regarding the closure of 1st St NW between Channing & Michigan Avenue NW: permit has been extended until March 2017 for the water main replacement project
Thanks to DC Water's John Lisle's clarifying how much longer that 1st Street NW between Channing and Michigan would be closed:
jlisle @jlisle
@ScottRobertsDC@DDOTDC I believe the permit has been extended until March for the water main replacement project.
I think many neighbors would like to see it closed permanently, but it is hard to imagine DC gov even considering it. Metro suggested a variation of the 80 bus on 1st between Michigan and Channing/Bryant, and the VMP transportation plan for McMillan also offered that plan.
Bloomingdale residents (especially parents with small children) need to speak up and demand better traffic management for our neighborhood. Every day there are more pedestrians and cyclists trying to navigate the First Street expressway. It's an accident waiting to happen.
The closing of 1st Street north of Channing has been terrible for those of us who lived between the two closures, especially when Adams and, for a long time, Bryant were also closed. The result of being an island was and continues to be really fast traffic in the alleys for people just trying to get home. I know we'll have heavy Washington Hospital Center traffic on 1st Street, again, if the road reopens, but winter snow storms are pretty bad when there are few escape routes. I'm guessing we will end up with traffic lights on 1st NW if McMillian is ever developed because stop signs, even now, seem optional for a lot of drivers -- and they are supposed to be our neighborly neighbors.
When was Bryant closed? I commute that way and never saw it, but perhaps it was in the summer (when I don't work). Yes I totally see that point of view, and glad you brought it up. I can't imagine how it must be up there for you all... It would be good for DC to do a traffic study as the development starts happening at McMillan, but they probably won't.
Bryant was closed before and turning the first six to nine months of the First Street Tunnel project for an entirely different project in from of the pumping station in the 200 block of Bryant. The reopening of Bryant was a major relief for us.
Yes by the Howard dorms, I remember. I thought you meant closed as a outlet to N Cap near the tunnel construction which would have been an even worse nightmare! - I'm not on a crusade to keep 1st St closed, it's just my opinion as a long time neighborhood resident who saw marked improvement over the past two years re: not getting almost run over numerous times a day. I can see the reasoning for opening it fully. Here's hoping McMillan development doesn't screw us all!!
I don't know the right answer, either. But, stop sign runners and cars racing up the alleys since the First Street Tunnel construction started have been worse for me that the earlier traffic. That my dog had gotten old may be a reason I've been so unset by drivers.
I stand by my belief (shot down rather rudely many years ago at the Civic Assoc meeting) that 1st should remain closed at Channing permanently.
I completely agree! It turns into a major thoroughfare otherwise.
I think many neighbors would like to see it closed permanently, but it is hard to imagine DC gov even considering it. Metro suggested a variation of the 80 bus on 1st between Michigan and Channing/Bryant, and the VMP transportation plan for McMillan also offered that plan.
Bloomingdale residents (especially parents with small children) need to speak up and demand better traffic management for our neighborhood. Every day there are more pedestrians and cyclists trying to navigate the First Street expressway. It's an accident waiting to happen.
The closing of 1st Street north of Channing has been terrible for those of us who lived between the two closures, especially when Adams and, for a long time, Bryant were also closed. The result of being an island was and continues to be really fast traffic in the alleys for people just trying to get home. I know we'll have heavy Washington Hospital Center traffic on 1st Street, again, if the road reopens, but winter snow storms are pretty bad when there are few escape routes. I'm guessing we will end up with traffic lights on 1st NW if McMillian is ever developed because stop signs, even now, seem optional for a lot of drivers -- and they are supposed to be our neighborly neighbors.
When was Bryant closed? I commute that way and never saw it, but perhaps it was in the summer (when I don't work). Yes I totally see that point of view, and glad you brought it up. I can't imagine how it must be up there for you all... It would be good for DC to do a traffic study as the development starts happening at McMillan, but they probably won't.
Bryant was closed before and turning the first six to nine months of the First Street Tunnel project for an entirely different project in from of the pumping station in the 200 block of Bryant. The reopening of Bryant was a major relief for us.
Yes by the Howard dorms, I remember. I thought you meant closed as a outlet to N Cap near the tunnel construction which would have been an even worse nightmare!
I'm not on a crusade to keep 1st St closed, it's just my opinion as a long time neighborhood resident who saw marked improvement over the past two years re: not getting almost run over numerous times a day. I can see the reasoning for opening it fully. Here's hoping McMillan development doesn't screw us all!!
I don't know the right answer, either. But, stop sign runners and cars racing up the alleys since the First Street Tunnel construction started have been worse for me that the earlier traffic. That my dog had gotten old may be a reason I've been so unset by drivers.
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