this image is facing south

look at this:
DHCD Seeks Offers For Development Of District-Owned Lots
(Washington, DC) – The Department of Housing and Community Development officially released today a Solicitation of Offers for the development of several District-owned lots (site clusters).
The Department is seeking offers for the development of single and multifamily units, including affordable housing units, to be built on site clusters in the following four locations:
Site Cluster #1: W Street, SE;
Site Cluster#2: Kramer Street, NE; and
Site Cluster#3: Q Street and Florida Avenue, NW.
The Solicitation of Offers package, including application materials (in CD format), is available for pickup at Department of Housing and Community Development, Property Acquisition and Disposition Division, 801 North Capitol Street, NE, first floor receptionist desk.
The deadline for submission of offers is 3 pm on Wednesday, September 17.
??? q and florida is practically in Georgetown. dupont west, at least. is there a relevance to bloomingdale?
i'll post a map in a bit.
map posted. i guess it could be the other intersection though.......
I vote for a community garden. Look at all that southern exposure.
We community crap and low income housing like we need hole in our head...
This is for the Q & Florida intersection near Bloomingdale. The DCMud blog has a posting with more information: http://dcmud.blogspot.com/2008/08/cluster-luck.html#links. It turns out that there are quite a few properties that are part of this 'cluster'. The sites have a ton of potential with the historic fabric of Q Street mostly intact. I think the owner of the vacant parcel on the NW corner of the Florida/North Capitol intersection is also looking for a developer partner - it would be great if a developer stepped forward to take on both.
what the heck is up with that first anonymous commenter? of course this has a lot to do with bloomingdale...it's right across the street from the southern end of the neighborhood!
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