Tuesday, September 30, 2008
a way to support the FLUX proposal
Robin Eve Jasper, director of the Office of Property Management at robin-eve.jasper@dc.gov
Harry Thomas HThomas@dccouncil.us,
his director of constituent services Ayawna Chase at achase@dccouncil.us
and the Mayor's contact for community relations in Ward Five: alice.thompson@dc.gov
Monday, September 29, 2008
Call for Bloomingdale Artists!
Call for Bloomingdale Artists!
Artists of all kinds (visual artists, performing artists, musicians, craftspersons, writers, poets, spoken-word artists, and any others I may be forgetting momentarily) are invited to come together to form a steering committee/brainstorming/creative research group to build a local arts-based response to the various issues facing our community. The model and intent for this project springs from the Community-based Arts tradition (also known as Community Cultural Development), which holds that artists have skills that are of particular relevance for helping communities to process and transform the issues that they face through positive, joyful, creative processes.
Melanie St. Ours, a North Capitol St resident and community-based theatre artist who has worked with groups in Manhattan, The Bronx, and in New Delhi, is hoping to bring the work she loves a little closer to home. She's been impressed with the degree of community involvement and action, but believes that an arts-based process has a lot to add to the efforts that are already underway here. She's interested in heading up a performance component of the project, but hopes that as many artists from the community can be involved as possible and that we can have multiple aspects to the project to include many different media.
Right now, the intent is simply to gauge initial interest levels, meet with interested artists, and brainstorm ideas for a plan of action. If you're an artist in the neighborhood and are interested in finding ways to use your work to get to know your community better, serve that community, and collaborate with artists from other disciplines, please be in touch! No commitments are needed at this phase----just curiosity!!!
If you're interested in this project please send an email with your name, email address (and phone number if it's better to reach you by phone), the medium in which you work, and a basic idea of when you might be available for an initial meeting. Please write to: melaniest.ours @ gmail.com . Feel free to include other comments and questions as well, but know that many of those will be answered as we get to know each other and define the scope of the project more specifically. T
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!
~Melanie St. Ours / melaniest.ours @ gmail.com
Friday, September 26, 2008
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for this weekend
I'll be holding a new listing open, just one block from the Shaw Metro, on Sunday from 1-4pm. It's 1605 7th St NW #6 (see it on the open house link and there are lots of pics so be sure to click the camera icon). For $325,000. AT Metro, for a renovated 2BR with almost 1000 square feet, tree top and city views, it's an awesome deal! The building is included in the National Register of Historic Places. Development of Radio One HQ, the revitalization of the O St Market, and other amenities being added close to the Convention Center, make it time to get in NOW!
Street Sense’s Third Annual Silent Auction
Movin’ On Up
Street Sense’s Third Annual
Silent Auction & Reception
October 2, 2008, 7pm
Josephine Butler Park Center,
2437 Fifteenth Street, NW
Tickets start at $25 a piece for access to the auction, endless appetizers, beer and wine, and great fun with Street Sense vendors, board and staff.
For more info or to buy tickets, visit http://www.streetsense.org/
Eighth Annual National Book Festival
Library of Congress Adds New Authors to Eighth Annual National Book Festival; Free Podcasts Invite Nationwide Participation in Celebration of Reading
The Library of Congress has added new famed authors to the award-wining lineup for the 2008 National Book Festival. Free downloadable podcasts, available on iTunes and the Library's Web site, as well as other interactive features, bring the magic of the National Book Festival to booklovers nationwide.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) August 13, 2008 -- The Library of Congress has added several new authors to the award-winning lineup for the 2008 National Book Festival, which will be held on the National Mall from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 27.
Among the some 70 celebrated authors who will be participating in this year's event are early-childhood experts Ellen Birnbaum and Nancy Schulman, Michael Dobbs -- award-winning foreign correspondent for The Washington Post -- New York Times best-selling author Julie Morgenstern, and veteran journalist Cathy Scott.
There have also been several additions to the popular Poetry pavilion, including Michael Lind, Molly Peacock, Jill Allyn Rosser and the recently announced new Poet Laureate, Kay Ryan.
The introduction of new downloadable author podcasts, which are available free of charge through the Library's Web site or on iTunes, makes it possible for booklovers around the country to participate in the event. Interviews capturing their latest works and inspiration are available with Warren Brown, Joseph Bruchac, Sharon M. Draper, Arthur Frommer and Pauline Frommer, Jan Brett, Jon Scieszka, R.L. Stine and Kay Ryan. More podcasts with festival authors, illustrators and poets will be uploaded in the coming weeks.
