Saturday, January 28, 2012
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale
Thursday, January 26, 2012
next Crispus Attucks Park board of directors meeting -- Wednesday, 02-08-2012
The next meeting of the Crispus Attucks Park Board of Directors will be taking place Wed, Feb 8th from 7:00 to 9:00 at St. George`s Episcopal Church at the corner of 2nd and U Streets, NW. The agenda, which I will post next week, will include topics such as park governance, board elections, fundraising, special projects and maintenance. If you are interested in park affairs, you are welcome and encouraged to attend.
If you are unfamiliar with the park, please visit our website at . Donations always welcomed via the website.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Bloomingdale Inn converting to residential housing

Again thank you and the best wishes to you all.
Jim & Lorraine - John & Ginger
Ever wanted to stay in a Bed and Breakfast?
Now`s the chance to live in one! The Bloomingdale Inn is converting our rooms to short/long term rentals. Now you can live in a spacious furnished room like Royalty.
The Inn is a very large Victorian townhome with high ceilings, hardwood floors, plaster walls and ceilings. The perfect environment to relax after working hard at the office.
We are near Washington Hospital Center, VA Hospital and Howard U and the U Street corridor. Convenient to Metro (less than 15 minutes) with Metro Bus stop (#80 & G2) right on the same block. They go to the Capitol, China Town, White House and the Kennedy Center as well as Logan circle, DuPont circle and Georgetown.
Fully furnished rooms starting at just $995 a month plus utilities.
Contact John at john @ for more information.
(No Phone calls please!)
Start living the life you deserve in comfort.
John Wilson, Manager
Bloomingdale Inn
Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk -- tonight, Wednesday, 01/25/2012
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and James Fournier Invite you to take part in a Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safer neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. This is about making a strong presence in the community, showing that Bloomingdale will not tolerate crime in our neighborhood.
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW
(Meet in front of Windows Café. Dress comfortably and bring a flashlight!)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
"promise bridge" sign posted on T Street Bridge connecting Bloomingdale with Eckinton

I believe that this promise bridge is the T Street Bridge that connects the unit blocks of T Street NW with T Street NE.
See this post from Prince of Petworth:
The Promise Bridge is on North Capitol Street connecting Bloomingdale and Eckington. Kinda reminds me of the love locks bridges in Paris. Not sure if the promise locks will be as popular.
"join Ward 5 Council candidate tonight at Boundary Stone to watch Obama`s 2012 State of the Union Address"

