Occasional Babysitting
Our nanny, Michelle, is looking for occasional babysitting work on weekends or evenings. She has been taking care of our son and another neighborhood child for about a year and we are extremely happy with her. She is great with the children and is completely reliable and responsible – we have complete confidence in her. She is fluent in English and French.
If interested you can call her at (240) 481- 0317, or if you`d like more information from us you can call (202) 265- 7927.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
occasional babysitting
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
seeking temporary housing
I have a friend and her husband who is looking for a one bedroom to sublet for two to three weeks (July 13-27). She prefers it to be walking distance to the metro.
She can be reached at christinaemason at gmail.com.
stolen (?) bicycle found at the Flagler Market this morning
The bike in front of the Flagler Market at Flagler and W St NW) this morning is believed to be stolen. Some things are missing from it, like the seat.
It is locked inside my back yard. Interested parties may contact me at this email address: luluknight@gmail.com .
Monday, June 28, 2010
handyman referral
I wanted to put in a plug for our handyman, ANDY HENSLEY (301. 660. 0652). If anyone in the neighborhood is looking for a reliable person to do some carpentry or other handyman work around the house, I would highly recommend Andy.
He fixed our back fence and resealed a leaky shower for us along with a few other odds and ends around the house and did a great job. He was always on time, returned my phone calls within 24 hours, did a very professional job and cleaned up as if he had never been there. Andy is a great carpenter and is certainly up for bigger jobs - like building a fence or deck.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 06/27/2010
There is a new listing in the neighborhood this week at 23 Randolph Pl NW. This is NOT my listing, but this had been a vacant property for many years, and the group who renovated it did a beautiful job. I don't see an open house scheduled but here is the virtual tour. It is listed for $519,999. To see, call your agent or contact Kenny Silbert at 301-537-1777.
Stronghold neighborhood profiled
(Some of you reading this may not even know where the Stronghold is!)
Where We Live: The Stronghold neighborhood of Northeast Washington
One of the many candidates for the Ward 5 councilseat -- Kenyan McDuffie -- is a Stronghold resident.
The article also quotes Bloomingdale resident and Urban Pace broker Suzanne Des Marais.
And the article mentions the development plans for the landmarked McMillan Sand Filtration site.
Nice to see an area neighborhood profiled!
Want to see the Stronghold boundaries? Go here:
About the Stronghold neighborhood in Northeast Washington
Thanks to Amanda Adams for her article!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
seeking CAC system recommendations
I live in the neighborhood and have a home build in the 1920`s that has no central airconditioner system. I am looking for recommendations on what types of systems are best and less obstructive to install in this older homes, based on other residents who have had to install a central air system.
What companies or individuals would you all recommend and give me also an idea of length of time to install one, costs, unit on the roof vs. backyard? The attic has not been insulated and has no venting system so the heat in the home is oppressing at times.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Active Listings in Bloomingdale
Here is the list of Active Residential Listings in Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park, and Eckington, ordered by what is most recently on the market.
neighbor seeking twin bed, dressers, small eating table, night tables
If you are looking to get rid of anything like this, we'd be happy to take it off your hands.
Please email me at erinrebhan@aol.com and we can talk logistics (pick-up, price, etc.).
Bloomingdale resident available for babysitting
Please contact me, Lindsey, via call or text at 202- 465- 9889, or via email at enotsnil@gmail.com.
Note: Due to my profession, I have been fingerprinted and undergone a police background check, and can provide paperwork for both.
seeking referrals for a fence contractor
Had some bad luck with my fence repair and would like a good referrals.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
NCMS Clean Team Sentinels trash collection report for May 2010

Dear Area Residents:
As many may be already aware, North Capitol Main Street (NCMS) has diligently been working over the past 8 months to improve the physical appearance and image of our commercial business district through an aea clean streets initiative.
On an ongoing basis every Tuesday thru Sturday, The Clean Team Sentinels, with manpower furnished by Ready Willing & Working (RWW), have been collecting debris and trash articles throughout the North Capitol and First Street NW corridors from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Additionally, the clean team is involved in other activities such as setting up tree boxes, light poll baskets and graffiti removal from commercial property sorefronts.
As a part of keeping the community apprised of the progress of the clean street initiative on a monthly basis, NCMS will report out to the cmmunity at large on the progress of the program by sending a monthly Operation Clean Sweep Trash Collection Report as well as other information relevant to the program. Also, we ecourage feedback from the community regarding any concerns relevant to the pogram itself.
