Sunday, August 31, 2014

neighbors' 08-26-2014 submission letter to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) on the 143 Rear W Street NW development project proposal

Have you been keeping up with the proposed residential development project at 143 Rear W Street NW -- the empty lot bounded by Flagler, Adams, 2nd and W Streets NW?

The developer is Miller Development.  Miller and his attorneys from Holland & Knight recently went before the DC Zoning Commission, who asked the development team to return on Tuesday, 09-09-2014 for a post-hearing meeting.  Miller Development was given some homework assignments, as it were.
Here are recent posts at the Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog, if you want to get caught up:






Here is the latest -- a group of neighbors who live along the proposed development lot crafted the letter below and submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustment.  
You can see in the 08-26-2014 letter below that this set of neighbors plans to attend the 09-09-2014 zoning meeting.


former Eckington resident and current Trinidad resident Kris Hammond running for DC Council Chair in the November 2014 general election

See this message from former Eckington resident and current Trinidad neighborhood resident Kris Hammond, who is running for DC Council Chair in the November 2014 general election:

Hi Scott,
It was good to run into you several weeks ago at the Great Street open house on Rhode Island Avenue.
Did you know I am running for Chairman of the D.C. Council?  Two years ago, I moved to Trinidad and now rent an apartment there.   I try to stay in touch with friends in Bloomingdale and Eckington.  
Do you think that Bloomingdale/Eckington residents would be interested in knowing that a former commissioner is running for D.C. Council?  During my tenure as commissioner, I tried to be non-partisan and solution-oriented.  I hope to bring that same approach to the D.C. Council, along with a fresh perspective and an independent streak.
For more information on the campaign, see or follow me on Twitter at @KrisForDC.
I hope to see you around again soon.

(202) 492 then 2920

Hammond For Chairman, Inc.
611 Pennsylvania Avenue S.E. #329
Washington, DC  20003

buy your tickets for the Common Good City Farm "A Night on the Farm" fundraiser benefit -- Thursday, 10-02-2014

Have you stopped by the Common Good City Farm market stand on Thursdays from 3 pm to 6 pm?

The farm is located near 4th & V Street NW, next to the Park at LeDroit. The entrance is on V Street NW.

Common Good City Farm is having its annual "A Night on the Farm" fundraiser on Thursday, 10-02-2014.

Buy your tickets today! 

help support Arcadia Food -- purchase a ticket for the Arcadia 2014 Fall Harvest Dinner -- a week from today on Sunday, 09-07-2014

Subject: Two More Chefs Added for Arcadia's 2014 Fall Harvest Dinner: Sunday, September 7th
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 18:11:54 +0000

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Arcadia's 2014 Fall Harvest Dinner
Hosted by
Chef William Morris
Executive Chef - Vermilion

Sunday, September 7, 2014
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Arcadia at Woodlawn
9000 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22309

Price: $175
Buy Tickets HERE

Arcadia's 2014 Fall Harvest Dinner

Sunday, September 7, 2014 

Hosted by

Chef William Morris 
Executive Chef - Vermilion

We're happy to announce that we've added two more local chefs for Arcadia's 2014 Fall Harvest Dinner to support and celebrate the launch of Arcadia's new Veteran Farmer Program. Chefs Haidar Karoum and Tiffany MacIssac round out the all-star team Chef William Morris has assembled for the dinner.

The line-up of chefs for the dinner now includes Chef William Morris of Vermilion; Haidar Karoum of EstadioProof, and Doi MoiJonah Kim; Danny Lee of Mandu; Tiffany MacIsaac of Buttercream Bakeshop; and Jesse Miller of Café Saint-Ex.

The evening will begin with passed canapés on the farm, followed by a four-course, family-style menu of reinvented BBQ classics. The dinner will include beverage pairings and end with dessert. The Fall Harvest Dinner will feature the freshest produce the region has to offer –much of it grown at Arcadia’s farms and by farms that work to support veteran farmers.

Dinner Details:
Date: Sunday, September 7, 2014
Time: 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: Arcadia at Woodlawn
Price: $175

Tickets are available through Eventbrite. Click HERE to register.

Arcadia members receive a 10% discount on tickets, and are guaranteed access to tickets until 8PM on August 15. To become a member, visit

We have set aside a number of tickets on Eventbrite to "Buy Dinner for a Veteran."

We're also looking for sponsors for the 2014 Fall Harvest Dinner. Click HERE to view sponsorship levels or contact Pamela Hess, Executive Director at

Click HERE to learn more about Arcadia's new Veteran Farmer Program.

We look forward to seeing you next month!

Best wishes, 
Your friends at Arcadia
Follow Arcadia | Like Arcadia | Follow on Instagram | Forward To A Friend 

the Washington Firehouse Restaurant now needs to install an interior metal staircase between the 1st and 2nd floors

Recall this tweet from Bloomingdame?

Firehouse has a new permit-Conversion from fire station to restaurant-build interior metal staircase
10:33 AM - 30 Aug 2014 

Further expansion of this message below:

Here is the language provided by DCRA to describe the permit that was issued on August 29, 2014.


