Monday, March 30, 2009
a new "world class" park in the neighborhood?
Mayor Adrian Fenty attended the Tuesday, March 24 LeDroit Park Civic Association meeting to discuss the city’s idea for the former Gage Eckington school site. He informed the community that the city had pursued the previous short-term plan which was now dead. That plan called for the Department of Environment, Senior Wellness Center and Common Good City Farm to occupy the site. The cost of retrofitting the building to accommodate the tenants was very high and the city determined it could not make this work.
The city is proposing a new plan: They proposed to demolish the Gage Eckington building and replace it with a “world class neighborhood park for residents of all ages to use.” Park ideas include playgrounds for children, the Common Good City Farm, fields, sitting areas and open green space. The city estimated that demolition and site preparation could start June 1, 2009 and be completed by September. The park construction would then begin and could be completed by June, 2010.
The Mayor emphasized that he would take the guidance of the community. If it decided to proceed with the park, the city would commit to the proposed timeline. If it decided to reject the park idea, the building would remain vacant until a long-term plan was reached (3-5 years).
The attendees (50-65) at the meeting were overwhelmingly in favor of the mayor’s proposal (only a handful opposed), given that the alternative is to have the building vacant until a long–term use is found (3-5 years). The long term use would certainly involve demolition anyway as the City is committed to this action.
The community will begin meetings with the city to design the park with a demolition slated for June 1 2009 and a final park to be created by June 2010. Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday evenings at 7pm starting April 8th. The first meeting is 4/8 at 7pm at the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church (2nd and Rhode Island).
Howard University Day of Service in LeDroit Park – Sat. April 18th
To celebrate the inauguration of University President Sidney Ribeau, join students and volunteers throughout the community for a neighborhood beautification and clean up. The University will also be hosting and information fair, barbecue, parade and entertainment in the Anna J. Cooper Circle at 3rd & T Streets NW. Events run from about 9am – 2pm. Look for more information in the coming weeks.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
April is a busy month in the community.
Common Good Farm - Green Tomorrows informational meeting
Tuesday, April 7, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
at Florida Avenue Baptist Church
This is a gardening program open to low-income families and individuals. In exchange for 2
or more hours per week of fun, instructional hands-on work on the farm, you will receive a bag of fresh farm fruits and vegetables each week. For more information, contact 202-330-5945.
Gage Eckington Re-use Kickoff Meeting
Wednesday, April 8, 7:00 p.m.
at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, (2nd and Rhode Island Ave)
All are invited to this meeting with city officials to discuss ideas for a park and green space at the former Gage Eckington School site.
Common Good City Farm Work Day and Tree Planting
Saturday, April 11, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
3rd and V Streets NW
Monthly Safety Walk
Tuesday, April 14, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Meet at Anna J. Cooper Circle
We’ll be joined by MPD and Howard University patrolmen
Gage Eckington Re-use Design Meeting
Wednesday, April 15, 7:00 p.m.
St. George’s Church (2nd and U streets)
All are invited to this meeting with city officials to discuss ideas for a park and green space at the former Gage Eckington School site.
Common Good City Farm Container Garden Workshop & Work Day
Saturday, April 18
3rd and V Streets NW
Howard University / Ledroit Park Beautification Day
Saturday, April 18
Throughout Ledroit Park & at Anna J Cooper Circle
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Open Houses for 03/29/2009

Curious about houses for sale in the neighborhood? Click here to check out Open Houses schedule in and around the neighborhood for 03/29/2009.
Thanks to everybody who voted for me for best real estate agent for the City Paper's Best of Washington issue this week. I placed third!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
you're invited! yes, you!
you're invited! yes, you!
NCMS Hosts Official Kick-off Join Our Mailing List! Greetings!
Please be our guest... at the grand opening of our new office space -- 1703 North Capitol Street, NE. We will kick off our new program; Councilmember Harry (Tommy) Thomas will bring greetings; we'll share new opportunities to get involved as well as upcoming programs/projects at North Capitol Main Street, all designed to improve the business districts within your neighborhood. See you there! Garry Clark, Executive Director Thur., March 26, 2009 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 1703 N. Capitol St. NE RSVP: 202-905-6039 New Kid on the Block
[Photo]Introducing North Capitol Main Street
Change is coming to Ward 5.... Be a Part of It!
Dubbed "one of the hottest up and coming neighborhoods" by the Washington DC Economic Partnership the neighborhoods along North Capitol Street are full of promise and potential. Four commercial corridors-Rhode Island Avenue, New York Avenue, Florida Avenue and North Capitol Street-serve as gateways into the city and offer retail opportunities for residents and commuters. The District's newest Metro station is right around the corner.
Enter North Capitol Main Street-part of the newest "class" of organizations in the DC Main Streets program, which fosters retail opportunities in DC by investing in the District's communities. North Capitol Main Street's mission is to shepherd the growth and transformation of our community by investing in its businesses and attracting new ones. And we'll do it by working with you! Business owners, property owners, residents-we're here to serve your interests by serving the community.
Here's how you can help:
Tell us about your business and your needs. Are you a North Capitol corridor business owner? We need to hear from you to know how to best invest in the community. Contact Executive Director Garry Clark at 202.905.6039 and let us know what's on your mind.
Join a committee. North Capitol Main Street is a volunteer-driven organization. You can be a force for change, meet your neighbors or fellow business owners- and maybe even broaden your horizons and learn a thing or two-by signing up. Ask for more information about the Organization, Design, Economic Restructuring or Promotion committee-whichever is the best fit for you!