It is the mission of NCMS to promote economic development and business retention activities within the geater North Capitol area which include the neighborhoods of Eckington, Bloomingdale and the Truxton Crcle area of Shaw.
Here are the stats for the Month of May:
· The NCMS team collected 1,528 bags – 22. 92 tons of rubbish collected.
· The team completed a weed and mulch project in the park located at North Capitol & Florida Ave. NW.
· The team of Landscapers installed 12 additional self watering planters in designated areas within NCMS Main Street boundary
· The RWW night watering crew has been watering with Miracle Grow on a daily basis.
For additional information please contact us at (202) 905-6039 or visit our website at www.ncmsinc.org .
Jonathan Taylor, Executive Director
13 S St NE: application to DYRS for a group home
I stumbled upon an application to Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) for a group home at 13 S St NE. The proposed home is just feet from the Emery House homeless shelter on Lincoln Road NE and only a few blocks from the new St Martin's Apartments housing project. Haven`t us Eckington residents done enough to house the city`s social services?
The woman at DYRS, Linda Harllee Harper, was extremely responsive and helpful. She replied back confirming an application had been submitted for 13 S St NE and said they encourage vendors to speak with the community & take neighbors concerns into account. I`m trying to learn what the youths of this proposed home have done to require rehabilitation (drug use? violent crimes?) and how many it would house.
I attempted to contact our ANC representative, Sylvia Pinkney, last week without any luck.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
neighbor assaulted at 2nd & R I Ave NW last night by teens
I just wanted to let you know so you can inform the neighbors about the group of kids (probably 15-16 years old) and two of them who attacked me today on the corner of RI Ave and 2nd Street NW at 6:30PM.
I was walking down the RI Ave NW from 1st toward 2nd Street when I passed one group of teenagers (African-Americans, 6-7 of them). I was waiting for the pedestrian’s light to cross the Second street when two boys from the group approached to me behind my back (what I couldn`t hear as I had my iPod on) and punched me in the face. I was able to protect myself (kick one of them) while I was calling the police. It seemed they didn`t want to stop until they realized I am calling 911. They ran away toward 1st and T Street (where the Bloomingdale liquor store is). Police were there in less than 2 mins, but there wasn`t anything much they could do. They wrote a report. The boys who attacked me are around 5ft8in tall, with very short hair.
I keep reading in the Bloomingdale newsletter, and I actually saw few times similar posts about group of kids chasing people on the street. It seems it is the same group. Just want to let neighbors know so they can be cautious.
Monday, June 14, 2010
lost dog from the unit block of S Street NW
Our dog Zoolander ``Zooey`` ran out the door after being spooked at the end of a walk from our house on the unit block of S Street NW Sunday night 6/13 around 9:30pm. He took off toward North Capitol Street and then headed north. We couldn`t catch up with him. We`ve searched everywhere up to the hospital on bikes including the alleys with no luck. We`ve had him only a month from the Washington Animal Rescue League and he`s still very skittish around new people and things and the city in general.
He`s white and tan (almost orangey) with a lot of short fluffy hair. He is six years old and about 40lbs. Zooey is on some serious daily medication which he needs to stay stable.
If spotted please call Animal Control OR Josh at (201) 452- 7600.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Cookie`s Corner re-opened today
They weren't set up just yet to cook anything - that will begin tomorrow. A menu should be available tomorrow. Pizza and sandwiches will be prepared behind the interior window panes that separate the public space from the food prep area (and the cash register.)
And yes, the name is still Cookie`s Corner.
The hours of operation are 9 am to 10 pm seven days a week.
Stop by and check it out!
I look forward to congratulating Simon soon for achieving his goal!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for 06/13/2010
For a complete list of properties currently listed for sale, consider joining the Bloomingdale listserv (e-mail scott @ scott-roberts dot net).
Friday, June 11, 2010
missing tulips from 1st St NW front yard
They appear to have been dug up sometime on Thursday from the front of my house, 2009 first, nw.
bicycles stolen on Thursday, 6-10-2010
Beautiful sky blue woman`s Schwinn Voyage bike and men`s hansom brown GTB Nomad.
Both were fully rigged with racks, backpacks, mirrors, bells, odometers, etc.
Grateful for any hints of their location. Reward offered.
202- 462- 6232
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
neighbor soliciting feedback on Banneker Pool
I'm looking for some reviews or feedback on the Banneker Pool.
What do you think?
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for 06/06/2010
For a weekly list of all active listings in the neighborhood, consider joining the Bloomingdale listserv (contact scott @ scott-roberts.net).