Other interactive features include event Webcasts, which will be made available this year and have been archived from previous festivals. The Library also will soon launch an updated version of the Young Readers' Online Toolkit to bring the festival into libraries, schools and homes across the country.
You can find out more about this year's National Book Festival, interactive features, and the full list of participating authors, illustrators and poets by visiting www.loc.gov/bookfest.
Don't forget to download and display the 2008 National Book Festival Poster in your home, school, local library and community (right click image to save to your desktop or print).
Event at 87Florida tonight and Saturday!
Here is my post from the Prince of Petworth blog.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
a post about houses sales
apparently sales have been good.
burger places popping up everywhere these days
WPA + Warehouse theatre , but apparently not AOM
and Prince of Petworth
and on DC MUD
A number of people have asked how to help. when meetings are scheduled for FLUX to talk with neighbors, please go to those meetings. I'll post about them here. If you know of a meeting and i've not yet posted, please comment about it.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Please support this proposal for an Arts Space along the North Capitol Corridor.
(kinda like my hope for Swampoodle Art's, a couple years back)
please provide input, if you have any.
A collaborative arts center located at J.F. Cooke Elementary School
FLUX is a collaborative arts center partnering the visual and performing arts, arts
administration, community arts programming, artist studio space, and a design workshop
under one roof. The mission of the FLUX partners, the Washington Project for the Arts,
The Warehouse Theater & Gallery, and Artomatic, is to create a synergetic hub for the
arts that meets the needs of area artists, designers, performers, residents and arts
administrators by creating a multi-purpose flexible venue which is deeply used to further
the mission of the individual partners and provide unique, exciting and culturally rich
community benefits.
The Washington Project for the Arts, founded in 1975, has a rich 31-year history as an
artist member organization, with over 1200 members, and a provider of engaging, highprofile,
well-attended arts programming in the DC metropolitan region. The WPA has
implemented and supported programs that include exhibitions, panel discussions,
printed catalogues, a digital artfile, ArtFile Online and a comprehensive artist directory
that benefits local residents.
The Warehouse Theater & Gallery is Washington’s leading alternative art space.
Currently located in three historic buildings on 7th Street NW, the Warehouse presents
independent and experimental theater, music, art, film, dance and happenings
Artomatic began in 1999 when three hundred and fifty artists cleaned, lit, painted and
colonized the Manhattan Laundry building for a 6 week art show. Over 50,000 visitors
attended the most recent Artomatic 2008, held in the NoMa area of downtown
Given the substantial lack of studio, gallery, performance and arts administration office
space, this facility could potentially fill critical needs in the city’s arts-space continuum.
The property requires little alterations to be repurposed for artist studios, exhibit space,
classrooms, performance and rehearsal space, office space, and the required
administrative, storage and other support space. FLUX will be developed and managed in
a collaborative model with complimentary partners whose use of the space would
provide a dynamic and synergetic presence in the community and create affordable
workspace and venues appropriate to house artist studios, galleries, theatre space, a
community arts workshop space, a design workshop and arts administration offices.
Professional artists require particular physical characteristics – high ceilings, natural
light and ventilation. The lack of an industrial base, compounded by the limited
development envelope, has always made finding affordable studio space a particular
challenge for District artist residents.
Creating FLUX addresses three critical needs facing the artists of the District of
Columbia: 1) viable, affordable work/studio space; 2) effective facility management of a
visual arts center and community facility; and 3) professional yet nurturing arts
environments that encourage innovation and the creative process. FLUX will adapt the
space to provide low-cost studio, exhibit, design, and theatre and support space to
District artists and visual arts organizations, allowing their focus to remain on the
artistic process and community service.
• Cultural Experiences Monthly open studios will invite area residents to engage
artists, purchase their work, and engage in community arts programming.
Residents will also have the opportunity to attend gallery openings, rotating
exhibitions and artist talks. The gallery and theatre will host events featuring well
known local artists, performances, art workshops, discussion groups and artist
• Performing Arts A regular program of theatre performances will be planned,
along with music and spoken word events, workshops and special theatrical
events, affording area residents the opportunity to access high quality theatre in
their neighborhood.
• Festivals/Markets The land surrounding the building would be used for weekly
artist’s markets, outdoor sculpture and other outdoor community events.
