The message below is from a household on the unit block of Randolph Place NW. (Moderator note: the pic to the right is a generic "brick sidewalk" pic.)
The unit block of Randolph Place NW is once again having its street and sidewalk torn up -- we were told for new gas lines. This will be at least the 2nd time in 5yrs. Each time, our trees are damaged and our sidewalks are never actually repaired. I contacted Mayor Fenty and Councilman Thomas to see if we could have our sidewalks improved. Councilman Thomas told me that there was no money available for brick sidewalks, but that I could attend a Dept of Transportation meeting on Feb. 25th. Mayor Fenty also directed me to contact his Dept of Transportation point-of-contact, Mr. Jeffrey Marootian ( jeffrey.marootian @ dc.gov ).
I spoke with Mr. Marootian this morning. He was very appreciative of our frustration. The sidewalks will be replaced with concrete. The city will take preventative action to make certain that our newly planted trees will not be damaged. He mentioned that he had spoken with several residents of the unit block of Randolph Place NW in the last few days, asking that brick sidewalks not be used. So, for those 40+ residents who signed a petition a while back requesting brick sidewalks....it looks like that will not be the case. Feel free to contact Mr. Marootian if you would like to press the point.
This shows Council member Thomas's continuing disregard for our neighborhood (after last week's fiasco where he threatened to withhold funding from the Gage-Eckington park in a procedural move, then voted for funding, then directed animosity toward anyone who called to complain about his original vote).
Council member Harry Thomas didn't even bother to respond when I wrote to him requesting brick sidewalks for Randolph Place. Why is it that all the neighboring streets get them and we don't? Who are these alleged residents that are against them?! I've never heard them voice their opinion.
I just wrote an email to Mr. Marootian as well. His note back to me said that he would pass along my email to the Cheif Engineer's office. I suggest everyone on the unit block of Randolph Place write an email and/or letter to both DDOT and Councilman Thomas's office. The more letters (voters) that make this concern voiced the harder it will be for those elected officials to turn down the request.
By the way, only a month ago there were brick pavers installed on Q Street between 8th and 9th. There is plenty of money available for brick sidewalks. We just need our elected representatives to stand up for us.
If needed:
Councilman Thomas, Jr.'s email: hthomas @ dccouncil.us
Other emails to cc:
Chief of Staff: Grace Lewis 202.724.8067 glewis @ dccouncil.us
Director, Policy & Strategic Communication: Victoria Leonard 202.727.8204 vleonard @ dccouncil.us
Director, Constituent Services: Ayawna Chase 202.724.8024 achase @ dccouncil.us
I live on the unit block of Randolph Place NW and know Mr. Marootian. I didn't realize that he was the point-of-contact until last night.
I have already contacted him via email and I will be speaking to him in person tonight regarding appropriate next steps.
I can be reached at bradleyjay@gmail.com.
I would love to brick sidewalks on our block. I will contact the city officials above and encourage my neighbors to do so as well.
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