I was talking to some neighbors on S Street NW who told us about this amazing dog walker named Mimi who lives on S near 1st Street NW next to the alley to Randolph Place NW.
I am looking for someone to take care of our doggies when we have to go out of town, so we wanted to try to get in contact with her.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
seeking Mimi
please tell me that there are no flooded Bloomingdale basements this morning
I am hoping that there are no reports of flooded basements in Bloomingdale.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
seeking referrals for an inexpensive dog walker
We are looking for a recommendation for an inexpensive dog walker - someone who is available midday on M-F.
The sandbags weigh between 40 lbs. and 50 lbs. Residents will need to load them into their vehicles; however, assistance will be provided if needed. Sandbags will be distributed until the inventory is depleted.
Weather forecasters are predicting a tropical storm that could dump several inches of rain on the District over the next 24 hours. DPW offers the following tips to help residents prepare their homes for future storms:
· Clean gutters and storm drains
· Remove all outside furniture that can become airborne in high winds
· Close all windows
· Shut-down and unplug your computers, air conditioners ,televisions and other appliances
· Have an arborist check trees in your neighborhood and yards
· Check roof for any possible area that can leak
For more information about DPW, please visit www.dpw.dc.gov .
Kevin B. Twine
Staff Assistant
Department of Public Works
Office of the Director
2000 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Ph: 202-671-2593
Fx: 202-671-0642
Monday, September 27, 2010
hanging at Big Bear Cafe: photos by high school students working with Critical Exposure
I wanted to let you know about the photos that are hanging at big bear right now and give you a little blurb for the neighborhood listserv:
Big Bear Cafe is hosting a series of photographs taken by DC-area high school students working with the non-profit Critical Exposure. Students learn the fundamentals of photography and use their skills to document issues in education, such as underfunding, poor school conditions and the drop-out rate, from their own point of view. Learn more about Critical Exposure at http://www.criticalexposure.org and come by the Cafe to see the DC high school experience through the eyes of these burgeoning photographers!
more info: www.bigbearcafe-dc.com
candidate for ANC 507 commissioner in November: James Fournier
My name is James Fournier and I am running against Barrie Daneker to be the Commissioner for ANC 5C-07. I know this position is important to the direction the development for the McMillan Sand Filtration Site and the development of neighborhood businesses, so I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I am available to talk.
You can read my public statement at my website at www.jamesjfournier.com .
Soon I will be having a couple of meet and greets at supporters` homes. I will be in contact again and I hope that you can come.
I know you all have been working hard to get your voices heard over years. I look forward to working with you and the neighborhood in a positive, respectful, and open way.
I think we have a lot to look forward to.
James Fournier
Fournier for ANC 5C-07
can I crash on your floor tonight ?
We live at First and R NW. This past week Thursday night, my housemate was arriving home around 1:30 a.m. A young (late 20s), white woman with dark hair walked up on the stoop as my housemate was locking up her bike and asked if she could crash on our floor for the night, that something had happened downtown and she just wanted to get inside, etc. My housemate told her she couldn`t let her in, went inside the house and the woman presumably left.
My housemate`s friend who lives at First and O NW experienced the same thing with a young black man who approached him making similar claims a few months ago. I wonder whether this is a tactic that is being used to attempt to get inside houses to then steal from the house, or whether there`s some other explanation.
Anyway, thought it would be worth sharing to see if anyone else has had similar experiences or any insight.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
painter referral
I would like to give a good recommendations on a very very reasonable painter that I know through my friends and have seen their work. He and his friend charge $100 for a small room and $200 for a large room. And they do a beautiful job. I hope you can post this and would be helpful to our Bloomingdale community. His name is Himeh and phone number is: 240 701- 6195.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Open Houses scheduled in and around Bloomingdale for 09/26/2010
Bloomingdale Property Featured on www.princeofpetworth.com

In addition to contributing to this blog, I also write a weekly post for www.princeofpetworth.com. It's always fun when I get to focus on a property in Bloomingdale. This week's "Good Deal or Not Revisited" (GDoN-R) featured a sale in 70 Rhode Island Ave NW, also known as "The Providence". Here is the post.
There was some confusion as the unit that I profiled was not actually the one that was featured in the original "Good Deal or Not" (GDoN) post. The information provided on the building as it relates to condo prices in Bloomingdale, is accurate nonetheless. (If you don't know what I am talking about, you can just read the post and ignore this comment.)
Rustik Tavern -Menu and Hours.
84 T St. NW
Sun-Thurs 4-12am
Fri-Sat 4-1am.
Happy Hour 4-7pm
click for larger image
or here for
PDF version
Friday, September 24, 2010
North Capitol Main Street brings Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) to neighborhood businesses
Want to see the nice pretty formatted message? Click here: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=tp9zhzcab&v=0017tAQmPa9WeZeVWClvSsAhqqJLsvp1SaUKTFlLs7OgraUSItus3cnq2NXJ8-pDRmw8MkReWGzJLzWShs6jK054nLeCvnjrzf86p44yGKqes4%3D
North Capitol Main Street Brings Storefront Improvement Program to Neighborhood Businesses
You may have noticed some interesting goings-on at the China Dragon (next to Windows Cafe) this week — painting, new signs, windows. All we’ll say is, “just wait . . . you ain’t seen nothing yet! “
North Capitol Main Street FINALLY received its long-awaited funding to implement its first Storefront Improvement Program.
