Saturday, March 31, 2012
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for 01 April 2012
**Agents, to have your open houses listed in this weekly post, you must tag them in MRIS by the Friday before the open house. If you have an open house in the immediate area (Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park, Eckington, Shaw, Truxton Circle) that does not show up, please add in the comments below.
Friday, March 30, 2012
North Capitol Main Street call for volunteers: come out tomorrow morning, Saturday, 03-31-2012

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 2:21 PM
Subject: North Capitol Main Street Events
North Capitol Main Street
Call for Volunteers...
Eckington, Bloomingdale & Bates-Area residents, we need your help in 2012 to implement strategic projects that directly benefit where you live. We cannot do it without you.
The Department of Small and Local Business Development has invested real dollars in your neighborhood to improve the quality of life by improving the retail/business amenities in local commercial corridors.
This Saturday, you'll have an opportunity to be a part of a community-driven effort to make a positive change.
Where and When:
Saturday, March 31, 2012
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
St. Martin's Catholic Church
North Capitol & T Streets, NW
Pioneer Room
*Continental Breakfast Served*
•Do you have an eye for design -- architect/city planner/painter/carpenter/landscaper or someone with a natural knack for beauty?
• Are you a talker -- persuasive, approachable?
•Are you a writer -- good with words, a social media genius, graphic artist or natural graphics person?
•Are you a fundraiser -- meeting planner, phenomenal play-date organizer or awesome party planner?
Whoever you are -- we need your help. . . Come out tomorriw to find out how you can start your "2012 Volunteer Success Story."
Click here to save your a seat!
seeking handyman referrals to buy & hang a bedroom door
We need a handyman to hang a bedroom door in our Bloomingdale house. Hopefully someone in the neighborhood or at least in the city, as I`m finding people who don`t want to drive in from far for such a small job.
Job would entail taking measurements and finding and buying door to match 100-year-old house. T
Thanks for any referrals!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
"please vote for Boundary Stone in Washingtonian's "Wing Wars" !

See this 03-29-2012 message from Boundary Stone`s Gareth Croke:
Thanks to the overwhelming support from the neighborhood, we have made the final in the Washingtonian's "Wing Wars!" Yesterday we beat-out Fuel Pizza who has eight locations so our little Pub must be doing something right!! Today is the Final and for the last time (well….for the moment) I'm again asking for your support.
We're up against the Korean Wings of BonChon. BonChon is an international chain with almost 50 locations, so their voting base is strong, to say the very least!
We need every vote that we can muster!! Thank you so much!
Boundary Stone Public House: 1st place, Best New Bar 2012

Reader`s Poll
Best New Bar 2012
First Place
Boundary Stone Public House
116 Rhode Island Ave. NW, (202) 621-6635
Congrats, Boundary Stone!
Is Your Kitten Missing?
Ward 5 candidates Ruth Marshall and Ron Magnus tonight - C.O.V.E. "Thursdays With the Candidates"
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:45 PM
Subject: C.O.V.E. Presents "Thursdays with the Candidates"
COalition for Voter Empowerment
Invites you to participate in
"Thursdays with the Candidates"
How will the C.O.V.E Forum be different from other forums?
•The C.O.V.E. Forum is NOT a debate. . .
•The C.O.V.E Forum format puts you, the resident, in the driver's seat because
◦It will be the candidates' job interview with you, the voter;
◦The candidates don't fight each other, they answer your questions;
◦The questions from the moderator are designed to address issues not only of importance to Ward 5 as a whole, but specifically, to residents in the western neighborhoods of Ward 5;
◦You will be up-front and personal with the candidate, one-on-one.
Let us hear from you at:
COMING TONIGHT... March 29th
Meet Ron Magnus @ 7:00 p.m.
The gospel music industry, especially those in DC, are very familiar with Attorney Ron L. Magnus who has long been a champion of gospel music and the gospel community. Now, he is taking steps to affect change within his community. He is running under the banner of "The Leadership Ward 5 Deserves." Ron Magnus has stated that he has chosen to run in order to heal the ward and bring unity to the ward in a time of hurt, disappointment and frustration many feel toward City Hall.
Meet Ruth Marshall @ 8:00 p.m.
"Our Ward faces some challenging issues--some that mirror the city-at-large and others that are unique to us. With massive land areas and unused warehouse spaces, Ward 5 attracts industries and businesses generally not located in other areas of the District. Policies governing industries located in Ward 5 and the current zoning laws need to be carefully reviewed, and I will do that on the City Council. "
Ruth Marshall is Director of Administration for Premier Consultants International, Inc., a construction services firm, with over 25 years of experience in administration, banking, real estate development, construction, and work in the community.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
vote today for Boundary Stone in Washingtonian's "Wing Wars"!

See this message from Boundary Stone's Gareth Croke:
We are in the final 4 of the Washingtonian's "Wing Wars!" Exciting stuff for us over at the Stone! If you've had our Hot and Honey Chicken wings or Vegetarian Seitan Wings, you know why we are still in the running! Voting ends at midnight tonight with us hopefully making the finals tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
North Capitol Main Street shared vision for 2012: meeting this Saturday, 3-31-2012