Join Ward 5 Council candidate tonight at Boundary Stone to watch Obama`s 2012 State of the Union address!
President Obama`s State of the Union address on Tuesday January 24, 2012 will provide both an assessment of the year past and a plan for the year ahead. As residents of Ward 5, we are also planning for the year ahead, and considering the future our neighborhoods and our city as a whole. John Salatti, Ward 5 candidate for Council, would like to invite you to join him in watching the 2012 State of the Union Address, celebrating the successes and considering the future of our country, and discussing next steps for Ward 5!
What: State of the Union Watching Party
Where: Boundary Stone, 116 Rhode Island Ave NW
When: Tuesday January 24, 2012, 8pm
Spotlight: Bloomingdale / Eckington / NoMa
Sunday, January 22, 2012
? Sunset Liquors space - deli opening ?
My housemates and I stopped by Sunset Liquor at 1st and Florida NW on Friday night and they`re in the middle of a big renovation.
The woman whom I take to be the owner told us she`s going to open a deli, possibly as soon as this week. The shelves in the lower area have been taken out and replaced with a long counter.
No word on whether the upstairs liquor area will stay the same.
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 01/22/2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
A great post concerning some history of 1700 First street nw
a little excerpt:
By virtue of a decree passed in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia in the case of Edith B. Fenton vs. John D. Schamel, Equity No. 29563, we will sell at public auction, in front of premises No. 1700 First street northwest, on FRIDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1910, at 4:30 o’clock p.m., the following, namely: The stock of goods, fixtures, two wagons, one horse, harness, and good will of the grocery business heretofore conducted on said premises under the name of Schamel & Co., together with the unexpired portion of the lease of said premises, except as to the apartment on the second floor thereof, and a rental agreement to a stable in Reeves court heretofore used and occupied by said firm.
And This:
Thursday, January 19, 2012
2020 Martini finally opened! (in Richmond, not at the firehouse)
Recall the plans for the fancy 2020 Martini cafe/restaurant/lounge at Bloomingdale's firehouse?
Scenic noticed that 2020 Martini * did * finally open...
... in Richmond.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Save-A-Lot opening in Rhode Island Avenue Center
DJ 2 Tone Jones at Boundary Stone this Saturday
The Jones Collection | Diamond Cutterz | VJC | AM Radio | WBL, Inc.
Co-host and DJ for Ill Street Grooves (Mondays 10-11pm) on WPFW 89.3fm
Telephone: (202) 462-2411
Facebook: DJ 2-Tone Jones
Twitter: @dj2tonejones
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
first Ward 5 candidate forum announced -- for Tuesday, 01/24/2012 -- at the Lace Lounge
As ward 5 looks to elect new leadership, it`s important that voters have an opportunity to vet each candidate and make an informed decision at the polls. Unfortunately, the short window of time and the long list of potential candidates will make it difficult for residents to get out to meetings or chase down individuals to hear where they stand on important issues. To assist voters in this process, myself along with Lace developed ``Straight Up Politics``.
Straight Up Politics is a series of candid candidate forums designed to provide residents with a relaxed atmosphere to ask tough and pointed questions that will hopefully make deciding who the new ward 5 Councilmember is a little easier. The forums will be focused on economic development, education and crime.
The events will take place on Tuesday`s and run until the special election. The first forum will be next Tuesday, January 24. The forum before the special election will be a straw poll. After the session on the 24th, candidates will be put in groups and invited back to separate forums that will focus on specific issues. Below is a schedule for the first forum.
1/24/2012 Schedule
6:30pm-7:00pm-Candidate check in
7:00pm-Candidate Introductions
7:00pm-8:30pm-Individual Questioning
If you are interested in participating in these forums please RSVP by email before COB Thursday, January 19, 2012. Please, let me know if you have any questions.
Straight Up Politics
Lace Lounge
2214 Rhode Island Ave NE
Tuesday, January 24 2012
Tim Clark
...and see these additional comments posted at the Eckington list:
Tim Clark clarifies: ``It's not an adult entertainment venue. It opened up as a lesbian lounge and has made a transition since then. They have opened their doors to the community on several occasions.``
next Bloomingdale public safety walk -- now on Wednesday, 01/25/2012
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and James Fournier
Invite you to take part in a Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safer neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. This is about making a strong presence in the community, showing that Bloomingdale will not tolerate crime in our neighborhood.
When: Tuesday, January 24, 2011 at 7:00 PM -- rescheduled to Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW
(Meet in front of Windows Café. Dress comfortably and bring a flashlight!)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for 01/15/2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Then and Now: North Capitol NW, between Quincy and R Streets
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Things are Poppin' in Truxton Circle
We mentioned FabLabDC before. I'm especially excited about this. I would invite everyone that is interested to contact them to see how you can help make this happen.
Fab Lab
Uncle Chips
I've heard great things about Uncle Chips, but I havent tried them yet. What I do know is that they are NOW OPEN.
I had probably the best fish and chips I've ever had at ReVive. Fantastic mac and cheese too. I'm not a huge foodie so you'll have to judge for yourself, but i love the place. Go check this newish carry-out place on Florida NW at North Capitol Street.
The Bates Civic Association facebook page indicates that a causal wine bar will be opening at 3rd and Florida NW. More talk of it on PrinceofPetworth. I'm sure many of you know that a wine bar will probably be opening up on North Capitol in Bloomingdale this year too, right?
The New Playground
I don't have a picture of it, but the playground equipment going in at First and Florida makes we wish I was a kid. It looks amazing.
I don't know the timeframe, or really the extent of the entire project, but it looks like things are moving forward in the reconstruction of Dunbar High School. The field at least is all dug up and being worked on.
And though actually in Bloomingdale, but right across the street from Truxton, is the new Studio85 store.
Wow. Good luck to all the new businesses!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Lydia wants to hear your pop-up stories !

See this post from Washington City Paper Housing Complex reporter Lydia DePillis.
Please contact her if you are passionate about pop-ups -- or even if you`re not!
Tell Me Your Pop-Up Stories
Posted by Lydia DePillis on Jan. 10, 2012 at 9:14 am
A pop-up on New Jersey Avenue NW.
One thing I`ve noticed after a couple years of watching neighborhood blogs and listservs: Few architectural features generate more ire than ``pop-ups,`` as the additions of one floor atop a rowhouse are colloquially known. They`re a great way to maximize space in constrained circumstances, capitalizing on natural light and perhaps allowing a homeowner to stick around rather than light out for the suburbs in search of a third bedroom.
But they sure can get ugly, when siding doesn`t match the original house, or when the addition
interrupts a harmonious block. At the moment, the District`s zoning code doesn`t address pop-ups, and in at least one neighborhood—Barney Circle, east of Capitol Hill—residents tried to pass an historic district in large part to fill the gap.
I`d like to more fully explore the phenomenon of pop-ups and the discussions that happen around them. If you`ve got one you`re proud of, or can`t stand a neighbor`s, or have any other observations to share, please get in touch.
Monday, January 09, 2012
open question: Whom would YOU like to see run in the upcoming Ward 5 Council race?

