Friday, September 23, 2016

Katherine, Aravind, Bertha and Kirby are the ANC5E candidates who responded to the Greater Greater Washington 2016 questionnaire

Click on the link to read the Greater Greater Washington blog post.

I have included the Ward 5 -- including ANC5E  -- candidates who responded to the GGW questionnaire.

DC will have 300 hyper-local elections this fall. Can you help us sort through the candidates?


 See this blog post for the complete list of ANC5E Bloomingdale candidates.

1 comment:

JoAnna said...

Thanks so much for this link. It seemed mostly up to the voters to reach out to the candidates to find out their views. I don't see Diane Barnes on this list. I wonder if she'd be willing to send in post to this blog with her responses, so that her constituents can decide whether or not to vote for her!