A Shared Vision for 2012
Call me crazy, but I believe the desire to see thriving neighborhood-serving businesses -- restaurants, retail, personal service businesses, drycleaners, banks, etc -- is one that is shared by most of the residents within the North Capitol community and one that we can all support as an achievable outcome.
Over the years, NCMS has been lucky to be supported by volunteer residents and businesses who can visualize all of the above and more. Progress has been steady. Businesses are opening, getting spruced up, growing and becoming notable throughout the city for good service and good food.
Our job has been to create the climate for this to happen and this year we need your help in a big, big way to continue progress.
On Saturday, March 31st, from 10:00 am to 1:00 p.m., you'll have an opportunity to hear about what's on the menu for 2012 and how you can help us acheive some real, tangible results in your neighborhood this year .
Hope to see you there, Pat Mitchell, Chair
Volunteers Enable Programs that Help Keep the Community Clean
Ever wonder about the guys in the blue uniforms that keep the streets clean, public trash bins emptied, the sidewalks swept and the graffiti removed? Say hello to the guys of the North Capitol Main Street Clean Team This program is paid for through the Dept of Small and Local Business Development and without NCMS, this program would not exist.
Some of you've asked: "Why don't they clean my street?" The answer is: The NCMS Clean Team
provides cleaning services to the No. Capitol-area neighborhood business corridors. (Even though they routinely clean out public trashcans that are overflowing with residential garbage and remove trash from private residences as well.)
And... their service doesn't stop there. During snow storms they shovel sidewalks; during the spring they plant and mulch; during the summer they rake and bag -- literally tons of trash over the years. They have even given hand to remove bulk trash for neighborhood businesses. So the next time you see one of the guys in blue, tell them what a great job they're doing. And do us all a favor -- put your trash in your own Super Can!
Volunteers Create Beautiful Neighborhoods
What a fantastic volunteer story this is. Tom Noll, creative landscape artist, less than two years in Bloomingdale, decides to adopt a park and go for it. Tom, we need your talent!
Volunteers Help Create a Sense of Place
There are three distinct neighborhoods within the NCMS service area -- Bloomingdale, Eckington, and the Bates Area/Truxton Circle. Wouldn't it be awesome if each neighborhood had its own distinctive brand, its own sense of place?
Got ideas on how to make this happen?
Please come out on Saturday morning and share your ideas on how we can begin to make this happen in 2012!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Martin's Catholic Church
Pioneer Room
North Capitol & T Streets, NW
C.O.V.E. forum this Thursday, 3-29-2012: Ward 5 candidates Ruth Marshall and Ron Magnus

THURSDAYS with Candidates
Community Forums (forums, not debates!)
March 22 – May 3, 2012
Coalition for Voter Empowerment
Is a voter education initiative, sponsored by a coalition of six civic associations of the West End of Ward 5 in Washington, D.C.
[Bates, Bloomingdale, Eckington, Edgewood, Hanover, and Stronghold Civic Associations]
C.O.V.E. was established in 2006 as a neighborhood coalition to empower and to educate the citizens of Ward 5 within the said civic association boundaries (who were otherwise left out of major outreach and educational opportunities) about the mayoral and Ward 5 Council electoral process.
C.O.V.E. addresses two major factors:
• The historic neglect of the ``West End`` of Ward 5
• The increasing influx of ``new residents`` to the neighborhood – some that may lack general knowledge about the D C politics and its impact on these communities; and the historical change and needs of Ward 5 in particular.
Coming this Thursday, March 29, 2012
Ron Magnus
Ruth E. Marshall
Place: McKinley Technology HS
151 T Street, NE – Room 150
Washington, DC 20002
Time: 6:15PM (meet `n` greet)–
7:00 - 9:00PM (Candidates forum).
For More Information, please contact: Teri Janine Quinn 214 then 908 then 1908 or email:
Monday, March 26, 2012
meaty Ward 5 Heartbeat article on Delano Hunter, Kenyan McDuffie and Frank Wilds