Over the next several weeks, three lucky businesses (translation: businesses that were able to meet the application requirements) within the North Capitol Main Street service area will get a facelift.
We will be painting, replacing windows, doors, signage . . . going from eyesore to eye-catching in a very short period of time. And if you haven’t seen China Dragon’s new sign, go by and take a look . . . very authentic.
The NCMS Storefront Improvement Program, funded by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development, has been implemented to stimulate efforts to improve the street appearance of the North Capitol Area neighborhoods’ commercial and business facades.
Two New Businesses Coming to Bloomingdale Center
After Years of Drought Bloomingdale Center’s Well Springs
For some Bloomingdale residents, the idea of multiple new businesses coming to market at the same time (within a month) is hard to believe. “This neighborhood has been underserved for such a long time. I’ve heard that a new cafe and bar is coming, but seeing is believing,” said Debbie Moultry, long-time resident and owner of Nouveau Fleur, a successful floral business on the H Street Corridor.
Yes, it is true, Rustik Tavern is finally opening. Stay tuned for Grand Opening announcements. NCMS believes that Rustik Tavern will be a great enhancement to the quality of life in Bloomingdale, and other sister neighborhoods. Owner, Diton Pashaj, is a fantastic guy with strong family backing and a real community-oriented mindset. We wish him the best of luck.
Also included in the new line up is Amax Cleaners, a drycleaners specializing in organic drycleaning and same-day delivery. Keep your eyes peeled for grand opening events and specials.
Stay tuned here, as North Capitol Main Streets brings you the information you want to know about.
Watch as NCMS and our local small biz partners transform these shabby spaces to special places . . . Bloomingdale Wine & Spirits and Jam Doung.
Residents Should Urge Newly Elected Officials to Continue Neighborhood Focus
As part of its commitment to community revitalization, city government developed strategies to rebuild business districts and enhance surrounding neighborhoods and our Councilmember Harry (Tommy) Thomas, as well as the presumptive new Council Chair, Kwame Brown, have been instrumental in seeing that these city dollars are spent in Ward 5 neighborhoods like Bloomingdale.
Storefront Improvement Programs, have been a minor piece of the city’s effort to bring revitalization to the neighborhood level.
Since the election is over (all but the formalities of Nov 2nd) it’s up to residents to keep the pressure on city government to continue to focus on neighborhood development in a more consistent and comprehensive way — a challenge to Bloomingdale, Eckington and Shaw Residents to be an advocate for your neighborhood!
Those who demand more, get more . . .
Quick Links…
Our Website (http://www.ncmsinc.org/)
Rustik Tavern opening tonight
Click on this link if you can`t see the message below:
Rustik Tavern
• A bloomingdale Neighborhood Tavern •September 23rd, 2010
We are opening at last!
You asked for it, you got it.
We are opening at last!
Starting Friday, September 24th, at 9:00pm, Rustik Tavern will be open to the public.
This is a soft opening, therefore we apologize for any delays in service that you may encounter or random mishaps that may (and will) take place.
We also want to thank you in advance for helping us work out all the kinks, so we hope you will point out them out to us.
We are very excited to be here, and we look forward to meeting you and serving Bloomingdale.
So for crying out loud, come on in, have a beer (or a glass of wine) and have a good time!
Rustik Tavern
Follow Us: @rustikdc
& Send to a Friend » social@rustikdc.com
Copyright (C) 2010 RustikDC All rights reserved.
Parker Flats hosting Minute to Win It Contest tomorrow, 09-25-2010, to raise money for Halloween Haunted House
Tomorow, Saturday the 25th, from 1pm-4pm, Parker Flats on 2nd Street NW is hosting a huge community wide Minute to Win It Contest. This event will raise money for the Halloween Haunted House for the children of our community to have a safe and fun place to trick or treat on Halloween night. Please come out and support this event and
support the children of our community. $5 to get in and watch and $10 if you want to participate in the games. There will be raffle tickets for fabulous prizes and refreshments sold inside the gates. This is going to be the event of the year so DON`T MISS IT!!!
If you cannot make it but would like to make a donation to the Halloween event, please contact parkerflatsliving@gmail.com so we can send someone over to pick up your donation.
Blessings of the Animals -- Sunday, 10/3/2010 -- St. George's Episcopal Church
Thursday, September 23, 2010
open letter from Mehdi Mansouri regarding notes taken at the August 2010 McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) meeting
Michael kindly took notes at this meeting and posted them at the EdgewoodDC.org website. Here is the link: http://www.edgewooddc.org/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/mag_august_2010.pdf. Michael makes it clear that his meeting notes are not official meeting minutes.
