Is there any place locally (within walking distance of 2nd & V NW) that sells Christmas trees?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
? Christmas trees for sale within walking distance of Bloomingdale ?
Friday, November 27, 2009
? the new visitor parking permits program -- ripe for abuse?
Some months ago, we discussed on the listserv problems some neighbors have had with having visitors over, but then their visitors getting ticketed for being in the zone parking for more than two hours. As one way to address that problem, I raised the idea of each household getting one permanent visitor parking permit, which is being done already in Ward 4. Many neighbors were very enthusiastic about having such a permit. So I brought the issue to the attention of DDOT and wrote and got passed a resolution from ANC 5C in support of such a program. Well, between that effort and the need for more flexible parking options throughout the city, the Visitor Parking Permit Program is about to expand from its pilot phase. Starting in January 2010, all households will receive a mailing from DDOT describing the program. Permits themselves are to be distributed starting in February.
This is great news for all of us. Although this one change will not solve our parking problems in Bloomingdale, it will help.
See this response from a W Street NW resident:
Parking problems and unregistered cars
DC requires that all residents register their car within 30 days of moving into the district.
I see too many cars parked on the street with out of state license tags and I know that the owners live here. I presume that these residents will be able to use the new visitor street parking pass to avoid getting a $100 ticket for not registering their car….?How does this visitor parking permits program described by John Salatti help alleviate the parking problem, especially for those of us who paid to register our cars in DC? This program is ripe for abuse.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
seeking cat sitter referrals
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
North Capitol Main Street Clean & Safe Sentinels Kick-Off Today

North Capitol Main Street
On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 11:00 am, 1703 North Capitol Street, NE, North Capitol Main Street will launch the first of its kind in the North Capitol Community -- its inaugural Clean & Safe Sentinels Program. The NCMS Clean & Safe Sentinels will be responsible for keeping the business corridors that surround Bloomingdale, Eckington and East Shaw/Truxton Circle neighborhoods clean and safe for businesses, resident-customers and visitors to the area.
Services will be provided by Ready, Willing & Working (RWW), which provides work opportunities and supportive services to homeless and formerly incarcerated individuals. The program's holistic approach empowers men and women to break the cycles of homelessness, welfare dependency and criminal recidivism to achieve permanent self-sufficiency -- through gainful employment and life-skills training.
NCMS sought the services of RWW because of its excellent track record in providing maintenance, cleaning and landscaping services to Capitol Hill Business Improvement District as well as to Barracks Row Main Street.
RWW President Patty Brosmer says "With an emphasis on enjoying what we do and a philosophy that we are serving the public, we are looking forward to making a big difference for those who live, work and do business in the NCMS area."
"Once the program is up and running, we are urging residents to help NCMS make this program a complete success by sharing your comments and making suggestions on how we can improve in any area, says Pat Mitchell, President of NCMS." "It's going to take a united effort -- coordination with businesses, police, social services and residents -- to make the program a model of success and each resident can do his or her part by being invested in the idea of a clean and safe community."
Garry Clark, Executive Director
202- 905- 6039
Monday, November 23, 2009
? not happy about having a tattoo parlor in Bloomingdale ... ?
I was wondering if anyone else has noticed the new tattoo parlor business on the unit block of Florida Avenue NW on the north side of the street. At first, it missed my attention because it opened up around Halloween and I thought the large signage was a Halloween decoration (a massive skull). For those residents who will soon be going to sea and require body identification in case they fall overboard and wash up on some distant shore, this maybe a good thing. For the rest of us, this may be a harbinger of things to come for our neighborhood. I would expect that the next business to open in that block will be a strip bar, like the ones Charlene Drew Jarvis used to allow in Ward 4 along Georgia Avenue NW (there are good political contributions involved). Perhaps these types of operations will appease those who oppose the Bloomingdale Farmers’ Market on R St. For the rest of us, who are trying to uplift and improve the neighborhood, this is yet another slap in the face."
Here is feedback from a W Street NW resident:
In reference to the tattoo parlor neighbor...when are we gonna stop bitchin about little things..we don't have a grocery store cause someone complained. We don't have a police substation cause some one complained. The reservoir site is collecting dust cause we couldn't get it together. The bandits and drug houses are flourishing in our neighborhoods and we don't complain together or enough. There are people who like tattoos and are not stuffy and realize that a neighborhood consist of different likes and dislikes that have to work together...get over hasn't been bad for U st and the Strip joint hasn't done M and 18 bad either...looking at the messes we are in now, I would take Drew Jarvis over Fenty anyday..Focus boo...fix up your property and home and pay for that space ...then work with your neighborhood. Florida Ave is full of other things that need to be folks that need when an opportunity opens let it open it is just ink on the skin..not blood on the sidewalk or a gun in your face.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Open Houses scheduled in and around Bloomingdale for 11/22/2009
seeking referrals for minor exterior brick work
I need some recommendations for some brick re-pointing work.