Okay, okay, jeez louise!
Here you go:
3-Way Race Emerges for Ward 5 Council Seat
Hunter, McDuffie & Wilds take lead
Kenyan McDuffie, Frank Wilds and Delano Hunter at the Ward 5 candidates’ debate on March 3rd. Moderator Mark Segraves of WTOP is in the foreground.
Judging by campaign finance records and the results of a recent “straw vote,” the field of Democratic candidates for the Ward 5 council seat is narrowing.
Three candidates – Delano Hunter, Kenyan McDuffie and Frank Wilds – are pulling ahead of the rest of the field of Democrat hopefuls. Eleven Democrats, one Independent and one Republican will be on the ballot in a May 15th special election to fill the seat vacated by disgraced former Ward 5 council member Harry Thomas Jr.
In many ways, Mr. Hunter, Mr. McDuffie and Mr. Wilds are more similar than they are different. All three have lived in Ward 5 most of their lives. They all ran and lost in previous primary races against Harry Thomas Jr. In campaign speeches, they stick to familiar themes of jobs, education, economic development, workforce development, ethics, and programs for youth and seniors.
A comparison of the three candidates` backgrounds, legal troubles, work histories and campaign fund raising reveals differences among them that are more personal than political.
Mr. McDuffie is a native Washingtonian who lives with his wife and two young children in the Stronghold neighborhood of Ward 5 in the same house he grew up in. According to Mr. McDuffie, his grandparents bought the house in 1951 and he purchased it from his parents in 2007.
Mr. Wilds has lived in the Lamond-Riggs neighborhood of Ward 5 for 40 years with his wife. Their grown daughter is employed in the D.C. public school system.
Mr. Hunter is a native Washingtonian who graduated from Spingarn High School. District records show that Mr. Hunter lived at four different Ward 5 addresses in the past two years. He is currently residing on South Dakota Avenue NE.
Since 2010, Mr. Hunter has been sued four times in D.C. Superior Court. Judgments against him were entered in every case. Three of the lawsuits were filed by landlords suing Mr. Hunter for failing to pay his rent. The fourth lawsuit came from Mr. Hunter’s credit card company seeking payment for $3,211 in overdue bills.
Mr. Hunter would not comment on the lawsuits for this article.
No personal lawsuits have been filed against Mr. Wilds or Mr. McDuffie according to D.C. Court records. Mr. Wilds` business, Metropolitan Service & Maintenance Corporation, was sued twice in D.C. Court a decade ago. Mr. Wilds said the lawsuits arose from minor contract disputes. One case was dismissed and the other was settled.
Referring to Mr. Hunter`s legal troubles, Mr. Wilds said the ability to pay one`s bills was an indication of character. ``If you can`t manage your own personal life and your own bills, how can you be council member?`` he asked.
Mr. McDuffie is 36 years old. According to his resume, he graduated from Howard University in 2002 and received a law degree from the University of Maryland in 2006. Since then, Mr. McDuffie has worked as a criminal prosecutor in Prince George’s County and a civil rights attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice. Most recently, he worked for the D.C. Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice. Mr. McDuffie resigned from his job in order to run for the Ward 5 Council seat.
To Mr. McDuffie, his government experience sets him apart from the other candidates. ``I have dedicated my entire career to public service,`` he said.
Mr. Wilds is 68 years old. He is CEO of Metropolitan Service & Maintenance Corp., a company he founded in 1988 that installs bus shelter advertising in Baltimore. According to Mr. Wilds` resume, he has a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing management.
To Mr. Wilds, the fact that he is a small business owner rather than a career government worker makes him unique. ``I am running to serve the people,`` he said. ``I am not unemployed. I`m not running for a job like some other candidates.``
Mr. Wilds said he considers being council member a full time job but, if elected, he will retain ownership of his business, letting his employees manage it day-to-day. Mr. Wilds said his company operates exclusively in Baltimore so it will not conflict with business before the D.C. Council.
Mr. Hunter would not confirm his age for this article, but he is believed to be approximately 28 years old. According to an online profile of Mr. Hunter, he graduated from Delaware State University in 2006 with a degree in business. He worked for Nike in Oregon for two years before moving back to the District.
In 2008, Mr. Hunter began working with William Shelton at Brookland Manor apartments and at two of Mr. Shelton`s non-profits, Young Men Making Moves and Young Adults Corp. Mr. Shelton was a key member of Mr. Hunter’s 2010 campaign team and is the former chairman of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5B (ANC 5B).
In January of this year, Mr. Shelton pleaded guilty to federal charges of stealing more than $28,000 from ANC 5B between August 2010 and March 2011. There is no suggestion that Mr. Hunter took part in Mr. Shelton`s theft.
From September 2010 until recently, Mr. Hunter served as chief business development officer for AORE Investments, Inc. According to AORE’s web site, the company is a Maryland real estate firm that helps clients acquire ``distressed real estate`` in Baltimore from banks, foreclosures and short sales. After acquiring property ``at minimal cost,`` AORE helps clients rapidly sell the property for a profit. AORE`s name for this strategy is ``exploitation of inefficiencies to optimal exits.``
The practice is more commonly known as real estate flipping.
The status of Mr. Hunter’s employment at AORE Investments is unclear. Mr. Hunter was listed on AORE’s web site as a member of its ``executive team`` until March 11th. After the Ward 5 Heartbeat started asking Mr. Hunter questions about his job, his name and biography were removed from the web site.
AORE Investments did not return calls for comment. Mr. Hunter would not comment on his employment at AORE for this article.
According to campaign finance filings, Mr. McDuffie raised $46,800, the most of any candidate so far in the race. Mr. Hunter and Mr. Wilds both raised approximately $35,000. $10,000 of Mr. Wilds’ campaign funds came from a loan to his campaign from himself.
Campaign contributions have recently come under scrutiny in D.C. as activists and others have questioned candidates’ acceptance of donations from multiple companies (known as LLCs) that are controlled by the same individual. The practice, called bundling, is criticized for allowing candidates and powerful donors to skirt donation limits.
At a candidates debate on March 3rd, Mr. McDuffie said he would not accept bundled donations. A review of his campaign finance filings indicates he has kept his pledge. Mr. McDuffie also said he would not accept donations from Ward 5 strip clubs or medical marijuana facilities.
Mr. Wilds said he is not opposed to candidates accepting bundled donations as long as there is transparency. “My campaign books will be open,” he said.
Mr. Wilds was as good as his word and reviewed his campaign finance filings in detail with the Ward 5 Heartbeat. Mr. Wilds identified $2,500 in bundled donations from Joe Mamo, owner of numerous District gas stations. Mr. Wilds said he has known Mr. Mamo for many years. Like Mr. McDuffie, Mr. Wilds said he would not accept donations from strip clubs or medical marijuana facilities.
Delano Hunter appears to be the only candidate in the Ward 5 race who has received donations from the Stadium Club, a strip club on Queens Chapel Road NE in Ward 5.
At a candidates debate on March 3rd, Mr. Hunter tried to downplay his connection to the Stadium Club, saying he had accepted a single $500 campaign contribution from ``that organization.``
A review of Mr. Hunter’s campaign finance filings reveals that Mr. Hunter accepted more than ten times that amount. Mr. Hunter accepted donations from Stadium Club owner Keith Forney, employees of the strip club, and employees and associates of Mr. Forney’s other businesses. Altogether, Mr. Hunter raised at least $5,500 from entities and individuals associated with the Stadium Club or its owner Keith Forney. See profile of Delano Hunter ( for a breakdown of the $5,500.
Mr. Hunter would not comment on his campaign donations for this article, but supporter Anthony Hood defended Mr. Hunter. “The strip club is a legitimate business in Ward 5,” said Mr. Hood. “Whoever the council member is, at the end of the day they have to represent [the strip club] too.”
Read profiles of the following candidates in the Ward 5
Special Election on May 15:
For a complete list of candidates in the Ward 5 special election, go to
[photo not included here]
Audience participation at the Ward 5 candidates’ debate on March 3rd.
Send questions, comments, letters to the editor and local news to:
Abigail Padou, Editor
two upcoming McMillan Project community meetings – first meeting this Thursday, 03/29/2012 -- focusing upon the community amenities package

