Monday, June 30, 2008
PSA 311/911
Call 911
(if you want police, fire or emergency medical services to respond to a location)
Any crimes in progress (or just occurred), especially if the suspect is still on the scene
Serious violent crimes such as homicide, robbery, domestic violence and assault
Fire/medical emergencies
Gunshots or a person with a gun or other dangerous weapon
Home/business intruders
Vehicle crashes with personal injury, major property damage or traffic tie-ups
Illegally parked cars that are blocking traffic
Or if you see a criminal you know is wanted by the police
Call 311
(for city services and police matters that do not require police to respond to a location
Property crimes no longer in progress, such as vandalism, thefts, graffiti, stolen autos and garage burglaries
Abandoned autos
Illegally parked vehicles, vehicles blocking driveways
Minor vehicle crashes with no injuries or traffic tie-ups
MPD phone numbers and addresses
All other city services, such as Public Works, Motor Vehicles, Human Services, and the Mayor's Office
Trash pick up problems
City agency phone numbers, addresses and hours of operations
You can also call (202) 737-4404 to report your non-emergency.
Please select a service from the list below. Then follow the step-by-step directions to complete the request. If the service you want is not listed, please visit DC.Gov's OnLine Services database or contact the Mayor's Citywide Call Center at 311, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The following services were listed as problems you can call 311 about:
Abandoned Bicycles How Am I Driving Compliment Signs – Parking
Abandoned Vehicles Illegal Dumping Signs – Street Name
Alley Cleaning Litter Can Service or Repair Street Cleaning
Alley Lights Parking Enforcement Street Repair
Alley Repair Parking Meters Streetlight Repair
Autumn Leaf Collection Pavement Markings Supercan
Bulk Trash Collection Potholes Traffic Signals
Curb & Gutter Repair Rat Abatement Traffic Signs
Dead Animal Recycling Bin Trash Collection
Eviction Recycling Collection Tree Maintenance
Graffiti Residential Parking Permit Utility Cuts Repair
Grass & Weeds Mowing Sanitation Enforcement Vacant Lot
How Am I Driving Complaint Sidewalk Repair Vacant Lot
You can create an online ticket at or Call 311.
The Bloomingdale Public Safety Initiative
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C, Single Member District 5C04
John Salatti, Commissioner
131 U Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 986-2592
jsalatti @
The Bloomingdale Public Safety Initiative
Invites You to Be a Part of Our
Neighborhood Walks !
Come and walk the streets of Bloomingdale with your neighbors! We will be joined by my colleague Commissioner Barrie Daneker who represents the northern tip of Bloomingdale, representatives from Councilmember Thomas’s office, MPD officers, and DC Gov’t Staff! As we walk, we meet and greet many wonderful neighbors. But our strong, diverse community presence also announces that this neighborhood does not tolerate crime, drugs, violence, and prostitution!
7:30 P.M.
Meet at the corner of 1st and V Streets, NW
We can do it!
Kids and dogs are welcome.
“Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale”
Sunday, June 29, 2008
firework safety video
what do you think the odds are that anyone needing to watch this lame ass fireworks safety video will actually see it?
here is a video of some fireworks from last years fourth of july:
cabs in bloomingdale
thankfully, just before the deluge at around 9:00 PM last night, we hailed a cab on north capitol.
When you need a cab, what company do you call?
here is some more info on cabs.
First 1/6th mile - $3.00
additional 1/6 mile $0.25
wait rate per hour $15
maximum fare $19
additional paasengers $1.50
rate for hire $25
large luggage in trunk $2.00
luggage handled by driver $0.50
dispatch charge $2.00
Fare During Snow Emergency +125%
Friday, June 27, 2008
bloomingdale on wiki**updated
NOW we're talking!
our neighborhoods entry is pretty weak, no? compare it to eckingtons entry
It even lists as our neighborhood website.
perhaps whoever writes that site could update it a bit beyond 2006, nudge nudge.....
; )
Thursday, June 26, 2008
i might be the only one in the neighborhood that is sad about this
you can cheer if you want. i hope though that the energy that was put into this building and scene stays on the direction of being a creative and respectful positive force. instead of.. well... you know.
and yeah, one more empty building for north capitol! we all love empty buildings.
maybe it'll become a gun store.
gun ban overturned
and here
Examining the words of the Amendment, the Court concluded “we find they guarantee the individual right to possess and carry weaons in case of confrontation” — in other words, for self-defense. “The inherent right of self-defense has been central to the Second Amendment right,” it added.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
DPR Summer Camps 2008
DPR Summer Camps will run June 23 – August 15, 2008, Monday to Friday, 9 am – 5 pm. All camps will be closed on Friday, July 4. Some camps may have special events and trips beyond regular hours. Register today for DPR Summer Camps 2008!