• Arts Education and Salons The Washington Project for the Arts and Artomatic
will hold regular workshops and classes covering best practices for professional
artists and will also engage outside speakers to lecture to the local arts
community. Regular salons for WPA member and studio artists will take place in
the workshop, along with classes led by artists for area teens interested in careers
in arts and design.
• Arts and Design Administration Office space for Artomatic and a separate
design workshop for resident designers, the fastest growing component of artists
living in DC, provides a hub for individual and area culture groups to work
together in creating and designing websites, print materials, theatre sets,
exhibitions, and other special events, both internally at FLUX, and for outside
clients where there is high demand for design services.
• Community Meetings FLUX will be an accessible space for community residents.
The classrooms, gallery and conference room will be available for ANC and
community meetings, plus other civic associations or neighborhood groups.
Space allocation of the 43,500 feet would be as follows:
1st floor: Box office, Theatre manager, Warehouse office space, Design
Workshop and rehearsal, set storage space, community workshop space,
2nd floor: Artist Studios, and studio manager office space
3rd floor: Large gallery in former library, artist studio space, kitchen,
workshop, community space, WPA Office, Artomatic Office space
The parking lot and adjacent area could be used for festivals, artist
markets, weekend outdoor events and outdoor sculpture space.
Washington Project for the Arts, The Warehouse Theater & Gallery, and Artomatic
propose to manage and use J.F. Cook Elementary School at 30 P Street, NW as a
collaborative visual, performing arts, design, and arts administration center that serves
multiple constituencies and attracts a broad audience. This use incorporates a variety of
culture and community needs which could create a neighborhood asset and a prominent
regional destination. The reuse of the property as a visual and performing arts center,
arts administration offices, and a design workshop will allow it to provide a haven for
some of our city’s hardest working residents – our artists – and a cultural haven for area
residents and their families.
Paul Ruppert - pwr@warehousetheater.com
Adam Griffiths – agriffiths@wpadc.org
Sunday, September 21, 2008
eckington place on DC Cab.
I watched it recently and was pleased to see Eckington Place in one shot. All the trains stored in the CSX/ fairfield development lot. Pre XM radio. pretty cool seeing places as a snapshot in time. Especially a time i wasnt around.
i know of the mars attacks house on first street nw
any other neighborhood film locations you know of?
fairfield residential
we posted about fairfield then posted about its death.
but now it seems like its a go.
i'm not quite sure where to find the right info
other stuff here
and thanks to a comment i found this page
i know theres been a lot of discussion on the eckington yahoo group about this too.
washington times mentions bloomingdale
Residents see bar as threat to calm
Fear return of crimes, drugs
At a recent community meeting, Mrs. Holliday expressed the thoughts of many older Bloomingdale residents.
"It's too fragile, this level of peacefulness and calm and cleanliness," she said. "We've had that less than six months and to bring in a major thing like that and the drug dealers are right back."
here is the article
Are you afraid of a tavern?
Do you see it as a threat?
food stuffs.
Windows Cafe is upping the Game
1. California mixed greens, shaved organic fiesta fennel, oranges, pinenuts, artichoke and balsamic vinaigrette. $8.95.
2. Pesto Canadian fresh salmon over saffron couscous. $11.95
3. Roasted Portobello, roasted red peppers, chevre, artichoke omelette with potato hash. $8.95.
4. Capalleni Angel Hair pasta with chipotle clam sauce. $8.95.
5. Grilled chicken breast topped with pepperoni, mozarella on a rosemary focaccia. $8.95.
Soups $2.95:
roasted red pepper & tomato
cream of potato
Saturday, September 20, 2008
farmers market on sunday
Hi BFM fans!:
What do we have this week:
Gorgeous weather! No excuses not to come to market, right?
The Lost River Trio playing Appalachian roots music. They were a big hit a few weeks ago. (And the kids loved them, too)
Cooking Demo at 7th Street Garden.
Heirloom and hybrid red tomatoes, beans, squash, eggplant, peaches, apples, melons and sweet grapes, salad greens, stir- fry greens, pasture-raised pork and lamb , Fall squash.
Apples Apples Apples: That's right, we will have more than 40 varieties of new and antique apples at the market over the next two months. Not all at once, but as they ripen throughout the Fall, Reid's Orchard brings you a wide range of apple varieties every week.