His notes were posted at the Historic Washington list at Yahoogroups.
Bloomingdale resident Mehdi Mansouri also attended this August 2010 MAG meeting.
Mehdi has responded with this open letter to Michael Henderson regarding his notes from the MAG meeting:
I have copied in Mehdi's open letter below:
Your notes similar to the following were posted on Scott`s news a while ago. I see you are now distributing it to even a wider audience. That is why I think it is important to mention that you seem to be on the side of the City and not people. I say that because a) your notes are (severely) deceptive either intentionally or unintentionally, and that night in the meeting you did a number things to show your support of what the City and developers were saying, which were all nothing but deception. As your actions that might, your notes too are in complete support of the actions of the City, no matter what the City does. For example, you have mentioned ``The City has decided to pull together a full public process; asked a design team to work with the stake holders/ community; will be 3 public meetings; first one will be scheduled in September;`` Some questions are: Why has the City decided to this open process now after three years of telling people that the McMillan has been a ``full public process`` all the time, when in reality it was only the developers and the City who were making the plans behind heavily guarded closed doors? By saying this and doing this, the City is proving that they either lied for the past three years, or they are lying now, or both. If you think I am not right, tell me why am I not right? Why don`t you ask the City what made them ``open`` their process now? And how are they going to ensure that this process will truly involve and include people`s reasonable ideas and is not just anther empty word to deceive people? Why don`t you tell us why you think we can trust the City after three or four years of doing the closed process and now all of a sudden they decide to ``open the process?`` Is it not important to you to find out what changed? And what do you think the difference will be between the plan that will come out of this process this time, versus the infamous ``EYA Plan?`` Is it not important to you that if the City has been deceiving us for three or four years already, there is no reason to trust and believe them now in what they are saying, especially because still the same people with the same ultimate goals are running the ``show?``
I am fairly confident that you won`t answer the above questions or you won`t continue discussion with me until we come at truly logical and reasonable conclusions. My guess is that you have been hired by the City to pretend that you are not affiliated with the City and then distribute reports like this so the City can deceive people even more. If you think I am not correct with my evaluation of your report, I hope you would be willing to answer my above questions and continue our discussion until you truly show why you seem to be fully supportive of the City (because there is no single point in your report about what the City has been and is doing wrong out of countless cases that are there). I look forward to hearing from you.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
seeking referrals for basement renovation contractors
We are interested in finishing our basement renovations and are looking for suitable contractor referrals.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Summit at St. Martin's Apartments: an Eckington resident comments
I recall reading that all tenats at the Summit are required to be Housing Choice Voucher holders (Section 8). I am not sure if that is true. Perhaps someone could confirm.
Some area residents are supportive of the St. Martin's Apartment project and others oppose it.
From k3n4kevin:
First, we were told affordable apartments were needed because supposedly Eckington was about to be glutted with "luxury" apartments. The community agreed to allow the zoning change, the apartments were built, and they're now being advertised as "affordable luxury apartments".
Don't expect much from the "photo gallery". The exteriors are only shown as architectural drawings. There are a few interior photos, but they are more appropriate for a home furnishing store. One looks like a stock photo of a law library.
With a heavy hand, "Our Location" portrays the developer as a psychic descendant of Joseph Gales and the complex as a parallel of Eckington's historical rowhouses.
Under "Our Community" is only a list of complex "amenities" (this word is heavily utilized), so presumably the "community" stops at the property line.
Eckington residents who thought this large building would overshadow not only the surrounding century old rowhouses, but even McKinley High School - the landmark Eckington has been known by during most of that century - won't be surprised to see the line referring to "hill top residences".
This $28 million dollar project, whose apartments cost an estimated $200/sf, was partially funded by DC taxpayers. It has been extolled by The Washington Post as an example of the kind of public-private partnerships we need more of.
Now, having brought all this up, I will undoubtedly be immediately condemned as racist and anti-affordable housing. That is an underhanded attempt to silence people who question the motives and tactics of public-private partnership principals/advocates, of
large-scale developers, of institutional religious charitable organizations, and of anyone who thinks creating a homogenous socio-economic block of ANY kind is a good idea.
I don't care what color or income bracket my neighbors are, and I think most Eckingtonians feel likewise. But we are too easily manipulated. We can counter charges of racism and classism by demonstrating in our everyday actions just how racist and classist we AREN'T. And we can fight like hell to keep people from looting "the only remaining pool of dumb, unguarded capital left to feed upon: taxpayer money".
The Summit at St. Martin's: "Brand new affordable luxury apartments"
"Not just an apartment. A residence with all the conveniences and services for carefree living.
All the quality touches for gracious living.
All the community facilities & amenities for more than just living space.
And all at truly affordable rental rates.*
Moving up was never easier.Call 202-526-0060 for all the pleasant surprises.
Welcome aboard.