Date: Thursday, March 29th, 2012
Time: 7PM – 9PM
Location: All Nations Baptist Church
2001 North Capitol St NE (N Cap & RI Ave)
Date: Saturday, April 7th, 2012
Time: 2PM – 5pm
Location: The Summit
116 T Street NE (near McKinley HS)
For more detailed information, please call Dianne Barnes, 202 then 387 then 2497.
See this question from Bloomingdale resident Chris:
A question for clarification.... Are the two MAG-sponsored community meetings for general input on the project or is the focus specifically on the community amenities package?
Read Dianne Barnes’ response:
Whatever input the community offer is welcome but the main issue is the community amenities package.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Crispus Attucks community day and grand yard sale – Saturday, 05/19/2012

From Crispus Attucks Park Secretary Austin Pearl:
Just wanted to give everyone the heads up that Bloomingdale`s longest running, most neighborly and funnest shopping event is BACK!
This year`s Crispus Attucks Community Day and Grand Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, May 19th.
…Get to know your neighbors!
…Sell `em your old stuff on the world`s greatest lawn!
…Promote your business!
…Meet your soul mate!
Are you in the market for a used copy of Jaws 3 on VHS WITH the original 3-D classes? Try Crispus Attucks Community Day and Grand Yard Sale! Are you in the market for the most perfectest and dare I say `intergalactic` end table? Try Crispus Attucks Community Day and Grand Yard Sale! Are you in the market for some hotdogs, homemade cookies or just like to meander around crowds and people watch? Try Crispus Attucks Community Day and Grand Yard Sale!
Crispus Attucks Development Corporation cannot guarantee we will have the named items in stock).
Flyers will be going out the first week of April with registration forms if you would like a table at this year`s event.
If you would like to volunteer to help run the event, please joint us at our next meeting Wednesday, March 28th from 7:00pm-9:00pm at St. George Episcopal Church on 2nd and U Streets NW. We will also be holding elections—so be there if you want your voice heard.
Austin Pearl
Crispus Attucks Park Secretary2024 North Capitol Street
Friday, March 23, 2012
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for 03/25/2012
**Agents, to have your open houses listed in this weekly post, you must tag them in MRIS by the Friday before the open house. If you have an open house in the immediate area (Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park, Eckington, Shaw, Truxton Circle) that does not show up, please add in the comments below.
Bloomingdale safety walk – Tuesday, 03/27/2012
Cc: tj quinn
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:31 PM
Subject: Bloomingdale Safety Walk - Tue March 27 @ 7:00 PM
Bloomingdale Block Captains -
We`re overdue for a Safety Walk...and spring is here (so is crime)! Attached is the flier for next week`s Safety Walk, which will take place on Tue March 27 @ 7:00 PM (meeting place is Window`s Cafe at 1st St and Rhode Island Ave NW).
Please do your best to circulate the attached flier to your area of responsibility. In addition to retransmitting electronically, if you know of any seniors (or others) on your block who do not have email access, please consider providing them a hard copy of attached flier.
Thanks so much,
Jennifer McCann
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners
Hugh Youngblood and James Fournier
Invite you to take part in a
Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safer neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. This is about making a strong presence in the community, showing that Bloomingdale will not tolerate crime in our neighborhood.
When: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 7 pm
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW
(Meet in front of Windows Café. Dress comfortably and bring a flashlight!)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
C.O.V.E.: Thursdays with the Ward 5 Candidates - Amanda Broadnax tonight

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 11:10 AM
Subject: Thursdays with the Candidates
COalition for Voter Empowerment
invites you to participate in "Thursdays with the Candidates"
How will the C.O.V.E Forum be different from other forums?
•The C.O.V.E. Forum is NOT a debate. . . (debate what?)
•The C.O.V.E Forum format puts you, the resident, in the driver's seat because
•It will be the candidates' job interview with you, the voter;
•The candidates don't fight each other, they answer you;
•The questions from the moderator are designed to address issues not only of importance to Ward 5 as a whole, but specifically, to residents in the western neighborhoods of Ward 5;
•You will be up-front and personal with the candidate, one-on-one.
Meet Amanda Broadnax @ 7:00 pm
Amanda Broadnax, is focused on education, employment, economic development, healthcare and crime. She declares that, "People come first before position titles-- in policy decisions and in our public officials' priorities."
McKinley Tech High School, 151 T Street NE - The Ampitheater, Room 150
For more information, contact: Donetta Clark, 202 then 526 then 1187 or, via email,
Thursday, March 29th
Meet Ron Magnus @ 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 5th
Meet Kenyan McDuffie @ 7:00 pm
and Tim Day @ 8:00 pm
Thursday, April 12th
Meet Drew Hubbard @ 7:00 pm
and Shelly Gardner @ 8:00 pm
Thursday, April 19th
Meet Kathy Henderson @ 7:00 pm
and John Cheeks @ 8:00 pm
Thursday, April 26th
Meet Ruth Marshall @ 7:00 pm
Thursday May 3rd
Meet Delano Hunter @ 7:00 pm
and Rae Zapata @ 8:00 pm
meet-n-greet tonight for Ward 5 candidates Raenelle Zapata and Drew Hubbard - at St. George's