DPR offers a diverse array of exciting urban recreation and camping opportunities for youth ages 3 to 17; including sports camps, aquatic camps, therapeutic camps, and other day camps. DPR also offers Discovery Camps for youth ages 6 to 13, and Little Explorers Camps for youth ages 3 to 5.
Camp Riverview
Be part of the ultimate overnight camping experience at DPR’s Camp Riverview, located in Scotland, MD, 88 miles from the center of Washington, DC. Campers are housed in rustic cabins and eat nutritious meals prepared in a fully staffed commercial kitchen. Campers will participate in environmental projects, creative arts, sports, campfires, aquatic activities, all while experiencing the great outdoors.
Camp Riverview hosts seven co-ed sessions, each a week in length, for children ages 7 to 12. To comply with the state of Maryland’s Youth Camping regulations, registration must be done through DPR’s Camp Central Office.
DPR Teen Career Camps
DPR has also partnered with the District Department of Employment Services to host a number of exciting Teen Career Camps. Before and After Care will be available at many camp locations from 8 am – 9 am and 5 pm – 6 pm.
Summer Camp Registration
Register today for DPR Summer Camps 2008! For more information, contact DPR’s Camp Central Office at (202) 671-0295, or via email at
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A selection of eleven artists under the age of 35 investigate how contemporary lifestyles effect and re-define the women of this generation.
Curated by Rachel Fick and Marissa Botelho
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 28th, 7-10pm
1644 North Capitol Street NW, Washington DC 20002
June 28th - July 13th, 2008
(Open on Saturday and Sundays 12pm-5pm, and by appointment)
Sponsored by and the Pink Line Project with live performance art and local music talent. Amber Hawk Swanson, To Have, Cake Cut, 2007
Satomi Shirai, Hunter College MFA Candidate 2009, uses large scale photography to depict cultural connections and disconnections that were results of moving from Japan to New York City.
Amy Misurelli Sorensen, American University MFA 2008, paints multiple face masks as consequences to distorted images of female sexuality imposed by an Italian Catholic upbringing.
Amber Hawk Swanson, School of the Art Institute of Chicago MFA 2006, explores the interplay between repulsion, desire, and surrender. By inserting a sexually available replica of herself into already charged environments, the possibility of peril often interrupts allegiance to the social codes of each space.
Pierrette Montone, Corcoran College of Art + Design BFA 2008, creates a playful mural on femininity in a post-feminist generation.
Lauren Bender, received a BS in Honors Painting at Towson University 2003, performs CorpOreo a piece that investigates the self/other and a breakdown of communication, influenced by the real-life experience of being a twin.
Sara Hubbs, the George Washington University MFA 2008, installs Hides 'N Heels, a sculpture that deals with concepts of place, commerce, and notions of femininity as seen through two opposing viewpoints; one of a frontier-like mentality and one in search of authenticity or essence.
Trish Tillman, School of Visual Arts MFA Candidate 2009, uses deceptively simple linework, bright colors, and abstracted yet familiar forms in her drawings and overflowing closet sculpture to seduce the viewer into confronting themes of personal growth, psychological confinement, and self-imposed displacement.
Meg Onli, School of the Art Institute of Chicago BFA 2008, exhibits preliminary drawings and letters that have led to a current month-long performance that entails retracing the steps of a mulatto lesbian on the Underground Railroad between Rockville, Maryland and the historical settlement of Dawn, Canada. The walk began on June 3rd, 2008 and is anticipated to end in early July, 2008.
Pamela Norrish, Alberta College of Art + Design BFA Candidate 2009, displays an array of delicate music boxes that resemble female body parts. These seemingly childish toys hold uncomfortable female expectations as the viewer winds up the box and puts it into motion.
Zoe Blackwell, California College of Art BFA 2008, shows embroidered poly-satin swatches that explore our human tendencies to recognize and assign code, pattern, secrecy, and preciousness. Simple tags hang quietly off of each swatch to push and pull the meanings of the embroidered words into a myriad of directions.
Lauren Rice, American University MFA 2008, uses found objects that have masculine and feminine connotations to transform one of the second floor galleries into a space that is both gaudy and beautiful.
Roxxanne Reed, Corcoran College of Art + Design BFA Candidate 2009, uses the films of Kenneth Anger in a futile attempt to eradicate any trace of femininity in a recontextualized video that begins in the realm of dreams and ends in the peace of sleep.
The Bobby Fisher Memorial Building is pleased to announce the opening of Girlish Ways: The Next Generation of Female Artists, an exhibition examining how contemporary lifestyles effect and re-define the women of this generation. The exhibition recognizes exceptional female art students and graduates of BFA and MFA institutions around the United States and Canada. Girlish Ways explores youthful and mature concerns of the women involved, as well as how these women respond to their changing environments. Various issues are investigated, including cultural re-location, sexuality, public image, and post-feminism. Girlish Ways uses a range of subtle and overtly post-feminist art to engage the viewer in this diverse generation of women artists. The exhibition consists of a multitude of media and a live performance on the opening night by Lauren Bender.
