So you missed last night’s ANC 5C meeting?
Edgewood resident and avid community meeting notes taker Michael Henderson thankfully attended and took notes. You can read his entire set of notes from the December 2010 ANC 5C meeting here: http://www.edgewooddc.org/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/anc5c_december_2010.pdf
The zoning map amendment change request for Big Bear Café was on the agenda. It looks like it was an animated discussion.
Did you know that ANC 5C voted back in 2008 to support the zoning change (from R-1 to C-2-A)?
Last night, the commissioners voted to rescind that 2008 motion. ANC 5C07 Commissioner Barrie Daneker`s motion to support opposition to change the zoning was passed, with ANC 5C04 Commissioner John Salatti voting no.
So ANC 5C has switched its position of voting to support the zoning map amendment change to opposing it.
....And Washington City Paper Housing Complex columnist Lydia DePillis reports on last night's ANC 5C meeting: http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/housingcomplex/2010/12/22/zoning-fights-that-make-me-sad
Lydia's prediction: "The powers that be will likely ignore the ANC appeals for ... monochromatic residential character."
Stay tuned.
The anti-Bloomingdale group (which, strangely, includes Daneker) obviously took this vote now because there will be level heads representing Bloomingdale in a few weeks. Obviously, this was Daneker's last f-you to Big Bear cafe. Good riddance, Barrie!
The good news is there is no real basis for rejecting this zoning change since the zone abuts it and because of its long use as a commercial space.
Amen, Bamoll!
WAIT, this commercial zoning? what does this mean? metered parking?
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