Thursday, March 31, 2011
seeking referrals for a landscaper for low-maintenance planting, and someone to replace a rear door
Hey folks, wondering if anyone has a recommendation for two services. First, a landscaper who can do some planting (low maintenance planting) in the front of a row house in Bloomingdale. It's a small piece of land. Mostly looking for low care items that are pretty and stable for our year round climate. Second, looking to have a rear door replaced. This will also probably include some work with brick/concrete and finish work with wood.
man exposed himself yesterday afternoon
``Had a disturbing experience at my house today. My mother, who is 84, is visiting. She was reading in my bay window early to mid afternoon when a man who had been hanging out on the street for a while stepped up on to my porch sat down and pulled his erect penis out of his pants and played with himself. Shortly thereafter my mother looked up and noticed this. She stood up and walked away. Has this happened to anyone?``
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
please RSVP if you plan to attend this Saturday's NCMS annual meeting
Want to see the fancy formatted message? Click here:
North Capitol Main Street Annual Meeting
We welcome all NCMS dues paying members, volunteers, business owners, and residents to join us for our Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held at Rustik Tavern and we hope to see you all there. If you plan on attending, please RSVP by Wednesday, March 30. You can email your RSVP to
Where: Rustik Tavern - 84 T Street, NW
When: Saturday, April 2, 2011
Time: 9:00am - 10:30am
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
seeking recommendation for someone to install sod and do minimal landscaping
I am looking for a recommendation for someone to install sod in my backyard and do some minimal landscaping, nothing extravagant or too costly.
ANC 5C01 Commissioner Bradley Thomas seeks participants for the ANC 5C Economic Development Committee
The Economic Development Committee of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C is seeking input from residents to help develop public policy which will encourage and monitor controlled economic development in the western neighborhoods of Ward 5. If you live in Bloomingdale, Brookland, Eckington, Edgewood, Metropolis View, Pleasant Hill, Stronghold or Truxton Circle, and you have experience or expertise in business retention and expansion, finance, marketing, neighborhood development, real estate development and reuse, small business and entrepreneurship, strategic planning, urban planning or workforce development, your community needs you. Please consider contributing your time and talent to support the work of the ANC 5C Economic Development Committee. For information on how you might contribute, contact Commissioner Bradley Thomas, at (202) 670 - 0151, or e-mail your questions or your resume to
Message from Commissioner Silas Grant - Community Film Screening and Discussion
Please join us on Friday April 1, 2011 at Turkey Thicket Recreation Center (1100 Michigan Ave, NE) at 7pm as we view the film followed by a provocative discussion about diversity in D.C.
Segments of the city’s population congregate and interact based on similarities. Religion, economic class level, education and race provide platforms for those who are alike to come together. However, those same elements cause barriers for those who are considered different in these areas. “Do the Right Thing” causes a provocative conversation around diversity to take place. The goal of this event is to have all District citizens understand that we are more alike than we are different. Also, we share resources and common space and the need for coexistence with harmony is higher than ever.
The film “Do the Right Thing” was shot over 20 years ago at a time when New York City was experiencing gentrification, diversity and the ups and downs of sensitivity around these issues as well. The District of Columbia is now facing these same issues in 2011. At some point, the “elephant in the room” has to be addressed. The viewing of “Do the Right Thing” amongst a diverse crowd along with a conversation following will begin the process of accepting and respecting diversity.
It is our hope that you will be able to attend and take part in this discussion.
Monday, March 28, 2011
request for donations for a new Youth Residential Facility (group home) in the city
Request for Monetary Help: HOPE Youth Residential Facility
Hi My names is Tonya Johnson the wife of the wonderful neighborhood Electrician Wayne Johnson. I need my neighborhood and community help. I have start a group home for young boys in the city. HOPE is a new Youth Residential Facility focused on social betterment and empowerment of our youth in the metropolitan area. HOPE is uniquely designed to serve the needs of the youth and their families with extensive counseling, referrals and training in a home setting.
HOPE Youth Residential Facility provides male youth in our community with free access to counseling, after school tutoring, mentoring and various recreational program. This access is made possible through the generous donations of community leaders like you. The residential Facility is in need.
Thank you in advance for assisting us in reaching our goal of serving our youth. For further information I can be reach at (202) 321 - 1417.
