From: Maria and Christian
Neighborhood Dog Needs New Home
Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 4:49 PM
I was approached today by a neighbor, Ms. Pamela Walker, from W St. who needs to find a new home for her dog. The dog is a 1-year old female, pitt/lab mix and is NOT fixed. She is up-to-date on her vaccinations (Ms. Walker indicated that she has appropriate paperwork.) Ms. Walker indicated that she is housetrained. Ms. Walker needs to find a new home for her dog as soon as possible, as her landlord has threatened her with eviction (she is not allowed to have dogs in her apt).
If you are able to take her dog, or perhaps know of a rescue organization that may take the dog, please contact Ms. Walker, or her daughter Keyonna at 202. 528. 4522 (this is Keyonna's phone).
Let's help to keep this dog out of the dog shelter!!
bloomingdale.ledroitdoggroup @
Committed to building a sense of community and increasing safety in Bloomingdale & LeDroit Park by establishing and maintaining a dog park at Gage-Eckington.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
female pitt/lab mix needs to find a new home
using tax increment financing (TIF) money to allure Costco to DC
At-Large Councilmember Kwame Brown floated a trial balloon shortly after the Radio One withdrawal announcement that perhaps that TIF money could be redirected to get Costco to come to Ward 5.
See this comment from an Adams Street NW resident:
So they want to take 6 million dollars of TIF money raised from taxing existing companies and spend it to attract a gigabucks corporation to build a big-box store and drive current merchants out of business? That's kind of putting the basket we are currently going to Hell in and mounting it on a luge!
Wouldn't it be better to spend $100,000 training people to run consumer cooperatives and start up small businesses, and give the rest back to the companies to pay their bills? Maybe just sell some lots around the Metro to builders to build houses or stores for whatever the market will pay for. Why the city thinks its politicians can decide these matters better than existing businesses has always been a puzzle to me. Why politicians think they should have large sums of money to play with has always, unfortunately, been much more clear, and undesireable.
Friday, February 26, 2010
LeDroit Park, Eckington 2010 property tax assessments decreased
The assessments for both LeDroit Park and Eckington have decreased.
Note that Bloomingdale does not exist for property tax purposes. "North Bloomingdale" is part of LeDroit Park. "South Bloomingdale" is part of Eckington.
See here:
See this 2/27/2010 Washington Post article:
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
police called over snow-shovelled "reserved" parking space incident on Thomas St NW
After reading so many wonderful reports of neighbors acting in a neighborly way throughout the last few weeks, I have an unfortunate (unneighborly) incident to report. On Saturday morning, my husband walked out to our car to find that it had been vandalized.
A neighbor living at xxx Thomas Street NW [near Thomas & 1st Street NW] wrote in some type of black marker all over the driver's side window of our car (I won't repeat the cursing on our window).
Not only did this neighbor admit to vandalizing our car, he continued to yell at us when asked to confirm whether he did this and freely admitted the action to the police when called. He even went as far as talking about how great all the neighbors had been during the storm and using that as an excuse to vandalize our property (ironic considering we had writing all over our car window from him).
The neighbor (although I hate to even call him that) accused us of parking in "his spot." I would like to point out that while I understand that he may have put in time shoveling out "his spot," so did we (and "our spot" has been filled since we first moved our car) and many of our other neighbors (who have also returned to first come first serve parking for the same reasons).
I'd also like to note, that not only was Thomas Street continually plowed during the storm, that as of the end of last week, the only snow restricted space on Thomas Street was the entrance way to the alley, the no parking space in front of the fire hydrant and the handicapped spot. The snow has not been a problem for parking in several days.
My note to you - Beware of parking anywhere near xxx Thomas Street.
The residents of xxx Thomas Street NW didn't bother to introduce themselves (not surprisingly). We did call the police and filed a report, but I don't believe an arrest was made. The police stopped came by about an hour after we made the report, but the marker the guys had since gotten the marker (or whatever it was) mostly off the glass. The police noted that they needed to see the window to take any further action.It seems like such a silly matter but the fact that we had to deal with this from neighbors (grown adults too) is still a bit shocking to me.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
DPW resumes recycling collections
I noticed that a lot of our neighbors on unit block of Adams didn't know to put their trash at the curb last week. The result has been overflowing trashcans in the alley/back yards. I did a cut and paste from the announcement in the Bloomingdale listerv newsletter and I'm circulating the note to my neighbors on the unit block of Adams. I don't know if this is something others would want to do, but it sure could help with the trash/garbage situation. I have attached what I'm putting at my neighbors' doors.