Okay, then let's open us this question to the community.
Whose name(s) would YOU like to see on the ballot for the upcoming Ward 5 council race?
And check out this related post at GGW:
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Open Houses scheduled In and Around Bloomingdale on 01/08/2012
Friday, January 06, 2012
man taking items from rear porch on 100 block of R Street NE in Eckington

Today I made a police call to report a person that was not only acting suspicious and riffling through garbage cans in the alley of the 100 block NE R Street shared with Quincy Place, but trespassing and taking item(s) from the back porch of 113 R Street NE. He also made his way into the alley behind the old Eckington School . Attached is a photo of this guy. I reported earlier that he was about 50 years old, but the photo I took would leave one to believe he is much older.
See this follow-on message from Fifth District Commander Andy Solberg:
Ask that residents call 911 when they see him, so we can get the chance to come and find out who he is.
Sligo Creek Stompers performing at Big Bear Cafe tonight

Tonight, the Sligo Creek Stompers are performing at Big Bear at 8:30. They are a local bluegrass band with a really down-home, friendly sound. The show is free of charge and there will be plenty to eat and drink!
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Earth to Bloomingdale residents: "traffic consultants rarely tell communities that new development will cause any problems." Do you agree? Disagree?

"Neighbors often don't believe traffic consultants when they say new development will cause minimal new traffic, but those consultants are counting on mixed uses, transit, and changing behavior."
Spot on? Off-base?
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Lydia comments on the McMillan Sand Filtration site & its transportation plan; what do * you * think?

Green Light
Posted by Lydia DePillis
on Jan. 4, 2012 at 5:57 pm
Lydia briefly mentions Bloomingdale`s McMillan Sand Filtration site.
Here are the three paragraphs that reference the sand filtration site:
Then there’s McMillan Sand Filtration Plant, where development plans have engendered distrust for decades. A citizen group commissioned an outside expert to review the developer’s traffic study, asking for more information; local ANC officials are sure that adding hundreds more residences and large office buildings will make it impossible for people in surrounding neighborhoods to get to work.
But there are two problems with that.
One: Projects of a certain scale start to develop their own gravity. More residences and office workers are the only thing that justify large transportation investments like streetcars and bus rapid transit. And if there’s a mix of housing, commerce, and offices—which McMillan is supposed to have—people will be able to get to work, buy groceries, and take their kids to a playground without getting in a car. That way, even the largest of new developments won’t have the impact residents fear.
Two: Sometimes traffic is good. Urban places are congested. And well-managed congestion—with a robust array of alternatives—encourages people to do something different, like move closer to where they work, telecommute, or bike instead of drive. All take the pressure off a traffic study as something that people seize on to contain a new development.
What do you think ?
Monday, January 02, 2012
some announcements from Rustik Tavern (like lunch at Rustik Tuesdays thru Fridays!)

We have a few announcements.
Second, movies. This month we are featuring some fantastic French films that span the eclectic cinematic feats of the pentagon shaped country – from the artsy, to the criminal to the comedic.
We’ll begin tomorrow, Tuesday 1/3, with Le fabuleux destin d'AmĂ©lie Poulain, known simply as AmĂ©lie. Here, Amelie, an innocent and naive girl in Paris, with her own sense of justice, decides to help those around her and along the way, discovers love. This is the iconic French film of the early 2000’s that catapulted young Audrey Tautou and her pixie cut to notoriety.
On Tuesday, 1/10, we’ll be playing La Femme Nikita, directed by Luc Besson (Leon: The Professional, The Fifth Element). In this hit-man twist, convicted felon Nikita, instead of going to jail, is given a new identity and trained, stylishly, as a top secret spy/assassin.
The Dinner Game (Le Diner de Cons), 1/17, is a beguiling French farce in which Pierre and his friends organize a weekly dinner for idiots. Each man invites the dumbest guy he can find as a guest. Pierre thinks his champ -François Pignon- will steal the show.
On Tuesday, 1/24, we will play The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie). A surrealist film directed by Luis Buñuel, the movie’s world is not logical: the bizarre events are accepted by the characters, even if they are impossible or contradictory. The film concerns a group of upper class people attempting — despite continual interruptions — to dine together. Winner of an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film (1972).
We’ll finish January with an action, clever, funny, and very sexy French spy thriller starring the great Jean-Paul Belmondo, The Professional. The story goes: French secret agent Joss Baumont is sent to one of the African countries to kill their president Njala. However, at the last moment the political situation changes and the French secret service turns him in to the African authorities, and he is sentenced to a long-term imprisonment. After the daring escape he returns to France and deliberately informs his former chiefs of his presence promising them to kill Njala who has just arrived to the country with the official visit.
1/3 Amélie (2001, 122 min., R)
1/10 La Femme Nikita (1991, 118 min., R)
1/17 Le Diner de Cons / The Dinner Game (1998, 80 min., PG-13)
1/24 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972, 102 min. PG)
1/31 The Professional (1981, 108 min.)