Sunday, March 31, 2019

two weeks from today: a Mapping Segregation Walking Tour of Bloomingdale

See this 03-13-2019 message from a Bloomingdale resident:

I noticed this walking tour of Bloomingdale advertised by the Hill Center. I imagine other residents would be interested.

Mapping Segregation Walking Tour

Sunday, April 14 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Historian Sarah Shoenfeld, co-director of PrologueDC , will lead a walking tour of DC’s Bloomingdale neighborhood. Racially restrictive deed covenants kept much of this neighborhood off-limits to African Americans until the 1940s. A series of legal challenges to covenants in Bloomingdale culminated in the 1948 case Hurd v. Hodge, which was heard by the Supreme Court. This tour will feature some of the houses and blocks subject to battles over covenants along the shifting geographic lines that divided African Americans from their white neighbors here during the first half of the 20th century, and commemorates the 50th anniversary of The Civil Rights Act of 1968, also known as the Fair Housing Act.                      

Mapping Segregation in Washington DC is documenting the historic segregation of DC’s housing, schools, playgrounds, and other public spaces. To date the project has focused on racially restrictive housing covenants, which had a dramatic impact on the development of the nation’s capital decades before government-sanctioned redlining policies were implemented in cities across the country.       

The tour will start at the small park across from Big Bear Café at First and R Streets NW and will take 1.5 to 2 hours. Please arrive prior to 2 PM.   

Made possible in part by support from the DC Commission of the Arts & Humanities and the Capitol Hill Community Foundation.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for Saturday 3/30 and Sunday 3/31/2019

57 W St NW is listed for $1,099,000.
 The featured open house is for a Victorian House in Bloomingdale. The agent representing the seller is  Jami Rankin with RLAH. See the links below for more details and open house times.

SATURDAY 03/30/2019 Open House list and map

SUNDAY 03/31/2019 Open House list and map
Please note that the link shows the next scheduled open house, so if you are viewing the Sunday link on Saturday and that listing happens to be open also on Saturday, it will show the Saturday scheduled open. It should update to Sunday once the Saturday one is over, so check later to verify Sunday times. Although Bright MLS recently added an Open House report, this format remains more visual and shows the map, so I will continue to use it until they improve the Open House report format. ~Suzanne DesMarais

*Agents, to have your open houses included in this weekly post, please have them tagged in Bright MLS by 10am on Friday. If you don't see your open house in the links, feel free to add in the comments. Also, if you would like your open to be featured with a picture for this post, please e-mail suzanne at compass dot com by 10am on Friday before the open.

Bloomingdale resident and fiber artist Rania Hassan at the Arlington Arts Center

See this Facebook post:

Tyber Creek: thanks to @eater_dc for the brunch shout-out!

See this Tyber Creek Facebook post:

starting four weeks from today: Home Apothecary Program coordinated by Common Good City Farm

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 4:03 PM
Subject: [LeDroitPark] Learn how to use herbs medicinally in our upcoming Home Apothecary Program [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Josephine Chu included below]

Hi Everyone,

Learn how to use herbs medicinally in our upcoming Home Apothecary Program.

This 8-month herbal medicine program from April to November is a hands-on introduction to herbalism. Meeting once per month, participants will tend a garden together, explore the basic concepts of herbalism, and make lots of herbal preparations to bring home and to share with the Common Good community. The home apothecary program offers a unique opportunity to learn about using herbs while working directly with the plants and developing connection to the land and ecosystem we call home. This program will be taught by Holly Poole-Kavana of Little Red Bird Botanicals. 
Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Many thanks,
Josephine Chu
Program & Outreach Manager
Common Good City Farm
V Street between 2nd & 4th Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20001
202-559-7513 (office)
631-355-2348 (cell)
mailing address: PO Box 26030 Washington, DC 20001
cgcf logo
Subscribe to our E-newsletter

Friday, March 29, 2019

no record that DHCD's 160 Adams St NW & 36 Channing St NW have been transferred to Howard University

See these tweets regarding Bloomingdale's two former Hofgard houses at 160 Adams Street NW and 36 Channing Street NW:

here is the Howard University Community Connections Newsletter March 2019

From: Ogee, Sheena
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 8:53 AM
Howard University Community Connections Newsletter March 2019

Greetings, Neighbors!

We are pleased to share this monthly newsletter from the Howard University Community Association, highlighting the University's contributions across the District of Columbia and beyond!

Please click the link below to access this month’s current stories, events and contributions!