2/23/2010 8:30 a.m. Update, I just spoke to Monique of the DPW Public Information Office, she said she found out late last evening that alley pickup will resume. However, because citizens were told to put trash out front, DPW will also pick up trash from curbside.
Excerpted from an announcement in The Bloomingdale Community Email
Your neighbor at ________________
Both trash and recycling to be collected from the curb, following normal schedule. Residents are asked to use their recycling containers – blue carts and/or bins – and put the containers next to their trash containers (or dark plastic bags) at the curb. (NOTE ADDED: PUT BLEACH IN BAGS TO DISCOURAGE RODENTS.)
DPW suspended recycling collections for two weeks due to the snow; therefore, many households have more recyclables than will fit in the containers. These overflow recyclables may be put in brown paper bags or cardboard boxes and placed next to the carts or bins.
Both trash and recycling collections will follow their normal schedule. Residents are asked to put their containers out between 6:30 pm the day before their collection and 6 am of their collection day. Snow in District alleys is beginning to melt. However, not enough melting has occurred nor are temperatures forecasted to be sufficiently high to promote substantial melting to create certainty that DPW collections crews safely can collect trash and recyclables from alleys.
Linda Grant, Public Information Officer, 202/671-2375/desk
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 02/21/2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
snow removal request on 200 block of Florida Ave NW
I live on the 200 block of Florida Ave NW- the even side.
Because half of the block has rear-facing R street NW houses and the Three D car lot there is a HUGE stretch of the block that never gets shoveled every time it snows.
I would shovel myself, but I have a herniated disk in my back and am not physically able to. I am BEGGING the residents of the 200 block of R street NW who have a back entrance onto the 200 block of Florida to PLEASE SHOVEL THE WALK.
Additionally - to the owner of 3D Motors, please shovel in front of your business. In order to get to my car (I park on the 200 block of R street), I have to walk with my back to traffic in the street....I have seen people getting off the bus and being forced to stand in the middle of the street because the bus stop is covered in three feet of snow. It is dangerous, to say the least, especially at night.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
snow parking wars

I know there has been a lot of debate on the issue. I just wanted to send you this photo as evidence that the parking wars are still going on. I personally think it is a little ridiculous people are still doing this. I would have been marginally more understanding last week, but there is no need for it this week, as much of the snow is/has been removed.
I found this sign on the unit block of V Street NW today.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bloomingdale being invaded by starlings ??

A couple of years ago, I saw on television a block on Capitol Hill that was invaded by starlings. I wish I hadn't because it is scary. These starlings took the block over and pooped all over the streets, the cars, etc. If you let your dog out, you had to clean his feet before letting him in the house. I've been seeing more starlings and seagulls here in Bloomingdale and more of their poop all over my house and adjacent houses. When these birds breed, their offspring remain and breed in the same trees (at the rate of 3 birds a season) which is why they took over that block on Capitol Hill. I wondered why there were all these newcomer birds around T and Thomas Street NW when I saw a person living at ll5 T Street NW putting out food. Please do yourself and the neighbors a favor and stop this unless you want to clean your dog's feet and your car perpetually.
Starlings can survive on anything and need no food.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Open Houses scheduled in and around Bloomingdale for Valentine's Day
Friday, February 12, 2010
"reserving" cleaned street parking spaces
(Try to be nice when commenting.)
1st is a PUBLIC STREET with PUBLIC PARKING, not Private Concierge Servce
I have witnessed on several occasions over the last few days of people "reserving" their cleaned parking space along 1st street, as if they have some sense of entitlement to a specific parking space. In one case, a new resident on V street pulled his car into a cleaned spot on 1st street, did more shoveling about it and then proceeded to "reserve" HIS spot with 2 wooden chairs when he was away.