*To insure affordability, maximum income and rent levels apply"
To see the floor plans of this busy warren and its shaft of totally enclosed 'green space' (a term that got lost somewhere along the way) check out:
To attend the "Gala Preview Showing", you must ask for a "Guest Card" - which is obviously meant for potential tenants:
Sunday, September 19, 2010
? new retail/cafe at 512-520 Florida Avenue NW ?
Note that this property is not part of the Greater U Street Historic District. That begins one block over on the 600 block of Florida Avenue NW, even addresses. So there is no design review for the work planned. (But the replacement windows do look great!)
The address on one of the posted permits is 512-520 Florida Avenue NW. The owner of record from the DC Real Property Assessment Database is: MARYAM FATHI ABBAS FATHI in Gaithersburg.The posted permit has this text: Permission is hereby graned to Howard University. (to do what?)
Proposed use: Retail or wholesale store.
Eric over at LeftforLeDroit has posted some info: http://leftforledroit.com/2010/09/recent-renovations/
Eric reports that no tenant has been found (yet).
Scenic Artisan took some photos of this building, which can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scenicartisan/5005439089/in/photostream /
Bloomingdale Civic Asssociation meeting -- Monday, 09/20/2010
Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.
September 2010 Monthly Meeting
Monday, 20 September 2010
St. George`s Episcopal Church
2nd & U Streets, NW
I. Special Presentation from DC WATER (formerly DCWASA)
Bloomingdale Resident, Architect, and DC Water Liaison Ms. Serita Sanders - Moderator
II. Office of Council Member Harry Thomas, Jr.
III. Executive Office of the Mayor
IV. ANC Commissioner John T. Salatti
V. BCA & Community Announcements
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Open Houses scheduled in and around Bloomingdale for Sunday 09-19-2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
McMillan Sand Filtration site development: YouTube videos
Sent: Fri Sep 10 16:51:42 2010
Subject: Re-McMillan development videos
Hello Thomas Street and neighbors,
Herewith the links to four short videos and interviews meant to help shed some light on planned development at the McMillan Sand filtration site uphill from us.
Please take a look; these videos are meant to introduce or re-introduce residents to a heated debate that has been raging for years and that we all should be aware of. I wasn`t aware of any of this until our friendly ANC Commissioner John Salatti told me about the development plans about a year ago.
McMillan-The Synopsis
McMillan-The Case for Historic Preservation
McMillan-The Case for Development
Bloomingdale-Toxic Overflow
These videos don`t tell the whole story as it is continuously evolving. Please take some time to get more information from various other sources and also visit:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
neighbor jonesing for "eckington we`ll steal your heart and your trash can" bumper sticker
Any idea where to purchase the Eckington sticker mentioned below? I know that it`s not really your purview, but figured you are in the know about such things :)
Just saw a bumper sticker that said:
eckington we`ll steal your heart and your trash can
hilarious, I want one ;).
Can anyone help this resident?
vote today if you haven't already
All polling places are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM Tuesday, September 14, 2010.
Find your voting precinct here: http://www.dcboee.org/voter_info/find_pollingplace/
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Info on Settled Residential Property Sales
For an overview of all reported settled sales in Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park, and Eckington since the beginning of 2010, Click Here.
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 09/12/2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Rustik tavern now hiring
Bloomingdale residents are encouraged to apply for a chance to be a part of a local spot team.
Please send your resume with a cover letter at info@rustikdc.com .
back to: feeding ferals cats around Crispus Attucks Park
Ms. Lunaris:
Obviously you have no clue whatsoever as to what I have been experiencing for several years now due the presence of feral cats and wild life on my property. I did not see where you attempted to address the products that the cats have been leaving on my property (poop) for several years now. This is a health hazard to me and my family. The cats and wild life, because of the food sources near my home now choose to live on and under my deck. It is in fact a health hazard, loss of quality of life and nuisance “to me and my family”. I am allergic to cats, and asthmatic. When a cat was found finally having gotten into my home and is found sleeping in my bed, do you not think this is not a health hazard. A dirty filthy smelly cat, these cats do have fleas and in some cases the hair is falling off… Ms. Hille said to me, when I called to express my concerns “well you left the door open”! Where was the concern for my health? If you in fact believe that the cats are being monitored and cared for by Alley Cat Allies where I live, you are mistaken and that is an overstatement.
Food continues to be left out in large quantities every day all day. This practice not only attracts cats but other wildlife. The feral cats and other wildlife then live near the source of the food. It’s just that simple. I witness these animals practically every day coming into my yard and living on and under my deck. Poop on my private property and in my plant containers is unacceptable and yes a health problem for me. Am I expected to continue to clean up after them? Each time I ask the question (and there have been many) of who cleans up after the animals, there is dead SILENCE on the ISSUE. I haven’t heard the ANSWER! Maybe since Alley Cat Allies are monitoring the cats, they can swing by my home and check of the rear door of my basement and take care of that poop problem. How about that! Is poop a public health problem and hazard when left not cleaned up day in and day out? Do I have full access and enjoyment of my home to my own deck (the table which I would like to eat upon) and property where I PAY taxes? I think NOT. Not another time. Not another year will I endure this. I have been quoted the law by the city officials and heard the explanations given by the Washington Humane Society for too many years. Just live with them! Basically. Yet neighbors continue to feed and feed year in and year out. What about my rights to enjoy my home and use my property as I choose? Quite frankly at this point I do not care how others feel one way or the other whether they are being affected or not. This is now a self-centered issue around me and my family.