In Truth and Service,

Sheena J. Ogee
Howard University Community Liaison
Office of External Affairs
2400 Sixth Street, N.W. Suite 323
Washington, D.C. 20059
Phone: 202.806.2489
Fax: 202.667.4340

a week from today: Hannah Jaye and the Hideaways at Big Bear's new Upstairs Space

See this Facebook post:

Thursday, March 28, 2019

honey hot chicken sandwich at Boundary Stone tonight

See this tweet:

a week from today: HPRB hearing on 150 S Street NW -- HPO staff report posted here as well

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 4:05 PM
Subject: [HistoricWashington]
HPRB Agenda and Consent Calendar - March 28 and April 4, 2019  

The Agenda and Consent Calendar for the  March 28 and April 4 meeting of the Historic Preservation Review Board is posted on the website at:  and copied at the end of this message.  Staff reports are also  posted on the website.

Project Drawings for HPRB applications are now posted on the Office of Planning website at: . Please select the "HPRB CFA Project Drawings" button and open the appropriate historic district folder. Drawings are filed by address and are in order of the date added to the website. Please send us an email if you are unable to locate specific project drawings.

Please Note:  The public meeting will begin at 9:30 am on March 28.

The following staff reports will post the week of March 25.

CLEVELAND PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT                                     

3432 Connecticut Avenue NW, HPA 19-209, concept/two-story roof addition and site  alteration


150 S Street NW, HPA 19-233, concept/new construction on four lots


Historic Preservation Review Board Meeting

March 28 and April 4, 2019

The Historic Preservation Review Board will meet to consider the following items.  The meeting will be held at 441 4th Street NW in Room 220-South.  Applicants and those interested in testifying should arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to the assigned time for the case.




A.            Rose Lees Hardy School, 1550 Foxhall Road NW, Case 18-10


B.            124 11th St SE, HPA 19-137, concept/rear and rooftop additions

C.            522 6th Street SE, HPA 19-189, concept/rear two-story addition


D.            1732 P Street NW, HPA 19-168, concept/second-story garage addition


E.            2801-2805 M Street NW, HPA 19-170, permit/subdivision to combine two lots into one


F.            1853 Irving Street NW, HPA 19-181, concept/raze garage, construct patio, fence and gate


G.           512 10th Street NW, HPA 19-100, revised concept/alterations and roof addition


                9:00-9:30   EXECUTIVE SESSION


1.            9:30-10:15      Holy Redeemer College, 3112 7th Street NE, Case 19-04


2.            10:15-11:15    1656-1658 Park Road NW, HPA 19-208, permit/construct second story on garage; subdivision to combine two buildings and their lots; alterations

3.            11:15-12:00    1835 Irving Street NW, HPA 19-224, concept/attic addition and roof deck

                12:00-1:00      LUNCH BREAK


4.            1:00-1:45        209 C Street SE, HPA 19-218, concept/site and building alterations


5.            1:45-2:30         620 C Street SE, HPA 19-222, concept/façade alterations and third story addition

14TH STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT                                              

6.            2:30-3:15         1340 Corcoran Street NW, HPA 19-069, permit/trellis structure in front yard


7.            3:15-4:00           1225 11th Street NW, HPA 19-210, concept/fourth floor addition



CLEVELAND PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT                                     

8.            9:00-9:45      3432 Connecticut Avenue NW, HPA 19-209, concept/two-story roof addition and site alteration

TAKOMA PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT                                          

9.            9:45-10:30      220 Aspen Street NW, HPA 19-166, concept/rear addition


10.          10:30-11:15    150 S Street NW, HPA 19-233, concept/new construction on four lots


11.          11:15-12:30    1313 11th Street NW, HPA 19-145, concept/rear and partial fourth floor addition              

                12:30-1:30      LUNCH BREAK


12.          1:30-2:15       4866 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Spring Valley Shopping Center, HPA 19-207, concept/erect seasonal temporary enclosures

KALORAMA TRIANGLE HISTORIC DISTRICT                                            

13.          2:15-3:00       2322 19th Street NW, HPA 19-167, concept/new garage with accessory dwelling unit

DUPONT CIRCLE HISTORIC DISTRICT                                        

14.          3:00-3:45       1746 Q Street NW, HPA 19-172, concept/two-story addition and roof addition

15.          3:45-4:30       1613 S Street NW, HPA 19-216, concept/rear and roof additions

16.          4:30-5:00       1739 Q Street NW, HPA 19-219, permit/one-story rooftop addition plus deck

Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

MPD firearm recoveries: unit block of Channing St NE, 200 block of R St NW

Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6:43 PM
Subject: [MPD-3d] MPD’s Weekly Firearm Recoveries: March 18, 2019 to March 25, 2019 [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Press, MPD (MPD) included below]

March 27, 2019 

MPD’s Weekly Firearm Recoveries:

March 18, 2019 to March 25, 2019

(Washington, DC) – Every day, the Metropolitan Police Department works to recover and investigate illegal firearms in Washington D.C.  In addition to our patrol officers, the Department has specialized units—such as the Gun Recovery Unit (GRU), Criminal Interdiction Unit (CIU), and Crime Suppression Teams (CSTs)—who work tirelessly to safely and respectfully secure illegal firearms and get them off of our streets.  From Monday, March 18, 2019, through Monday, March 25, 2019, MPD detectives and officers recovered 36 firearms in the District of Columbia.