Kindest regards,
Tonya Johnson
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale on 03/27/2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
come out to the Ward 5 Motivation Station tomorrow morning at North Capitol & R St NW - dress warmly
Calling All Community Members and Friends
Come out for a morning of fun, motivation and fellowship!
Meet other residents as we rally to encourage and motivate the runners in the 2011 National Marathon.
Ward 5 Official Motivation Station
``Ward 5 Superstars``
Saturday, March 26, 2011 ∙
7:30am – 9:30am
North Capitol Street, N.W. @ R Street, NW
Tee - Shirts,
Noise Makers, Refreshments!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Look here: DC census data demographic changes: WaPo photo gallery featuring Big Bear Cafe, Crispus Attucks Park, etc.
Crispus Attucks Park: best neighborhood achievement
Best Neighborhood Achievement
Crispus Attucks Park
Crispus Attucks Court NW Having a backyard is a wonderful thing, but it`s not a privilege enjoyed by all of D.C.`s rowhouse-dwellers; many back doors open out onto alleys. Which is why the long fight to make the plot of land between U, V, North Capitol and 1st Street NW into an Edenic 1.36-acre park is such a triumph. Only 15 years ago, the area was occupied by a burned-out old building that police had fenced off and padlocked to keep drug dealers and prostitutes out.In 1998, the city foreclosed on the land — owned by the Crispus Attucks Development Corporation — galvanizing neighbors to get the foreclosure cancelled and make it into a tax-exempt park, in exchange for allowing community access in perpetuity.
Since then, the development corporation has been working on improvements, putting in trees and landscaping. And now, walking through the right alleys will lead you into this almost-secret garden, which on a sunny summer day will be filled with locals chatting and lounging on the grass. It`s like having access to your own backyard, and everybody else`s, at the same time. —Lydia DePillis
seeking recumbent bicycle or Total Gym
I am looking for a recumbent bike or Total Gym giveaway or purchase.
seeking referrals for someone to fix a small drywall hole in the wall
I am looking for someone to fix a small hole in the wall. It's about 4 inches wide, and the wall is your basic drywall. Any quotes & recommendations is greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bloomingdale neighborhood safety walk with the three ANC 5C commissioners - Tuesday, 03/29/2011
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners
John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and James Fournier
Invite you to take part in a
Bloomingdale Public Safety Walk
Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safe neighborhood!
Who: You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. This is about making a strong presence in the community, showing that Bloomingdale will not tolerate crime in our neighborhood.
When: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.
Where: Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW
(Meet in front of Windows. Dress comfortably and bring a flashlight!)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
In Progress Shots of EC-12.
click here and here and you can read the many entries posted on this blog about the firehouse and the starts and stops of the project for the last handful of years.
Monday, March 21, 2011
NCMS annual meeting; small business technical seminar

Want to see the fancy formatted message? Click here:
a) North Capitol Main Street Annual Meeting
We welcome all NCMS dues paying members, volunteers, business owners, and residents to join us for our Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held at Rustik Tavern and we hope to see you all there.
If you plan on attending, please RSVP by Wednesday, March 30. You can email your RSVP to or simply click below.
Where: Rustik Tavern - 84 T Street, NW
When: Saturday, April 2, 2011
Time: 9:00am - 10:30am
Click Here to RSVP (send an Email to
b) Small Business Technical Seminar
Topics of Discussion:
- Inexpensive Marketing for Small Businesses
- Learn How to Utilize Ward5DCOnline & the NCMS Website
- Using Social Media to Increase Business
- Making Websites and Directory Pages Work for Your Business
Where: NCMS Office - 1703 Capitol Street, NE
When: Thursday, March 24, 2011
Time: 8:00am - 10:00am
Registration & Continental Breakfast: 8:00am - 8:30am
Seminar starts at 8:30am
North Capitol Main Street
1703 North Capitol Street, NE
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20002
exercise bicycle giveaway
I am giving away a ``CyclePlus`` recumbent exercise bike and would like to offer it to those in the neighborhood first before I put it on craigslist. The machine is a self powered (no electricity needed) exercise system that combines both bike pedaling and arm movement for an all over aerobic workout. This machine is great for those who have back pain or back muscle issues due to its reclined recumbent seat that is adjustable to your own personal size. You can either run it in manual mode, or choose from many of the workouts that automatically control resistance of the pedals and army movements. Attached are some pictures of the machine in my basement. I do not have the physical dimensions, but it is a low profile machine and does not take up too much space in a room. This bike is free to the first person who is able to come by and pick it up. A truck or car will be required, and Me and my friends will be on hand to assist that person move it from our basement to the automobile.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
seeking someone who has a pickup truck and does light hauling
I wonder if you could put out a call for someone who has a pickup truck and does light hauling ! I need to find someone to pick up a washer dryer in eastern market and deliver to our Area tomorrow. This is for future work as well.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 03/20/2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
WestMill Capital Partners specifically mention Bloomingdale & North Capitol Street
The focus of WestMill Capital ( is "on the individual businesses — the restaurants, retail, consumer-centric venues that in critical mass create dynamic corridors — rather than on the mega-project that is Western’s longtime concentration."
