear about it and learn the appropriate lesson."
- From a Seaton Place NW household: "I'm sure they perpetrator won't get anything approaching 5 years, let alone 50. We have a "neighbor" who was arrested last year carrying a loaded pistol and -- based on our regular sightings of him -- it appears that he was not at all inconvenienced at all by any so-called sentencing guidelines."
- From a Randolph Place NW resident: "So someone is threatened and robbed in an alley of a not-very-valuable item, and he/she says "how sad" the perp, also a carjacker, could do a long time in jail for it? Really? "How sad"?! I think we should all be done with having any sympathy for these thugs. I've been threatened and had a gun waved at me (in this neighborhood) one too many times for that."
Bloomingdale LeDroit Dog Park Assn: Join our Dog Days of Summer event - Sunday, 08-14-2011

The Bloomingdale LeDroit Dog Park Association (BLDPA) invites you to join us for our ``Dog Days of Summer`` event on Sunday, August 14, 2011. Bring your dog to cool off in our off-leash doggie kiddie pool (11AM-4PM). Having a hard time getting Fido to sit? Talk to the folks at the DC Humane Society`s ``Ask the Trainer`` booth (1PM-3PM). Looking to add to your family? Meet sweet, adoptable dogs at our adoption event (1PM-3PM)!
If you become a member of the BLDPA on Sunday, you will be entered into a raffle for a free photo session for your pooch or a free grooming (and other great items TBD) and will be able to attend our ``Members-only`` happy hour from 5PM-7PM, where we will have all kinds of snacks and libations.
(What is the BLDPA? The BLDPA is a non-profit neighborhood organization that manages and maintains the Bloomingdale-LeDroit dog park. What kind of things do we do? We lock and unlock the park every day; we pick up poop within the dog park when you forget to; we enforce safety rules; and we work to build a community of dog owners within our neighborhood, among other activities.)
Please email for more information or to volunteer.
Bloomingdale LeDroit Dog Park Association (BLDPA)
Committed to building a sense of community and increasing safety in Bloomingdale & Ledroit Park by establishing and maintaining a dog play area at the Park at LeDroit.
The DC Dept. of Health (11am-4pm) will be joining us. They will have an ``Ask the Vet`` table, so bring your questions! They will also have information on what to do about a dog bite, how to get a DC dog license (get one from them on Sunday for $15 - with a check ONLY), why scooping poop is SO important, how to prevent rabies and other helpful information.
For more information on the ``Dog Days of Summer`` event this Sunday at the Bloomingdale-LeDroit dog park, email
Monday, August 08, 2011
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Saturday, August 06, 2011
today`s NCMS Art + Music Walk is ON -- rain or shine!
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Diton: NCMS Art + Music Walk - grand finale featuring pig roast, craft beers, Flamenco music, pizza-eating contest

Join us this Saturday, August 6th between 12 pm and 6pm for the Third Annual Art Walk in DC`s North Capital Neighborhoods of Bloomingdale, Eckington and Truxton Circle. Featuring ``Pop-up`` art installations that will be in front lawns throughout the month of August, an Artist Village with unique crafts for sale, various venues with live music and much more, this year`s Art Walk is not to be missed. Sponsored by North Capital Main Street and the Pinkline Project, the mission is to bring the community together in an event for all ages to enjoy.
Some call it Block Party, some call it Grand Finale -- oh heck, call it whatever you want -- but we are closing the unit block of T Street NW for some lively music, a Pig Roast and craft brews. A 250 pound pig will be slowly smoked for 24 hours and served alongside roasted chicken, sausage, grilled vegetables and more in an all-inclusive buffet for $15 starting at 4pm. Great Lakes and Heavy Seas Breweries will represent with their awesome craft-brews on site with pints available for $5. A selection of red and white wines will be available for $5 a glass as well.
Come for the food and drink, stay for the entertainment. On stage there will be a lively Rumba Flamenco Band with dancer. In between sets, we`ll host a Pizza Eating Contest during which representation from Big Bear Cafe, Rustik Tavern, Boundary Stone, Solly`s Tavern and soon to open in Petworth, DC Reynolds Bar, will be in fierce competition to put down the most pizzas in our allotted time-span. Come support your local providers of food and drink as they put their skills to the test. And the best part of this, the Prince of Petworth himself will be hosting the contest wearing his ``Prince``ly attire. Oh yeah, we ordered the cape and crown. Maybe we can convince him to scarf down some pizzas as well.
If all this doesn`t sound like fun to you, we don`t know what does.
You can call this Just Another Random Day in Bloomingdale.
When: Saturday, August 6th
Art Walk 12-4 pm
Grand Finale or ``Block Party`` 4 - 6:30 pm
What: Art Walk featuring pop up art installations in lawns throughout the neighborhoods
Artist Village with unique crafts for sale
Live Music in front of Big Bear Cafe, Window`s Cafe and The Firehouse
Grand Finale in front of Rustik Tavern featuring a Pig Roast, Craft Beers, Flamenco music
...and Pizza Eating Contest
more entertainment than ever at this Saturday's NCMS 2011 Art + Music Walk