 Note: This is not a comprehensive list of all guns recovered in the District of Columbia.

Among the firearms recovered were:

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

  • A Taurus Millennium G2 .40 caliber handgun was recovered in the Unit block of Channing Street, Northeast.  The following person was arrested: 22-year-old Amaat Mbenga, of Northeast, D.C., for Carrying a Pistol without a License, Possession of an Unregistered Firearm, and Possession of Unregistered Ammunition.  CCN: 19-047-337 
Friday, March 22, 2019 

·         A Smith & Wesson 469 .9mm caliber handgun (pictured below) was recovered in the 200 block of R Street, Northwest.  The following person was arrested: 23-year-old Clarence Edward Kenney, of Northeast, D.C., for Carrying a Pistol without a License, Possession of Unregistered Ammunition, Possession of an Unregistered Firearm, and Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device.  CCN: 19-049-712 

It is one of MPD’s main goals to safely remove illegal firearms from DC streets to reduce crime and the fear of crime in the community.  The responsibility to recover firearms falls on the -shoulders of all MPD officers.  We also thank members of the community for their help in creating safe neighborhoods.

The Metropolitan Police Department also recovers firearms with the assistance of anonymous tips made through MPD’s anonymous tip line.  Anyone who has information regarding gun recoveries should call police at 202-727-9099.  Additionally, information may be submitted to the TEXT TIP LINE by text messaging 50411.  The Metropolitan Police Department currently offers a reward of up to $2,500 to anyone who provides information that leads to the recovery of an illegal firearm hidden in the District of Columbia.


Elks Lodge at 1844 3rd St NW has sold for $3.3 million

See this tweet:

Parade Magazine from 11-07-2018: "The Best Places Eat and Drink in Washington, D.C." mentions Bloomingdale -- and Red Hen, ANXO and Boundary Stone

See this tweet:

fresh, local Chesapeake oysters -- salty or sweet -- at Thursday's Spring Oyster Meet-Up at Big Bear Cafe

See this Big Bear Cafe event scheduled for Thursday, 03-28-2019:


cancelled: next Definite Real Comedy show at Crisp Kitchen and Bar -- Thursday, 03-28-2019

See these tweets:

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

here is the DC Historic Preservation Office (HPO) staff report for 150 S Street NW > HPRB hearing is slated for Thursday, 04-04-2019

Here is the HPO staff report for 150 S Street NW, site of the demolished church at 2nd and S Street NW.

Recall that the HPRB hearing for 150 S Street NW is currently scheduled for Thursday, 04-04-2019.

WaPo article on Lucy Diggs Slowe and Mary Burrill -- "were they lovers?"

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Post article:

This pioneering Howard dean livedwith another woman in the 1930s. Were they lovers?

By Samantha Schmidt
To much of the outside world, the two women living in the Victorian-style house perched on a hill in the nation’s capital were lifelong companions who remained single to focus on their careers.
For about 15 years, they lived together at 1256 Kearny St. NE — a home still standing in the Brookland neighborhood — as leading figures in black Washington society in the 1920s and 1930s.
Lucy Diggs Slowe was, among other firsts, the first dean of women at Howard University, the first principal of the first black junior high school in Washington and a founder of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the first sorority established by African American women. Her roommate, Mary Burrill, was an English teacher and a playwright well respected by writers of the Harlem Renaissance.
Now, more than 80 years after Slowe’s death, historians and relatives have begun to acknowledge an entirely different legacy these two women left behind.

DC Water NEBT project: Mobilizing on 3rd Street NW -- Monday, 04-01-2019

From: Hadiah Jordan
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 5:24 PM
NEBT: Mobilizing on 3rd Street NW on April 1, 2019

Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project
Florida Avenue NW Construction Site Newsletter
& Rhode Island Avenue NW Median Removal Update
March 26, 2019


Update: Median Removal on Rhode Island Avenue NW
The contractor for DC Water’s  Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) is preparing to remove the two medians on Rhode Island Avenue NW between North Capitol Street NW and 2nd Street NW. While the construction was scheduled to begin March 11, there has been a delay in the permitting process. We continue to work with the District Department of Transportation to reduce the number of trees removed while assuring the construction site area is safe. We anticipate that work will be permitted to begin on or about April 4, 2019. In the meanwhile, thank you for your patience.

Florida Avenue NW Construction Site Newsletter
DC Water’s Clean Rivers Project has initiated construction of the Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT). Salini-Impregilo/Healy Joint Venture (SIH) is the design-builder for the NEBT. The contractor will begin mobilizing Construction Staging Area (CSA) 1 of the Florida Avenue (FLA) NW Construction Site on or about Monday, April 1, 2019.