"WestMill in May will launch a $10 million fund, raised through local partners the Millers declined to disclose, to help local, proven entrepreneurs buy real estate in up-and-coming neighborhoods such as H Street NE, Bloomingdale and North Capitol Street. The Miller brothers expect to make five deals in 12 months — mostly with restaurants, but other businesses, they say, are welcome to apply."
“Most operators don’t get to own their own real estate,” Ben Miller, 34, said in an interview, joined by his brother and partner, Daniel, 23. “We want to make that possible.”
Maybe some proven entrepreneurs will approach WestMill Capital and pursue something in Bloomingdale or North Capitol Street... ?
Here is the link to this WBJ article "Miller brothers create $10M pool for retail, restaurants" .
seeking referrals for companies that " install equipment to keep sewage from backing up inside a house at flood time? "
Would you request for names of companies that install equipment to keep sewage from backing up inside a house at flood time?
okay, read this WCP article titled "Confessions of a Black Gentrifier" -- Bloomingdale is referenced
Confessions of a Black Gentrifier
When demographic change doesn't involve color
By Shani O. Hilton on March 18, 2011
What do you think?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Neighborhood meeting on Parking
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Nicole A. Johnson, PhD
Director of Community Outreach
Councilmember Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr.
Council of the District of the Columbia
Ward 5
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 107
Washington, DC 20004
202-724-4725 - fax
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." ~Edward Everett Hale
agenda for this Monday's Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting
In light of the two recent fires in our neighborhood in about as many months, our treasurer, Michael Fine, had a great idea of asking our local fire department to attend the civic association meeting to discuss fire safety. Michael also suggested that we find someone to provide advice regarding what kind insurance coverage homeowners and renters should have to protect themselves and their belongings in the event of a fire. While we expect to have someone from the fire department in attendance, we have not had any luck securing an insurance expert. Please email me (terijanine @ if you (or someone you know) is qualified and available to provide this type of guidance at our meeting this Monday. We are not looking for a sales pitch, but rather a few tips on things we should look for in our policies to make sure we have the appropriate coverage. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. We hope to see you at the meeting.
Best regards,
Teri Janine Quinn
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
Bloomingdale Civic Association Meeting Agenda
Monday March 21, 2011 at 7p.m.
St. George’s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street, NW
I. Presentation from At-Large Councilman Sekou Biddle
II. Introduction of Fifth District Commander Andrew “Andy” Solberg
III. BCA Committee Reports (Beautification, Block Captains, Membership Drive)
IV. ANC/Bloomingdale Grant – Update
V. Fire Safety Presentation (DC Fire Department)
VI. Update on Rustik Tavern’s Application for a Permit for Use of Patio Space
VII. Capitol Food Mart Liquor License Transfer Application Presentation
VIII. Updates from Bloomingdale Representatives
A. Executive Office of the Mayor
B. Office of Councilman Harry Thomas, Jr.
C. ANC Bloomingdale Commissioners
IX. Community Announcements
A. March 26, 2011 – National Marathon Race
B. April 9, 2011 – Bloomingdale Clean Up Day
C. May 21, 2011 – Bloomingdale Yard Sale & Family Fun Event in Crispus Attucks Park
The next Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting will be Monday, April 18, 2011.
NCMS Clean Team report for February 2011; Clean Team soon to plant Spring blooms
Spring is just around the corner and NCMS Clean Team will have the corridor looking its best! In February,
The Clean Team collected:
- 1,766 bags of rubbish, and
- removed 22 Graffiti markings.