Check out NanBon's NEW stand! It is fabulous. (Really)
Lamb Shank Sale at New Asbury
RECIPE TIPS : Peppers: Roast them on the grill or in the oven, stick them in a bowl, cover with a plate and let the steam loosen the skins. Then peel away the charred papery outer skin and you've got the makings of a fall feast. Whip fresh goat cheese with slivered basil and spoon that into the peeled peppers. Or do as they do in Italy's Piedmont region, and stuff them with a quick mousse made by puréeing good canned tuna and olive oil and stirring in some capers. Or simply toss them with minced garlic, olive oil and sherry vinegar. (thanks, Russ Parsons)
Or just slice peeled peppers into long strips and drizzle olive oil, add some thinly sliced garlic and plate. They make a beautiful appetizer just like that or served on toasted bread rubbed with garlic. Peeled peppers freeze beautifully. I like to puree garlicky pepper strips. They make a great dip by themselves, a pasta sauce or even a pepper soup. Puree peppers and Keswick feta and olive oil and you have a traditional Yemeni dip. (Tip: When I make a sauce or dip, I add a hot pepper to the puree to offset the sweet pepper )
You can make stuffed peppers. Vegetarian-- stuffed with rice and sauteed onions, and soaked raisins and toasted pine nuts if like a mix of sweet and savoury. Meat eaters should stuff them with browned ground sausage from Truckpath or New Asbury and onions and rice. Then braise them for several hours over low heat in a covered casserole in several cups of water mixed with olive oil and lemon juice from several lemons Add several chopped tomatoes. The liquid will cook down eventually to a syrupy sauce and the peppers will become very tender. Or cook them in a 250 degree oven for several hours. Spoon over that lemony syrup before you serve.
NEW at Nanbon: Pear nut bread, apple bread pudding, zucchini bread, and peach cobbler.
REID: lots of eating and cooking apples, Snow Giant white peaches, Encore yellow peaches, a few nectarines, a few raspberries and blackberries, delicious table grapes, Reid's own salsas and preserves, cider, and lots of pesticide-free heirloom tomatoes. Caitlin planted a lot of unusual varieties of heirlooms this year. Try them!
New Asbury: Lamb on Sale! Now that the weather has cooled a bit, it is time to turn on the oven and bake some long cooking lamb shanks. Bill and Joan are offering a 10% off Shanks special, probably with some samples for your to taste as well.
Truck Patch: Jade, purple and yellow green beans, cucumbers, mixed peppers, mesclun, arugula, baby chard, purslane, red and white potatoes, cantaloups, lots of heirloom tomatoes, and from the pastured pork side of the farm: all fresh loins, spare ribs, roasts, bacon, slab bacon, fresh bacon, sausages. applewurst.
Truck Patch' pastured pork shoulders were the star of the Kriston's Texas -style smoked pig roast last week. Now you can cook one yourself. (Ask Kriston about his spice rub and marinade.)
Garner: Bernard's CORN BOIL was terrific last week and there will be corn for another 2-3 weeks to cook up your own!
Also at Garner: tomatoes, cucumbers, green and wax beans, okra, white and purple and lavender eggplants zucchini, melons, peppers of all colors spilling out of those bright green bushels plus a few FALL favorites: sweet potatoes, acorn, butternut, Japanese, spaghetti and carnival winter squash. ...and RECYCLABLE SHOPPING BAGS. Help us get rid of plastic shopping bags at the market.
Large Potted Mums ! There are lots of buds on these beauties and Bernard tells me that they should last for SIX weeks.
7th Street Garden is back! Tomatoes, herbs, eggplant, peppers, and greens. Erin will be there and she is doing a cooking demo at their stand. Be sure to stop by!
Breadline: I have been toasting up the sourdough loaf all week. It makes the best toast. Yum. But there are lots of baguettes and rolls and whole grain and whole wheat and focaccia and....sweets.
See you Sunday,
Robin, Ted, Ben, Jess
Robin Shuster
Markets & More
14& U Farmers Market
Bloomingdale Farmers Market
email: marketsandmore@gmail.com (sign up for our weekly market email!)
The 14&U Farmers Market:
Day: Every Saturday May 10- November 22nd,
Time: 9am - 1pm
Place: On the sidewalk of the Reeves Plaza, at the NW corner of 14th and U Streets NW.
The Bloomingdale Farmers Market:
Date: Every Sunday May 18th- November 23rd,
Time:10am - 2pm
Place: In front of the Big Bear Cafe on First and R Streets NW.