The Mayor Fenty himself viewed the situation during a Bloomingdale community walkthrough said two years ago, take care of this situation. I didn’t have to say ONE word, the cats were all over my deck and back yard! It has NOT been resolved. This is ONE DC government I am NOT calling around to find a final lasting resolution. That is precisely why I pay taxes.This is your JOB and responsibility, and no one has gotten the JOB DONE to my satisfaction. The Humane Society, Mr. Giacoppo does address wildlife (after a raccoon decided it wanted to live on my deck too) and has been to my home more than once. No more calls, emails and meetings. Make no mistake. I will be taking legal action. BTW I saw a baby opossum (where is the litter) wondering around last nite next door. ENOUGH!
From: Lunaris, Molly (DOH)
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:20 PM
To: Resident on the 2000 block of 1st St NW, east side
Cc: Vigilance, Pierre (DOH); Leonard, Kimberly (DOH); Woldu, Feseha (DOH); Hille, Maria (DOH); john.salatti@gmail.com; Scott Giacoppo; Bridget Speiser; 'Alyson Burgess'
Subject: Feral and Wild Animals in your neighborhood
Good Afternoon,
I’ve been asked to respond to your inquiries about feral and wild animals in your neighborhood.
Feeding feral cats is not illegal in the District so long as such feeding does not attract rats. That is why the community is encouraged to feed only for a short period of time. 10 minutes is an arbitrary about of time that is suggested by feral cat management organizations such as Alley Cat Allies and the Washington Humane Society. The feeder is supposed to pick up any remaining food after the cats finish eating so that any leftovers don’t attract rats or wildlife. It sounds like your neighbor’s take that responsibility seriously and are encouraging those who may be less vigilant to improve their performance to prevent problems. You referenced a serious health problem because of the cats. The Department of Health has not received reports of sick cats, rabies or other diseases transmitted by animals from the neighborhood.
As you may also be aware, the Animal Control Act (8-1802(c)2)) requires the District to “promote the utilization of trap, spay or neuter, and return practices as a means of controlling the feral cat population; provided, that all efforts shall be made to adopt out a trapped, tamable kitten.” My understanding is that the cats you are referring to have been sterilized, vaccinated, and are monitored by the community to ensure that the cats remain healthy. The monitoring includes feeding.
Sterilizing and releasing feral cats is best practices in feral cat management. Trapping and killing animals invites new feral cats into the neighborhood, the new, unsterilized cats reproduce and the population explodes. Because cats are highly territorial, sterilized cats keep new cats out and reduce the population over time.
I understand that Ms. Hille, who you have worked with in the past, has followed up with the known feeders in the neighborhood and issued abatement notices requiring them to cease feeding practices that may cause a public health nuisance.
In your e-mail, you also mention a wildlife problem. The Mayor has not mandated DOH with wildlife management. Wildlife management is DDOE’s Fisheries and Wildlife Division’s domain. That division can be reached by calling Ms. Becky Ackerson at 202-727-4726. If the Department of Health receives reports of sick or injured wildlife, or wildlife actively threatening a resident, animal control can go out; however, the mere presence of a wild animal in the neighborhood does not indicate a public health problem.
Molly Lunaris
Program Specialist Animal Disease Prevention Division
DC Department of Health Government of the District of Columbia
825 North Capitol Street, NE
Suite 8001 Washington, DC 20002
Office: (202) 535-2508
Mobile: (202) 380-6603
Fax: (202) 535-1359
molly.lunaris@dc.gov www.doh.dc.gov
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Parker Flats holding fundraiser on 09/25/2010 for Halloween fundraiser
Hello Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park!
The Parker Flats at Gage School Social and Philanthropy Committees are planning to hold a "Haunted Schoolhouse" event to celebrate Halloween with some of our younger local residents. In order to provide what we expect to be a wonderful night for everyone involved, we need to raise funds to put towards, for lack of a better term, tricking this joint out. We have planned a great fundraiser that should be as beneficial to our cause as it is a good time for all its participants.
On Saturday, September 25th from 1pm-4pm in our courtyard at 2035 2nd St. NW between U & V Sts., we will be hosting the Parker Flats Minute To Win It Tourney and Raffle. Capitalizing on the immense popularity of the NBC game show Minute To Win It, Parker Flats residents, friends, and members of the Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park communities are invited to compete in a series of 1 minute mini-games to see who exhibits the most skill at random tasks. Adult entrants will pay a $10 entry fee to compete and the last man or woman standing will receive the Parker Cup and bragging rights. Child entrants will pay $10 to enter the Youth Category, or $5 if their parent/guardian also enters the Adult Category. The last child standing will receive the Lil' Parker Cup and bragging rights. Spectators will pay $5 for the thrill of watching Parker Flats residents, members of the local community, and possibly a local ANC (who is rumored to be attending) make spectacles of themselves in the name of charity.