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
neighbor seeking referrals for indoor HDTV antennas
Could you please ask our neighbors if any of them use an indoor antenna for HDTV reception (i.e. do not have Cable or a satellite) and can recommend a brand and model?
John Salatti invites you to sign a petition to the owner of 1821 1st St NW regarding Bloomingdale's 2nd dry cleaners (not yet opened)
See this Email string supplied by Melissa Ortiz, assistant to ANC 5C04 Commissioner John Salatti:
From: John T. Salatti
Date: Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:57 AM
Subject: Fwd: Signature Confirmation - Not
Another Dry Cleaner in Bloomingdale - 2 - BdaleDry
This also has some wording that could be used in a listserv posting.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PetitionOnline
Date: Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:50 AM
Subject: Signature Confirmation - Not Another
Dry Cleaner in Bloomingdale - 2 - BdaleDry
To: John Salatti
Here`s some text you can just copy and paste into your own email message to help spread the word about this petition:
+ --------- copy from here --------- +
Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the online petition:
``Not Another Dry Cleaner in Bloomingdale``
hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/BdaleDry/
I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.
Best wishes,
John Salatti
+ --------- down to here ---------- +
+ paste into your own email, & send +
A note along those lines, sent from you to your friends, can make an especially effective contribution to the petition. A successful petition is a grassroots collaborative effort, and now it`s your turn. The power of the Internet is in your hands -- so spread the word!
I have copied in the text of the petition from the http://www.petitiononline.com/BdaleDry/ link listed
above, for your reference:
To: Yong C. Choe & any other owners of 1821 1st NW
The undersigned residents of Bloomingdale request that Yong C. Choe and any other owners of 1821 1st Street, NW (Square 3110 Lot 0137 at the northeast corner of 1st Street and Seaton Place) Washington, DC 20001 use this property for some other business that the neighborhood needs rather than a dry cleaning business. Although we definitely appreciate the owners` efforts to rehabilitate a long-vacant building and put it back into useful service, we do not support the opening of a second dry cleaning establishment. This area needs a variety of services that we do not have currently and which we as neighbors wuld support heartily. These services include sit-down, full-service restaurants, boutiques, stationery and card stores, consignment shops, electronics stores, child-care centers, hardware stores, bakeries, deicatessens, diners, pet grooming establishment, vet clinic, bank, etc. These ae businesses that we want, that we need, and that we will ptronize. We are not likely to patronize another dry cleaning establishment.
Out of a concern for the owners and their investment and out of concern for the long-term well-being of Bloomingdale, we are coming to you now before the reconstruction of 1821 has gone too far. We want your business to succeed; we fear that your current concept will not, to your detriment and ours. Our elected rpresentatives are ready and willing to meet with you at any time.
The Undersigned
seeking gutter repair & plumbing referrals
Still looking for good gutter repair and plumbing guys (or gals).
Thanks but no thanks on the previous reference to R.A. Gray Plumbing -- guy showed up 2 hours early and reeking of alcohol (at 8:30 a.m.).
And Daniel Parks Roofing insisted I need a whole new porch roof (B.S.) for $2,500.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
more info on the recent muggings referenced in the prior blog entry
``I`` was beaten up by 5 teens at North Capitol Street near the Liquor Store at 7pm, walking home alone from work, broad daylight. There were people around, nobody helped, and everybody pretended not to have seen his bag got stolen. He got away with just bruises.
``T`` was hit one time on the side of his head on North Capitol Street, also walking home from work, so probably also around 7pm, broad day light. We were in a group of 4, but two of us were ahead of him and his visiting niece.
``M1``, my boyfriend ``M2`` who`s visiting, and myself were mugged last Saturday night little after 1am at P & First NW. But they probably were following us from New York Av and First or something. They beat both M1 and M2, but M1 got the worst blow. They left me alone, until I started yelling at them to not do this to us and they decided to take my purse, one of the guys held me, they took my purse, and after that ran away. M2 my bf had already given off his wallet and cash. Might have been the same gang who attacked ``I`` -- approx 5 young guys who started by hitting hard from the back.
I would advise tenants to at least avoid North Capitol St. like the plague. In the early mornings it was always fine however. And just always take a cab home. It never crossed our mind last Saturday night, but yeah...
We have had a wonderful time here in DC, until the last few weeks... Summertime is the season for muggings is what we were told in the Howard University Hospital ER. They fix jaws all the times then, sadly!