We Welcome WIC and Senior GET FRESH checks at both markets.
Friday, September 19, 2008
walking tour of NoMa Sunday, September 21
NoMa BID, Cultural Tourism DC Host
Walking Tour of NoMa, Sunday, September 21
“From the Beatles to XM Radio: The Evolution of NoMa” is the subject of Cultural Tourism DC’s free neighborhood walking tour of the NoMa (North of Massachusetts Avenue) neighborhood of Washington, D.C. on Sunday, September 21 from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Led by Dana Chieco and Merrit Drucker of the NoMa Business Improvement District, the tour will meet at 131 M Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. just across M Street from the New York Avenue Metro station.
NoMa, the up-and-coming neighborhood just north of Union Station, is home to landmarks such as the Washington Coliseum (now called Uline Arena), site of the Beatles first U.S. concert in 1967. The New York Avenue Metro station opened in 2004, igniting the pace of development in NoMa. With lead anchors like XM Radio; the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; and NPR, a new mixed-use neighborhood is taking shape. Other tour highlights include a former coal yard, the historic C&P Telephone Company warehouse (future home of NPR), St. Aloysius Church and Gonzaga High School, the former Woodies warehouse, and remnants of the old Swampoodle neighborhood including the Emily Beale estate and Tiber Creek. Participants also will receive learn about current and planned redevelopment.
About the NoMa BID: NoMa is an emerging mixed-use neighborhood north of the U.S. Capitol and Union Station in Washington, D.C. Private developers have invested over $1 billion in 2007–2008 alone, with plans to develop more than 20 million square feet of office, residential, hotel, and retail space in the 35-block area covered by the NoMa BID over the next 10 years. For more information about the BID, including an interactive development map, see the BID Web site at www.nomabid.org.
About WalkingTown DC: Cultural Tourism DC presents WalkingTown, DC Fall Edition (Saturday, September 20 and Sunday, September 21), a weekend of free neighborhood walking tours (and a few bike tours) across the city. Follow professional guides and community leaders as they share historic anecdotes, point out architectural gems, and discuss current issues. Discover both established and emerging Washington neighborhoods from Capitol Riverfront; H Street, NE; and Anacostia, in addition to better known spots like Georgetown, Capitol Hill, and Embassy Row. For a full calendar of events, visit www.culturaltourismdc.org.
NW corner of florida and north cap.

the old gas station lot has been fenced off and there was work going on today. is stuff moving forward with this?

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Learn about the florida avenue market this saturday
Another chance to catch our semi-regular tour of the Florida/Capital City Market-
Explore Florida Market/Capital City Market
Saturday 9 - 11 am
Meet outside New York Avenue Metro station (Florida Avenue exit)
End at Litteri’s Italian Deli, 517 Morse Street, NE
The Florida Market is the city’s major wholesale food distribution center. The tour will stop at restaurants and vendors, including the DC Farmers Market building, and address development issues such as increased demand for urban living. Led by Richard Layman and presented by Citizens Planning Coalition, Frozen Tropics weblog, and Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space weblog.
You can also meet us at 8am at Young's for Korean/Salvadorian food.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
shots last night?
Hi there,
Just wondering if you heard any reports or follow up police action on shots my wife and I heard fired last night (Tues Sept 16) between 9 and 10pm. We live on the 100 block of Rhode Island NW and had our windows open while watching TV.
For some reason I noticed an odd sounding high pitched motorized bike of some sort driving by, and then what sounded like a half block away toward 2nd St we both heard very distinctly, "pop, pop, pop, pop". It was four evenly spaced pops, definitely gun fire. The bike sound may have been a coincidence, but it sticks out in my mind. After a few minutes a single patrol car came cruising onto T St. NW and drove around for a bit, put it's searchlight on, and tried to find out what was going on, but from what we could see, the officer didn't find anything. In fear of him driving away, we called 911 to report the gun shots so any other calls would be collaborated and we were told there were several calls in the area reporting gun fire.
Shortly thereafter, the cruiser hit the lights and sirens and zoomed east on Rhode Island. That was the last of any action we saw or heard.
Just wondering what others saw or heard or if there was anything mixed into last night's police reports that would match up to this incident.
anyone know anything?
whatever you call it, i'll be calling it the Swanky Safeway
a blurb on dcmetrocentric
Les Petits Chanteurs
there are some pictures of the event on the Bloomingdale Photo Pool
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
tonight, a fast tracked emergency vote for Cook School
heres the info on the meetings tonight:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Catholic University Pryzbyla Center
off McCormick Road, NE (behind the Columbus School of Law)
7:05 – 9:00 p.m.