@ The Bobby Fisher Memorial Building
1644 North Capitol Street @ Florida Ave
Sunday, June 22, 2008
LeDroit Park Gate Destroyed***updated
I regret to inform you that this evening (Saturday 6/21/08) at approximately 6:00 PM a deranged driver destroyed the new LeDroit Park Iron Gate at the corners of Florida Avenue and 6th & T Streets NW. The Civic Association is working with the city & DDOT to have the repairs made as soon as possible.
At this time, we are asking the community to assist us in locating the iron pieces that have already been removed from the site.
The missing parts include the "LeDroit Park" name, date & scrollwork. Please help us in this search (no questions asked).
Thank you for your time.
Andrea Feniak
Secretary, LeDroit Park Civic Association.
GOOD NEWS! We have received absolute confirmation that the "letters"
from the LeDroit Park Iron Gate are in safe keeping with a member of the
Civic Association. Thank you to all who responded with your
"tips" on the possible whereabouts.
Regarding repairs, we have already been contacted by DDOT and they will
be on site tomorrow (Monday 6/23) to assess the situation and they
intend to report back to the community prior to Tuesday's Civic
Association Meeting (7:00 PM at the Florida Avenue Baptist Church).
See you there!
Andrea Feniak
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Truxton Circle, North Capitol, and the Great Divide of Bloomingdale and Eckington.

What effects do you think it would have on foot traffic in the north capitol corridor?
DDOT did a study ( PDF)and had this diagram of traffic flow:
Here is a shot looking south toward that intersection:
A little further up North Capitol Street, there is a trench dug out of the road allowing traffic to pass under T Street and Rhode Island Avenue.
I'd like to suggest the open area between T and Rhode Island be covered to allow for greenspace on top
currently the division between the neighborhoods of Bloomingdale and Eckington is rather stark.
I;'d love to bridge that division.
imagine if that trench was covered to create a public space. summertime movie nights with the capitol in the background, perhaps?
how about a sculpture garden?
It seems as though Martini 2020, otherwise know as the old firehouse, is moving forward. The Borf Mansion seems to generate a lot of foot traffic in the neighborhood when they have events.
Here is a recent shot of that strip:
and an old shot:

Wouldnt the empty Savemore building make a nice new home for Olssons?
or maybe The Garden District? or better yet, does someone in the neighborhood have the desire to open up their shop here? i hear that Stu Davenport wants a Pizza Parlor.
There was talk on neighborhood listserves about marketing the area to developers and to create a "theme" for this corridor. I find this to be quite a bit tacky and wildly inappropriate, personally. To me, marketing the strip as "italian" as some have suggested, is insulting to who we are as a present day community. An ethnically oriented marketing only serves its purpose if its homegrown. and while there may be some history to that claim, there is little present in it. i prefer to live in my present day community, which i love, than some romanticized version of the past. granted, i love that people care enough to make suggestions, and to wish for things to become better, and to reverse the history of disinvestment. Still, we need to recognize our diversity and our present day culture in trying to grow.
My hope is that we can find ways to encourage those that live in the community to fill niches they feel are missing ( like the Big Bear) or encourage existing business to grow and change ( like Windows cafe) and to also encourage the type of DIY mentality that has made the borf mansion a vibrant scene ( yeah.. i know.. i know, but i like their direction, and people defintitely come out for their events.)
Anyway, i hope that people can use the comments here to engage in a (civil) discussion about what you'd like to see. we all know the hurdles, we all know the negatives, but it'd be great to hear of possibilities and solutions.
Additionally, if you have ideas that might be lengthy to post, shot me an email and i'll let you create your own posting here.
Old photos found here
Harry Thomas Rec Center and Pool
1743 Lincoln Rd., NE
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 576-5642
(202) 727-5643
Basketball Court - 1
Computer Lab - 1
Lighted Baseball Field with 90' Diamond - 1
Playground - 1
Small Multi-Purpose Room - 1
Swimming Pool - 1
Tennis Courts - 2
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 2:30 pm - 9 pm
Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
Pool Hours:
M-F 1:00- 8:00
Sat and Sun 12-6
closes on august 17th.
Friday, June 20, 2008
North Capitol Main Street Plant-A-Thon -- Tomorrow, Saturday, June 21, 2008
See this message from Pat Mitchell, Bloomingdale resident and president, North Capitol Main Street, Inc.
Earlier this year, North Capitol Main Street (NCMS) was awarded a Neighborhood Investment Grant to make physical improvements to the North Capitol Street corridor.