They continued to shovel and treat our bus stops, handicap ramps & fire hydrants with ice melt where needed.
The Team will be planting the entire business district with beautiful Spring blooms in just a couple of weeks! What are your favorites? Let us know –
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
McMillan Advisory Group (MAG), DMPED & Vision McMillan Partners (VMP) meeting Thursday, 03/17/2011

As a follow-up to the flyer that many of you may have received, the McMillan Advisory Group (the "MAG") will be convening tomorrow, March 17, at 7:00pm at All Nations Baptist Church (on the corner of N. Capitol Street, NE and Rhode Island Avenue, NE) for a meeting between the MAG, the city, and Vision McMillan Partners (the development team).
The MAG has indicated to Clint Jackson, the Project Manager from the Deputy Mayor's Office (DMPED), that the MAG would like the city and the development group to:
- Provide us with updates regarding the development design, at what point the city is in the process, and next steps;- Present to us the renderings of the most recent design;
- Describe the differences between the previous design (i.e., 2009) and the most recent design and, specifically, how the MAG's and the community's input were incorporated into the most recent design; and
- Share their thoughts about what role they envision the MAG playing at the different phases of the process.
The MAG voted last year to open to the public its meetings with the city and the development team, but public attendance is for observation purposes only.(McMillan Sand Filtration site image used here courtesy of Bloomingdale resident Suzanne Des Marais.)
NCMS Promotion & Organization Committee meeting - tonight, 03/16/2011
You can see the nice formatted version of this message here:
North Capitol Main Street Events
Promotion & Organization Committee Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
TIME: 7:00pm
Come out and help with our exciting Spring projects!
Annual Meeting
Spring Event
Art Walk Preparations
North Capitol Main Street
1703 North Capitol Street, NE
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20002
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
a comment on Capitol Food Mart's pursuit of a liquor license
I read Bloomingdale Civic Association President Teri Janine Quinn’s helpful explanation for how to protest a Liquor License Application and I understand Commissioner Hugh Youngblood will provide an update on Capitol Food Mart’s Liquor License pursuit at tonight’s ANC 5C meeting. I am eager to hear what can be done. Admittedly, I was late to read TJ’s post, so I did not organize a group of 5 people to submit a protest in time. I regret that. I am stunned by the fact that neighbors do not need to be consulted when a business applies for a liquor license and wonder what on earth our neighborhood is going to do with another place to buy alcohol. I live on Quincy Place NW and I see every day the negative impact the innumerable liquor stores have on our neighborhood, including last night when a drunk aggressive male followed me home. I was a patron at Rustik. The drunk male entered Rustik, went straight to the bar and started yelling. The Rustik Tavern staff asked him to leave and he did. It was at the same time that I left Rustik to walk home. . He saw me leave and decided that I was his next target. He followed me from Rustik Tavern at 8pm screaming at and harassing me the entire way along 1st Street NW. I felt him on my heels, picked up my pace to a jog, called 911, and stayed on with the operator until I got back to my apartment. When I looked out my window, I saw him causing a scene in front of Sunset Liquors, likely his final destination. I am not sure if the cops ever picked him up. I know this guy was an exception, not a rule… and alcohol is a symptom not a cause, but after eight years living in Bloomingdale seeing the slow but monumental improvements we’ve made to our wonderful neighborhood, I cannot find words to express the frustration I felt reading about our neighborhood’s powerlessness in protesting another liquor license. Is it not up to us to define the kind of place we’d like to live in?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Councilmember Thomas 5C03 Meeting with Concerned Residents - Tonight, 3/14
From: Chase, Ayawna (COUNCIL)
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 5:06 PM
To: 'tj quinn'; Hugh Youngblood; etc.
Greetings Bloomingdale Residents:
It has come to our attention the necessity to facilitate not just one meeting, but a series of meetings in Bloomingdale to address multiple resident concerns. Currently, Councilmember Thomas’ staff is addressing parking, graffiti, supercan/parts replacement, safety/security, Florida Avenue Park, and overall neighbor relations.
Post tonight’s meeting we will update the listserve with notes from the meeting and immediately secure a location and date for the next meeting. Councilmember Thomas’ Office will ensure distribution of fliers/notification of the meeting. We hope to encourage and ongoing dialogue with residents of Bloomingdale. In the interim, please feel free to contact the Ward 5 Council Office with any immediate concerns.