Capitol Food Mart, 1634 North Capitol Street NW, wants to sell alcoholic beverages from 7am to 12midnight Monday thru Saturday - and from 9am to 10pm on Sunday

See this notice from the DC Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) regarding Capital Food Mart's interest in extending its hours of alcoholic beverage sales:

Request to change the hours of operating and alcoholic beverage sales
Sunday 9am-8pm, Monday through Saturday 8am-9pm
Sunday 9am-8pm, Monday through Saturday, 9am-9pm
Sunday through Saturday 9am-12am
Sunday 9am-10pm, Monday through Saturday 7am-12am

Note that the petition date has passed -- the deadline was on Monday, 08-25-2014.  Did any groups file a protest...?

The hearing date is Monday, 09-08-2014.

Note that Rafael Grocery at 233 Florida Avenue NW has similar hours, I believe.

Capitol Food Mart ABRA Notice of Substantial Change to Liquor License 2014 by Scott Roberts ">xxx

Yoga for Beginners with Deb Koolbeck at Samsara House 2023 -- four consecutive Wednesday's starting 09-17-2014

Subject: Yoga for Beginners with Deb Koolbeck at Samsara House 2023, Four Consecutive Wednesday's Starting September 17th
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:59:34 +0000

Yoga for Beginners with Deb Koolbeck at Samsara House 2023, Four Consecutive Wednesday's Starting 09/17/14
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You are invited to attend:

Yoga for Beginners with Deb Koolbeck at Samsara House 2023, Four Consecutive Wednesday's Starting September 17th


Yoga for Beginners
with Deb Koolbeck 
at Samsara House 2023

4 consecutive weeks for 4 people,
starting September 17th - 7:00pm - 8:15pm 

Curious about Yoga or Want to Start Doing Yoga, but not ready to go to a Yoga Studio?

Then this small (4 person), 4 week introduction to yoga class is for you. 

The class is taught by registered and insured Yoga Teacher  Deb Koolbeck (Yoga Alliance RYT 200 Profile), who specializes in and enjoys introducing adults and kids to yoga in a friendly, fun, and safe way.  Beyond teaching yoga, Deb is an experienced educator with years of experience in formal and informal educational environments, focusing on making learning fun and engaging.

The 4 person class allows for personal attention in a safe community of learners, and 4 weeks of class is enough to try yoga and see what your next steps will be – including being comfortable enough with yoga and yourself to consider joining a yoga studio. 

Classes are 1.25 hours, which includes time for questions and discussion, as well explorations of breath work and meditation. 

Classes are September 17th, 24th and October 1st, 8th at Samsara House, 36 R Street NW (the Bloomingdale neighborhood). Some street parking is available; the Red and Green metro lines are within safe walking distance (Shaw or NoMa), and the P6, 80, 92, 93  Buses stop within a block or so of Samsara House 2023. 

Cost is $75 for all 4 classes and is non-refundable.   Yoga mat not required.

Waivers are required before the class starts. You will be emailed the waiver to fill out and bring it with you to the first class.  

Please feel free to email Deb with any questions (
(RSVP Required)

From Deb's Students:
Deb is a great yoga teacher because she offers personalized attention to each of her students. Her love for teaching yoga shines through every single class. Her willingness to continue to learn is encouraging and reassuring for newer students who may not be as comfortable with the practice of yoga. I will continue to take her classes as long as she is teaching!

Deb's teaching style is awesome. Her classes are very laid back, but I definitely still feel like I get a work out! She's also great about showing you how to modify the moves if, like me, you're just not that flexible. Her motto is "no pain, no strain," and I love that. Her class was my first venture into the world of yoga and I would highly recommend her for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. 
Location: 36 R Street NW (approx. half-block from Big Bear Café) light blue house with Tibetan prayer flags over the door.
What to bring: Yoga mat not required.

About Samsara House 2023

 "Samsara House 2023" at 36 R Street NW is an Awareness-based shared space where world-shifting communities are meshworked to experience and spread what's emerging.  Samsara House 2023 rapidly prototypes models for the new world to ignite a revolution in consciousness within ten years.

Samsara House 2023’s strategy is to exemplify a gift-economy over the current market economy, one that values giving over having. While all events cost at least one dollar to cover utilities, any additional contribution will go towards periodically giving half back to a socially responsible organization or cause in need in the community that you also help identify. Going together as a river, we build a thriving community of communities and pave the way for a new world. Samsara House 2023 is a Holacracy powered organization founded by Cullen Kowalski at a row house in Bloomingdale, New Washington, D.C.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller 

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi
Samsara House 2023
36 R St NW
WashingtonDC 20001
Events powered by EventBrite
Copyright © 2014 Samsara House 2023, All rights reserved.
Your e-mail address was added to the Samsara House Mailing List as a result of having attending one or more events in the past.
Our mailing address is:
Samsara House 2023
36 R Street NW
WashingtonDC 20001

White-Hot Yoga of the Heart (for Men and Women) at Samsara House 2023 -- Thursday, 09-04-2014

White-Hot Yoga of the Heart (for Men and Women) at Samsara House 2023
An Introduction to Waking Down in Mutuality - How to enjoy a state of full-time relaxation you never knew was possible
Thursday, 09/04/14 - 7:00pm - 9:30pm

So, you've heard about Waking Down and now you want to learn more about it?  