Share your expertise. Are you a PR person? An attorney? Accountant? Architect or urban planner? Event planner? Designer? Whatever your profession, your expertise could make a big difference. And who doesn't like a good opportunity to show off their skills, right? Be sure to tell Garry or a Board or committee member what you do and that you'd like to help.
Roll up your sleeves. Some of our projects will require manual labor or extra hands. Sign up to volunteer and we'll call you when we're ready.
Help shape our membership program or become a member. Membership will be offered to businesses, property owners, residents and other interested citizens. You can help us to make the opportunity valuable to you!
Make a tax-deductible gift. North Capitol Main Street, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. Your gift-however big or small-is a welcome contribution in support of this work.
You can help us make a difference.
Thank you!
Monday, March 23, 2009
congratulations IMGOPH!
Cheryl's Gone Reading Series - March 26 - 8pm
Willie Davis (fiction)
Erik Gamlem (a little of this and that)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Signs of Spring=New Listings!

Daffodils and low interest rates mean buyers are out looking, and new inventory is popping up. Several new listings in the neighborhood are Open Sunday and can be found by clicking Here.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Why Bloomingdale is a Fascinating, Yet Complex, Micro Real Estate Market
HERE are the reported settled residential sales for January 2009 for just Bloomingdale.
They are comprised of:
-1 high end condo
-1 foreclosed house
-1 very cute but kind of small house
-1 very large house described as needing work
HERE are the reported settled residential sales for February 2009 for just Bloomingdale, which are similarly diverse in nature.
-1 foreclosed house (bought by an investor who typically does very nice renovations)
-1 foreclosed condo
-2 condo units at The Gage School/Schoolhouse Lofts
In the market or thinking about it? HERE are the scheduled open houses in and around Bloomingdale.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
underneath the mews
Agenda for the Tuesday, 3/17/20009, ANC 5C Meeting
7:00 –9:15 p.m. North Capitol at Rhode Island Ave, NE
ANC5C citizens are invited to bring suggestions and recommendation for community improvement to the meeting. However, please observe simply courtesies at all times -- wait to be recognized before speaking and do not speak over others or while others have the floor. Please limit your comments to ONE MINUTE so to give others a chance for expression. Following the Commissioners’ comments, members of the community will be recognized to speak. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain public order during the meeting. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Part I: Administrative 7:05 pm
1. Call to Order .……………………………. Commissioner Bonds, Chairman
2. Roll Call ...................…………………….. Commissioner Daneker, Vice Chairman
3. Approval of the Minutes
Part II: Guest Presentations 7:15 pm
1. Mamo Project Request for Extension of PUD (N. Capitol and Florida Ave, NW)
2. Gynecologic Cancer Foundation Half Marathon and 5K Run ….. Jen Hoskote
Part III: Outstanding Business 7:45 pm
Curb Cut Application 1817 First St, NW ……. Commissioner Davenport and Mr. Crowley
Grants Committee Report ………………….. Commissioner Day, Chair
Amateur Kickboxing Grant Vote
Part IV: Workshop on Transportation and Development Issues 8:00 pm
1. Each Commissioner will “Report Out” on a list of transportation/traffic and development/density/location/zoning issues in their Single Member District and ideas/proposals for addressing any concerns. (Following the Commissioners’ remarks, Single-member District residents will be given an opportunity to add an item to the list or to speak on any matter of their interest.)
2. Each speaker in the audience will be allotted I minute maximum to speak.
(Please use your time wisely by making concise and thoughtful statements.)
3. The final list will be submitted to the Mayor and Councilmember for action. Monthly updates will be provided through the life of the issue until resolution. Each resolution will be celebrated at the ANC Community meetings.
Part IV: Updates and Status Reports 8:25 pm
MPD and 5D-CAC Update ……………………….… Robert Brannum, 5D-CAC President
Part V: Committee of the Whole Executive Session 8:35 pm
This portion of the meeting is reserved for COMMISSION ACTION ONLY; therefore audience comments will not be entertained. The audience is asked to hold their comments and share them with their Single Member District Representative at the conclusion of the meeting. Thanks again for your cooperation.
Response to ANC Concerns …………………………………………………….
Treasurer’s Report …………………………………. Commissioners Farmer-Allen and Day
Pay Bills …………………………………………………………………………….
Meeting Adjourned
North Cap Main Streets
Thursday, March 26, 2009 --From 6 PM - 8 PM
LOCATION: 1703 North Capitol St., NE, Washington, D.C. 20002
North Capitol Main Street, Inc. Grand Opening theme "Call To Service"
Come celebrate with the commercial business community and interested residents, as NCMS kicks off its effort to revitalize and sustain the North Capitol Neighborhood Commercial Corridor. There will be refreshments, a message from our Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas, Jr., At-Large Councilmember Kwame Brown, and NCMS, Inc. President, Mrs. Patricia Mitchell. Also opportunities for sponsorship, membership and an overall networking occasion!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, March 07, 2009
new york pizza and mexican.
I've not tried them before, but there's one on Bladensburg NE and one on Pennsylvania Avenue SE for anyone interested.
Last night I tried to convince the owners of La Lomitas to open a place on North Capitol. They're looking to open a new location so if you go there, tell them to come to our neighborhood!
i always go to the one near potomac avenue metro ( a tradition since i moved to dc) but they have a location on the 300 block of penn, and a place on Mass Ave NE called La Loma.