Florida Avenue NW Construction Site Map
Florida Avenue NW Construction Site Map

The FLA CSA1 mobilization (the blue section on the above map) requires the contractor to close 3rd Street NW between Rhode Island Avenue NW and Florida Avenue NW. CSA1 will be in place through winter 2022.

Travel Restrictions:
  • Mobilizing the construction staging area requires closing the 1700 block of 3rd Street NW in both directions between Rhode Island Avenue NW and Florida Avenue NW.
  • The 200-block of S Street NW will be accessible to traffic from 2nd Street NW only.
  • The alley between the 200 blocks of Rhode Island Avenue NW and S Street NW will be closed at the 3rd Street entrance. The alley entrances from 2nd Street NW and   S Street NW will remain open. 
Parking Restrictions:
  • Parking on the northbound side of the 1700 block of 3rd Street NW will be restricted.
Pedestrian Safety:
  • Pedestrians will be detoured to the east side of the 1700 block of 3rd Street NW.
  • The crosswalks across 3rd Street NW along Florida Avenue NW and Rhode Island Avenue NW will remain open.
Mobilization of CSA1 on 3rd Street NW
Mobilization on 3rd Street NW includes setting up a fenced area around the perimeter of CSA1. Mobilization also includes preparing the site for construction, delivering equipment and materials to the site, installing erosion and sediment protections, installing geotechnical instrumentation used for monitoring operations, and setting up for secant pile installation operations required for the support of excavation for the drop shaft.

To relieve chronic sewer flooding, DC Water will construct a diversion facility which will include a diversion chamber, a 20-foot diameter drop shaft, and other structures to convey flow from the existing sewer to the tunnel. The Florida Avenue Diversion Facility is designed to convey a peak flow rate of 322.8 million gallons per day to the tunnel system.

When construction begins on 3rd Street NW, trucks delivering equipment to the site and removing excavation material will follow the established haul route for the Florida Avenue Construction Site. The route is designed to cause as little impact as possible during the day. Hauling activities will occur between the hours of 9:30 AM and 3:30 PM to lessen the impact on the commuting public. The haul route for the Florida Avenue NW Construction Site is graphically presented here.

Florida Avenue NW Construction Site Haul Route Map
Florida Avenue NW Construction Site Haul Route Map

Scope of Work
Once mobilization is complete, SIH will begin construction work. To continue to provide two-way traffic along Florida Avenue NW when the contractor occupies FLA CSA2 (the yellow section on the Construction Site Map above), portions of the curb and sidewalk will need to be temporarily removed along the southbound part of Florida Avenue NW between 4th Street NW and 3rd Street NW. However, the contractor will maintain space for pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians will follow the detour to cross Florida Avenue NW at 4th Street NW. Additionally, the crosswalk at 4th Street NW and Florida Avenue NW will be striped with high visibility zebra striping.

Florida Avenue NW Construction Site Schedule

Construction Outreach
The NEBT Outreach Team is committed to providing you with the information you need about upcoming work, detours, and outreach events; and will periodically distribute printed and electronic newsletters, and maintain an updated project webpage and a 24-hour hotline.

Learn More at Outreach Events
  • S Street NW Information Table, March 27, 2019, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM, intersection of 3rd Street NW and Florida Avenue NW near the BP Gas Station.
    • The construction team will answer community questions about the 3rd Street NW closure.
  • Tunnel Forum Meeting, April 11, 2019, 6:30 PM—8:00 PM, location to be announced.
    • The construction team will update residents and businesses about the construction schedule and work, and address construction impacts.

Northeast Boundary Tunnel
The Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) is the largest component of DC Water's Clean Rivers Project.  Chris, the Tunnel Boring Machine, started mining from south of RFK stadium and will extend north to Rhode Island Avenue, NE, and west to 6th Street, NW. The NEBT is a 5-mile tunnel section that will complete the Anacostia River Tunnel System by connecting to the First Street Tunnel and the Anacostia River Tunnel. Through this tunnel system combined sewer overflows (CSOs), that currently discharge to the Anacostia River, can travel by gravity a total of 13 miles down to DC Water's Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The Northeast Boundary Tunnel will significantly reduce chronic flooding in the northeast region of the District and increase the level of removal of CSOs from the Anacostia River from 88% to 98%.

Thank you for your patience during this critical project.

For More Information 
24/7 Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project Hotline: (800) 988-6151
Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project:
DC Clean Rivers Project:

Copyright © 2019 DC Clean Rivers, All rights reserved.
Your contact information is listed on the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Stakeholder Database to receive project updates.

Our mailing address is:
DC Clean Rivers
5000 Overlook Avenue SW
Washington, Dc 20032

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