As a service to Bloomingdale residents, I am sponsoring an opportunity to meet two candidates for Ward 5 Council
WHEN: Thursday the 22nd
WHERE: St. George`s Episcopal Church, 2nd & U NW
WHO: Raenelle Zapata from 6:30 to 7:30
Drew Hubbard from 7:30 to 8:30
So come out and meet some of the candidates. Get your questions asked right here in Bloomingdale!
See you there,
John T. Salatti
(202) 986 - 2592
``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Grassroots Gourmet DC coming to Bloomingdale! 104 Rhode Island Avenue NW
See this brief message received earlier today:
This morning we signed a lease today for the 104 Rhode Island Avenue NW space. We are looking forward to joining the Bloomingdale business community.
We are very excited to soon be able to offer our made-to-order baked goods- and now with a store front. We plan to offer coffee and breakfast sweets in the morning and delicious treats all day. From cakes and cupcakes to cookies and pies- we are so thrilled to soon be the neighborhood bakery. We hope to be able to open in the early Fall.
Staying true to our community ties, you are the first of the bloggers to hear from us.
meet-and-greet for Ward 5 candidate Drew Hubbard here in Bloomingdale - Thursday, 03-22-2012

From: Ra Williams
To: wardfive @
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 7:19 PM
Subject: [WardFive] Meet and Greet for Ward 5 Candidate Drew Hubbard
Raeisha Williams, Media Relations Director for Ward 5 Candidate Drew Hubbard. We would like to invite your listserve members to a Meet and Greet with Hubbard on March 22, 2012 from 7:30 - 8:30 pm at St. George Episcopal Church.
For more information or questions feel free to contact Raeisha Williams at radollface @
Raeisha William
McMillan on the agenda for the Tuesday, 03-20-2012 ANC 5C meeting

The agenda includes two references to Bloomingdale's McMillan Sand Filtration site:
Update-OAG Legal Opinion re: McMillian Sand Filtration Site………………Chairman Edwards
So McMillanites might wish to attend this Tuesday night ANC 5C meeting.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting agenda -- Monday, 3/19/2012
Bloomingdale Civic Association Meeting Agenda
Monday March 19, 2012 at 7p.m.
St. George`s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street, NW
I. Housekeeping Matters
a. Proposal Re: Executive Board and Representatives Responsibilities & Executive Board Attendance Requirements
II. Zoning Issue Regarding 58 Rhode Island NW (Eric Schultz)
III. McMillan Update
IV. Update on C.O.V.E. (re: Special Election for the Ward 5 council seat)
V. DC Board of Elections and Ethics Presentation (DCBOEE Staff Attorney Rudolph McGann)
VI. Financial Report
VII. Committee Reports
a. Follow up on 5k Run/Walk and Bar Crawl Proposals
b. Beautification Committee (Clean Up Day)
VIII. Updates from Bloomingdale Representatives
a. Executive Office of the Mayor
b. Offices of the At Large Council Members & the Chairman’s Office
c. ANC (Bloomingdale Commissioners)
IX. Upcoming Events
- Thursdays with the Candidates (COVE Forums) (6:15-9PM) @ McKinley Technology High School, 151 T Street, NE
o March 22: William Boston & Amanda Broadnax
o March 29: Ron L. Magnus & Kenyan McDuffie
o * April 5: Tim Day @ 8PM (may be moved to another date)
o April 12: Drew Hubbard & Shelly Gardner
- Monday, April 9, 2012 911:30AM- 3PM): Howard Theatre Ribbon Cutting @ 620 T Street, NW
Next Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting will be Monday, April 16, 2012
suggestion to redirect the DC budget allocation for McMillan elsewhere; a Randolph Pl NW neighbor responds