Thank you all for your continued enthusiasm for a great community.
Ayawna C. Webster
Chief of Staff
Ward 5 Councilmember
Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr.
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 107
Washington, D.C. 20004
(202) 724-8028 - office
(202) 724-8076 - fax
meeting tonight on Big Bear Cafe, Bloomingdale Farmers` Market issues, such as parking & the closure of the 100 blk of R St NW
From: karla lewis
Sent: Mon 14-03-2011 12:43
To: a bunch of people
Subject: Community Meeting Tonight March 14, 2011 at 7pm-- Harry Thomas Center, 1743 Lincoln Rd., NE
This is the follow-up to the meeting that was held on December 21st to discuss community concerns. This session is being conducted so the community can come to together and create solutions for the problems that have been identified, such as the parking issues due the Big Bear Cafe's extended hours and the closure of the 100 block of R St NW for the Bloomingdale Farmers Market.
Please attend, voice your concerns, and help to create and/or support solutions to resolve the issues that currently plague our community.
At tonight`s meeting, we will focus on residential issues. During a later meeting in the series, we will address commercial issues.
Date: Monday, March 14, 2011
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Place: Harry Thomas Recreation Center
1743 Lincoln Rd., NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 576- 5642
Sunday, March 13, 2011
seeking landscape/gardener
I live in a row house, and have a small front ``yard`` and then a small spot between the sidewalk and the street. I am looking for a landscaper/gardener who would plan, execute, and maintain this small space.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 03/13/2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
house on 100 block of R St NW broken into & items stolen
Unfortunately, our house was robbed yesterday.
Our house (a rowhouse on the 100 block of R Street NW) was robbed yesterday - Thursday, March 10 between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30pm. Police were at the house from about 6:00 pm - 8:30pm investigating. Reports were filed and fingerprints were taken around the area of the break-in.
The perpetrators broke in through the front window on the ground level and stole all valuable electronics from 5 separate bedrooms (laptops, xbox and also a watch). They opened drawers, ruffled through closets and moved pieces of furniture in bedrooms seemingly looking for more valuables.They left through the backdoor and left the door wide open. They also stole a black NorthFace backpack (probably to carry the stolen items out of the house with). Some new neighbors who were moving into the house next to us yesterday around the time of the break-in said they saw a black man and a hispanic man standing and loitering briefly on the front stoop one house down from us. This might not be related, but the perpetrators might have been trying to break into other houses also.
I am appealing to Bloomingdale neighbors to please report ANY suspicious behavior you might see around your neighborhood. This happened in the middle of the day during a very small window of time when nobody was home and all of our doors and windows were locked. Also, be very careful and diligent about locking up on bad weather days because this probably couldn't have happened on a nicer day - neighbors are almost always outside on our block on nicer days and would have witnessed a crime like this taking place so blatantly in the front of our house. Also, taking measures to hide valuables or removing them from your house when nobody is home might be advisable. The perpetrators seemed to have committed the robbery in a hurry and did not take everything they could have.Please be on the look out and help your neighbors by reporting any suspicious behavior. Thank you.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Amanda Abrams wants to chat with people who have successfully appealed their property tax assessments
This is from Amanda Abrams, a local journalist who used to cover Bloomingdale for MidCity DC paper: ``I`m writing an article for a local real estate website about successfully appealing DC`s property tax assessment, and would love to talk to someone who`s done it. If you`re one of those people, please contact me at (note: no A at the beginning) as soon as possible; my deadline is in a couple of days. Thanks!``
save the date: Bloomingdale Community Yard Sale & Family Fun Day - Saturday, 5/21/2011
Sponsored by the CADC – A not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing and maintaining Crispus Attucks Park for the entire community
Saturday May 21st, 8AM -2PM
(Rain date: Sat June 4th)
The private community park between the unit blocks of U and V Streets and the 2000 blocks of North Capitol & 1st streets NW.
In the heart of DC’s Bloomingdale neighborhood
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
seeking referrals for a contractor to demolish existing cinderblock from patio and build new patio, fence
We are looking for a referral for a contractor to demolish the existing cinder block from our patio and build a new patio and fence. Does anyone have a contractor they would recommend?