ANC5C citizens are invited to bring suggestions and recommendation for community improvement to the meeting. However, please observe simply courtesies at all times -- wait to be recognized before speaking and do not speak over others or while others have the floor. Please limit your comments to ONE MINUTE so to give others a chance for expression. Members of the community will be recognized to speak in turn following the Commissioners. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain public order during the meeting. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Part I: Community Concerns and Reports ------ 7:05 p.m.
1) Call to Order …………………………………………….… Commissioner Bonds
2) Roll Call …………………………………………………... Commissioner Daneker
3) Approval of the July 2008 Meeting Minutes ….………… Commissioner Salatti
4) Acknowledgement of Community and Guests ………….. Commissioners Day and Holloway
5) Treasurer’s Report ………………………….….……….… Commissioner DeFoe
6) PSA and MPD5CAC Update …………………..…………… Robert Brannum, 5D-CAC President
7) Community Comments .………….…………. Moderated by Commissioners Grant and Daneker
8) Remarks from the Office of Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas, Jr.
9) Comments by Alice Thompson, Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services
Part II: Outstanding Business ------- 7:30 p.m.
Commission Vote on PUD Request for St. Paul’s Housing Development (5C09)
Progress Reports on Outstanding Grants ……………………… Commissioner Day
Project Reports, Vote on WiFi Network Proposal (5c03) and New Proposals for Consideration
Part III: New Business ------- 8:00 p.m.
Emergency Vote Request: KIPP Public Charter School Proposed for Cook School Site (5C02)
Emergency Vote Request: PUD Extension for 4th and Rhode Island NE Project
ANC 5C Single-Member District Projects and Meeting Announcements --
Metropolitan Bike Trail Construction (5C03)
Youth Mentoring (5C05 and 5C09)
Operation Crackdown (5C05)
Traffic Studies (5C04 and 5C11)
Residential Property Emergency Identification Project (5C01)
Resolutions: Commemorative, Administrative, Programs and Issues
Part V: Committee of the Whole Executive Session -------- 8:50 p.m.
This portion of the meeting is reserved for COMMISSION ACTION ONLY, therefore audience comments will not be entertained. The audience is asked to hold their comments and share them with their Single Member District Representative at the conclusion of the meeting. Thanks again for your cooperation.
1) Pay Bills ………………………………………………………….. Commissioners Day and DeFoe
2) Items for October 2008 Meeting Agenda
Abdo Project CUA South Campus Project (5C10)
Update on Construction of City Charter School at former Armstrong Trades School (5C02)
Update on McMillian Project Planning (5C07)
Meeting Adjourns ……….. 9:00 p.m.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bloomingdale Artist nominated for Craftiest Bastard of the Year
Bloomingdale resident Rania Hassan* has been nominated by the City Paper Staff for the Craftiest Bastard of the Year, for the annual Crafty Bastards art and craft festival.
You may cast your vote on-line or at the event!
Crafty Bastards!
Sept 28 :: Sunday, 10-5pm
Marie Reed Learning Center
Adams Morgan :: DC
* yeah, she's also my wife. : )
Important meeting tonight
- the nomination of candidates for the Civic Association's upcoming election of officers, and
- an Association resolution about the liquor license application for the proposed tavern at 84-86 T St, NW. Under discussion will be the proposed hours of operation, parking, trash disposal, and the noise that may accompany operation of this business. We will issue an invitation to the owners to address the community on behalf of their business.
Neighbors with any other business to bring before the Civic Association should contact us at bloomingdaleca @ gmail.com to ask for a place on our agenda.
The meeting will be held at St. George's Episcopal Church, located at 160 U St, NW. It will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. and refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
sunday! famers, pig eaters, signers and partyers unite!
the farmers.
10 AM- 2 PM. please go and support our farmers market, and then go support Timor and Windows to round out your cupboard needs.
the smoked pig eaters
come eat smoked pig.
the signers
Les Petits Chanteurs, a singing and musical group from Haiti will be performing.
If you missed it last year ( which i did), go this year ( which i can't, for the same reason again.... can you guys do this a different weekend next year?) you apparently missed a really wonderful event.
the partyers.