From: Commissioner Youngblood
Date: March 8, 2012 6:06:09 PM EST
To: ``vincent.gray @``
Cc: Cross Jason
Subject: DC Budget Input and McMillan
Dear Mayor Gray:
It was a pleasure chatting with you and your team at the Florida Avenue Park ribbon-cutting event on February 25th.
Thank you for sending budget representatives to the community to discuss our City`s current fiscal challenges. Mr. Eric Goulet provided a comprehensive overview at the 27 February Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting and asked us to submit ideas to help shape the future.
On behalf of Bloomingdale and the surrounding communities, Commissioner Fournier and I urge you to please reallocate the $50m (plus any contingency reserve) currently earmarked for McMillan to other capital projects in Ward 5. The Rhode Island Avenue corridor, Bates Area, and other under-served communities within Ward 5 would reap much greater benefit from this investment than would the already developed Bloomingdale community.
Mr. Goulet noted during the Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting your desire to focus the City`s limited budget resources on development projects most wanted and needed by the community. The people of Bloomingdale oppose the Vision McMillan Partners (VMP) master plan as presented. Bates and Rhode Island Avenue representatives have, however, strongly expressed their desires for new development in their communities.
Additionally, we recognize that the massive additional infrastructure investment that would be required to mitigate adverse storm water and transportation impacts of the proposed VMP plan on the Bloomingdale community lie well beyond the reach of the funds currently allocated for the VMP plan. If the current McMillan plan were to proceed, the project could easily snowball out of control and face funding shortfalls for years, leaving the people of Bloomingdale and the surrounding communities to contend with the adverse impacts.
McMillan deserves world-class, sustainable development, and other Ward 5 communities have much greater immediate needs for investment.
Hugh Youngblood
240 . 925 then 1079
b) Now see this subsequent message from a Randolph Place NW resident:
From a Randolph Place NW resident:
I am concerned about an e-mail sent by one of our ANC Commissioners, Mr. Youngblood, to the D.C. City Council, in which he is affirmatively ASKING the city to ``reallocate`` funding of $50,000,000 ($50 million) AWAY from Bloomingdale. First, he claims that he is writing ``[o]n behalf of Bloomingdale.`` He never sought his ANC`s input on this issue, to my knowledge -- I wasn`t ever asked, nor any of my neighbors. Nor did he seek input from the Bloomingdale Civic Association. He is writing on his own behalf, and nothing more. His motives are unclear, at best. (He also claimed that he is writing on behalf of another ANC Commissioner, Mr. Fournier. This is likewise untrue. Mr. Fournier has stated to the ANC 5C, which forwarded it to the Attorney General`s office (to whom this issue and that of Mr. Youngblood`s other possible conflicts of interest were reported) that he was not even aware of this e-mail; Mr. Fournier distanced himself from the content of Mr. Youngblood`s message, in writing, on March 11, saying: ``I did not know about this e-mail.`` So, too, has the chairman of ANC 5C, Ronnie Edwards.)
Second -- and this is what I am most worried about, as should every Bloomingdale resident -- this presents the unfortunate situation of one of our own Bloomingdale Commissioners not only ``urg[ing] to please reallocate the $50 million (plus any contingency reserve)`` away from Bloomingdale, but more importantly him claiming that the ``Bloomingdale community [is] already developed,`` and therefore apparently does not need any more funding from the city. Again, this is untrue. We certainly DO need funding from the District -- as much as we can get. And Mr. Youngblood, as our Commissioner, should certainly make sure that his ANC is obtaining all the funds he can get, rather than sending them away to unspecified other projects and districts that are not even within his purview. Plus, please take a walk along North Capitol or Florida Ave. N.W., and tell me with a straight face that you consider this blight ``developed.`` You cannot.
Lastly, setting aside the present time and his limited tenure, this sets a terrible precedent for future projects or requests for any D.C. funding for Bloomingdale, well after Mr. Youngblood will be gone -- this is not just about the McMillan site, but will affect any kind of funding or future development: if Mr. Youngblood`s statement that ``Bloomingdale is already developed`` is taken at face value by the Council, the City will certainly reconsider, if not outright reject, future requests for support by us. The Council can quote this untruth right back at us: ``Bloomingdale doesn`t need funding -- your area is `already developed,` according to your own ANC...``
It behooves our Commissioner to rally on behalf of his own. At a minimum, he should be a passive representative, as he has been for most of his tenure. But to affirmatively steer funds away from his own neighborhood is decidedly not part of his mandate as our ANC Commissioner.
Let`s just put it this way: Georgetown is certainly ``developed`` by anyone`s standards. Yet, its ANC Commissioners are not going to steer funds away from Georgetown to ``other under-served communities`` that may perhaps ``have much greater immediate needs for investment.`` ...... Trust me -- Georgetown will take it. So should we. Mr. Youngblood`s position as ANC Commissioner is not to hand out money to others that was given to the community that he represents.
seeking referrals for handymen to hang a few things and do some light painting
I need to find a handyman who could help us hang a few things -- and maybe do a little painting.
Any suggestions?
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 03/18/2012
**Agents, to have your open houses listed in this weekly post, you must tag them in MRIS by the Friday before the open house. If you have an open house in the immediate area (Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park, Eckington, Shaw, Truxton Circle) that does not show up, please add in the comments below.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
McMillan community benefits agreement (CBA) proposal kickoff letter

John Basile of EYA send a letter to MAG member Dianne Barnes from Jeff Miller that is titled "McMillan CBA proposal kickoff letter."
You can see this letter, dated 03-13-2012, in PDF format posted at the Bates Area Civic Association blog.
McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) meeting tonight, Thursday, 3-15-2012

Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 10:43 PM
Subject: MAG Meeting
MAG Members:
There is a scheduled MAG Meeting. T
Date: Thursday, 15 March 2012
Time: 7PM - 9PM
Location: All Nations Baptist Church (corner of RI Ave, NE and North Capitol St NE).
Request that you come prepared to discuss the community benefits package.
Thanks in Advance.
Dianne Barnes
MAG Member
202 then 387 followed by 2497
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Ward 5 DC Water town hall meeting -- Thursday, 04/26/2012

Our General Manager is hosting the DC Water town hall meeting in Ward 5 on April 26, 2012 from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm at Luke C Moore Academy, 1001 Monroe Street, NE.
As in years past, we will have staff on hand to discuss:
*Water Quality
*Construction projects in Ward 5
*DC Clean Rivers (Long Term Control Plan)
*Catch Basins
*Water Mains and Fire Hydrants
*Jobs at DC Water
*Customer Service
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
lost cat last seen in the alley of the 2100 block of 1st Street NW

Bear was last seen Saturday night in the alley between V and W streets around 8:00pm. He is an indoor cat but is somewhat familiar with the neighborhood. We visited the local animal shelter and searched for him all day and night but with no success. We are offering a reward of $500 if someone finds him.
Please call us anytime at 202 then 518 followed by 418 or 202 then 359 followed by 3266 if you spot him in the neighborhood. Bear has been part of our family for 10 years and we miss him.
Monday, March 12, 2012
meet-and-greet in Bloomingdale for Ward 5 candidate Kenyan McDuffie -- Sunday, 03-18-2012

Kenyan McDuffieCandidate for DC Council Ward 5
Please join us for a MEET & GREET with Kenyan McDuffie
Bring your questions, concerns and ideas and learn how Kenyan plans to restore our faith in leadership
Hosted by Ed and Pedro
To RSVP, contact Jon Mandel at
Latosha Hill, Treasurer. Contributions to Kenyan McDuffie 2012 are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Maximum contribution per person is $500.00.
World Missions Extension Center: preparing for the Saturday, 04-28-2012 Walk-A-Thon rally