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
more discussion on "parking enforcement on the 100 block of T St NW"
Now see this additional Email exchange -- supplied by Bloomingdale resident Brice McCracken:
From: Brice McCracken
Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 8:44:49 PM
Just wanted to update you on the progress we have made in the last week. I have continued to actively engage the members of the ANC and our Councilman about our parking concerns. While the majority of the comments I have received have been extremely supportive of the issue, I have received one comment (included below) which advocates continuing the Sunday ``business as usual`` policy for parking enforcement. If you could please again add this to the daily email and to the blog, I want to make sure that all Bloomingdale residents have a chance to voice their concerns to our elected representatives.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brice McCracken
Date: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [BCA Board] Re: FW: Parking Enforcement in the 100 Block of T St NW (Constituent Concern)
To: T Street NW Resident:
Cc: tj quinn
I could not disagree more. The only sustainable solution to this problem is enforcing parking laws in our neighborhood. I am not trying to take away or minimize the importance of churches in our community, however I do not think it is fair for them to have their members and congregants parking wherever they choose on Sundays because they aren`t willing to spend a few extra minutes to find a legal parking spot in the neighborhood. I assure you that we WILL make headway on this issue with or without you. However, since this is our neighborhood, I would like to involve you in the solution.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 2:11 PM, T Street NW Resident wrote:
This is not a policing issue, nor is it a law and order issue, nor is it a parking enforcement issue -- and as long as it is framed as such --- there will be no ``sustainable`` solution. If we can delete the law & order language, and indeed start talking about community institutions and traditions -- their past and current value , and what ``sacrifices`` we as a community are or are not willing to make -- then we MIGHT make some headway.
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:28 PM, tj quinn
I am happy to help in any way possible. I also live within a block of a church and I certainly share your pain, Brice. I have called the police on a number of occasions when Sunday visitors have blocked the entrance to the alley and my garage. I have been fortunate in that the police have always been responsive but on one occasion I did have to work a little too hard to convince an officer to write the ticket. Anyway, please keep my posted with regard to next steps.
Best regards,
Teri Janine Quinn
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
copper gutters being stolen
Could you let neighbors know that we are being targeted for copper – My copper gutters and down spout was stolen off my house as well as my neighbor’s on Bryant Street NW sometime last week during the night! This is just crazy!!
seeking house painter referrals
Request for recommendations: House painters
My wife and I need to have our house painted again. I would appreciate recommendations (or anti-recommendations) from my fellow Bloomingdale residents.
seeking babysitter referrals
Does anyone in the neighborhood babysit on the side, or can recommend a babysitter? Prefer date of Mon., April 4, about 1:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Trying to take my wife to see her beloved Tigers play the O`s in a day game for her birthday, then out to dinner, hence the odd hours). We might NOT go to dinner though, so may be fewer hours. We have a 2.5-year-old girl and 8-month-old son, both low maintenance. If that`s not gonna work , we can do night game on April 6 or 7, with less hours.
Monday, March 07, 2011
seeking rental housing in Bloomingdale
I have been living in Bloomingdale for the past two years, fell in love, and as I look for a new apartment, I`d love to stay in the area. I am a professional, 27-year-old, working in communications for a large non-profit near Penn Quarter. I am interested in a one bedroom apartment or studio and prefer to live alone. My price range is around $1,200 - $1,300, so that narrows my options, but to stay in Bloomingdale, I`d be willing to adjust. The neighborhood is great, and I would hate to leave! Please let me know if you have any information or housing options.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale for 03/06/2011
Thursday, March 03, 2011
parking enforcement on the 100 block of T St NW
I am working to address the parking issues on Sunday in Bloomingdale due to church goers that illegally park in the neighborhood. Can you please post something to the blog encouraging folks in the neighborhood to contact Councilman Thomas and their ANC commissioners about the problem? I think the more people drawing attention to this issue the faster it will be resolved.
Thanks for your assistance with this very important issue.
Brice McCracken
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL)"
Date: March 3, 2011 8:51:14 AM EST
To: ""
Cc: ""
Subject: Re: Parking Enforcement in the 100 Block of T St NW (Constituent Concern)
Thanks for copying me I am working with the ministers to address these concerns
----- Reply message -----
From: "James Fournier"
Date: Thu, Mar 3, 2011 7:02 am
Subject: Parking Enforcement in the 100 Block of T St NW (Constituent Concern)
Thanks for passing this along.
