Subject: Conscious Film Night "KARMAGEDDON THE MOVIE" and Book Release Party at Samsara House 2023, 7:00PM Friday 1/30/15

Conscious Film Night
and Book Release Party

American Veda:
From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation
How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
Book Review: click here
Film Review: click here
Film Review: click here
Friday, 1/30/15 - Doors Open at 7:00PM
Film Starts at 9:00PM
View Trailer:
Film Starts at 9:00PM
View Trailer:
Come join the first Conscious Film Night of the year at Samsara House 2023! This month, we are also celebrating the release of American Veda, an exciting book which documents the colorful history and extraordinary influence of India's spiritual legacy on Western culture. The potluck party starts at 7pm and Gregg Demammos of The Relationship Circle ( will co-host the evening. The film start
at 9pm. The first 13 people who pay in advance in will receive a complementary copy of the book.Warning: You don't want to miss this.
The Film:
KARMAGEDDON- about Soulshaping author Jeff Brown's spiritual journey with Bhagavan Das (Be Here Now). Also starring Ram Dass, Seane Corn, Deva Premal & Miten, David Life, Wah!, David Newman, Robert Gass, Karmageddon inspires and inquires into some of the deeper questions of spiritual journey and guru-devotee relationship.
Karmageddon is a personal examination of the spiritual journey featuring 1960s counter-culture icon and chanter Bhagavan Das and Jeff Brown, former lawyer turned spiritual author (Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation).
Bhagavan Das came to fame in the best-selling book “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass, the Harvard professor fired with Timothy Leary for their LSD experiments in the 1960s. He is the seeker who led Ram Dass to the feet of his guru- Neem Karoli Baba. “Be Here Now” was a key document in the hippie movement and in 20th century spiritual literature, helping to bring Eastern spirituality to the West.
While writing his first book- Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation- spiritual seeker Jeff Brown became connected to Bhagavan Das. Profoundly impacted by the effect of Bhagavan Das’ chant on his inner life, Jeff invited him to stay in his home when he was coming to Toronto to lead a Nada Yoga workshop and Kirtan Chant at Jivamukti Yoga. Soon thereafter, Jeff and his best friend, Paul Hemrend, agreed to make a film about Bhagavan Das and Jeff’s relationship to him. Shot in home spun, they began filming Karmageddon in June, 2005. With brilliant appearances by Ram Dass, yogis Seane Corn, David Life, David Newman, and chanters Robert Gass, Wah, Deva Premal and Miten, Karmageddon is an unforgettable P-O-V investigation of contemporary Western spirituality.
Karmageddon is not a sleepy documentary. You can leave your pillow at home.
The Book:
In February 1968 the Beatles went to India for an extended stay with their new guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It may have been the most momentous spiritual retreat since Jesus spent those forty days in the wilderness.
With these words, Philip Goldberg begins his monumental work, American Veda, a fascinating look at India’s remarkable impact on Western culture. This eye-opening popular history shows how the ancient philosophy of Vedanta and the mind-body methods of Yoga have profoundly affected the worldview of millions of Americans and radically altered the religious landscape.
What exploded in the 1960s actually began more than two hundred years earlier, when the United States started importing knowledge as well as tangy spices and colorful fabrics from Asia. The first translations of Hindu texts found their way into the libraries of John Adams and Ralph Waldo Emerson. From there the ideas spread to Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and succeeding generations of receptive Americans, who absorbed India’s “science of consciousness” and wove it into the fabric of their lives. Charismatic teachers like Swami Vivekananda and Paramahansa Yogananda came west in waves, prompting leading intellectuals, artists, and scientists such as Aldous Huxley, Joseph Campbell, Allen Ginsberg, J. D. Salinger, John Coltrane, Dean Ornish, and Richard Alpert, aka Ram Dass, to adapt and disseminate what they learned from them. The impact has been enormous, enlarging our current understanding of the mind and body and dramatically changing how we view ourselves and our place in the cosmos.
Goldberg paints a compelling picture of this remarkable East-to-West transmission, showing how it accelerated through the decades and eventually moved from the counterculture into our laboratories, libraries, and living rooms. Now physicians and therapists routinely recommend meditation, words like karma and mantra are part of our everyday vocabulary, and Yoga studios are as ubiquitous as Starbuckses. The insights of India’s sages permeate so much of what we think, believe, and do that they have redefined the meaning of life for millions of Americans—and continue to do so every day.
Rich in detail and expansive in scope, American Veda shows how we have come to accept and live by the central teaching of Vedic wisdom: “Truth is one, the wise call it by many names.”
With these words, Philip Goldberg begins his monumental work, American Veda, a fascinating look at India’s remarkable impact on Western culture. This eye-opening popular history shows how the ancient philosophy of Vedanta and the mind-body methods of Yoga have profoundly affected the worldview of millions of Americans and radically altered the religious landscape.
What exploded in the 1960s actually began more than two hundred years earlier, when the United States started importing knowledge as well as tangy spices and colorful fabrics from Asia. The first translations of Hindu texts found their way into the libraries of John Adams and Ralph Waldo Emerson. From there the ideas spread to Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and succeeding generations of receptive Americans, who absorbed India’s “science of consciousness” and wove it into the fabric of their lives. Charismatic teachers like Swami Vivekananda and Paramahansa Yogananda came west in waves, prompting leading intellectuals, artists, and scientists such as Aldous Huxley, Joseph Campbell, Allen Ginsberg, J. D. Salinger, John Coltrane, Dean Ornish, and Richard Alpert, aka Ram Dass, to adapt and disseminate what they learned from them. The impact has been enormous, enlarging our current understanding of the mind and body and dramatically changing how we view ourselves and our place in the cosmos.
Goldberg paints a compelling picture of this remarkable East-to-West transmission, showing how it accelerated through the decades and eventually moved from the counterculture into our laboratories, libraries, and living rooms. Now physicians and therapists routinely recommend meditation, words like karma and mantra are part of our everyday vocabulary, and Yoga studios are as ubiquitous as Starbuckses. The insights of India’s sages permeate so much of what we think, believe, and do that they have redefined the meaning of life for millions of Americans—and continue to do so every day.
Rich in detail and expansive in scope, American Veda shows how we have come to accept and live by the central teaching of Vedic wisdom: “Truth is one, the wise call it by many names.”
RSVP Required - Space Limited to 25 Guests
Cost: $12 in advance $15 at the door
The first 13 people to pay in full in advance receive a
complementary copy of the book "American Veda"
The first 13 people to pay in full in advance receive a
complementary copy of the book "American Veda"
RSVP here:
What to bring: Bring a potluck, your own dinner or a snack to share (no obligation) Tea will be served.
Parking: 2hr Street parking on R Street NW, Best to park on Quincy or S Street NW
Metro: NoMa New York Ave Red line stop or Shaw green line for a short walk, or get off at Chinatown and take the P6 to Randolph Rd or the 80 to Lincoln and R Street NE (both stops 1 block from R Street NW).
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Shift Happens at Samsara House 2023
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