Hello everyone, we are back and on the move preparing for our April 28th Walk-a-Thon rally.
Please take a look at the attached flier and plan to come participate by supporting our efforts. And for you dog lovers, this year, we extend invitation to you to bring your dogs to walk with us as well.
For last year with your help 964 kids received toys, with an extra 1436 toys going to incarcerated youth, foster care children, Latino kids, children living in shelters, and children in the community. Additionally we gave away last year (with your help) at the November 19th Thanksgiving rally,360 Food Baskets to families needing food for their Thanksgiving dinner, and on August 20th at the Back to School Rally, gave away school supplies to 465 children/youth which also included giving away to 122 parents, principals from the Langley Educational Campus, and Perry Preparatory Public Charter School vouchers and school supplies; and your donations made such giving possible, thanks.
As we now prepare for helping an increased number of families and children in need, we again need your help in being able to provide at the June 16th Awards Ceremony-- 10 inner-city high school graduating seniors Scholarships to college and at the August 18th Back to School Rally, we need your help providing school supplies for 1000 kids, and at the November 17th Thanksgiving Rally, we will need baskets for 1000 families and on December22nd at our toys to Needy Kids rally, we need a total of 3000 kids for the kids who we have provided this amount of toys to for the past 3 years, we need your help.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation towards these rallies and we will also be able to work again with the 100 14 to 21 year olders (as we did last summer), as we did in our Positive Alternatives Job Readiness PANTS OFF THE GROUND Employment program last summer.
So please help us by making a tax deductible donation which will help us meet the need of the families and kids that we serve. We look forward to seeing you, your family and friends at the Saturday, April 28th Walk A thon.
Dr. J. Perkins, Rally Coordinator
next Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting -- Monday, March 19, 2012
Bloomingdale Civic Association Announcements
Please join us for a general meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) at St. George`s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street NW, in the basement.
Next Meeting
Monday, March 19, 2012, 7:00pm
Mark your calendars!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
North Capitol Main Street: You'll want to save this date - Saturday, March 31, 2012

You can see the nicely formatted version of this message here:
Something's up at North Capitol Main Street.
At NCMS, we have been quietly working behind the scenes to bring you the next big thing . . . .
Saturday, March 31, 2012
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: TBD
Brought to you by NCMS Board of Directors.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for 03/11/2012
**Agents, to have your open house in and around Bloomingdale included in this post, you must tag your open house in MRIS by the Friday before the open.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Field to City: New Ecommerce Site

From Field to City`s Kim Wee:
We`ve built a simple new website which features a much-improved online shopping cart. Only our locally sourced products are listed, which things easier to keep current on our end. Meat, milk, produce and other goods such as granola, chocolate and honey are on there. Feel free to use the site to browse our products, and you can help us by posting reviews. Orders can be picked up at the store Monday through Friday, or we can arrange delivery as well.
Just log on to
Please email any questions or comments to
meet-n-greet for Ward 5 council candidate Delano Hunter here in Bloomingdale - Tuesday, 03-13-2012

Join the Movement
Hi Friends!,
I thought you'd be interested in this:
Karen Cotton also included this personal message to you:
Please click the link above for an invitation to a Meet-and-Greet for Delano Hunter.Please come out to meet Delano Hunter, Ward 5, Council Candidate. He is very sincere, knowable, considerate of the needs of the community and knows the legislative process.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
hey! new Bloomingdale History blog!
Betsy McDaniel and I discovered recently that we share a love of researching Bloomingdale history. We decided to join forces and maintain a blog as a central repository of the information we find. We`d also like to share our discoveries with the neighborhood so folks can enjoy them, too, and hopefully contribute. Would you please share the link with your readers?
Please note that if someone wants to post something, he or she should send his or her item to bloomingdalehistory @ Also, anyone can comment on a post, including as anonymous. No one needs to sign up for anything to leave a comment. (Comments will be moderated, though, just in case someone gets ``saucy`` -- as they said in 1907.)
Finally, we`re hoping to explore all aspects, groups and time periods of Bloomingdale`s history. For now, I`m gathering my information from a database of newspapers from about 1880-1939 maintained by the Library of Congress, which explains why I`m covering such a narrow time frame. Betsy may be casting a wider net than I am, and your readers may help to expand our knowledge even further.
Thank you!
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
zip code 20002 (and 20019, 20022) have the highest rate of End State Renal Disease * IN THE NATION *
I googled it and found this info:
Chronic Kidney Disease
The Chronic Kidney Disease Atlas (CKD Atlas) is a unique online tool. The maps show zip-code-level incidence of CKD and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). This Web-based resource provides the user with on-demand capacity for comparing and contrasting CKD and ESRD incidence nationwide, by state, and by national or state legislative district. For the first time, an online resource has the ability to provide support for educational, advocacy, and public-affairs initiatives by showing the geographical areas where CKD and ESRD health disparities lie. The CKD Atlas is a component of the Congressional Alliance Renal Effort (CARE).
Congressional Alliance Renal Effort
CARE is a national pilot program, to be implemented in multiple cities, and is designed to engage the support of the Congressional Leadership Alliance to Eliminate Health Disparities,* local policy makers, stakeholders, and patientsin order to reduce the disproportionate incidence of CKD. CARE is a multidisciplinary coalition that will catalyze coordinated activities to accelerate early detection, screening, and treatment of CKD in targeted areas. The National Minority Quality Forum is coordinating the CARE initiative, supported in part by Amgen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Why target Washington, DC, first?
As part of the CARE program, key congressional districts that have significant rates of CKD and ESRD will be targeted. Because Washington, DC, has the highest ESRD rates in the country and stands at the forefront of a national surge in CKD, the CARE program will target the District first. This initiative is called DC CARE.
The District is ground zero for kidney disease for the nation!
Incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease and End-Stage Renal Disease in Washington, DC
[map not provided here -- but click on the article link above to see it.]
The map of DC ESRD produced by the CKD Atlas illustrates the problem. The red shaded area represents three zip codes (20002, 20022, and 20019) that have the highest rates of ESRD in the nation. Inside the 20019 zip code, the age-adjusted rate for new cases of ESRD is 44 times the national average, and the rates in the 20011 and 20002 zip codes are only slightly less. There is also a concomitant disparity in hospitalization rates and economic costs. Hatch marks indicate that the population is primarily minority based (African American).
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
1912 real estate ad for 28 to 62 W St NW