The issues raised in your e-mail have been around for a long time and I believe Commissioner Salatti's response highlights the current state of affairs. I would be interested in seeing the photos that you have.
- James
Mar 3, 2011 01:28:30 AM, anc5c03 @ wrote:
Thank you for sharing. I look forward to working with everyone to develop sustainable solutions.
On Mar 2, 2011, at 23:11, "John T. Salatti" wrote:
Dear Brice,
As fate would have it, I received another e-mail Sunday concerning church-related parking and the dangers such parking can sometime cause. I take these e-mails as evidence that the time has come to discuss these issues more widely. So before I say anything else, let me note that I have copied my fellow Bloomingdale Commissioners, James Fournier and Hugh Youngblood, and I have copied my fellow board members of the Bloomingdale Civic Association. This parking issue is one that they all have an interest in and an issue that will require all their creative, positive input to resolve. As full disclosure, I live 100 feet from a church, St. George's Episcopal at 2nd & U NW.
As for your specific questions regarding parking enforcement on Sundays, let me offer three basic points. First, without question in the District of Columbia, the unwritten rule is that parking enforcement around churches is essentially suspended. I say "unwritten" because I am sure that no one will in writing and officially say that, but nonetheless that is, so to speak, the God's honest truth. One can park with immunity in ways on a Sunday morning that virtually any other time will result in a ticket. This means that getting the violations dealt with in the manner you quite vigorously attempted is not likely to have much impact. Second, the Department of Public Works, which handles basic parking enforcement, does not generally do enforcement on weekends in residential areas like Bloomingdale. The areas you note in your e-mail are commercial districts and are handled differently. That said, Parking Enforcement does come out on occasions during the weekend and a request can be made to them to specially come to Bloomingdale on Sunday. However, as I noted, such enforcement would fly directly in the face of long-standing policy. Third, police officers do write parking tickets on weekends, but again they generally will look the other way on a Sunday morning.
So let me offer another suggestion. I have very good relationships with almost all the pastors, rectors, etc. in and around Bloomingdale as well as a very good relationship with Rhode Island-North Capitol Ecumenical Council; most, but not all, of our neighborhood churches are part of the Council. With that in mind, I would like to bring the commissioners and the Bloomingdale Civic Association officers together with the Ecumenical Council and any other church in the area (I think specifically of the Eritrean Christian Church at 2nd & S and World Missions Extension Center at 1st & Randolph NW). In that venue, we can discuss with the ministers the concerns that you and others have raised and look for positive solutions.
The churches are vital and historic parts of this community that have felt less-than-welcome at times by the actions of some neighbors. So it behooves us to approach them in the spirit of mutual respect and in the spirit of positive collaboration to avoid both bad feelings and, more importantly, preventable accident or injury. I am confident that I can arrange that meeting.
But first I will confer with the commissioners and civic association officers to consider solutions and options that we can present to the pastors before we meet with them. Solutions will be important part of the discussion; we'll also want to let them know about the soon-to-open Flatiron Building across T Street from you; the repopulating of that building will only exacerbate the parking shortage. So a little strategic, early, and thoughtful discussion on our part would be helpful.
In the mean time, I am glad that you brought up the photos that you have taken. Please save them. Perhaps we can turn photos into a PowerPoint presentation to show how the parking issues are creating some dangerous situations around the neighborhood. I'll be back to you about those.
Thank you for raising this matter, Brice. Parking continues to be a real problem for the neighborhood. Our businesses, although they don't actually generate much of a parking problem currently, are regularly accused of contributing to a parking shortage in the neighborhood that is almost completely attributable to the positive growth in the neighborhood over the past 15 years. Bloomingdale has almost no vacant homes any more, and many houses have been divided in multiple units. That's the basis of our parking issues. But as our neighborhood continues to grow and our businesses continue to thrive, the shortage of parking is going to become a greater and great concern.
So please give me and the others a little time to come together and then to meet with the pastors. Please continue to document significant parking violations. Contact me any time with information, questions, and requests for updates.