Over the past month, handsome wrought iron tree-box guards were installed to match the existing wrought iron fencing in the median strip along parts of North Capitol Street. Even though the fencing is up, we're not quite ready for plants yet . . .
Question: How do you transform 28 trash-glass-and-weed-filled tree box spaces into 28 spaces with beautiful plants that bring year-round beauty?
Answer: With a little help from our friends . . .
NCMS Community Plant-A-Thon
We'll do the heavy lifting -- cleaning the trash, pulling the weeds,turning the soil -- you get to do the easy stuff: putting in the plants, mulching and watering. How hard can that be? Think you can hlep out? Meet us at Florida/No. Cap parking lot this Saturday morning and let's get planting.
What: NCMS Plant-A-Thon
When: Saturday, June 21, 2008
Time: 9:00 am to 12 noon
Place: Florida Ave/No. Capitol Parking Lot
Bring your marked tools -- shovels, rakes, hoes, buckets -- and gloves and join neighbors, volunteers and the Board of Directors of NCMS as we change the streetscape along North Capitol Street!!
NCMS, serving the NoCap Corridor and the great surrounding neighborhoods.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
the city paper and photos of the neighborhood
put up some good pictures of bloomingdale!
and add them to the bloomingdale photo pool while you're at it.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Last Weekend of Artomatic
I'll be giving a tour of Washington Glass School Artists exhibiting at Artomatic on Sunday.
if you're interested, please meet me in the lobby at 1:45. We will start the tour at 2 PM.
There will be bands and performances and workshops all weekend. this is the biggest art event dc has to offer, you'll find something you dig.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Diluvian Bloomingdale
A neighbor sent this email and photos concerning Rhode Island Avenue
Bloomingdale is Drowning!

Okay, so that's hyperbole, but seriously, what's up with our Department of Public Works and WASA that they refuse to fix the storm drain on Rhode Island Ave on the east bound side just before 1st ST NW in front of houses 120 and 122?
From about 8pm Wednesday nignt until 11am Thursday morning it looked like the attached pics.
Cars were struggling to get through. What if an ambulance was trying to get to Washington Hospital Center and couldn't because of this ridiculous amount of water?

I called WASA emergency several times (the lady was nice and trying to be helpful) and they finally sent a street sweeper to attempt to clear debris around midnight. Despite 30 minutes of effort, the street sweeper was unsuccessful.
I've come to learn that neighbors have repeatedly called WASA about this storm drain being clogged with trash and leaves, yet they have not cleared it yet. I was out of town for the Saturday storms of May 31 but I hear the same thing happened as on Wednesday night which is when I took the pics.
I figure if we can get this info in a public forum maybe the storm drain can get cleared properly and stop putting our houses at risk for serious and damaging flooding.

Thanks for your time,
Then i received this update
I sent basically that same email and all the same pictures to the Public Affairs Director at WASA, Michele Quander-Collins shortly after emailing you. She responded quickly, told me they'd send a crew out that same day, and sure enough my wife watched them come out, get the man hole cover off the storm drain and pull tons of leaves and debris out of the catch drain and the rest of the sewer.
Obviously last night (Wed) it rained extremely hard again. The drain worked great. The water never breached the curb. Bravo to WASA on the quick response. I think it is just as important to highlight when the system works properly.
It is also proof that continued community involvement by the people of Bloomingdale and constructive, rational inteaction with our city officials is the best way to improve our little corner of the city.
Thanks for all you do in keeping us up to date on the neighborhood.
Take care,
Friday, June 06, 2008
free pizza tonight!
The Artists of tour
Fri June 6th - 7pm-8pm, Sixth Floor
in the Visual Arts Resource Center (VARC)
Join the staff of for pizza this Friday and a tour of Artomatic artworks created by artists featured on
In addition to getting free pizza, meeting artists and seeing artwork, you can explore the information in the Visual Artists Resource Center, to learn about are arts events and organizations. There's probably more Arts Activities in DC than you think.
Additionally, i will be leading a tour of Washington Glass School Artists at Artomatic on Saturday starting at 2 PM in the lobby.
Bloomingdale Farmers Market
first and R nw
rain of shine
there will be an additional farmer at the market this sunday
They will bring: quarts of mixed baby squash (zucchini, one ball, 8 ball, sunburst, pattypan, Kousa), mixed summer squash, squash blossoms, broccoli, baby new potatoes (red Pontiac and Yukon Gold), asparagus, vidalia-style sweet onions, spring onions, english peas (shelled and unshelled), sugar snaps, purple top turnips, Choggia beets, red beets, swiss Chard.....and the first raspberries of the season (come early, they will go fast)
And Flowers, too. They will bring their field- grown flowers (lilies, yarrow, zinnia) and their beautiful hanging baskets on Sunday. (They will also have bedding plants and flowers.)