Refreshments will be sold, and all paid competition entrants will receive a ticket for one free beverage. We will also be selling tickets for our raffle, which promises to have some amazing pizes. All tickets will go into the same pool increasing the chances of winning eerything from bottles of wine to 1 hour massages. Tickets will be $5 each, or four for $15. We really want to make our Halloween event special for the nighborhood children, so we hope that everyone will come out and join us in rising money for this cause. The weather promises to be beautiful, the games entertaining, and the company as delightful as always in this great neighborhood of ours. See you there!
Cassie Lilly and Emily Dessem
Parker Flats at Gage School
Social Committee Co-Chairs
seeking referrals for exterminators
Wondering if anyone has any recommendations for an exterminator specializing in bug removal. We had a bad experience with "Payne Pest Control" -- who never made good on a 6th month warranty after repeated attempts to set up follow up appointments -- and now are back at square one.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
WP article on the Ward 5 Democratic council race
Harry Thomas Jr.'s challengers say deep roots aren't enough in D.C. Council's Ward 5 race
By Ann E. Marimow
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 11, 2010; B01
All four Democratic candidates -- Harry Thomas Jr., Kenyan McDuffie, Delano Hunter and Tracey Turner -- are mentioned.
Bloomingdale celeb Steuart Martens: wine tasting with Tradewinds at Windows Cafe this Friday evening, 09/10/2010
Tradewinds Specialty Imports and Steuart Martens from NBC`s the Apprentice along with Windows cafe are teaming up for a special fall wine tasting this Friday night September 10th from 6 PM to 8 PM. Windows is preparing free hor douvres to go along with the fantastic wines from Tradewinds.
Windows will feature 4 boutique, estate grown and bottled wines from Spain and Argentina, from 6 PM to 8 PM. Representatives from Tradewinds will be there to discuss the wines and help buyers pick out a bottle, a few or even a case to take home. We hope the residents of Ledroit and Bloomingdale can join us for a fun filled wine tasting.
See you all Friday night for some fun!
Steuart Martens
Taste of DC
Tradewinds Specialty
On The Fly
Twitter: @steuartmartens
Facebook: Steuart Martens
P.S. from your moderator: Did you all see the brief Washington Examiner article on Steuart and his efforts to revive the Taste of DC festival?
`Apprentice` contestant bringing back Taste of DCBy: Katy Adams and Nikki Schwab
Washington Examiner
09/01/10 6:00 PM EDT
Bloomingdale 4-H arts & crafts club this Saturday, 09/11/2010
See this message from Bloomingdale resident Elle Cayabyab Gitlin:
Hey, kids!
Check out the Bloomingdale 4-H Arts and Crafts Club
Saturday, September 11
2 PM to 3 PM
St. George`s Episcopal Church
(Corner of 2nd and U Streets NW)
Learn how to paint with watercolors
Have a healthy fruit snack
Bring a friend and receive a prize!
Contact Chenelyn Barker
(202) 446-8674
overnight pet-sitting services
Overnight Pet Sitter Available to Care for Your Best Friend
Don`t put your four-legged best friend in a kennel when you travel. I`m a responsible, reliable overnight pet sitter who will stay with your pet and take care of their every need.
Your pet will receive all the attention and pampering it is accustomed to and will not have to endure the stress of being boarded.
I also will bring in your mail, feed fish, and water plants. I would be glad to interview with you and your pet.
Rates: $45/night for one pet and $60/night for two pets
Serving the pets of Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park/Shaw/Columbia Heights
Contact Ashley at shrinkwrapped@yahoo.com or 202. 236. 0834.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
seeking carpet cleaning referrals
We're trying to find a good carpet cleaning service. Our off-white carpets have become more "off" than "white".
Any referrals?
Monday, September 06, 2010
Bloomingdale Civic Assn & HU welcome back meet & greet
The Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.
in collaboration with
Ward 5 Council Member Harry “Tommy” Thomas, Jr.,
Ward 5 D. C. State Board of Education Member Mark Jones,
5C04 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner John Salatti,
and The Howard University Office of Vice President for Student Affairs
cordially invite you to an
End of Summer and Welcome Back Meet & Greet
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
at the St. George’s Episcopal Church, 2nd and U Streets, N.W.
Come and say hello to your new neighbors and welcome back our neighbors returning from summer vacations.
Refreshments will be served.
ticketing for leaving supercans, recycling bins, and cars in the alleys
I just want to confirm some of the recent postings that have urged people not to leave supercans, recycling bins, or vehicles in the alley. Under DC law, all cans must be out of the public rights of way (alleys & sidewalks) by the evening of trash pick-up day. For most of Bloomingdale, pick-up day is Wednesday. So certainly by Thursday morning every can left in an alley is subject to a $75 ticket. DPW does not always enforce that law, but the inspectors have been doing so more regularly recently. Inspectors have told me that they tend to concentrate on alleys where the cans tend to be scattered about. Perhaps the city needs the revenue, perhaps the Dept. is trying to do its job to clean up the alleys (and prevent the cans from being used by drug dealers to stash drugs).
