From a Thomas Street NW resident:
Someone at 115 T Street NW is feeding the starlings again. These people like sh*t underfoot since they let Ginger the dog into the alley to do so. Now she's fenced in when present and can't subject us to it, but they're making sure the starlings do it to us.
Someone at 115 T Street NW is feeding the starlings again. These people like sh*t underfoot since they let Ginger the dog into the alley to do so. Now she's fenced in when present and can't subject us to it, but they're making sure the starlings do it to us.
Maybe they'd like to squat in the alley and join them to make more of it. I hope they like a besmeared car with starling sh*t that damages the paint job. Not to mention the rats they're feeding. There was one on my back porch at high noon and one sitting in the yard. I guess the rats figure if they're being fed they're acceptable in daylight on people's porches.
Wow, there's some neighborly spirit. What an asshole.
Instead of just 'thomas st' maybe you could post their address as well
-1st st
someone has a problem with STARLINGS?! It seems like April Fools every time starlings come up on here.
Are people really complaining about tiny birds in the neighborhood? When you walk out your door, you are "outdoors".
YES THE STARLINGS ARE BECOMING A PROBLEM! No one wants to continually clean bird crap off their cars, walkway, doors, gate, mailboxes etc. If you think starlings are so wonderful than I hope you are willing to assist helping by cleaning up the crap they leave behind. By the way we can also substitute starlings for ginko fruit. BOTH ARE PROBLEMS! It seems that the people who do not see them as a problem are the ones who are not directly impacted.
Feeding the birds feeds the rats, which is a problem. Maybe it's time for flyers, with bullet points, explaining how a "good deed" like feeding the birds attracts disease carrying pests like rats.
I suggest persons read this 2007 Washington Post Article about a "few tiny birds". http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/25/AR2007082500683.html
Great, lets kill all the birds,then we can bitch about all the incects the birds aren't eating cuz we killed all the birds. every thing that eats will take a dump. Get over it or move to Mars.
Hey are you stalking my mother? I admit she did feed birds in the front of her house. She has not fed them since I mentioned your concern. You must have wrong address because there is no dog fenced in the back yard.She has lived in this house since 1940 and has always fed birds.Get a life.Get a laxative.
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