I also saw a resident of 1st street come home, kindly remove those chairs and parked in the available PUBLIC PARKING SPACE.
Sadly, the V street resident, upon returning home many hours later, felt betrayed and began shoveling snow and ice upon the parked car. A Vengeful act of unkindness based upon a false premise of entitlement.
Everyone, you do NOT own a sparking space on first street or any street, even if you spent an hour digging your car out of one. There is not enough space on first street to park and really, I think if anyone has any level of entitlement, it may likely be those who pay to live on first street...a right to park near their home.Sure, anyone can park there and everyone is welcome to park anywhere they find a space, BUT we do not have private spots, reserved spots, or metered spots. If you want your private spot, I suggest you buy a home with offstreet parking or find an offstreet spot to rent.
In all the kind neighborly news, it is really sad to see people putting chairs and white plastic boxes, and other things in spaces to reserve for them hours later. It is even sadder to see people trashing other peoples cars because they parked on a public street in a free spot that is open to anyone.
Treat your neighbors with respect. Parking is first come, first serve. If you don't want to lose your hot spot, then walk or take the metro or taxi and leave your car there. If you move your car, the space is no longer yours. And perhaps a visit from the police department for throwing ice and snow on someone else's car will make you think before you do that again, too.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
mail theft on S Street NW on 2/9/2010

I thought it right to share an experience I had this afternoon, Tuesday, Feb 9th at 4 PM.
I had just delivered some mail including a Netflix envelope to the basement unit’s mailbox and was sitting in my bay window facing the street. I noticed a male and female walk by the path to the front door. She casually scanned the front and basement doors then walked onto my property to the basement. I observed her go down stairs then quickly return to the sidewalk and hustle to catch-up to her male friend. It seemed odd that if she were a friend of my neighbor, she would have knocked on the door and I would have heard it. I heard nothing. I looked in at the basement mailbox paper holder that was now missing the Netflix envelope. Looking down S Street, I saw her discard the brilliant red Netflix envelope that I delivered minutes before. I immediately followed after her west on S Street toward 2nd Street NW. I picked up the discarded and now empty envelope, checked the address (mine) and said to the girl "Excuse me, I think that you took my Netflix by mistake." With that she handed me the CD and proceeded to make multiple unrelated excuses. I pointed out that I watched her crane her neck to look down into the basement from the sidewalk, walk back six feet to my front walk, disappear down there, reappear and now there we were. More excuses.
Key to this is remembering the email traffic about similar experiences reported on this listserv including a missing gift card, credit cards, etc. (I also found a newly torn-up Wachovia document but could not identify its owner.) Fortunately, I had my phone and took the girl's picture. You will see that she is carrying a Scrabble board game under her arm. Suffice to say it is worth 1,000 words. Her male counterpart was African American, 6'2" 200 lbs, braided hair, three quarter length black winter coat, black pants and a black skull cap/winter cap. I didn't get a good look at his face as he only glanced over his shoulder, laughed and kept walking.
I called MPD who arrived in under 10 minutes, took careful notes and saw the picture. They checked and this is mail fraud and tampering with mail. It is a federal crime and not their jurisdiction. US Postal Inspection Service was called and a case opened. I highly suggest that the people who have experienced the same contact USPIS Mail Theft Division at 877-876-2455. You will have to navigate a couple of prompts but that is just to get your locality and the right local inspectors division. Alternatively call the general USPIS number at 202.636.2303.
helping elderly neighbors with snow shoveling, etc.
As this snow gets deeper, I am of course worried about my elderly neighbors on R Street NE in Eckington. Reasoning through it, I know that two of my elderly neighbors both live with their children, so their children will help. My neighbor immediately next door is an elderly widow who lives alone. Though she does have family in the neighborhood, we are checking on her/assisting with shoveling as needed and possible.
Could you send out a note to the list to ask everyone to do the same thing, i.e. make a mental note of their elderly neighbors, what their resources are (family wise), and go over to check on them and assist with shoveling as needed? After so many days of snow, some of them may be beginning to run out of staples and/or medications. Even if they are just fine, I'm sure they will appreciate a friendly face--and it never hurts to ask
if someone could use a little help--especially since a lot of people probably have time on their hands!