Our entire house does not need work, but many bricks on the corners are visibly in need of repair.
Friday, November 20, 2009
North Capitol Main Street "Clean Team Sentinels" kickoff
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here:
Press Release
For Immediate Release
North Capitol Main Street, Inc. Announces Launch of the NCMS Clean Team Sentinels
Kickoff Event - Tuesday, November 24th 11A.M.
NCMS Headquarters - 1703 North Capitol Street NE
Washington, D.C. -November 18, 2009 - NCMS is pleased to annouce the launch of its first BID Liter Clean Team for the NCMS corridor. NCMS, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, designated by D.C. Main Streets and funded by the Department of Small and Local Business Development. NCMS focuses on the commercial neighborhood revitalization of the NCMS corridor. NCMS recently received the grant approval from the Department of Small and Local Business Development. The grant will completely fund the 1st year of operations. NCMS will utilize the services of Capitol Hill BID - Ready, Willing, and Working during this first year. The NCMS Clean team will work five days a week from 10AM to 6PM.
The clean team effort will encompass the following NCMS boundary:
Rhode Island Avenue between Second Street, NW and North Capitol Street, NE
(northern boundary); North Capitol Street between Rhode Island Avenue, NE and New York Avenue, NE (eastern boundary); New York Avenue between Second Street, NW and North Capitol Street, NE (southern boundary); and First Street, NW between New York Avenue, NW and Rhode Island Avenue, NW (western boundary)
Background on the Clean Team Vendor
"Ready, Willing & Working" (RWW) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation that provides work opportunities and supportive services to homeless and formerly incarcerated individuals. The program's holistic approach empowers men to break the cycles of homelessness, welfare dependency and criminal recidivism and achieve permanent self-sufficiency. Most of the participants in the program will never see a shelter or be incarcerated again. RWW also provides maintenance, cleaning and landscaping serves the Capitol Hill Business Improvement District and Barracks Row Main Street. RWW President Patty Brosmer says "The NCMS Team is trained and ready to go to work making the area cleaner and more beautiful. With an emphasis on enjoying what we do and a philosophy that we are "serving the public," we are looking forward making a big difference for those who live, work and do business in the NCMS area." You'll see them out in force Tuesday through Saturday, sweeping, weeding, mowing overgrown areas, mulching tree boxes and installing light pole baskets and commercial planters with seasonal plantings.
Be sure to attend the NCMS Clean Team Sentinels - Kickoff Event:
Date: Tuesday.November 24, 2009
Time: 11A.M.
Location: NCMS Office
1703 North Capitol Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
Garry Clark
Executive Director
Phone 202- 905- 6039
Fax:202- 269- 0014
Email:gclark @
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Open Houses scheduled in and around Bloomingdale for 11/15/2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
Thanksgiving Basket Give Away to needy families -- Saturday, 11/21/2009 -- seeking donations
We are in the process of preparing for our November 21st Thanksgiving Basket Give Away to Needy Families.
Would you please post this information on the website, for we are looking for persons and organizations to donate Thanksgiving Baskets for the families in our community?
And should they like to make a donation that would allow us to purchase a basket for a family, we could give them a tax deductible receipt for whatever they decide to give.
And we are also looking for volunteers, persons who might want to come out and help with the give away. Please see information below for details regarding the November 21st Thanksgiving Basket GiveAway.
joAnn Perkins
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Friend,
As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we need your help BIG TIME!!! in being able to provide baskets to inner-city families needing food to feed their families a Thanksgiving meal.
With so many people needing food for their Thanksgiving meal, we ask that you consider partnering with us by making a tax deductible donation that will help us provide food to the families asking for our HELP!!!
For a donation of $25.00 you can help feed a family of four.
The Community Thanksgiving Basket Give Away
Saturday, November 21st
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
315 Rhode Island Ave., NW
Come join us as we give Thanksgiving baskets to those in need!
Mission Statement:
As a community-based organization, the EXTENSION Center’s mission is to provide educational training services that positively impact lives of children, youth and adults living in inner-city neighborhoods.To accomplish our mission we sponsor 7 rallies, 6 educational training programs and Good Samaritan Emergency Compassion Relief Projects for people needing help
getting back on their feet.Contact Us
Extension Center
1720 1st St. NW.
Washington, DC 20001
202. 387. 3082
Extensioncenter @
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
interviewing neighborhood elders
Dear Neighbors,
I'm writing to enlist your help with my latest community-based performance endeavor! The piece we're working to create will be an original play that explores and builds connections between elders and young adults, weaving together elements of oral history and remembrance, and sharing vital wisdom that will help the younger generations build a sustainable future. We're very early in the process, but the topic is already starting to catch fire and ignite some wonderful conversations. I'd really love for the seniors among you to consider my invitation to be interviewed, and for the younger folks, it would be wonderful if you could talk with the seniors in your life to see if they'd be interested in contributing an interview to the project. Of course, I am happy to answer any questions that you may have before you make a decision.