     Watch This New Video: What is Waking Down in Mutuality? (4:10mn)

              A remarkable percentage of those who find their way to involvement in Waking Down achieve a permanent shift of awakening at the core of their being within a relatively brief time (the average is about two years). They go from feeling fundamentally confused, separate, or insufficient to "landing" in a direct knowing of their nature as both infinite Consciousness and finite human being. They become divinely human-not just conceptually but as a lived experience.
      Along the way, they also learn how to be kinder to themselves and others, knowing that we ALL share the predicament of being mortal and imperfect beings. But this is not just a school of "nice." Embodiment in this work means being fully alive and fully expressed-including the entire range of feelings and emotions. It means finding your authentic voice, and your passion. It means giving yourself greater permission to be here, and to live out your potential in ways you might not have imagined before.
         The road to this is not always an easy one, and it would be unfair of us not to acknowledge that. But the payoff of this work is a profound, lasting, and ultimately unshakeable wellness of Being that persists no matter what storms may be brewing in one's outer life. Most participants find themselves discovering a new sense of ease within themselves and with life, new possibilities opening before them, and a growing confidence in Being. Their relationships unfold in amazing ways, and more and more, their lives become an expression of what really matters to them.
   The practice of mutuality is not intended to be formulaic, and it will not prevent or solve all relationship issues. But in our experience, when practiced over time with those you care about and who care about you, it brings deep healing to relationship patterning and remarkable intimacy that is mutually empowering.
     An engaging evening will entail sitting in togetherness to watch an interview of Saniel Bonder, founder of Waking Down in Mutuality with his wife and senior teacher Linda Groves-Bonder, from a video series entitled "Buddha at the Gas Pump" directed by Rich Archer.  The evening is facilitated by aspiring Waking Down in Mutuality mentor Cullen Kowalski.   
  Come join the party !
Sign-up here

Saturday, August 30, 2014

alert! stolen iron urns, planters, bicycles, etc. throughout Bloomingdale

Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:56:32 -0400
Subject: Alert! Stolen Iron Urns, Planters, Bikes, etc. Through Out Bloomingdale

Heads up everyone - there has been a series of metal urns, planters, bikes, etc. stolen in the area (mostly very early mornings and daytime) and it seems two guys are stealing iron from the front of houses and back yards to sell the metal for cash.  The police have been notified numerous times and a blue pick up truck collecting metal has been seen and perhaps might be the culprit?!?  A driver with an "assistant" that jumps out and grabs the items have been reported.  The unit blocks of T Street,  Seaton Place and Randolph have all been hit over the last ten days that we know of - and likely there have been a lot more incidents that were not reported to the police or shared with the community.
So secure your iron - urns, planters, benches, chairs, bikes, etc. - and keep eyes open on both our back alleys and on the street side and report any suspicious activity you see to 911 immediately!
Thanks - Zach
T Street NW Resident

Bloomingdame: Washington Firehouse Restaurant has a new permit to convert from a fire station to a restaurant

See this firehouse-related tweet:

Firehouse has a new permit-Conversion from fire station to restaurant-build interior metal staircase

Friday, August 29, 2014

McMillan - 08-25-2014 submittal download link (translation: see what VMP submitted to the Zoning Commission on 08-25-2014)

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 19:20:36 -0400
Subject: FW: McMillan - 8/25 Submittal Download Link

Community Awareness: Please share. Since my yahoo account has been compromised, I ask that you forward any concerns or comments to

Subject: McMillan - 8/25 Submittal Download Link

Below is the download link for all files VMP submitted to the Zoning Commission on August 25th in preparation for the September 29th Hearing. The files include the following:

A. Revised Architectural Drawings

a. Reduced Height of Healthcare Facility to 115 Feet
b. Multifamily/Grocery Reconfigured Loading Facilities

B. Transportation Performance Plan

C. Community Benefits Chart and Payment Schedule

D. Community Benefits Offer and Acceptance Letters

a. D.C. Education Fund (D-1)
b. Community Foundation of the National Capital Region (D-2)
c. Workforce Development - Opportunity McMillan Implementation Plan (D-3)
d. North Capitol Main Street, Inc. (D-4)

E. Schedule of PUD Site Improvements

a. Construction Phasing Chart (E-1)
b. Building Permit and Construction Deadlines for PUD Order (E-2)
c. DMPED Commitment Letter (E-3)

F. Updated PUD Conditions

G. Commitment Letter from DMPED

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Shaw Henry
Project Manager
EYA | JAIR LYNCH Development Partners | Trammell Crow Company
843.743.8069 | | @VisionMcMillan