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
more snow plowing needed in Bloomingdale ... ?
My husband and I are new residents in the Bloomingdale neighborhood - hopefully. We purchased a house on the unit block of S Street NW and are supposed to be moving in this Friday, after 6 months of renovations. I'm getting more and more concerned that we are not going to make that deadline given that none of the side streets in Bloomingdale appear to have been plowed as of 11:50am Tuesday (today, right now). He and I have been making our way via Metro from our apartment over to the house everyday to shovel snow, and have not seen any improvements in our street conditions. It's slightly disconcerting considering nearby Rhode Island Ave and Florida are both completely clear. We even went so far as to flag down a plow and ask him to make a pass through that neighborhood. He said he was going off duty but would radio it in. We don't know for sure if he did, and I understand the magnitude of this storm, but if you check out this link to the DDOT Snow Tracking page ( ) you can see that there are some side streets off Eckington Pl. NE that have had multiple passes. We apparently have not had a single one. Is there someone we should be contacting about this? Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.
stolen mail in Bloomingdale
Just wanted to add a note that on S street NW (between 1st and 2nd) we had a stolen package this afternoon. Please consider having your packages sent to work - I am currently in the process of trying to contact several outstanding orders to get addresses changed. It was left opened with insulation strewn out of the package right on the front stoop of our house in plain view, so apparently our neighbors did not notice. We happened to be at work today, but with so many people home, I'm really surprised the perpetrator is still walking right up to people's front doors to take property. Please keep your eyes open so we can stop this as soon as possible! We were considering setting up a webcam and leaving package out again but we don't have a working camera at the moment. Anyone? ;)
Saturday, February 06, 2010
what to replace the closing Safeway with ?
What next?
See this message from Ward 5 resident Debbie Smith:
There has been talk that the Safeway, located in the Rhode Island Avenue Shopping Plaza, closing on March 6, 2010. Several people in the community are considering other grocer options.
Currently, the strong interest has been, Wegman and Trader Joe's. We would like to hear your thoughts. Please email your responses to: as we take this poll.
Here is a 2/7/2010 update from Debbie Smith:
Since this is our community we need to take a stand and let the decision makers know what we want as a community. If you have not had an opportunity, please take the time and vote. Results will be made available next Sunday and posted by the Moderator of the Brookland listserv. Thanks.
You need to sign into yahoo, but it's at:
The poll will close next Sunday and the results will be reported to the whole listserv automatically.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Safeway at 4th & RI Ave NE to close on March 6, 2010
Residents Fired Up About Safeway Closing in Northeast
posted 02/03/10 6:09 pm producer: Malachi Constant
closings are nothing new in the bad economy but on Rhode Island Avenue in Northeast Washington, a Safeway store closing is causing a big commotion.
After decades of serving one Northeast neighborhood, Safeway is shutting down its Rhode Island Avenue store where reaction Wednesday was swift and emotional.
"What are we going to do if they close the Safeway down?" asked one person.
"That's just crazy!" remarked another.
One resident asked, "What is the community going to do?"
Many residents say the supermarket is the center of their community where the elderly and others push their carts to shop, pick up their prescriptions and keep up on what's going on.
ANC Commissioner Marshall Phillips is angry. Phillips said, "They're just closing us down and leaving our community and where they going to take the money they've taken from here…"
Safeway told its employees the news Tuesday.
Safeway's Craig Muckle said, "We are closing the store effective March 6th and it's never an easy decision to close a store."
Safeway say they are losing business to a new Giant built half a mile down the street. They also say the type of stores in the nearby mall are not the kind that attract customers who would also shop at Safeway and so business is down.
One woman shared her reaction to the news about the closing, saying, "I'm like, 'good God, that's sad.' This is so sad."
One resident proposed, "They should work on keeping it open for us."
"We senior citizens don't have no place to go except up to the Giant and got a catch a bus to up there. That's crazy. Lord, have mercy, Jesus I don't know. I don't know. They treating us wrong," said one senior citizen.