But whatever the reason, DPW has the right to ticket. So to avoid an unpleasant ticket, please remove your supercans and recycling bins from the alleys as soon as you can. And to be out of the public right of way in an alley means that the can must be behind a lamp post or telephone pole.
Someone asked how DPW knows who to ticket. The answer is that every can is embossed with a serial number and that number is assigned to a specific address. So the inspectors know exactly which owner to ticket.
And what goes for supercans and recycling bins goes double for vehicles. Any vehicle left in the alley is subject to ticketing from DPW Parking Enforcement and from police.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Open Houses scheduled in and around Bloomingdale for 09/05/2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
alternative plan for the McMillan sand filtration site that fully preserves the site
This Email exchange was lifted from the Historic Washington list at Yahoogroups, moderated by Mary Rowse.
Re: McMillan Sand Filtration May be saved if Gray Wins
Posted by: "Mehdi Mansouri" tin@onlineoffice.us
Thu Sep 2, 2010 10:01 am (PDT)
Our group of people against the current McMillan "City/EYA Plan" are not against development. We are against what I call "destructive development." We are in favor of responsible progress that would make the McMillan site functional-- to serve as many needs of our communities as possible--while preserving this magnificent, historical site.
We have an alternative plan that will fully preserve this site while converting it into a community center with all kinds of businesses, a shopping center, grocery stores, restaurants, entertainment, tourist attraction, park and green space, you name it. And all of that could take less than two years to complete.
At the same time, we have proof that the City/EYA plan will be a disaster for people in every conceivable way, especially financially, and only profitable for developers. There is not even one advantage in demolishing McMillan and building what the City wants to put in there--a mini city with 1,200 residential units and huge square footage of retail and business space with almost no green space, all without doing ANY studies about short and long-term cost/benefits of the "development" itself and its side-effects. None.
Everything the City claims to be a positive factor about their McMillan plan is exactly the opposite. And it is expected to take about 10 years (or more) to complete.
The City has also been keeping all important documents and all contracts top secret from people. City officials never answer any of our questions about any important aspect of their plan, such as what commitments the City may have made to EYA?
Instead they have tried to prevent us from asking questions and insisting on answers. Their efforts include harassment, framing up, wrongfully labeling some of us and lying to others about us (in my case alone they did all of the above plus contacting my employer and sending detectives to my door, just because I ask questions and insist on answers).
Yes, we hear that EYA has done "successful projects." This is what the City keeps saying too. But we need to define the meaning of a "successful" project for us--the people. At a minimum, a project that is considered successful for people in one part of the town may be disastrous for people in another part. That is exactly what is happening here. Just because EYA builds buildings that look good, doesn't make those buildings "successful" for people if they are built in the wrong location, or the wrong process is used to develop their plans, their construction, etc.
I agree that quality of life is something that many of us are concerned about. Just a quick snapshot related to quality of life: There are over 30 (and closer to 40 I am told) other mega projects happening just in Ward 5. Some of these projects are just a block or two away from McMillan. The City never talks about the combined side effects of all of these projects on our communities- -the impact on an already bad traffic situation, how high utilities and taxes will go up as a result, the impact on air quality as pollution increases as more cars and people come to the neighborhood, and as green space and parks (McMillan Park being one of them) disappear. DC is already at the top or close to the top of the list of metropolitan cities with the worst air quality.
Our goal is to stop the current developer-oriented plan and start making a new plan using scientific and commonsense methods. This is also a great opportunity to get the DC Government to be more transparent.
I am compiling a description of everything that is wrong with the City/EYA plan for McMillan and will be posting it to a website that I am developing for McMillan and DC Government issues. I will post the URL to this group hopefully within a few days.
I hope we can continue this discussion and address and analyze issues for our mutual benefit.
Mehdi Mansouri
(202) 657- 6457
From: HistoricWashington@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:HistoricWashington@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Paul Sieczkowski
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:39 PM
To: HistoricWashington@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [HistoricWashington ] McMillan Sand Filtration May be saved if Gray Wins
Saved? The development may move slower if Gray wins but what does saved mean? Its a neglected site. How does prolonged neglect equate to saving it?
There are definitely citizens that feel development of the site is warranted and that the current plans on the table are reasonable. All the EYA projects I've seen in the city are successful. This includes projects in Capitol Hill, the U Street area (two blocks behind Ben's chili bowl) and townhomes being erected a few blocks from the Nationals stadium.
This idea of what's best for the people is not shared by everyone.
Paul Sieczkowski
seeking referrals for a mason for brick, stone and chimney work
We are seeking recommendations for a mason to specifically perform brick and stone and chimney work..
Thursday, September 02, 2010
"Whom do you think is the best candidate for DC mayor?"