Right now, my collaborator and I are conducting interviews with senior citizens, particularly those of the World War II generation, as part of our script-building process. This generation has seen such amazing things, from World War II and the Great Depression to the Civil Rights and Women's Movements, all of which have relevance to our current struggles. In addition to their memories of the "big events" that are recorded in other histories, they also hold a wealth of experiences, beliefs, strategies, lessons, and strengths that history books can never capture. It is from the richness of their ideas, memories, advice, and dreams that we're beginning to create this theater project.
My partner and I will conduct interviews one-on-one, or in a group, depending on what each participant prefers. Each interview will be recorded in a digital audio format, and will be used to build the script of the play. Additionally, the voice recordings may be played during the performances. Interviews can be scheduled in the afternoon, evening, or during the weekend, and will be conducted at the location of the interviewee's choosing. (We will travel to you.) The interviews are informal, and feel like comfortable conversations over a cup of tea. So far, they've been fun and enriching for everyone involved.
If you're an elder in our community with a story to tell, this is your chance!
It's also possible, for those of you who are interested in having these interviews as part of your own family history, to arrange to conduct an interview yourself. You'll need your own digital audio recorder and we'll provide you with a few simple guidelines to help make your interview a success. This is a really wonderful activity for after Thanksgiving dinner....
Please feel free to be in touch with me via email or telephone (443.812.9407) if you have any questions at all, or if you're interested in starting the process.Thank-you, Bloomingdale, for all of your support!
Very best,
Melanie St. Ours
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
excited about Bloomingdale
I'm a Bloomingdalian who is excited to be in the neighborhood during what will in hindsight be known as the great resurgence... I was at a party and people actually knew Bloomingdale - some said they were actively looking to be in our neighborhood because of its proximity to downtown and because of all the development happening around us. These were folks who are actively looking to relocate from Adams Morgan and parts of Columbia Heights because of parking problems, increasing crime and proximity to downtown.
I was astounded - three years ago when I mentioned Bloomingdale folks looked at me like I was talking about a department store - no not Bloomingdale's... dummy, BloomingDALE, over by LeDroit Park...
With all the activity going on, continued development including the condos right across NJ Ave, and what's slated for the sand filtration plant I, for one, am not going any place.
If you've got a foothold here, you should think twice before uprooting and rolling out. This is actually a place that I love to be.
seeking referrals for radiator maintenance
Does anyone still use radiators for heat and have a company they use that they are happy with? I love my radiators and do not want to give them up, but am having a hard time finding people who still work on them.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
HU is updating its campus plan -- care to take the campus plan survey ?
I would appreciate it if you could circulate this message on your listservs and to your various networks.
As many of our neighbors are aware, Howard University is updating its campus plan in accordance with the Zoning Commission's requirement that such an update take place once every ten years. Part of this plan includes the development of the Howard Town Center, a project described in some detail in the DUKE Plan, enacted by the Council of the District of Columbia on June 21, 2005, which had a great deal of stakeholder input. Following the most recent selection of a developer for the Town Center, a series of meetings took place in August, September and October, where a number of neighbors became more familiar with the most current plans for the project. The Pleasant Plains Civic Association hosted the first meeting on August 31st. Commissioner Gail Holness of Single Member District 1B11, where the project is located, hosted a second presentation on September 14th. The LeDroit Park Civic Association included this presentation on their agenda on September 22nd, and ANC 1B included the presentation of this project at their October 4th meeting. Questions about the project were entertained and suggestions for the enrichment of the plan were received.
Howard University is continuing the data collection phase of its campus planning process, and as part of that process, we are engaging our neighbors in a more comprehensive way than we have in the past. This includes:
• participation in quarterly Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings, which have taken place continuously since 1998, and includes area residents, civic association leaders, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, church, business and community organization representatives in the area;
• participation in individual interviews of community members from these same groups, which were conducted in September, 2009;
• participation on campus plan working groups which will be organized once the campus plan team has collected and analyzed enough data to report back for review and discussion; and• participation in a community-wide survey that is distributed on-line and in hard copy for those without computers.
With this communication, we are inviting our neighbors to fill out the survey attached in the link below:
Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback on this survey. As the draft campus plan begins to come together, we will be making presentations at area ANC and civic association meetings, so that we can receive your feedback at that point as well.
We look forward to your participation, and if there are any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
Maybelle Taylor Bennett
Howard University Community Association
2731 Georgia Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
Ph: (202) 806 - 4771
Fx: (202) 667 - 5964