Monday, June 29, 2015
"pop-ups provide affordable housing"
- Todd said...
Well, it guess it might be too cynical to suggest that it is IMPOSSIBLE to care about affordable housing while also driving a red Lamborghini (like the developer of 42W, 40W and 67W)....but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.
- Monday, June 29, 2015 4:59:00 PM
- Todd said...
He did by the way say "Get a life" to the activists outside of 42W the other days so he obviously cares about people's livelihoods.
- Monday, June 29, 2015 5:21:00 PM
You spent a beautiful Sunday badgering potential buyers. What's the alternative? Tear it down and spend years as a vacant lot. I'd probably tell you to get a life too....
- Sunday, July 05, 2015 6:00:00 PM
- Todd said...
No Bloomgindale needs to be "downsized" to meet the current should lose that ugly structure on top and it needs to be brought back about 20 feet as it's about 30 feet beyond the last house... it's totally illegal even according to the laws laid out recently by DCRA. It's hard to understand how it is still standing in fact. That is what needs to happen. Did it get permitted prior to last July? Last February? If not, then it needs to meet current regulations. This is my house is on the same side practically in the shadow of that enormous mess. Until your life's investment is affected like that....i'd say you don't really have much room to tell me anything.
- Sunday, July 05, 2015 6:27:00 PM
You made that life investment when the old regulations were in place. Didn't you do any due diligence? Are you in the habit of committing multiple '000s of dollars without doing any diligence? If so id say tough.
- Sunday, July 05, 2015 7:08:00 PM
- Todd said...
Whatever that means.
Regardless....this popup should be subjected to the rules because as far as we can tell it did not get permitted prior to the deadlines outlined in the new regs. So we'll continue to push for that.....just like we did for Popup regulations. And no we won't let up on this douchebag that is ruining other houses (40W and then again at 65/69 V) while he does what he does. I can't understand frankly why anybody would defend his right to do that. Anyway, we'll make sure that he won't do it again. - Monday, July 06, 2015 5:27:00 AM
- Peter said...
Just so we're clear, the developer driving the red Lamborghini and telling Bloomingdale residents to "get a life" is Anax Moraes (A/X Carpenters). He's responsible for the destruction / conversion of 42 W St NW, 40 W St NW and 67 V St NW - as well as additional W St houses in the future.
- Wednesday, July 08, 2015 9:28:00 AM
- Todd said...
My understanding is that he owns several additional units on W street.
- Wednesday, July 08, 2015 11:07:00 AM