"Whom do you think is the best candidate for DC Mayor and why should members of the Bloomingdale community support that candidate?"
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
National Organization for Marriage endorses Delano Hunter, candidate for Ward 5 Council
If not, here is the text from the large postcard:
Text from side #1:
WARNING: Outside Special Interests are Targeting Delano Hunter
Thousands of dollars from homosexual activists outside Ward 5 are attacking Delano Hunter because he supports our right to vote on whether the District legalizes ‘gay marriage.’
Radical, gay marriage activists are flooding Ward 5 with money to defeat Delano Hunter, not because they don’t like his plan to improve our community, but only because he supports the Biblical definition of marriage.
The outside gay activists don’t care about our right to home rule and right to vote on gay marriage. They only care about their agenda to redefine marriage. Don`t let them target Delano Hunter.
Vote to Elect Delano Hunter
Respecting our Past, Working for Our Future
Text from side #2:
Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage
2029 K Street NW,
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Brian S. Brown, President, Neil Corkery, Treasurer
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee
Delano Hunter Shares our Values
A third generation Washingtonian and lifelong Ward 5 resident, Hunter graduated with honors from Delaware State University with a degree in Business Management.
Delano Hunter worked for Nike Inc., where he created the Nike Production Creation Experience that provides mentorship to innercity youth and teaches them business skills.
Delano Hunter works closely with community residents on career development, education and empowerment initiatives designing and supporting ongoing programs such as Operation Truancy, which promotes regular school attendance and scholastic achievement.
A Plan for DC
In the past two years, unemployment in DC has more has doubled, pushing growing numbers of residents into poverty. The current leadership has failed to take action. Delano Hunter has a plan for improving the quality of living in DC.
- Job creation! Provide funding for microloans to existing businesses on key Ward 5 corridors
- Expand recreation in at-risk communities
- Create employment opportunities for youth
- Provide special services for families with at-risk children
- Establish an H.I.V./AIDS prevention task force
Delano Hunter Supports DC Home Rule
Full voting rights in Congress
End Congressional meddling in DC issues
Right of DC residents to vote on homosexual marriage
Vote Delano Hunter for Ward 5
I Emailed Mr. Hunter, asking for his input on National Organization for Marriage mailer.
Here is his reply:
Hello Mr. Roberts:
The mailer was not authorized by my campaign. I had no advanced knowledge of the content or distribution. Quite honestly, I didn`t agree with elements of the mailer including some of the incendiary language. This is something that I am addressing with the appropriate persons.
Delano Hunter
I appreciate his reply and acknowledge his statements. I, too, find the tone of the message from the National Organization for Marriage folks a bit offensive.
potential implications on the McMillan Sand Filtration site development if Vince Gray wins
These two messages were posted at the HistoricWashington list at Yahoogroups.
The first post is from Bloomingdale resident Mehdi Mansouri:
McMillan Sand Filtration May be saved if Gray Wins
Posted by: ``peoplescouncil`` tin@onlineoffice.us peoplescouncil
Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:30 pm (PDT)
After talking with some active community members it seems the majority think, as Mayor, Gray is likely to change the Deputy Mayor of Economic Development, who is said to be a major force behind the plan for demolition of the McMillan Sand Filtration (just so that EYA and other contractors can take over its land and continue receiving money and tax incentives from the City). However, even with a new Deputy, nothing may change, because another person solidly in EYA`s pocket (and trying fiercely to get McMillan given away to EYA) is CM Harry Thomas, seemingly on very good terms with Gray. There is obviously no guarantee the new Deputy would be any different than the current one. Still, a change of Deputies would delay the process, which would give us a chance to see if we can save McMillan.
One indication that a potential mayoral change could be in McMillan`s favor, is that the current ``Manager`` of this project (Mr. Clint Jackson, from the office of ``Economic Development (for corrupt businesses, of course and not for people)``) is now pushing very hard to get the McMillan development plan approved in September and the contracts finished in October. It would be helpful if we could get a commitment from Gray that, should he become the Mayor, he will stop the McMillan Project to allow for a new one to start that would be run by concerned citizens (unlike the current process that is being run by puppets of EYA and other businesses dressed as Deputies and Managers in the DC Government). I hope we can form a group for saving McMillan and discuss how to proceed.
Mehdi Mansouri
(202)657- 6457
1b. Re: McMillan Sand Filtration May be saved if Gray Wins
Posted by: ``Paul Sieczkowski`` paul_sieczkowski@yahoo.com
Wed Sep 1, 2010 5:51 am (PDT)
Saved? The development may move slower if Gray wins but what does saved mean? Its a neglected site. How does prolonged neglect equate to saving it?
There are definitely citizens that feel development of the site is warranted and that the current plans on the table are reasonable. All the EYA projects I`ve seen in the city are successful. This includes projects in Capitol Hill, the U Street area (two blocks behind Ben`s chili bowl) and townhomes being erected a few blocks from the Nationals stadium.
This idea of what`s best for the people is not shared by everyone.
Paul Sieczkowski