Big Bear Cafe is celebrating its anniversary by throwing a party. 7- midnight. come out and thank Lana and Stu for all the energy, good food, awesome art shows and poetry readings and caffeine and smoked pig that they've brought to the neighborhood. oh.. they have cool big bear t shirts for sale too ; )
go check it out.
I can't find the info for the times of the pig eating and song listening, so if you know, please post it. i'll add it in later, i've been a bit pressed for time this ..uh.. month.. but i really wanted to get this posted. seems like if you go by between 10 am and midnight, they're will be something going on.
( hey also, arts on foot is this friday and saturday... come by!)
Sunday, September 07, 2008
food delivery options for bloomingdale
a neighbor went through all the emails and compiled a list. This list is a work in progress and i'll continue to edit and add links as i can. i'll post a link to this list in the margin, so it doesnt get buried.
If there are more, please leave a comment and i will add them.
M-Th 11 am-10pm, F-Sa 11am-10:30pm, Su 12pm-10pm
Sala Thai
1301 U St
M-Th 11:30am-10:30 pm, F 10:30-11pm,
Sa 12pm-11pm, Su 12pm-10:30pm
Thai Chili
M-F 11am-3pm, 5-10pm;
Sa-Su 5-10pm
Thai Xing
(in LeDroit Park, 515 Florida Ave, delivery & take-out only)
Thai Tanic
Daily: 11:30am-9:45pm
740 6th street nw
Sushi Go Round & Tapas
393.2825 M-F 11am-3pm, 5-10pm;
Sa-Su 5-10pm
604 H St NW
M-Th 10:30am-10:30pm Fr-Sa 10:30am- 1:00am,
Su 12pm-10:30pm
Great Wall Schezuan House
1527 14th St NW
M-Th 11am-10pm, Fr-Sa
Sun 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
Pizza Boli's
(Pizza, Pasta, Subs)
10:30-1am, Fr-Sa 10:30-3:30 am
Today’s Pizza
3928 12th St NE
12am-1am, Fr-Sa 11am-2:30am, Su 11am-12am
Su-Th 11:00am-1:00am, Fr-Sa 11:00am-2:00am
Papa John’s
313 H ST, NW
Manny & Olga’s
1841 14th St
Su-Th 10:30 am-2am, Fri-Sa 10:30 am-3am
Baffetto Pizza
2005 18th St NW
Su-Th 11am-1am, Fr-Sa 11am-3:30am
(Pie varieties include the arrabiata with spicy red pepper sauce, mushrooms
and olives, chicken pesto with grilled chicken, sundried tomatoes and olives
and a simple margarita. Diners can choose from four different sauces and can
opt for the thin crust variety; AND great Subs)
Moroni and Brothers
4811 Georgia Avenue NW
M-Thu 7am -11:30pm, Fri-Sa 7am-12am, Su 11am-10pm
Tacos Pepitos
(Colum. Heights)
M-Th 8am-10pm; F-Sa
8am-11pm; Su 8am-10pm
2019 11th street nw
Local non-Delivery
Luciana Cafe (carryout only)
North Capitol & P NW
Chinese: Full Yum (carryout only)
North Capitol & P NE
M-Th10:30am-1am, Fr-Sa 10:30 am- 2am, Su 12pm-12am
Big Bear Cafe
Hot Trout Grill
8 Florida Ave. NW
recently closed for health code violations, so... well.. just so you know.
Jam Doung Style
1726 N Capitol St NW
(website seems to be down)
Windows Cafe
101 Rhode Island Ave NW
(202) 462-6585
B & J North Carolina BBQ
238 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
PLEASE NOTE: Restaurant times may not reflect delivery times.
"newcomers" in harlem
In an Evolving Harlem, Newcomers Try to Fit In
In the past few years, the “Village of Harlem,” as older residents still call it, has become a 21st-century laboratory for integration. Class and money and race are at the center of the changes in the neighborhood. Lured by stately century-old brownstones and relatively modest rents, new faces are moving in and making older residents feel that they are being pushed out. There have been protests, and anger directed as much at the idea of the newcomers as at them personally.
another quote from the article
What is occurring in Harlem is part of a wider trend across the nation reshaping poorer black enclaves like the Fillmore District in San Francisco, Bronzeville in Chicago and Columbia Heights in Washington. Harlem, because of its status as a symbol of black success and independence, has been among those most closely watched.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Don't look down on a man...
This photo was submitted to the Bloomingdale Photo Pool