See today's North Capitol Main Street Facebook post highlighting Truxton Inn:
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
HPRB: McMillan concept/construction of healthcare facility on parcel 1 -- Thursday, 10-01-2020
See this revised HPRB 10-01-2020 agenda, which includes McMillan:
HPRB Revised Agenda 2020 10 01 by Scott Roberts on Scribd
Order Now for This Weekend: Beef Short Ribs, Crab Empanada, Sweet Potato Lasagna, Roasted Arrowhead Cabbage, and Apple Pie Crostata
North Capitol Main Street: "Discover new art and conversations at 11:Eleven Gallery"
See this North Capitol Main Street message promoting 11:Eleven Gallery.
Located at 10 Florida Avenue NW.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
would you like to serve on the Bloomingdale Civic Association board?
Please see below notice sent on behalf of the 2020 Bloomingdale Civic Association Nominating Committee:
Solicitation For BCA Officer Elections | 2020
The Bloomingdale Civic Association's Nominations Committee is currently accepting nominations for BCA Executive Board officers, MAG Representatives, and Delegates for the DC Federation Of Civic Associations.
To run for a position, or for details or inquiries, please contact the Nominating Committee at All positions are for two (2) years. The Committee will accept nominations until 5:00 pm on Monday 12 October.
The BCA elections will take place on Monday October 19th 2020 at 7pm via Zoom. Instructions on the virtual voting process will be provided prior to the elections.
*To be eligible to vote you must be a paid BCA member 30 Days in advance of the Elections (paid member on or prior to 21 Sep 2020).
The 2020 BCA
Nominating Committee
Brannum, Chair
Paul Cerruti
Pat Mitchell
Jake Parker
Zach Sherif
Brian Smith
reminder of today's combined Sunday worship with St. George's Episcopal Church, St. Luke's Episcopal Church and Calvary Episcopal Church -- Sunday, 09-27-2020
From: St. George's DC <>
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 8:36 AM
Subject: Today's Sunday Service at 0945 ~ St. George's ~ St. Luke's ~
Worship with us Today - 0945