In order to uncover the history of our neighborhood, I`ve been searching through old DC newspapers using the following site set up by the Library of Congress. It`s called Chronicling America.
I just found a very interesting real estate advertisement (attached) from 1912 on the unit block of W -- Honestly Built Homes. If any of you live on that block or are interested in Bloomingdale history, you may enjoy seeing this.
On a quasi related note, I`ve also discovered that the Sylvan Theater was built as the American Theater and used to host vaudeville acts.
opossum sighting on 2nd Street NW

Last night I saw a possum on the sidewalk outside my house. If you haven't seen one before, let me warn you, they are not handsome creatures...At.All.
With its back to me it appeared to be a large kitten or a small cat but then it turned towards me to reveal a snout-like nose and when it ran off I saw that it had a long, thin tail like a rat.
I had to run a Google search to confirm that it was in fact a possum and, yep, that's exactly what I saw.
at Rustik Tavern this Wednesday, 3-7-2012: Ward 5 candidate Kenyan McDuffie
Day: Wednesday, March 3
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Location: Rustik Tavern, 84 T Street NW
Facebook event:
About Kenyan:
Kenyan McDuffie grew up across the street from Bloomingdale and still lives in the same house, on North Capitol Street. His campaign is about restoring your faith in leadership. For far too long, our elected officials have spent their time in office launching public relations campaigns and investing our city`s resources in improving their tarnished images. As a result, we have suffered and lost numerous opportunities to create positive change through the legislative process. The consequences of our leaders cannot continue to hinder moving Ward 5 forward.
For more information check out:
Questions? Email jon @
Monday, March 05, 2012
found cat on the unit block of R St NW

Could you please post the picture of this cat to the listserv and the blog? He's been hanging around our porch all day today (we live on the unit block of R street NW) looking for company, and hoping to come inside, but we don't allow pets in our house. He seems very friendly, well groomed and happy and purring, so I think he belongs to someone in the neighborhood.
But no collar or ID tag...
Sunday, March 04, 2012
a vote of support the McMillan Sand Filtration site project

I am in favor of the proposed development plan of the McMillan site for a variety of reasons:
1) If the city is going to make itself more livable and affordable, we need to increase the overall supply of housing. This plan adds at least 735 units.
2) Of course the industrial heritage of the site merits careful consideration. This plan preserves a representative number of the sand filtration storage silos and internal vaults to properly reflect this era`s water filtration technology. Moreover, the plan does so in a useful and integrated way. Open space by itself has some value but this plan creates more meaningful open space that will engender lots of use by a wide variety of people. Some have said we need to maintain the ``water filtration capacity`` of this site. To be generous, this is simply not possible unless the District (and we as taxpayers) spend millions of dollars to restore a system that is insufficient both in capacity and technology, no matter how nostalgic we may be. I might add that the city is losing both physical pieces and public access to a far superior historic landscape to the District/Federal Government development at St. Elizabeth`s with but a fraction of the discussion consumed by McMillan.
3) One of the most vociferous opponents and cheerleaders for the neighborhood NIMBYs of this development works for The Catholic University of America. The CUA has its own development agenda as anyone who takes a walk around the Brookland Metro Station will see. It seems obvious to this writer that the University is perfectly happy having a faculty member touting what is essentially a travelogue of unrelated ideas--not anywhere near a ``plan``. For the NIMBYs, though it is adequate ``proof`` that other options exist. Never mind that the travelogue has no spatial, economic or environmental rigor. It is disingenuous for the CUA to play a role in this discussion as they have a clear conflict of interest--their development becomes more valuable with McMillan undeveloped amid the endless ``Groundhog Day`` of meetings, citizen groups and ANC commissioner-pandering.
4) The merits of the City`s purchase of this property and the amount paid are history. The fact is that the city bought the property to develop. Without adequate, viable economic use of this city resource, the city does not have revenue for more affordable housing, libraries, schools, parks and playgrounds, fire and public safety as well as historic preservation.
As a member of the ICOMOS scientific committee on Cultural Towns and Villages and a long standing advocate of historic preservation, it saddens me to see this site sit for years while the same arguments cycle and cycle like so many hamster wheels. This plan is well thought-out, sensitive to environmental, historic and economic conditions and most importantly, creates a place of lasting value for future generations to enjoy, while preserving the essence of the tangible and intangible value that the McMillan site represents. I urge you to review it carefully. If you look at it without prejudice you will see the thought, experience and sensitivity that it represents, and I believe you will also support it.
Jeff S., FAICP
And here is a subsequent post by Jeff:
The number on the DC Government site, , for the cost the entire development is $700 million, so $47 million over 5 years would represent about a 7% investment. I will investigate in more detail, but the number does not seem on the face of it to be an unreasonable contribution considering the tax base of 1.1 million square feet of commercial, retail and residential, especially if the city is going to use 30 year bonds or Tax Increment Financing. I wonder how many Ward 5 Council candidates know the difference between a TIF and a general obligation bond? Or what a proforma is for that matter...LOL