You can see the nice formatted version of this message here:
This Saturday! North Capitol Main Street 2011 Art + Music Walk
Dear Resident/Art Lover/Music Lover/Friend;
This year, NCMS' 2011 Art+Music Walk is packed with even more entertainment than ever. Our regular feature of the coolest-hippest- artsiest-funkiest-art-ever is a given; our Artist's Market will be a great place to find that special something created by local artisans and finally, Pinkline Project/Bloombars and Rustik Tavern have really beefed up the musical entertainment with an unbelievable line-up of musicians and performers.
So the entire community -- Bloomies, Eckington and Truxton Circle in Shaw -- will be transformed into one huge arts museum. Don't go away this weekend, hang around your 'hood and enjoy the sights and sounds of NCMS' 2011 Arts + Music Walk. Pat Mitchell
Yard Art Installations
by the Pinkline Project
♫ Chelsea McBee
♫ Wytold
♫ Jabari Exum
♫ Courtney Dowe
♫ Djesben
♫ Trumpet Grrrl
Artists Village
(Featuring local artisans/vendors)
Merchant Promos
Great Food
Saturday, August 6, 2011
First Street NW -- between P and V
12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.
...and then there's the grand finale at Rustik Tavern starting at 4:00 - 6:00
(you will not want to miss this)
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
postponed: Florida Avenue Park groundbreaking
Just received this info from the City.
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986-2592
``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``
From: Thomas, Carl D. (EOM)
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 4:28:01 PM
Subject: RE: Florida Ave. Park Groundbreaking Aug. 4th
Good Afternoon Ward 5,
I am saddened to announce the groundbreaking for Florida Avenue Park will be postponed. Further information will be forthcoming. I apologize for any inconvenience this postponement may cause. Thank you.
news from North Capitol Main Street

Want to see the nicely formatted version of this message? Then click here:
NCMS 2011 Art + Music Walk
Dear Resident / Art Lover / Music Lover / Friend;
This year, NCMS' 2011 Art+Music Walk is packed with even more entertainment than ever. Our regular feature of the coolest-hippest- artsyest-funkiest-art-ever is a given; our Artist's Market will be a great place to find that special something, created by local artisans and Pinkline Project/Bloombars and Rustik Tavern have really beefed up the musical entertainment with an unbelievable line-up of musicians.
So the entire community -- Bloomies, Eckington and Truxton Circle in Shaw -- will be transformed into one huge arts museum. Don't go away this weekend, hang around your 'hood and enjoy the sights and sounds of NCMS' 2011 Arts + Music Walk. Pat Mitchell
Yard Art Installations
by the Pinkline Project
♫ Chelsea McBee
♫ Wytold
♫ Jabari Exum
♫ Courtney Dowe
♫ Djesben
♫ Trumpet Grrrl
Artists Village
(Featuring local artisans/vendors)
Merchant Promos
Great Food
Saturday, August 6, 2011
First Street NW-- between P and V
12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.
...and then there's the grand finale at Rustik Tavern starting at 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
(you will not want to miss this)
a list of affordable housing projects in the area
First, here is a link to Lydia's post:
How Much Affordable Housing Do We Have, Anyway?
Posted by Lydia DePillis on Aug. 1, 2011 at 1:47 pm
I decided to run through this DC affordable housing catalog -- the "preservation catalog" --( to see what addresses were in and around Bloomingdale.
TYLER HOUSE 1200 North Capitol Street, NW
THE DUNBAR 57 O Street, NW
1330 7TH ST APTS (Immaculate Conception) 1330 7TH ST NW
BATES STREET TOWNHOMES COOPERATIVE Address: 24, 52, 230 Bates St NW; 202 Q St NW
KELLY MILLER Address: 2101-2115 4th Street NW
LEDROIT APTS 2125 4th Street NW
You can click on the link to read more info about these projects.
Note that I did not include any Edgewood or Eckington addresses (except for 11 R St NE and the St. Martn’s Apartments).
groundbreaking at Florida Avenue Park with Mayor Gray – Thursday, 08/04/2011
Posted by: ``John T. Salatti``
Tue Aug 2, 2011 10:36 pm (PDT)
Well, parents, here is news many of you have long been waiting for!
Good Morning Ward 5,
There is exciting news for the Bates/Truxton/ Bloomingdale/ Hanover area of our Ward.
On Thursday August 4th, 2011, Mayor Gray will be on hand for the Florida Avenue Park Groundbreaking! !! The groundbreaking ceremony will begin at 11:30am. The location of the groundbreaking will be at 1st and Florida Avenue, NW. Joining Mayor Gray will be Civic and Community Leaders, ANC Commissioners, Elected and Government Officials and YOU!!
See you there!
Carl Thomas
Mayor`s Office of Community Relations and Services
Ward 5 Community Liaison
Let me know if you have any questions!
See you there,
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
emergency ANC 5C meeting -- Thursday, 8-4-2011
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C, will be holding an emergency meeting on Thursday, August 4 at First New Hope Baptist Church. We will be reviewing grants, discussing the R Street bikelane and considering the ABRA application for the Firehouse, amongst other things. I encourage every resident that can to come out and participate in this meeting.
The meeting agenda is attached.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
7:00pm -9:00pm
First New Hope Baptist Church
1818 3rd Street NW
Notice & Agenda
This is to provide notice that ANC 5C will hold a Special Emergency Meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The following items will be discussed:
3rd Quarter Financial Report
o Status of Documents\Submission
Consider Emergency Funding Request –
o Stronghold Civic Association – August 6, 2011 Event
Consider Request for ABRA/Stipulated Liquor License…….Firehouse
Grant Applications -The following groups have submitted applications for consideration:
Friends of Edgewood Rec (Michael Henderson)
Amateur Kickboxing Federation ( Michelle Hamond)
Edgewood Farmers Market
Perry School
“R” Street Bike Lines………………………………………………………
CUA South Campus Tree Planting Plan……………………….……….
PRE-EXECUTIVE MEETING – Starting at 6:00 P.M.