Have a great day,
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986- 2592
Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale
On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Salatti, John T. (ANC 5C04) wrote:
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:56:28 PM
To: Thomas, Harry (COUNCIL); Chase, Ayawna (COUNCIL); Salatti, John T. (ANC 5C04);
Subject: Parking Enforcement in the 100 Block of T St NW (Constituent Concern)
Councilman Thomas and Commissioner Salatti-
I moved into a condo at 125 T ST NW, in May of 2010. Since that time, I have noticed that every Sunday parking between the hours of 10am and 3pm becomes an issue due to persons attending the various neighborhood churches. Today, the parking violations committed by these individuals elevated to becoming a safety hazard for residents including me. At the intersection of 2nd and T St, cars were parked in clearly visible "No Parking" areas. These cars were even parked in such a manner as to partially be blocking T St NW. After also noticing cars parked in the bus stop at 2nd and Rhode Island Avenue, I proceeded to make a report via the 3-1-1 website to report the violations. When I returned home a few hours later, I noticed that all of the vehicles were still illegally parked and no one from DC parking enforcement or the police had come through to ticket these vehicles. When I called 3-1-1 this afternoon to again make another report of the illegally parked vehicles, I was informed by the 3-1-1 operator that there is no parking enforcement on Sundays. I know this to be false, because on numerous Sundays when I am out in Chinatown or Dupont, I have observed and on at least one occasion, been the recipient of a parking ticket in these areas. If these areas of DC are able to have their parking enforced on a Sunday, why am I not able to have parking enforced in my neighborhood? None the less, when I called 3-1-1 this afternoon, I was eventually connected with 9-1-1. The dispatcher told me that the police would be dispatched. After several more calls, I never saw a police officer come through and I did not observe any of the vehicles receive a ticket for their illegal parking.
After placing my third call to 3-1-1/ 9-1-1 for parking enforcement, I decided to walk through the neighborhood and take pictures of the illegally parked cars. I have approximately 20 pictures showing how many vehicles were illegally parked in this two block radius. I am willing to provide these pictures to you in hopes of illustrating for you just how bad this issue is. I hope this can be resolved this week, if not please know that I will continue to contact 3-1-1 (and if needed 9-1-1) until this situation is addressed and resolved.
Thank you for your assistance.
Brice McCracken
100 Block of T St NW
Washington, DC 20001
seeking neighborhood notary public
We are looking for a notary in the neighborhood who would be available to notarize a document at some point before Sunday evening.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
non-fatal fire at 45 T Street NW today, 3/2/2011
See this report from
Firefighters extinguish blaze in NW
March 2, 2011 - 01:56 PM
By TBD Staff
D.C. Fire and EMS responded to a rowhouse fire in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington on Wednesday.
Firefighters were called to the unit block of T Street NW after noon for the report of a rowhouse fire. The fire was quickly extinguished.
One woman was taken to the hospital for what was described as anxiety-related symptoms. She was not burned, fire officials said.
The family residing in the home was displaced.
Thanks to reader Alison Curtis for the photo.
massive marijuana farm on unit block of Adams NW seized by 5D; firearms seized; all parties involved charged
On yesterdays date during the evening tour of duty, Fifth District`s burglary reduction unit was working in PSA 501 patrolling the unit block of Adams Street NW. While in the alley Sgt Purnell and the team noticed an open back door that seemed unattended. They responded to investigate the matter, as they approached the a male subject approached the door and began acting evasive. Further investigation revealed a massive marijuana farm being cultivated in the basement of the location, also recovered were three firearms and many other distribution materials.
All parties involved have been charged with several narcotic violations !!
Commander Lamar D. Greene
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
local Artists/Writers/Entertainers Festival this Saturday, March 5, 2011
Local Artists Festival this Saturday
Posted on March 1, 2011 by Caryn
I invite and encourage you to join us at Saturday`s A.W.E. Festival – a collaboration between the St. George`s Episcopal Church and the local community – to feature ``artists, writers, and entertainers`` who either reside in or otherwise have deep roots in our neighborhood. The event is going to take place Saturday afternoon, from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., at St. George`s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street NW, and it is free of charge.
In the immediate future, I will provide you with more specific information regarding the presenters and performers for the day. So, please mark your calendars for this event. I assure you that a good time will be had by all who attend.
Street sweeping resumes today; new time is 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm on Mondays & Tuesdays
The Bloomingdale street sweeping rotation is still Mondays & Tuesday.
The time of the street sweeping on Mondays & Tuesdays has changed. The start time is 12:30 pm and the end time is now 2:30 pm.
Check the signs posted on your block to see on what day your designated street sweeping occurs.